GOP expands senate gap with win in Mississippi!

until you put it in a Supreme Court justice who believes all your garbage propaganda and character assassination, I'm not worried. I'm not a conspiracy nut job like you. Point is you assholes can't destroy the progress of the last 60 years anymore.
Already got 2....6 more years to go so....have replaced 1 conservative and 1 cuck libtard...Ginsburg will be next I bet ya. I am not talking about JUST the SC I am talking about ALL judges...jesus do you not pay attention? They just moved another Trump choice forward today actually. One the leftists DESPISE!
How entertaining your propaganda machine is! Dumbass. This giveaway to the rich Republican mess will never change until the Democrats get a landslide and no Scott Brown this time oh my God...
So you don't understand that EVERY federal judge has to be confirmed by the senate which we thought so.I am good with 2 years of gridlock while the Senate continues to fix the judiciary with judges who rule based on the for me!
And Flake will hold it up until the AH's give protection to Mueller
Lol he tried today. Didn't work. PLUS Flake is gone in like 6 weeks. :D
You dupes are pretty brainwashed with this judge thing eh? LOL
How many were up for election?? will be quite different numbers in 2020 and we won the house That will bring pain to the detestable liar in our WH
It may swing for the libs, Ed in 2020, but it will swing back again.
I remember in 2009, the libs saying that the repubs are dead and it was clear sailing here on out.
Well you know what happened after that, huh?
Yes I do Obama had a nice run though and caused no harm to our economy And along came trump taking credit for everything
Oh brother, thank you Fed Reserve for helping Obama out....he needed it with the stifling regulations he imposed.
You don't recall the shitstorm he was given by gwb and republicans ? Almost a depression?? compare that to the bed of roses the moron was given as he slithered into the WH
For 8 years he had near 0% from the feds, Ed. 8 years......the recession was long gone and Obama still needed the help of the Feds, because
of his regulations. He had a weak economy the entire time. Things changed since Obama was in office and the Feds are back to raising
rates because of a strong US economy...primarily
What is a load of garbage propaganda... Unlike Trump Obama did not juice the economy with a trillion dollars in debt, so there was no juice and there was no inflation way to go GOP scumbags and silly dupes like you... so the FED didn't need to raise that rate duh. Now how do you think the GOP corrupt assholes will produce a corrupt bubble that we will have to pay for, again and again. Good regulation stops that crap.
Awesome... Mississippi just elected a proud racist. They are living up to why they are known as the arm pit of the country.

I am from Mississippi and we do have a perfectly awful reputation---well earned during the 50's and 60's when Democrats were lynching Blacks with metronomic regularity.

That reputation has served us well--because it has kept other Fucked-Up Democrats from moving in, once their Fucked-up Socialist Intolerant Statist Globalist Policies have completely ruined places like New York and New Jersey. They leave those Shit-Holes, but without learning a damn thing about the disasters their Fucked Up policies have caused. Florida has just about been ruined by such Fools, but Mississippi is safe, so far.

This lady who has just been elected Senator...should be teaching the fourth grade, or filing papers in some low level government bureaucracy. She was hand picked by the Governor as someone he could easily beat in her next election 2 years from now...she is filling out the term of the retired Thad Cochran....and in the meantime, she will do what the people of Mississippi want---which is support President Trump in his effort to stop the illegal Democrat-Sponsored invasion going on at our border, and the ongoing systematic conversion of this great country from a Jeffersonian Democracy into Marxian/Obama Totalitarian society.

It is amusing to watch her being called a bigoted /racist---the epitaph for anyone from Mississippi who is White, even though Mississippi has the most Black elected officials in the country.

Because in fact she was a Democrat until just a few years ago---and the only reason the race was as close as it was is because she is known to have voted for either Obama or Satan's Slave, Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Primary. Only a Media which is a mere propaganda arm for the Democratic Party would now have the temerity to label her a Racist/Bigot. Will they never learn from the consistent polls which rank them below lawyers and used car salesmen in matters of TRUST and below cockroaches, head-lice and Congress in popularity?

Mississippi would like to say FUCK YOU to every one of you Socialist Cocksuckers who are too poorly educated to realize that you are mere pawns looking for Free Shit---mere will have to become full fledged admitted and committed Lenin Bolsheviks soon enough---to keep the Free Shit coming.


Wow that sounds great! Except Mississippi is one of the biggest takers in the country in social programs. Mississippi ranks THIRD out of 50 states as the most dependent state on federal funding dependency, and ranks FORTY-NINTH out of 50 states in overall quality. So tell me what a good job your Trump supporting Republican representatives are doing.

Rose bookie found dead in his Franklin apartment
Already got 2....6 more years to go so....have replaced 1 conservative and 1 cuck libtard...Ginsburg will be next I bet ya. I am not talking about JUST the SC I am talking about ALL judges...jesus do you not pay attention? They just moved another Trump choice forward today actually. One the leftists DESPISE!
How entertaining your propaganda machine is! Dumbass. This giveaway to the rich Republican mess will never change until the Democrats get a landslide and no Scott Brown this time oh my God...
So you don't understand that EVERY federal judge has to be confirmed by the senate which we thought so.I am good with 2 years of gridlock while the Senate continues to fix the judiciary with judges who rule based on the for me!
And Flake will hold it up until the AH's give protection to Mueller
Lol he tried today. Didn't work. PLUS Flake is gone in like 6 weeks. :D
You dupes are pretty brainwashed with this judge thing eh? LOL
So you think I am wrong? I guess you don't comprehend the magnitude of it all...oh well.
This race was never in question
Yeah, but it's still pretty sad. She's a dyed in the wool Confederate racist.
You say that like it is a bad thing.
Right thinking people know it is.

What's up with you?
You are upset that she wore an old freaking hat.....
Mean while the Dems are trying to change the rule of the House so some moslem can wear her hijab on the House floor. Which is more offensive to me than an old Confederate hat
Is it offensive to you because she is a Muslim?
no it's offensive because of it's meaning about women. But why would you care about women.
Yeah, but it's still pretty sad. She's a dyed in the wool Confederate racist.
You say that like it is a bad thing.
Right thinking people know it is.

What's up with you?
You are upset that she wore an old freaking hat.....
Mean while the Dems are trying to change the rule of the House so some moslem can wear her hijab on the House floor. Which is more offensive to me than an old Confederate hat
Is it offensive to you because she is a Muslim?
no it's offensive because of it's meaning about women. But why would you care about women.
What does that even mean?
It may swing for the libs, Ed in 2020, but it will swing back again.
I remember in 2009, the libs saying that the repubs are dead and it was clear sailing here on out.
Well you know what happened after that, huh?
Yes I do Obama had a nice run though and caused no harm to our economy And along came trump taking credit for everything
Oh brother, thank you Fed Reserve for helping Obama out....he needed it with the stifling regulations he imposed.
You don't recall the shitstorm he was given by gwb and republicans ? Almost a depression?? compare that to the bed of roses the moron was given as he slithered into the WH
For 8 years he had near 0% from the feds, Ed. 8 years......the recession was long gone and Obama still needed the help of the Feds, because
of his regulations. He had a weak economy the entire time. Things changed since Obama was in office and the Feds are back to raising
rates because of a strong US economy...primarily
What is a load of garbage propaganda... Unlike Trump Obama did not juice the economy with a trillion dollars in debt, so there was no juice and there was no inflation way to go GOP scumbags and silly dupes like you... so the FED didn't need to raise that rate duh. Now how do you think the GOP corrupt assholes will produce a corrupt bubble that we will have to pay for, again and again. Good regulation stops that crap.
WTH? Not sure you understand how it works, Franco.....not sure at all. :eusa_whistle:
You say that like it is a bad thing.
Right thinking people know it is.

What's up with you?
You are upset that she wore an old freaking hat.....
Mean while the Dems are trying to change the rule of the House so some moslem can wear her hijab on the House floor. Which is more offensive to me than an old Confederate hat
Is it offensive to you because she is a Muslim?
no it's offensive because of it's meaning about women. But why would you care about women.
What does that even mean?
what it says.
Right thinking people know it is.

What's up with you?
You are upset that she wore an old freaking hat.....
Mean while the Dems are trying to change the rule of the House so some moslem can wear her hijab on the House floor. Which is more offensive to me than an old Confederate hat
Is it offensive to you because she is a Muslim?
no it's offensive because of it's meaning about women. But why would you care about women.
What does that even mean?
what it says.
So nothing at all then.

You are upset that she wore an old freaking hat.....
Mean while the Dems are trying to change the rule of the House so some moslem can wear her hijab on the House floor. Which is more offensive to me than an old Confederate hat
Is it offensive to you because she is a Muslim?
no it's offensive because of it's meaning about women. But why would you care about women.
What does that even mean?
what it says.
So nothing at all then.

I said it was offensive to women. That isn't nothing to me. to you I get it, you hate women, you want them as your slave as does the Islam religion.
Is it offensive to you because she is a Muslim?
no it's offensive because of it's meaning about women. But why would you care about women.
What does that even mean?
what it says.
So nothing at all then.

I said it was offensive to women. That isn't nothing to me. to you I get it, you hate women, you want them as your slave as does the Islam religion.
What's offensive to women? That their religion wants them to wear a scarf? Does it bother you that Jews are supposed to wear a little cap? That pentacostal women can't cut their hair? That Mormons have to wear magic underwear?
no it's offensive because of it's meaning about women. But why would you care about women.
What does that even mean?
what it says.
So nothing at all then.

I said it was offensive to women. That isn't nothing to me. to you I get it, you hate women, you want them as your slave as does the Islam religion.
What's offensive to women? That their religion wants them to wear a scarf? Does it bother you that Jews are supposed to wear a little cap? That pentacostal women can't cut their hair? That Mormons have to wear magic underwear?
I told you what was offensive, the symbolic meaning of the Hijab. What I posted. damn, can't you read?
This race was never in question
Yeah well neither was Alabama until the leftists decided to smear a good man's name and enough moron's believed it. They tried in Mississippi.

This was nothing remotely like Alabama

Alabama comes home in a couple of years.
Another repub pervert ?Or the one who lost?

It does not matter.

All that matters is that the senate is now 53 for the GOP with no real path for the democruds to take over. Alabama comes back in 2020. There are a couple of other pick ups for the GOP hanging out there......

As long as the left wing does not succeed with it's election stealing strategies.
This race was never in question
Yeah well neither was Alabama until the leftists decided to smear a good man's name and enough moron's believed it. They tried in Mississippi.

This was nothing remotely like Alabama

Alabama comes home in a couple of years.
Another repub pervert ?Or the one who lost?

It does not matter.

All that matters is that the senate is now 53 for the GOP with no real path for the democruds to take over. Alabama comes back in 2020. There are a couple of other pick ups for the GOP hanging out there......

As long as the left wing does not succeed with it's election stealing strategies.
The point is the Democrats have the house now and the corrupt scum bag giveaway to the rich GOPcan't pass all their garbage that screws the country and the non-rich, like repealing Obamacare, cutting EPA, privatizing Social Security, all kinds of ridiculous b******* you don't even know about it until they actually do it, if then, super duper. After 35 years of your garbage propaganda and dominance, we now have the worst upward mobility and inequality in our history, and this mess won't be fixed until the Democrats get a landslide and 60 votes in the Senate. Thanks scumbag GOP and silly Chumps like you...
How entertaining your propaganda machine is! Dumbass. This giveaway to the rich Republican mess will never change until the Democrats get a landslide and no Scott Brown this time oh my God...
So you don't understand that EVERY federal judge has to be confirmed by the senate which we thought so.I am good with 2 years of gridlock while the Senate continues to fix the judiciary with judges who rule based on the for me!
And Flake will hold it up until the AH's give protection to Mueller
Lol he tried today. Didn't work. PLUS Flake is gone in like 6 weeks. :D
You dupes are pretty brainwashed with this judge thing eh? LOL
So you think I am wrong? I guess you don't comprehend the magnitude of it all...oh well.
Unless they try to repeal roe versus Wade, adjudge is a judge is a a judge. So what difference do you think Republican judges will make? Try to remember they are not propaganda dupes and are trained in the law. Yes I know dukes like you are obsessed with garbage propaganda and Hate. Go outside get some fresh air, read a newspaper, change the channel some time...
So you don't understand that EVERY federal judge has to be confirmed by the senate which we thought so.I am good with 2 years of gridlock while the Senate continues to fix the judiciary with judges who rule based on the for me!
And Flake will hold it up until the AH's give protection to Mueller
Lol he tried today. Didn't work. PLUS Flake is gone in like 6 weeks. :D
You dupes are pretty brainwashed with this judge thing eh? LOL
So you think I am wrong? I guess you don't comprehend the magnitude of it all...oh well.
Unless they try to repeal roe versus Wade, adjudge is a judge is a a judge. So what difference do you think Republican judges will make? Try to remember they are not propaganda dupes and are trained in the law. Yes I know dukes like you are obsessed with garbage propaganda and Hate. Go outside get some fresh air, read a newspaper, change the channel some time...
our crap give away to the rich country will not be fixed until the Democrats get a landslide with 60 votes in the Senate. And not in the middle of a depression and not for just 30 days in session. Of course you Chumps don't know about all that...

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