GOP falls out over accusations of nepotism as Tuckers kid is given key role

The fact of being the child of a well known person does not render that individual unemployable. After all Chelsea Clinton did get a first job AT CNN.

She's earned a lot more than that from last name being Clinton.

Why on earth is the party of privilege denying this ? They are the party of affirmative action.

As if an ignorant one-legged British faggot knows anything about American politics that is either true or relevant, or has any standing with regard thereto.

You should worry about your own degenerate shithole of a country, and keep your filthy British nose out of the business of a far superior country on the other side of the world from yours.

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.

What do you do for a living? From what lofty profession do you look down on mine?
Sounds like Tammy has had too many dicks banging on the back of his throat and it dislodged his brain.

tommy t paper-gigapixel-art-scale-4_00x.jpg

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