GOP fears blowback over anti-LGBTQ panic in Republican legislatures

And there you have it.

Thank you for your honesty. Most of the embarrassing cultists here can't even remember how not to lie.

Here's the thing, IDC if you want to be together, call it a "civil union" "butt buddies" or whatever. We live in a free country, God gives us free will & I ain't nor want to be your judge. But labeling it as marriage is a no go for me as the only definition I support is a union between a man & a woman.
Call it something else if you must but don't ever expect me to ignore common sense & say it's a natural union, much as a man in a wig & dress will never be a woman
Here's the thing, IDC if you want to be together, call it a "civil union" "butt buddies" or whatever. We live in a free country, God gives us free will & I ain't nor want to be your judge. But labeling it as marriage is a no go for me as the only definition I support is a union between a man & a woman.
Call it something else if you must but don't ever expect me to ignore common sense & say it's a natural union, much as a man in a wig & dress will never be a woman
Then call it whatever you want. But that's not enough for you.
“What the hell is going on,” Biden says at his Seattle fundraiser, discussing GOP attacks on Disney and the LGBT community

damn right...GOP will pay

"Raw Story" and unnamed sources again?

LGBTXYZ issues are about 10th or 15th in line for most Americans, I'm pretty sure they'll be fine.
Then call it whatever you want. But that's not enough for you.
So you agree it doesn't have to be called "marriage"? Cool beans because I won't ever call it that. Now you can go do you & I can be myself. Free will is a good thing even though it may bring consequences
"Raw Story" and unnamed sources again?

Particularly amusing, this time, is a blatant left wrong-wing lies-and-propaganda source presuming to speak for Republicans. It's rather like all the threads started by the one-legged British faggot Tainted Tommy, who has no useful knowledge at all about America, and as a British piece of shit, has no standing whatsoever to speak of anything to do with America, and yet, in his extreme hubris and ignorance, feels fully entitled to speak for Americans and to tell us how we should run our country.
I don't think the GOP is quite aware of what is going to hit them in about 5 years, when all the young people paying attention start voting.

Of course, conservatives don’t care about what the majority of Americans think, consistent with the right’s contempt for democracy.

Conservatives care only about controlling a majority of the states - these Republican laws that seek to discriminate against gay and transgender Americans are intended to pander to the ignorance, fear, hate, and bigotry of the Republican base, keeping red states red.

And with control of a majority of the states Republicans can control the presidency, retain control of the Senate, and consequently determine the makeup of the courts - contrary to the will of the majority of the American people.
“What the hell is going on,” Biden says at his Seattle fundraiser, discussing GOP attacks on Disney and the LGBT community

damn right...GOP will pay

You're a little parrot. Not a critical thought in your head. This is not a major issue in the public at large and will not have an ounce of effect on any election. Now put your pink pussy hat on and go play.

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