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GOP Fascists in Colorado

Fascists abolish choice. That is exactly what happened; and then fascists like you make lame rationalizations and accusations.
That has nothing to do with Fascism and there was no "abolition of choice". There WAS a choice made in Colorado, just not by the rank & file GOP sheeple.

That's not even exactly true. A non-rank and file "sheeple" said he was replaced when he tried to vote for Trump, and you saw the memo. The original set up was sh**; but the GOP took it to another level. You know you're bad when a Chicago newspaper is comparing you to The Gestapo.

I always wondered how Colorado couldn't be a red state. Now, I know. Just way to much fuckery by the GOP. The only thing the Colorado GOP did was shoot themselves in the leg. Idiots facing a national scandal, and they're bragging.
Fascists abolish choice. That is exactly what happened; and then fascists like you make lame rationalizations and accusations.
That has nothing to do with Fascism and there was no "abolition of choice". There WAS a choice made in Colorado, just not by the rank & file GOP sheeple.

As I understand it, Colorado normally has a caucus, but their state GOP is in complete disarray and disorganization right now - which to some extent is demonstrated by the kerfuffle over the convention ballots. There was a movement to switch from a caucus to a primary, but they apparently couldn't get their shit together enough to make the switch, and so they were left with doing it this way, instead.

In a normal primary season, it probably wouldn't have been much more than a blip on the radar of the news cycle. Under normal circumstances, there would already have been a clear candidate-designee by now.

Colorado GOP Deletes #NeverTrump Tweet After Ted Cruz Sweeps Delegates - Breitbart

A person posted “We did it. #NeverTrump” from the Colorado GOP’s Twitter account minutes after
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) swept 34 Colorado delegates on Saturday.

Yeah, a really fair process and the whores will still bend over to BJ the Establishment from now till the cows wander home.

Oh, wow, someone hacked their Twitter account. That really proves . . . something. Whatever.

It proves the GOP intended to fix the process to keep Trump out, dumbass, and their Twitter account was obviously not hacked, roflmaop.

Why would a hacker break into an account to tweet something that everyone knows any and risk a felony for that?

You are so fucking mentally lame.

There's no "fixing", with the connotations you're implying. Is the Republican Party set up and organized to allow the Republican leadership to retain control of it? Obviously. Nothing sneaky or underhanded or anything but blatantly, painfully obvious about that. ALL organizations, unless they're run by idiots, are set up that way. You don't start a club for you and your likeminded friends and then throw it open for every crazed stumblebum who happens through the door to do a hostile takeover with ease.

Why does ANY hacker break into an account and risk a felony, dumbass? You say it like you think that's some sort of barrier to people. Hell, some asshole tried to hack my Facebook account twice in one week just because he's pissed over some animal rights thing. People are morons. You're Exhibit A.
My understanding is that everyone knew how Colorado was going to happen nine months ago. NINE MONTHS. There were no surprises here for the candidates. The surprises were all for the public, in the realm of how careless and incompetent Trump and his campaign staff are.

Bullshit, as people regularly involved in the political process there had not been informed and those who did know and did attend were simply stripped off the ballot.

Did you bring your knee pads?

Actually, the information was readily available. No one was hiding anything. There's a difference between "They kept it from me" and "I was too lazy to get informed, and no one bothered to spoonfeed me".

Lol, the GOP establishment uses secret meetings and failing to inform all due participants as a means to control and suppress the nitwits like you and they have done it before.

But just like a partisan hack that you are, you defend the Establishment and blame the victims, lolololol

Oh? They used secret meetings? How do you know? If YOU know, how secret could they have been?

No one was uninformed, you twat. It was in the fucking newspapers. That's how "secret" it was: the fucking newspapers in Colorado reported on it, and there was a controversy about it, and everything. I posted you the link to the fucking story from last August in the Denver fucking Post. What the hell do you need, a brick upside the head? Because I can get a brick.

But just like the latent leftist you are, you whine and play the victim card. "Poor little me, I'm so oppressed, I need a Messiah!"
No surprise. A bit odd in that people could vote for people running to be unbound delegates. My former state Wyoming works the same way. In a weird way, they function sort of like super-delegates. If no one has the clear majority for a first ballot win, they can bargain to bring a state something in exchange for first ballot delegates. In this case, knowing that Trump would be a general election disaster, Cruz doen't have to give them much.

So that is why you obviously want Cruz to win, so that the weakest candidate will be nominated by the GOP?

I dislike Cruz. Nearly as much as I dislike Trump. But, you're simply wrong Jim. Colorado's party cancelled their usual caucus's last August. And it did so to prevent a guy like Santorum running an insurgency campaign and winning. But they did it LAST AUGUST. Trump came in at the last minute. If he wanted to win this thing, he should have had COLORADO people in COLORADO working the rules last fall.

Gawd, I'd rather have Trump than Santorum. But I was thinking the same thing, this rule is not new, why the Trump whining now like it's targeted at him?

And where are the Trumpettes when Trump gets MORE delegates than his share of a State vote?

Trump's whining for two reasons: one, his massive, overblown ego sees everything as revolving around him; two, he made the decision months ago to blow off the Colorado convention and just throw more red meat to his no-information worshipers. This is his strategy, playing into his overall strategy of sound and fury and bullying.
No, it's basic civics that political parties DON'T have governmental duties to the public, because they aren't government entities. You have failed this basic civics test.

Lol, so if the GOP wanted to exclude blacks or women, the government has nothing to say about it? Of course there are basic guidelines of fairness involved here, Twinkle Toes and the GOP failed completely because it is run by Nazi bastards Like Prescot Bush and his family.

And yes, ANY public entity that has membership and people PAY their hard earned cash to be involved like state convention delegates have to do, I know because I have done it. Such institutions have a fiduciary responsibility to not defraud its membership as the Colorado GOP did here with this NAzi balloting process where the party Establishment simply defrauded its Trump supporters.

And you are OK with that, and probably Jim Crow, the Tuskeegee experiments and Nazi Death Camps too. What a disgusting piece of filth you are.

They are obligated only to set clear rules, and then adhere to them. They have no obligation to make those rules what you want them to be.

Lol, nor anyone else that doesnt support the party establishment. The party has an obligation to be fair and they have not been fair with Trump supporters.

Are you truly that stupid? Wait, never mind.

I, on the other hand, was giving you no credit for not being stupid, and I was exactly right.
Provong my point that you are a moron once again.

Dumbass, there ARE political parties that are organized for the purpose of excluding certain groups. And no, the government has no say about it. Political parties enjoy Constitutional rights to assemble and organize and freely associate to whatever common purpose they like.

If you can prove that there are "basic guidelines of fairness", whatever the fuck THAT means, then by all means, go ahead and do so.

Political parties are not "public entities" and never have been. Your ignorance on that subject changes nothing. And no, the involvement of money doesn't change it. Nor is there any "defrauding" involved in selecting delegates one way instead of another, so long as the rules are made available and observed, which they were. This was set up nine months ago. It's not news, except to imbeciles like you who were too lazy to get informed.

Am I okay with the goals of groups who set out to be exclusionary? Not necessarily. Am I okay with them having the right to do so? Yes, because unlike you, I believe in freedom and have faith that it's always the best available system.

Spare me the emotion-soaked buzzwords. Libthink affects me no more when you start exuding it than it does when more experienced left-thinkers do it.

Lol, so you still insist that the government would not do anything to a party that is organized around excluding blacks?


Do you ever have a lucid honest moment any more?? OR do you lie so much to yourself and everyone else that you cant tell when you are being honest and not?

So you still insist that the government would never allow a racist political party to exist and function, despite the fact that I gave you links to the websites of two in operation for years?

I don't even have to ask if you're ever lucid. You answer the question every time you slobber some other inane bullshit out.
Gawd, I'd rather have Trump than Santorum. But I was thinking the same thing, this rule is not new, why the Trump whining now like it's targeted at him?

And where are the Trumpettes when Trump gets MORE delegates than his share of a State vote?

Lol, because it is not about the change in rules, but in how it was done and the fact that party members were stripped from the ballot when they met the rules conditions to be on it.

You really dont see anything amiss when a state purges all the people who support their own parties leading candidate at the time?


Oh, right, your line about "stripped the Trump people from the ballot", and "purged all the Trump supporters", that you never said, except you just did, which is a complete and utter pile of horseshit straight from the Donald Trump "Get fired up and act like asswipes, my flock!" playbook.

One person missing through a clerical error does not a sinister, ballot-purging conspiracy make.
I personally look forward to seeing all the GOP Establishment suck ups weeping when one of two things happen; Trump wins or the GOP is replaced by a new third party.

Yes, because this campaign is showing us all how deeply we need to fear the mighty organization ability of the Trumpettes. Truly, their swift and deadly precision and political execution will bring together a third party to be reckoned with. :lmao::lmao:

Seriously, you halfwits couldn't organize a successful search for your own asses, even with the help of a map and a Native American guide.

Well, we apparently agree on one thing; Trump did not do what he needed to do to make sure he got a fair shot at Colorado, but he is working on the fallacious assumption that the GOP leadership is being fair to him and they are not. Purging his supporters from all the ballots prior to a possible vote is obviously not fair, no matter how many cocks you have sucked in your life.

Another lie. On top of the one you told about how you "never said that".

I don't waste time on liars, especially sack of shit liars who tell me baldfaced lies while calling ME a liar.

"Purging his supporters from the ballot." Just another way of saying, "Spooge on my face some more, Donald!"
"Purges all the people"? Don't exaggerate, dumbass,

But then again, you know that that is not what I said, liar.

Oh, I "know that is not what you said", do I? Here are your fucking quotes, cut-and-pasted verbatim, you lying sack of putrid dog shit.

Lol, yes,but that was not my question. My question was "You really dont see anything amiss when a state purges all the people who support their own parties leading candidate at the time?"

You really dont see anything amiss when a state purges all the people who support their own parties leading candidate at the time?

You not only said it, you drooling horse's ass, you said it repeatedly. So don't project YOUR character flaws onto me. YOU may have learned at the feet of Donald "Reality is whatever I say at the moment!" Trump (probably at "Trump University"), but that doesn't make the rest of us delusional freaks with an allergy to the truth.

I spoke of a subset of 'all the people' not actually 'all of the people'. I referred to 'all the people who support their own parties leading candidate' and you changed the meaning of my statement by removing the qualifier to make my post look stupid.

That is the change that made you a liar and if you werent a complete fraud who cant distinguish such things any more you would grasp that.

I posted your fucking words EXACTLY as you said them. I didn't remove or change a damned thing.

You want to keep calling me a liar? Bring it, dickless.

"Purges all the people"? Don't exaggerate, dumbass,
But then again, you know that that is not what I said, liar.

those who did know and did attend were simply stripped off the ballot. - Post #141

they stripped the Trump people off the ballot - Post #158

party members were stripped from the ballot - Post #167

Purging his supporters from all the ballots - Post #168

My question was "You really dont see anything amiss when a state purges all the people who support their own parties leading candidate at the time?" - Post $191

They purged the ballot of all Trump supporters - Post #211

Those are YOUR fucking posts, exactly as you said them, with the reference numbers helpfully included, shitstain. You said it SIX fucking times, so don't you sit your ignorant, Trump-fapping ass there and call ME a liar for quoting YOUR line of "purged all the Trump supporters".

I think we can all see who the REAL liar is here. But hey, feel free to use the reference numbers and go back and tell us EXACTLY how I "changed" your fucking posts to make it into something it wasn't. I mean, you Trumpette suckwads don't have the brains or the energy to run a campaign, but maybe you have enough energy to explain how you're not a big, fat, cock-sucking liar.

Go for it.
Watching two scumbags trying out dirty pool each other is hilarious.

Too bad for the GOP though.

The history books will say it was Grand Old Party... while it lasted.
This is a a good listen. Former GOP Chair Head explains how f'd up Colorado GOP is:

Former CO GOP Chair: Message We're Sending Is "Your Vote Doesn't Matter And Your Voice Doesn't Count"
Call says, "Tea Party elements, strong second amendment and pro-life supporters, it’s a very diverse coalition:"

OMG the party rigged it so the best candidate for those constituencies would WIN

You're gonna have to speak more precisely to be understood, honestly.
Yeah, it's THEIR responsibility to lead your ignorant ass around by the hand, lest you become angry about being expected to use your own head once in a while.

Lol, that is not what they did.

They purged the ballot of all Trump supporters despite the fact that Trump supporters were qualified to be on the ballot.

Lol, but please continue to build my higher level case for me; the GOP Establishment is a bunch of crooks.
Where is the purge? What you do at a caucus is cajole other people. You seek to maximize your votes while minimizing the other guy's votes. Today we no longer use violence or threats of bodily harm or financial ruin

The GOP Crooks purged the Trump delegates from the ballot, dude, I have shown it to you. People have posted videos on it where people who got purged were renouncing their GOP membership.

Fuck, dude, I have no obligation to spoon feed your ass.
If you say so it must be true.
but if you google purge Colorado republican you get ZERO hits. zero.

That's because ONE delegate - ONE - got left off the ballot due to a typo.

Even the Colorado GOP can do a better conspiracy than THAT.
This is a a good listen. Former GOP Chair Head explains how f'd up Colorado GOP is:

Former CO GOP Chair: Message We're Sending Is "Your Vote Doesn't Matter And Your Voice Doesn't Count"
Call says, "Tea Party elements, strong second amendment and pro-life supporters, it’s a very diverse coalition:"

OMG the party rigged it so the best candidate for those constituencies would WIN

Wow, it's like the Republican Party's purpose is to front a candidate who espouses their platform and can actually win, or some crazy shit like that, instead of existing to give the lunatic fringe a forum.

Who knew? Shocking.
This is a a good listen. Former GOP Chair Head explains how f'd up Colorado GOP is:

Former CO GOP Chair: Message We're Sending Is "Your Vote Doesn't Matter And Your Voice Doesn't Count"
Call says, "Tea Party elements, strong second amendment and pro-life supporters, it’s a very diverse coalition:"

OMG the party rigged it so the best candidate for those constituencies would WIN

You're gonna have to speak more precisely to be understood, honestly.

I understood him. What the hell's YOUR problem . . . you know, other than drinking the Trump Koolaid.
Lol, yes,but that was not my question. My question was "You really dont see anything amiss when a state purges all the people who support their own parties leading candidate at the time?"

You really dont see anything amiss when a state purges all the people who support their own parties leading candidate at the time?

You not only said it, you drooling horse's ass, you said it repeatedly. So don't project YOUR character flaws onto me. YOU may have learned at the feet of Donald "Reality is whatever I say at the moment!" Trump (probably at "Trump University"), but that doesn't make the rest of us delusional freaks with an allergy to the truth.

I spoke of a subset of 'all the people' not actually 'all of the people'. I referred to 'all the people who support their own parties leading candidate' and you changed the meaning of my statement by removing the qualifier to make my post look stupid.

That is the change that made you a liar and if you werent a complete fraud who cant distinguish such things any more you would grasp that.[/QUOTE]

I posted your fucking words EXACTLY as you said them. I didn't remove or change a damned thing.

You want to keep calling me a liar? Bring it, dickless.

"Purges all the people"? Don't exaggerate, dumbass,
But then again, you know that that is not what I said, liar.

those who did know and did attend were simply stripped off the ballot. - Post #141

they stripped the Trump people off the ballot - Post #158

party members were stripped from the ballot - Post #167

Purging his supporters from all the ballots - Post #168

My question was "You really dont see anything amiss when a state purges all the people who support their own parties leading candidate at the time?" - Post $191

They purged the ballot of all Trump supporters - Post #211

Those are YOUR fucking posts, exactly as you said them, with the reference numbers helpfully included, shitstain. You said it SIX fucking times, so don't you sit your ignorant, Trump-fapping ass there and call ME a liar for quoting YOUR line of "purged all the Trump supporters".

I think we can all see who the REAL liar is here. But hey, feel free to use the reference numbers and go back and tell us EXACTLY how I "changed" your fucking posts to make it into something it wasn't. I mean, you Trumpette suckwads don't have the brains or the energy to run a campaign, but maybe you have enough energy to explain how you're not a big, fat, cock-sucking liar.

Go for it.[/QUOTE]

Lol, any second grader can see the difference between your claim that I made an unqualified statement of 'purging all the people' vrs 'purging all the Trump supporters among the delegates', etc.

Give it up loser, you are making this too easy and just plain old boring.
Lol, yes,but that was not my question. My question was "You really dont see anything amiss when a state purges all the people who support their own parties leading candidate at the time?"

You really dont see anything amiss when a state purges all the people who support their own parties leading candidate at the time?

You not only said it, you drooling horse's ass, you said it repeatedly. So don't project YOUR character flaws onto me. YOU may have learned at the feet of Donald "Reality is whatever I say at the moment!" Trump (probably at "Trump University"), but that doesn't make the rest of us delusional freaks with an allergy to the truth.

I spoke of a subset of 'all the people' not actually 'all of the people'. I referred to 'all the people who support their own parties leading candidate' and you changed the meaning of my statement by removing the qualifier to make my post look stupid.

That is the change that made you a liar and if you werent a complete fraud who cant distinguish such things any more you would grasp that.

I posted your fucking words EXACTLY as you said them. I didn't remove or change a damned thing.

You want to keep calling me a liar? Bring it, dickless.

"Purges all the people"? Don't exaggerate, dumbass,
But then again, you know that that is not what I said, liar.

those who did know and did attend were simply stripped off the ballot. - Post #141

they stripped the Trump people off the ballot - Post #158

party members were stripped from the ballot - Post #167

Purging his supporters from all the ballots - Post #168

My question was "You really dont see anything amiss when a state purges all the people who support their own parties leading candidate at the time?" - Post $191

They purged the ballot of all Trump supporters - Post #211

Those are YOUR fucking posts, exactly as you said them, with the reference numbers helpfully included, shitstain. You said it SIX fucking times, so don't you sit your ignorant, Trump-fapping ass there and call ME a liar for quoting YOUR line of "purged all the Trump supporters".

I think we can all see who the REAL liar is here. But hey, feel free to use the reference numbers and go back and tell us EXACTLY how I "changed" your fucking posts to make it into something it wasn't. I mean, you Trumpette suckwads don't have the brains or the energy to run a campaign, but maybe you have enough energy to explain how you're not a big, fat, cock-sucking liar.

Go for it.[/QUOTE]

Lol, any second grader can see the difference between your claim that I made an unqualified statement of 'purging all the people' vrs 'purging all the Trump supporters among the delegates', etc.

Give it up loser, you are making this too easy and just plain old boring.[/QUOTE]

Oh, so the NEW lie is that I claimed you were saying they purged every single person off the ballot, and handed out blank ballots? Is that the way you're going?

Any infant can see that I accused you of saying they purged ALL the Trump supporters off the ballot, and that you did, in fact, say EXACTLY that, multiple times, including word-for-word in the very post I quoted and responded to.

Give it up, LIAR. You may find it easy to spout LIES, but you're not finding it as easy as you think to get anyone to believe them.

Need me to repeat it again?

"Purges all the people"? Don't exaggerate, dumbass,
But then again, you know that that is not what I said, liar.

those who did know and did attend were simply stripped off the ballot. - Post #141

they stripped the Trump people off the ballot - Post #158

party members were stripped from the ballot - Post #167

Purging his supporters from all the ballots - Post #168

My question was "You really dont see anything amiss when a state purges all the people who support their own parties leading candidate at the time?" - Post $191

They purged the ballot of all Trump supporters - Post #211

Who's the LIAR here, Jimmy? Yeah, that's right, YOU are. No wonder you're supporting Trump.

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