GOP expands senate gap with win in Mississippi!

I think the fact that Mississippi is the least educated state in America, basically says it all.
The 10 most and least educated states in 2018
Oh there's a winner for you dems to run on next time in Mississippi... you can tell them all how STUPID they are.

But don't forget they're RAAAAYYYYYYCIIIIIISST.
Maybe they need to he told they’re stupid. Good point.
Git 'r dun... Einstein... it's SURELY a WINNER for all you GENIUS fucking mongrel demtards. Tell people they're STUPID... I'm SURE they'll just be crawling over each other in mobs to VOTE FOR YOU... yeah... HEY THIS GUY TOLD ME I'M STUPID... I'M GOING TO VOTE FOR HIM.

You're fucking retarded... but then... you're a democrat... no surprise there.
Sorry bout that,

  1. But I did predict the senate would swing 4 seats towards the Republicans.
  2. I was right, never forget that!
  3. We were at 49 now we at 53.
  4. BINGO!
I think the fact that Mississippi is the least educated state in America, basically says it all.
The 10 most and least educated states in 2018
Oh there's a winner for you dems to run on next time in Mississippi... you can tell them all how STUPID they are.

But don't forget they're RAAAAYYYYYYCIIIIIISST.
Maybe they need to he told they’re stupid. Good point.
Git 'r dun... Einstein... it's SURELY a WINNER for all you GENIUS fucking mongrel demtards. Tell people they're STUPID... I'm SURE they'll just be crawling over each other in mobs to VOTE FOR YOU... yeah... HEY THIS GUY TOLD ME I'M STUPID... I'M GOING TO VOTE FOR HIM.

You're fucking retarded... but then... you're a democrat... no surprise there.
Not calling Mississippians stupid will result in a racist winning anyway. So why not call them what they are?
This race was never in question
Never in question ,,,mississppi the lowest piece of shark shit in the ocean What did any one expect?

Awesome... Mississippi just elected a proud racist. They are living up to why they are known as the arm pit of the country.

This race was never in question
Yeah, but it's still pretty sad. She's a dyed in the wool Confederate racist.


No one is triggered... people are disappointed that in the 21st century we still have people supporting public racism.
Democrat party and its adherents support anti white racism every single day and in every policy they support so save me the faux outrage.

Wanting to be treated equally is not racism. Of course you wouldn't understand that because... you don't think non-whites are equals.
This race was never in question
Never in question ,,,mississppi the lowest piece of shark shit in the ocean What did any one expect?

Awesome... Mississippi just elected a proud racist. They are living up to why they are known as the arm pit of the country.

This race was never in question
Yeah, but it's still pretty sad. She's a dyed in the wool Confederate racist.


No one is triggered... people are disappointed that in the 21st century we still have people supporting public racism.

You are just a liar plain and simple. You can go look in the mirror and tell yourself you are not a vile disgusting murdering liar, but you know you are. I am glad I don’t have to know I am as vile and corrupt as all of you labeling liars. Facts mean nothing to you just your oozing black corruption of hatred and filth pours out of your entire being. Ugg what filth.

What in the fuck are you talking about? Because I stated the obvious I'm suddenly a murderer? What in the fuck is wrong with you?
I think the fact that Mississippi is the least educated state in America, basically says it all.
The 10 most and least educated states in 2018
Oh there's a winner for you dems to run on next time in Mississippi... you can tell them all how STUPID they are.

But don't forget they're RAAAAYYYYYYCIIIIIISST.
Maybe they need to he told they’re stupid. Good point.
Git 'r dun... Einstein... it's SURELY a WINNER for all you GENIUS fucking mongrel demtards. Tell people they're STUPID... I'm SURE they'll just be crawling over each other in mobs to VOTE FOR YOU... yeah... HEY THIS GUY TOLD ME I'M STUPID... I'M GOING TO VOTE FOR HIM.

You're fucking retarded... but then... you're a democrat... no surprise there.
Not calling Mississippians stupid will result in a racist winning anyway. So why not call them what they are?

What's very odd is, they will OPENLY admit to being racist, but when you call them racist... they say you are unfairly attacking them and project on you that you are a horrible person.

Hell, Odium brags all the time on this forum about how he thinks white people are superior, but then like in this thread, if someone says something about racists, he gets defensive. Just goes to show you how ignorant he is. It's almost like when a Black person can say the "N" word, but no one else can... but with people like Odium it is the "R" word.
I think the fact that Mississippi is the least educated state in America, basically says it all.
The 10 most and least educated states in 2018
Oh there's a winner for you dems to run on next time in Mississippi... you can tell them all how STUPID they are.

But don't forget they're RAAAAYYYYYYCIIIIIISST.
Maybe they need to he told they’re stupid. Good point.
Git 'r dun... Einstein... it's SURELY a WINNER for all you GENIUS fucking mongrel demtards. Tell people they're STUPID... I'm SURE they'll just be crawling over each other in mobs to VOTE FOR YOU... yeah... HEY THIS GUY TOLD ME I'M STUPID... I'M GOING TO VOTE FOR HIM.

You're fucking retarded... but then... you're a democrat... no surprise there.
Not calling Mississippians stupid will result in a racist winning anyway. So why not call them what they are?
I haven't seen a RAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYCISSSST win regardless.

Has one on your planet, skippy?
This race was never in question
Never in question ,,,mississppi the lowest piece of shark shit in the ocean What did any one expect?

Awesome... Mississippi just elected a proud racist. They are living up to why they are known as the arm pit of the country.

This race was never in question
Yeah, but it's still pretty sad. She's a dyed in the wool Confederate racist.


No one is triggered... people are disappointed that in the 21st century we still have people supporting public racism.
The problem is, she isn't a racist and the only thing you hang your hat on is a single comment that maybe...maybe, can be twisted to sound racist, but actually isn't.

So, you'll have to point to her policy votes, her running platform, and her entire life works to find racism and the only way you can find it is if you stretch the truth to mean something it does no mean.

So, without looking on the internet, tell us exactly what she ran on and what policies she supports.

Because I have more than an inkling that you make the claim because the DNC powers told you that you should make the claim.
This race was never in question
Never in question ,,,mississppi the lowest piece of shark shit in the ocean What did any one expect?

Awesome... Mississippi just elected a proud racist. They are living up to why they are known as the arm pit of the country.

This race was never in question
Yeah, but it's still pretty sad. She's a dyed in the wool Confederate racist.


No one is triggered... people are disappointed that in the 21st century we still have people supporting public racism.
The problem is, she isn't a racist and the only thing you hang your hat on is a single comment that maybe...maybe, can be twisted to sound racist, but actually isn't.

So, you'll have to point to her policy votes, her running platform, and her entire life works to find racism and the only way you can find it is if you stretch the truth to mean something it does no mean.

So, without looking on the internet, tell us exactly what she ran on and what policies she supports.

Because I have more than an inkling that you make the claim because the DNC powers told you that you should make the claim.

She isn't? She said she would be there in the front row of a public hanging. She had her picture taken with a Confederate soldier hat on. She went to Jefferson Davis' house and talked about how big of a hero he was. It wasn't one thing... and she couldn't even give a REAL apology, she instead read off of notes.

I don't follow the DNC, I'm not like many idiots on this forum that would shove a finger up their ass if the leaders of their party told them to. I can think for myself and I vote for who I think is the best candidate regardless of what party they represent.
This race was never in question
Never in question ,,,mississppi the lowest piece of shark shit in the ocean What did any one expect?

Awesome... Mississippi just elected a proud racist. They are living up to why they are known as the arm pit of the country.

This race was never in question
Yeah, but it's still pretty sad. She's a dyed in the wool Confederate racist.


No one is triggered... people are disappointed that in the 21st century we still have people supporting public racism.
The problem is, she isn't a racist and the only thing you hang your hat on is a single comment that maybe...maybe, can be twisted to sound racist, but actually isn't.

So, you'll have to point to her policy votes, her running platform, and her entire life works to find racism and the only way you can find it is if you stretch the truth to mean something it does no mean.

So, without looking on the internet, tell us exactly what she ran on and what policies she supports.

Because I have more than an inkling that you make the claim because the DNC powers told you that you should make the claim.

She isn't? She said she would be there in the front row of a public hanging. She had her picture taken with a Confederate soldier hat on. She went to Jefferson Davis' house and talked about how big of a hero he was. It wasn't one thing... and she couldn't even give a REAL apology, she instead read off of notes.

I don't follow the DNC, I'm not like many idiots on this forum that would shove a finger up their ass if the leaders of their party told them to. I can think for myself and I vote for who I think is the best candidate regardless of what party they represent.
Joking about attending a public hanging is not racist. It's stupid but not racist. having your picture taken with a hat is not racist. Jefferson Davis is a hero and a war veteran. That is NOT racist. You haven't named a single thing that makes her a racist.

You do follow the DNC, or the mainstream media, or the convenient outraged mob that seems to have a permanent outrage on the left.

So, how about it? Without looking it up, what was her platform and promises to the people of Ole Miss?
Never in question ,,,mississppi the lowest piece of shark shit in the ocean What did any one expect?

Awesome... Mississippi just elected a proud racist. They are living up to why they are known as the arm pit of the country.

Yeah, but it's still pretty sad. She's a dyed in the wool Confederate racist.


No one is triggered... people are disappointed that in the 21st century we still have people supporting public racism.
The problem is, she isn't a racist and the only thing you hang your hat on is a single comment that maybe...maybe, can be twisted to sound racist, but actually isn't.

So, you'll have to point to her policy votes, her running platform, and her entire life works to find racism and the only way you can find it is if you stretch the truth to mean something it does no mean.

So, without looking on the internet, tell us exactly what she ran on and what policies she supports.

Because I have more than an inkling that you make the claim because the DNC powers told you that you should make the claim.

She isn't? She said she would be there in the front row of a public hanging. She had her picture taken with a Confederate soldier hat on. She went to Jefferson Davis' house and talked about how big of a hero he was. It wasn't one thing... and she couldn't even give a REAL apology, she instead read off of notes.

I don't follow the DNC, I'm not like many idiots on this forum that would shove a finger up their ass if the leaders of their party told them to. I can think for myself and I vote for who I think is the best candidate regardless of what party they represent.
Joking about attending a public hanging is not racist. It's stupid but not racist. having your picture taken with a hat is not racist. Jefferson Davis is a hero and a war veteran. That is NOT racist. You haven't named a single thing that makes her a racist.

You do follow the DNC, or the mainstream media, or the convenient outraged mob that seems to have a permanent outrage on the left.

So, how about it? Without looking it up, what was her platform and promises to the people of Ole Miss?

Oh? How many people do you hear joke about wanting to be in the front row of a public hanging? :rolleyes:

In my 42 years of life, I've never heard someone say that as a joke.

I follow several different media sources. Hell I was watching Fox News a bit today and the lady named Dana on The Five seemed to believe that Manafort did meet with Assange... all while the main guy said all kinds of false shit, and Greg Gutfield said shit to make himself look like an idiot.

No one is triggered... people are disappointed that in the 21st century we still have people supporting public racism.
The problem is, she isn't a racist and the only thing you hang your hat on is a single comment that maybe...maybe, can be twisted to sound racist, but actually isn't.

So, you'll have to point to her policy votes, her running platform, and her entire life works to find racism and the only way you can find it is if you stretch the truth to mean something it does no mean.

So, without looking on the internet, tell us exactly what she ran on and what policies she supports.

Because I have more than an inkling that you make the claim because the DNC powers told you that you should make the claim.

She isn't? She said she would be there in the front row of a public hanging. She had her picture taken with a Confederate soldier hat on. She went to Jefferson Davis' house and talked about how big of a hero he was. It wasn't one thing... and she couldn't even give a REAL apology, she instead read off of notes.

I don't follow the DNC, I'm not like many idiots on this forum that would shove a finger up their ass if the leaders of their party told them to. I can think for myself and I vote for who I think is the best candidate regardless of what party they represent.
Joking about attending a public hanging is not racist. It's stupid but not racist. having your picture taken with a hat is not racist. Jefferson Davis is a hero and a war veteran. That is NOT racist. You haven't named a single thing that makes her a racist.

You do follow the DNC, or the mainstream media, or the convenient outraged mob that seems to have a permanent outrage on the left.

So, how about it? Without looking it up, what was her platform and promises to the people of Ole Miss?

Oh? How many people do you hear joke about wanting to be in the front row of a public hanging? :rolleyes:

In my 42 years of life, I've never heard someone say that as a joke.

I follow several different media sources. Hell I was watching Fox News a bit today and the lady named Dana on The Five seemed to believe that Manafort did meet with Assange... all while the main guy said all kinds of false shit, and Greg Gutfield said shit to make himself look like an idiot.
You watched some opinion show and suddenly, the opinion of a person you would normally disagree with proves your point? We are not talking about Manafort.

I have heard it a number of times, and it never once pertained to a minority, let along a black. In addition, it is something called 'gallows humor'. I'm not excusing the statement, it was a stupid thing to say. However, it was NOT racist. Nothing about her life speaks to her being a racist.
No one is triggered... people are disappointed that in the 21st century we still have people supporting public racism.
The problem is, she isn't a racist and the only thing you hang your hat on is a single comment that maybe...maybe, can be twisted to sound racist, but actually isn't.

So, you'll have to point to her policy votes, her running platform, and her entire life works to find racism and the only way you can find it is if you stretch the truth to mean something it does no mean.

So, without looking on the internet, tell us exactly what she ran on and what policies she supports.

Because I have more than an inkling that you make the claim because the DNC powers told you that you should make the claim.

She isn't? She said she would be there in the front row of a public hanging. She had her picture taken with a Confederate soldier hat on. She went to Jefferson Davis' house and talked about how big of a hero he was. It wasn't one thing... and she couldn't even give a REAL apology, she instead read off of notes.

I don't follow the DNC, I'm not like many idiots on this forum that would shove a finger up their ass if the leaders of their party told them to. I can think for myself and I vote for who I think is the best candidate regardless of what party they represent.
Joking about attending a public hanging is not racist. It's stupid but not racist. having your picture taken with a hat is not racist. Jefferson Davis is a hero and a war veteran. That is NOT racist. You haven't named a single thing that makes her a racist.

You do follow the DNC, or the mainstream media, or the convenient outraged mob that seems to have a permanent outrage on the left.

So, how about it? Without looking it up, what was her platform and promises to the people of Ole Miss?

Oh? How many people do you hear joke about wanting to be in the front row of a public hanging? :rolleyes:

In my 42 years of life, I've never heard someone say that as a joke.

I follow several different media sources. Hell I was watching Fox News a bit today and the lady named Dana on The Five seemed to believe that Manafort did meet with Assange... all while the main guy said all kinds of false shit, and Greg Gutfield said shit to make himself look like an idiot.
You watched some opinion show and suddenly, the opinion of a person you would normally disagree with proves your point? We are not talking about Manafort.

I have heard it a number of times, and it never once pertained to a minority, let along a black. In addition, it is something called 'gallows humor'. I'm not excusing the statement, it was a stupid thing to say. However, it was NOT racist. Nothing about her life speaks to her being a racist.

No... terrible strawman. I just said I watch and read several sources from different views in order to make my independent opinion. I don't let talking heads or party leaders tell me what to think like many of the drones on this forum. I know that's a hard concept for you to grasp, and you can try your damnedest to spin however you want, but that won't change the truth.

"Gallows humor?" That is the fucking dumbest thing I have ever heard. That is such a ridiculous defense you have made all the people that read your post dumber for it.
The problem is, she isn't a racist and the only thing you hang your hat on is a single comment that maybe...maybe, can be twisted to sound racist, but actually isn't.

So, you'll have to point to her policy votes, her running platform, and her entire life works to find racism and the only way you can find it is if you stretch the truth to mean something it does no mean.

So, without looking on the internet, tell us exactly what she ran on and what policies she supports.

Because I have more than an inkling that you make the claim because the DNC powers told you that you should make the claim.

She isn't? She said she would be there in the front row of a public hanging. She had her picture taken with a Confederate soldier hat on. She went to Jefferson Davis' house and talked about how big of a hero he was. It wasn't one thing... and she couldn't even give a REAL apology, she instead read off of notes.

I don't follow the DNC, I'm not like many idiots on this forum that would shove a finger up their ass if the leaders of their party told them to. I can think for myself and I vote for who I think is the best candidate regardless of what party they represent.
Joking about attending a public hanging is not racist. It's stupid but not racist. having your picture taken with a hat is not racist. Jefferson Davis is a hero and a war veteran. That is NOT racist. You haven't named a single thing that makes her a racist.

You do follow the DNC, or the mainstream media, or the convenient outraged mob that seems to have a permanent outrage on the left.

So, how about it? Without looking it up, what was her platform and promises to the people of Ole Miss?

Oh? How many people do you hear joke about wanting to be in the front row of a public hanging? :rolleyes:

In my 42 years of life, I've never heard someone say that as a joke.

I follow several different media sources. Hell I was watching Fox News a bit today and the lady named Dana on The Five seemed to believe that Manafort did meet with Assange... all while the main guy said all kinds of false shit, and Greg Gutfield said shit to make himself look like an idiot.
You watched some opinion show and suddenly, the opinion of a person you would normally disagree with proves your point? We are not talking about Manafort.

I have heard it a number of times, and it never once pertained to a minority, let along a black. In addition, it is something called 'gallows humor'. I'm not excusing the statement, it was a stupid thing to say. However, it was NOT racist. Nothing about her life speaks to her being a racist.

No... terrible strawman. I just said I watch and read several sources from different views in order to make my independent opinion. I don't let talking heads or party leaders tell me what to think like many of the drones on this forum. I know that's a hard concept for you to grasp, and you can try your damnedest to spin however you want, but that won't change the truth.

"Gallows humor?" That is the fucking dumbest thing I have ever heard. That is such a ridiculous defense you have made all the people that read your post dumber for it.
Your talking points precisely match those of the people you claim to not pay attention too. That is the stuipdest fucking thing I've ever heard from you, but then, I wouldn't have thought that the mainstream media would all be saying the exact same thing, word for word.

If you don't know what gallows humor is, I guess you're not as educated as you think you are.

The simple fact remains. She is NOT a racist, no matter how hard you people try to spin it otherwise.

I have no illusion that I'm going to change your mind and I know for a fact that I am right, so we'll have to agree to disagree as I have no plan on spending several hours hashing over the same data points with you.

Excuse Me while I go do something important. Like play a game.
This race was never in question
Never in question ,,,mississppi the lowest piece of shark shit in the ocean What did any one expect?

Awesome... Mississippi just elected a proud racist. They are living up to why they are known as the arm pit of the country.

This race was never in question
Yeah, but it's still pretty sad. She's a dyed in the wool Confederate racist.


No one is triggered... people are disappointed that in the 21st century we still have people supporting public racism.

You are just a liar plain and simple. You can go look in the mirror and tell yourself you are not a vile disgusting murdering liar, but you know you are. I am glad I don’t have to know I am as vile and corrupt as all of you labeling liars. Facts mean nothing to you just your oozing black corruption of hatred and filth pours out of your entire being. Ugg what filth.

What in the fuck are you talking about? Because I stated the obvious I'm suddenly a murderer? What in the fuck is wrong with you?
You call people you have never seen racist for exercising their constitutional rights. You support criminals if they are dimshit scum. You support the murder of unborn humans. You presume too much about your intellectual prowess and you support the most violent criminals on earth. That qualifies you as a murderer much more convincingly than your BS qualifies any white person asa racist. You have NO right to label anyone because you don’t have any morals to claim superiority.
She isn't? She said she would be there in the front row of a public hanging. She had her picture taken with a Confederate soldier hat on. She went to Jefferson Davis' house and talked about how big of a hero he was. It wasn't one thing... and she couldn't even give a REAL apology, she instead read off of notes.

I don't follow the DNC, I'm not like many idiots on this forum that would shove a finger up their ass if the leaders of their party told them to. I can think for myself and I vote for who I think is the best candidate regardless of what party they represent.
Joking about attending a public hanging is not racist. It's stupid but not racist. having your picture taken with a hat is not racist. Jefferson Davis is a hero and a war veteran. That is NOT racist. You haven't named a single thing that makes her a racist.

You do follow the DNC, or the mainstream media, or the convenient outraged mob that seems to have a permanent outrage on the left.

So, how about it? Without looking it up, what was her platform and promises to the people of Ole Miss?

Oh? How many people do you hear joke about wanting to be in the front row of a public hanging? :rolleyes:

In my 42 years of life, I've never heard someone say that as a joke.

I follow several different media sources. Hell I was watching Fox News a bit today and the lady named Dana on The Five seemed to believe that Manafort did meet with Assange... all while the main guy said all kinds of false shit, and Greg Gutfield said shit to make himself look like an idiot.
You watched some opinion show and suddenly, the opinion of a person you would normally disagree with proves your point? We are not talking about Manafort.

I have heard it a number of times, and it never once pertained to a minority, let along a black. In addition, it is something called 'gallows humor'. I'm not excusing the statement, it was a stupid thing to say. However, it was NOT racist. Nothing about her life speaks to her being a racist.

No... terrible strawman. I just said I watch and read several sources from different views in order to make my independent opinion. I don't let talking heads or party leaders tell me what to think like many of the drones on this forum. I know that's a hard concept for you to grasp, and you can try your damnedest to spin however you want, but that won't change the truth.

"Gallows humor?" That is the fucking dumbest thing I have ever heard. That is such a ridiculous defense you have made all the people that read your post dumber for it.
Your talking points precisely match those of the people you claim to not pay attention too. That is the stuipdest fucking thing I've ever heard from you, but then, I wouldn't have thought that the mainstream media would all be saying the exact same thing, word for word.

If you don't know what gallows humor is, I guess you're not as educated as you think you are.

The simple fact remains. She is NOT a racist, no matter how hard you people try to spin it otherwise.

I have no illusion that I'm going to change your mind and I know for a fact that I am right, so we'll have to agree to disagree as I have no plan on spending several hours hashing over the same data points with you.

Excuse Me while I go do something important. Like play a game.

There you go trying to spin again. Nothing I'm saying is anyone else's talking points. I've been consistent in my views since the day I joined this forum. You can go back through my entire posting history if you'd like. Hell I'll make a bet with you, loser leaves the forum. If you can find a single post that I say I'm a Democrat or a Liberal, I'll leave. If you can't find one... then you get to kick bricks.
Never in question ,,,mississppi the lowest piece of shark shit in the ocean What did any one expect?

Awesome... Mississippi just elected a proud racist. They are living up to why they are known as the arm pit of the country.

Yeah, but it's still pretty sad. She's a dyed in the wool Confederate racist.


No one is triggered... people are disappointed that in the 21st century we still have people supporting public racism.

You are just a liar plain and simple. You can go look in the mirror and tell yourself you are not a vile disgusting murdering liar, but you know you are. I am glad I don’t have to know I am as vile and corrupt as all of you labeling liars. Facts mean nothing to you just your oozing black corruption of hatred and filth pours out of your entire being. Ugg what filth.

What in the fuck are you talking about? Because I stated the obvious I'm suddenly a murderer? What in the fuck is wrong with you?
You call people you have never seen racist for exercising their constitutional rights. You support criminals if they are dimshit scum. You support the murder of unborn humans. You presume too much about your intellectual prowess and you support the most violent criminals on earth. That qualifies you as a murderer much more convincingly than your BS qualifies any white person asa racist. You have NO right to label anyone because you don’t have any morals to claim superiority.

Yeah, it is their Constitutional right to say racist shit... just the same as it is my constitutional right to call them out for what they are. You need to go take your meds. Only someone missing a couple screws would call someone a murderer from what I've posted.
Awesome... Mississippi just elected a proud racist. They are living up to why they are known as the arm pit of the country.


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