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GOP Fascists in Colorado

If you're trusting someone else to work for your best interests without any effort or even awareness on your part, then yeah, it's your fucking fault if your life is a shit sandwich..
But that would not cover deliberate fraud and bad faith that is involved in purging qualified delegates from the ballot.

Lol, please continue to demonstrate what a complete hack you are. A lot of Republicans still trust the GOP and this is very educational for them.
I've read the Denver Post and both the Colorado Springs and Canyon City papers, and there's nothing about stealing votes or not letting people vote or purging qualified delegate candidates.
Because the coprporate owned media would start telling on their owners pets?


What do you think the OP was about?
OMG, wow, they are sure naive then, LOL. This is a party that continually picks candidates based on that they would rather lose and maintain their power than win with a candidate they can't control
Lol, so in your opinion, it is the members own damned fault for trusting the GOP?

Well, thats basically the same thing I am saying; and the GOP is going to pay the price for being led by a bunch of lying cheating bastards.

If you're trusting someone else to work for your best interests without any effort or even awareness on your part, then yeah, it's your fucking fault if your life is a shit sandwich.

And as I'VE said before, this campaign proves that you fools couldn't organize your way out of a wet paper bag, let alone organize any sort of punitive action toward the GOP.

I know you want desperately to think of your fellow Trumpettes as some massive, fearsome army marching in lockstep (probably goosestepping and saluting) with laser focus on a goal, but the truth is, you're a bunch of dithering whiners flouncing around, radiating vague, generalized rage at anything and everything according to which way the wind is blowing at the moment.

By November, the majority of your "movement" is going to have sunk into a Dorito coma on their beanbag chairs and pop into consciousness just long enough to either trundle down to a polling place long enough to cast a hazy vote, or to yawn, scratch their ass, and change the TV channel.

Which is the heart of progressivism. They basically run on homer Simpsons slogan "can't someone else do it?"

Probably why jim is voting sanders. Why he cares about the gop
Interesting posts by Kaz and Jim about the gop establishment. But I don't see any support for a belief that Trump could win in the general if he was the gop candidate. But Cruz is not the establishment's candidate. Rather, he's the lesser of two evils for the establishment. I'd agree gop establishment's protection of low wages and low taxes on the 1%, and buying votes on anti-libertarian views on social issues, has painted the party into a corner of facing demographics that make it difficult to impossible to win a natl election. The establishment knows Lyin' Ted won't raise their taxes.

Thank you for your comment on the debate, but not wanting to single out the "1%" for punishment is not protecting them in the way you imply. And Democrats way more drive down low end wages by endlessly illegally importing low skill employees
It's the Grover Noquist approach of saying Reagan was never about raising taxes when, in fact, he was. So, while Reagan blew up the deficit with defense spending, if we'd left taxes where he left them, the debt wouldn't be a problem. The 1% has an ideal system: their earnings go up faster than taxes. The democrats would make the illegal immigrants voters because they'd vote for them.
If you're trusting someone else to work for your best interests without any effort or even awareness on your part, then yeah, it's your fucking fault if your life is a shit sandwich..
But that would not cover deliberate fraud and bad faith that is involved in purging qualified delegates from the ballot.

Lol, please continue to demonstrate what a complete hack you are. A lot of Republicans still trust the GOP and this is very educational for them.
I've read the Denver Post and both the Colorado Springs and Canyon City papers, and there's nothing about stealing votes or not letting people vote or purging qualified delegate candidates.
Because the coprporate owned media would start telling on their owners pets?


What do you think the OP was about?
I'd agree that you've proven that some (most likely a large maj) of the Colorado republican caucus participants really don't like Trump.
Well the comments of this article on the whole thing is very illustrative of what I am talking about; no matter who GOP Establishment hacks spin this fiasco, regular pepople are seeing it for what it is; party insiders shutting out the party rank and file to purge Trump people from the convention.

Read the comments and see the anger and absolute distrust of the GOP now. Those like me who have been trying to tell people that the duopoly is just a dog and pony show and the fix is always in, they can now see it for themselves.

Thank you party establishments for being such ham handed dumbasses, you are unworthy of the finesse of your boss forebears.

Angry Donald Trump blasts Colorado GOP results as "totally unfair"
If you're trusting someone else to work for your best interests without any effort or even awareness on your part, then yeah, it's your fucking fault if your life is a shit sandwich..
But that would not cover deliberate fraud and bad faith that is involved in purging qualified delegates from the ballot.

Lol, please continue to demonstrate what a complete hack you are. A lot of Republicans still trust the GOP and this is very educational for them.
I've read the Denver Post and both the Colorado Springs and Canyon City papers, and there's nothing about stealing votes or not letting people vote or purging qualified delegate candidates.
Because the coprporate owned media would start telling on their owners pets?


What do you think the OP was about?
I'd agree that you've proven that some (most likely a large maj) of the Colorado republican caucus participants really don't like Trump.

Lol, dude, take a remedial reading class sometime. That is not what I said at all.
If you're trusting someone else to work for your best interests without any effort or even awareness on your part, then yeah, it's your fucking fault if your life is a shit sandwich..
But that would not cover deliberate fraud and bad faith that is involved in purging qualified delegates from the ballot.

Lol, please continue to demonstrate what a complete hack you are. A lot of Republicans still trust the GOP and this is very educational for them.

"Deliberate fraud". Oh, please. There you go with the fucking conspiracy theories again. Next, you'll be telling us how the shooter on the grassy knoll orchestrated it all.

Okay, let's just deal once and for all with your erroneous perception that your ignorance reflects some organized attempt to hide things from you.

Colorado Republicans cancel presidential vote at 2016 caucus

This story was widely publicized in Colorado in August, as shown here. Not only the fact of the procedure change, but the who, the why, and the probable consequences. No one hid anything from any Colorado Republican on this subject. If they don't follow the local news, that's THEIR fault. No one is obligated to come to their house and personally explain it to them.

The individual campaigns were most certainly informed of this procedure change back then, plus the fact that any halfway intelligent campaign staffer should and would have been researching and preparing for this months ago. Instead, the Trump campaign didn't even bother to put a staffer into place until that same week. By the time they hired someone, Cruz had already won six delegates. Trump's own staffer said that, far from being ambushed and defrauded, Trump made the conscious decision to blow off Colorado because the rules didn't favor him.

Angry Donald Trump blasts Colorado GOP results as "totally unfair"

Furthermore, your constant screeching of "all the Trump delegates purged from the ballot!" is so much hyperbolic bullshit propaganda. There was ONE person who was running to be a Trump delegate whose number was mistakenly replaced with a duplicate of another number. A problem, but enough to defraud Trump of the whole convention? My ass it was.

Now the convention program had a clerical error that stopped the listing at 588, when there were 619 candidates actually running, but the party posted updated corrections to that. Trump's campaign says not everyone got the update, but again, whose fault is THAT? Fucking thing was posted on two big screens above the stage.

How Colorado confusion could spell convention trouble - CNNPolitics.com
Well the comments of this article on the whole thing is very illustrative of what I am talking about; no matter who GOP Establishment hacks spin this fiasco, regular pepople are seeing it for what it is; party insiders shutting out the party rank and file to purge Trump people from the convention.

Read the comments and see the anger and absolute distrust of the GOP now. Those like me who have been trying to tell people that the duopoly is just a dog and pony show and the fix is always in, they can now see it for themselves.

Thank you party establishments for being such ham handed dumbasses, you are unworthy of the finesse of your boss forebears.

Angry Donald Trump blasts Colorado GOP results as "totally unfair"

Yeah, it's THEIR responsibility to lead your ignorant ass around by the hand, lest you become angry about being expected to use your own head once in a while.
If you're trusting someone else to work for your best interests without any effort or even awareness on your part, then yeah, it's your fucking fault if your life is a shit sandwich..
But that would not cover deliberate fraud and bad faith that is involved in purging qualified delegates from the ballot.

Lol, please continue to demonstrate what a complete hack you are. A lot of Republicans still trust the GOP and this is very educational for them.
I've read the Denver Post and both the Colorado Springs and Canyon City papers, and there's nothing about stealing votes or not letting people vote or purging qualified delegate candidates.
Because the coprporate owned media would start telling on their owners pets?


What do you think the OP was about?
I'd agree that you've proven that some (most likely a large maj) of the Colorado republican caucus participants really don't like Trump.

Lol, dude, take a remedial reading class sometime. That is not what I said at all.
Genius, I know that's what you didn't say. I was utilizing this thing called SARCASM
Yeah, it's THEIR responsibility to lead your ignorant ass around by the hand, lest you become angry about being expected to use your own head once in a while.

Lol, that is not what they did.

They purged the ballot of all Trump supporters despite the fact that Trump supporters were qualified to be on the ballot.

Lol, but please continue to build my higher level case for me; the GOP Establishment is a bunch of crooks.
But that would not cover deliberate fraud and bad faith that is involved in purging qualified delegates from the ballot.

Lol, please continue to demonstrate what a complete hack you are. A lot of Republicans still trust the GOP and this is very educational for them.
I've read the Denver Post and both the Colorado Springs and Canyon City papers, and there's nothing about stealing votes or not letting people vote or purging qualified delegate candidates.
Because the coprporate owned media would start telling on their owners pets?


What do you think the OP was about?
I'd agree that you've proven that some (most likely a large maj) of the Colorado republican caucus participants really don't like Trump.

Lol, dude, take a remedial reading class sometime. That is not what I said at all.
Genius, I know that's what you didn't say. I was utilizing this thing called SARCASM

Meh, My Aspergers prevents me from picking up on most Sarcasm. Not your fault, but then responding to your sarcasm as though you are stupid enough to actually say something like that is also a valid retort.
Yeah, it's THEIR responsibility to lead your ignorant ass around by the hand, lest you become angry about being expected to use your own head once in a while.

Lol, that is not what they did.

They purged the ballot of all Trump supporters despite the fact that Trump supporters were qualified to be on the ballot.

Lol, but please continue to build my higher level case for me; the GOP Establishment is a bunch of crooks.
Where is the purge? What you do at a caucus is cajole other people. You seek to maximize your votes while minimizing the other guy's votes. Today we no longer use violence or threats of bodily harm or financial ruin
Yeah, it's THEIR responsibility to lead your ignorant ass around by the hand, lest you become angry about being expected to use your own head once in a while.

Lol, that is not what they did.

They purged the ballot of all Trump supporters despite the fact that Trump supporters were qualified to be on the ballot.

Lol, but please continue to build my higher level case for me; the GOP Establishment is a bunch of crooks.
Where is the purge? What you do at a caucus is cajole other people. You seek to maximize your votes while minimizing the other guy's votes. Today we no longer use violence or threats of bodily harm or financial ruin

The GOP Crooks purged the Trump delegates from the ballot, dude, I have shown it to you. People have posted videos on it where people who got purged were renouncing their GOP membership.

Fuck, dude, I have no obligation to spoon feed your ass.
"Purges all the people"? Don't exaggerate, dumbass,

But then again, you know that that is not what I said, liar.

Oh, I "know that is not what you said", do I? Here are your fucking quotes, cut-and-pasted verbatim, you lying sack of putrid dog shit.

Lol, yes,but that was not my question. My question was "You really dont see anything amiss when a state purges all the people who support their own parties leading candidate at the time?"

You really dont see anything amiss when a state purges all the people who support their own parties leading candidate at the time?

You not only said it, you drooling horse's ass, you said it repeatedly. So don't project YOUR character flaws onto me. YOU may have learned at the feet of Donald "Reality is whatever I say at the moment!" Trump (probably at "Trump University"), but that doesn't make the rest of us delusional freaks with an allergy to the truth.

and keep your sinister conspiracy theories to yourself. Tinfoil hats make my head itch.

So now you think that party elites do not 'network' together to shun some candidates? What the hell do you think they GOP has been doing to Trump for the past two months? You think that is fair and even handed?

Well, you are a Democrat, right, so maybe you do.

I'M a Democrat? I'M not the one spouting their time-worn meme of "poor me, I'm such a victim, The Man is keeping me down, someone save my poor, helpless, victimized ass!"

I absolutely think the party is doing everything it can to reject and shun the candidate of the lunatic fringe, and more power to them. The last thing this country needs is any President the ignorant likes of YOU "thinks" would be a good idea.

Nevertheless, they ARE doing it by the rules, and the fact that you and he haven't bothered to learn those rules doesn't make it unfair. No one else is responsible for making you a slackjawed moron, or for correcting that fact.

I think it's a damned shame that the Colorado GOP is such a disorganized mess right now. I think it's a much bigger problem that a Presidential candidate is such a clueless, lazy buffoon, and his followers are such a bunch of whining, goggle-eyed dimwits.

Lol, keep it up, you do know that you are confirming what I ahve been saying for the past 8 years about the GOP leadership and the Democrats also?

I thank you for giving me more quotes to use. lololol

Be sure to include some quotes of you lying your ass off, sleazebag.
Lol, even the Denver Post is recognizing that the GOP has totally screwed up and has made its own members aware of the fact that the crooks that lead the party dont really care what the members think.

Colorado GOP blundered on 2016 presidential caucus

The Colorado Republican Party's decision last summer to jettison a presidential poll at its caucus on Tuesday looks worse with every passing day.

Except for the actual delegates to July's national convention, Colorado Republicans who want to have a say in the future of their party have mostly been stripped of a role in the most interesting and surprising nominating struggle in decades.

They'll stand on the sidelines on Super Tuesday while other states determine whether Donald Trump continues his march toward a possible nomination or whether his rivals can slow him down....

GOP leaders have never provided a satisfactory reason for forgoing a presidential preference poll, although party chairman Steve House suggested on radio at one point that too many Republicans would otherwise flock to their local caucus.

Imagine that: party officials fearing that an interesting race might propel thousands of additional citizens to participate. But of course that might dilute the influence of elites and insiders. You can see why that could upset the faint-hearted.

By contrast, far-sighted party leaders should have welcomed the extra attention to their caucus and the potential activism on the party's behalf it would have spawned.

Admittedly, one thing has changed since the GOP executive committee made its decision on a preference poll: It appears somewhat more likely today that no candidate will have wrapped up the nomination by convention time. But even if that ends up being the case, it will be no great boon to Colorado's uncommitted delegates. If no candidate has enough votes on the first ballot to secure the nomination, delegates will be free to vote for anyone they like anyway.

It's bad enough the two parties in Colorado don't have presidential primaries in which many more voters would participate. The caucuses already limit participation to a narrow slice of the electorate. But the fact that the Republican leadership then took matters a step further and deprived even that narrow slice of voters a voice in one of the most competitive, consequential political nominations in memory - and perhaps in history - is mindboggling.

The GOP Establishment crooks richly deserves what it has coming to them.
"Purges all the people"? Don't exaggerate, dumbass,

But then again, you know that that is not what I said, liar.

Oh, I "know that is not what you said", do I? Here are your fucking quotes, cut-and-pasted verbatim, you lying sack of putrid dog shit.

Lol, yes,but that was not my question. My question was "You really dont see anything amiss when a state purges all the people who support their own parties leading candidate at the time?"

You really dont see anything amiss when a state purges all the people who support their own parties leading candidate at the time?

You not only said it, you drooling horse's ass, you said it repeatedly. So don't project YOUR character flaws onto me. YOU may have learned at the feet of Donald "Reality is whatever I say at the moment!" Trump (probably at "Trump University"), but that doesn't make the rest of us delusional freaks with an allergy to the truth.

I spoke of a subset of 'all the people' not actually 'all of the people'. I referred to 'all the people who support their own parties leading candidate' and you changed the meaning of my statement by removing the qualifier to make my post look stupid.

That is the change that made you a liar and if you werent a complete fraud who cant distinguish such things any more you would grasp that.
"Purges all the people"? Don't exaggerate, dumbass,

But then again, you know that that is not what I said, liar.

Oh, I "know that is not what you said", do I? Here are your fucking quotes, cut-and-pasted verbatim, you lying sack of putrid dog shit.

Lol, yes,but that was not my question. My question was "You really dont see anything amiss when a state purges all the people who support their own parties leading candidate at the time?"

You really dont see anything amiss when a state purges all the people who support their own parties leading candidate at the time?

You not only said it, you drooling horse's ass, you said it repeatedly. So don't project YOUR character flaws onto me. YOU may have learned at the feet of Donald "Reality is whatever I say at the moment!" Trump (probably at "Trump University"), but that doesn't make the rest of us delusional freaks with an allergy to the truth.

I spoke of a subset of 'all the people' not actually 'all of the people'. I referred to 'all the people who support their own parties leading candidate' and you changed the meaning of my statement by removing the qualifier to make my post look stupid.

That is the change that made you a liar and if you werent a complete fraud who cant distinguish such things any more you would grasp that.

In other words, you lied. You were caught. It's someone else's fault.
Yeah, it's THEIR responsibility to lead your ignorant ass around by the hand, lest you become angry about being expected to use your own head once in a while.

Lol, that is not what they did.

They purged the ballot of all Trump supporters despite the fact that Trump supporters were qualified to be on the ballot.

Lol, but please continue to build my higher level case for me; the GOP Establishment is a bunch of crooks.
Where is the purge? What you do at a caucus is cajole other people. You seek to maximize your votes while minimizing the other guy's votes. Today we no longer use violence or threats of bodily harm or financial ruin

The GOP Crooks purged the Trump delegates from the ballot, dude, I have shown it to you. People have posted videos on it where people who got purged were renouncing their GOP membership.

Fuck, dude, I have no obligation to spoon feed your ass.
If you say so it must be true.
Yeah, it's THEIR responsibility to lead your ignorant ass around by the hand, lest you become angry about being expected to use your own head once in a while.

Lol, that is not what they did.

They purged the ballot of all Trump supporters despite the fact that Trump supporters were qualified to be on the ballot.

Lol, but please continue to build my higher level case for me; the GOP Establishment is a bunch of crooks.
Where is the purge? What you do at a caucus is cajole other people. You seek to maximize your votes while minimizing the other guy's votes. Today we no longer use violence or threats of bodily harm or financial ruin

The GOP Crooks purged the Trump delegates from the ballot, dude, I have shown it to you. People have posted videos on it where people who got purged were renouncing their GOP membership.

Fuck, dude, I have no obligation to spoon feed your ass.
If you say so it must be true.
but if you google purge Colorado republican you get ZERO hits. zero.

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