GOP Futile Attempts to Repeal Obamacare - costing taxpayers $millions


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2013
The GOP has attempted to repeal the landmark health care law at least 33 times-- all to no avail.

That hasn't stopped conservative lawmakers from trying, though.

Michele Bachmann earlier this year introduced a bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, as well as assumed 2016 GOP frontrunner Marco Rubio, have vowed to see its repeal as well.

Efforts to get rid of the law cost Congress approximately 80 hours of work, according to Salon.

Paul Ryan: GOP Budget Assumes Obamacare Repeal

:eusa_whistle: Dixie ....
What do you care? Obama & Co. have cost the taxpayers Trillions. This isn't even a rounding error.
They like their jobs...most of them were elected because they said they'd keep fighting to repeal it.
Except for occasional lip service to keep the remaining diehards happy, the party's over.

Over the past several years, as the debate over President Obama's national health care law was raging, the largest annual gathering of conservatives held regular panel discussions on the topic. Not this year. Laura Rigas, a spokeswoman for the American Conservative Union (which runs CPAC), confirmed to me that although "health care and the associated budget-busting costs at the federal and state level will be addressed in a number of panels," there would be no panel dedicated exclusively to the health care issue.

"Obamacare was obviously huge over the past couple of years, but Obamacare is done," Rigas explained.
The GOP has attempted to repeal the landmark health care law at least 33 times-- all to no avail.

That hasn't stopped conservative lawmakers from trying, though.

Michele Bachmann earlier this year introduced a bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, as well as assumed 2016 GOP frontrunner Marco Rubio, have vowed to see its repeal as well.

Efforts to get rid of the law cost Congress approximately 80 hours of work, according to Salon.

Paul Ryan: GOP Budget Assumes Obamacare Repeal

:eusa_whistle: Dixie ....

Meh, I'd give ALL my taxes to that effort if I thought it would work. The government wastes my money anyway, might as well go somewhere I like it to go.
The GOP has attempted to repeal the landmark health care law at least 33 times-- all to no avail.

That hasn't stopped conservative lawmakers from trying, though.

Michele Bachmann earlier this year introduced a bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, as well as assumed 2016 GOP frontrunner Marco Rubio, have vowed to see its repeal as well.

Efforts to get rid of the law cost Congress approximately 80 hours of work, according to Salon.

Paul Ryan: GOP Budget Assumes Obamacare Repeal

:eusa_whistle: Dixie ....

tough, that is a good place to put my money...repealing this grotesque government program that will make our children slaves to the Federal government

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