GOP Have No New Message for 2014 or 2016--Only Repeal Again?


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
"Remember, if your plan raises rates or changes its benefits, then it loses its grandfathered status," is not the problem with the GOP message going into the 2014 or 2016. What emerges from last week is a GOP that can work better with the Democrats in control of eveything else? The Obama so-called, "Lie" has been in statute for everyone to see from the start. ACA is not a scam that allows insurance companies to Raise the Rates, at the same time reducing the benefits, or keeping the benefits the same. The Republicans want to be a some new alternative, going back to that status quo!?!

Grandfathered Plans

So outside of current insurance plans turmoil, there is nothing else building within the Repulican caucuses about anything else that matters to anyone in a voting booth. What the Democrats need to do is only read out the anti-riot act for what it said.

Does anyone know of any other issue momentum on which the GOP can rely in the coming two elections cycles? The GOP lost Virginia, the the GOP was split apart, from New Jersey. The issue going into 2014 is that the Republicans can work better with the Democrats in control of everything else?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(History Not Record that colonists went aboard ships all au natural, astide fast ponies, with heads low helping to increase speed! History records that strangely dressed radicals threw substance and other teasure, into the sea, polluting Boston Harbor in the matter of some great Typhoon! Anyone now sees what some White Eyes are for--or really want to actually, be thought for(?)! Hmmmm!)
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Dems if you like your Senate Majority you can keep it. Period*

* Nah only fucking with you, you're getting shellacked again like 2010 only worse
If something is necrotic - it needs to be cut off. obamacare is dead on arrival and is poisoning the whole body - USA
If something is necrotic - it needs to be cut off. obamacare is dead on arrival and is poisoning the whole body - USA

The left wing press is abandoning Barry like rats leaving the Titanic.
Anyone has to notice the Crusader Frank post: "Christie will give Hillary a run for her money -- for the Demo nomination."

Actually, that was more the OP contention.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Maybe not good time to run anyone male from the Ivy League, in perilous times like these(?)! Sacred Lands meant for many scripts. . .and for many, many, many, more ticket sales!)
Anyone has to notice the Crusader Frank post: "Christie will give Hillary a run for her money -- for the Demo nomination."

Actually, that was more the OP contention.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Maybe not good time to run anyone male from the Ivy League, in perilous times like these(?)! Sacred Lands meant for many scripts. . .and for many, many, many, more ticket sales!)

Any guy who proudly brags about how much his state pays for our sabotaged educational system will not get the vote
Among the opening banners of the Republican National Committee website is a "Fire Sebelius!" kind of message, and a critique of Charlie Crist for not doing some nature of support for education in Florida!

DNC is backing expansion of all kinds of human rights, and easily that will blend into the new line of Defense of ACA--that defense is that unlike what Ted Cruz and Tea Party seem to want--health plan premium raises, with fewer benefts: The Democratic ACA is different!

No one expects, for example, the recently passed human rights expansion--to make it thorugh the House of Representatives, where even Governor Christie is not involved(?)!
The Democrats have a theme momentum, easily aggressive and defense all at once, already being touted for some new momentum!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Hollywood does in fact care about Lone Ranger, and even Tonto--even though apparently, not many do(?)!)
Does anyone know of any other issue momentum on which the GOP can rely in the coming two elections cycles?

There are none.

And it’s not so much a matter of republicans finding some new issue for momentum, it’s a matter of republicans returning to their traditional positions on the issues.

If republicans want to attract new voters and start winning elections again, citizens need to hear the following from republican candidates:

“I support a woman’s right to choice with regard to abortion, I’m personally opposed to abortion, but the Constitutional right to privacy affords a women that choice. And as a republican I believe individuals are best suited to make personal decisions, not the government.”

“I support same-sex couples’ right to access marriage law. As a republican I oppose the government interfering with citizens’ person decisions and life choices.”

“As a republican I support former president Bush’s immigration reform plan, both as a way to secure our borders and as a way to address the issue of undocumented immigrants; where those undocumented are not given amnesty but an opportunity to pay the debt they owe to their new country as a prerequisite for citizenship.”

The sad irony is, of course, that the above and more comport with traditional republican and conservative dogma, prior to the advent of the aberration of social conservatives, Christian fundamentalists, and the extreme radical right.

Indeed, republicans wouldn’t be ‘abandoning’ their policy positions, rather they’d be returning to them, as well as returning to participating in sound, responsible governance.
To the OP:

The narrative has already been established by the colossal failure of Obamacare. There's 4.2 million people now without insurance, a website with the functionality of a calculator, 41% higher premiums and a President who lied through his teeth about the entire thing. What's more, Republicans warned everyone about the consequences of going forward with this law, only to be ignored by the media and the Democrats. Now there will be a bunch of pissed off voters come 2014. Why do all the hard work when your opponent is doing it all for you?

You want a message? There's the message. Not even Republicans will be dumb enough to seize on this come 2014.
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The Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, Boehner, Cantor, Issa, Paul, Paul, brand was put on the defensive in 2010. The apparent success of temporary pre-existing plan enrollment was already apparent in June, 2013. The link below establishes what posters like TemplarKormac all clearly oppose--of the new now vulnerable GOP brand! Normal enrollment was able to procede and did. Happening that again, is likely to occur.

State by State Enrollment in the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

People with health plan rights are TemplarKormac posted as the "Collosal Failure of Obamacare," even in this thread. ACA is about patient rights to coverage. That has happened.

1. Clearly to a Ted Cruz, patient rights are a failure. They are In ACA
2. Clearly to Sarah Palin, patient rights are a failure. They are in ACA
3. Clearly to Rick Perry, patient rights are a failure. The Perry touted rights are only of the "Free Enterprise" old concept to raise premiums and provide fewer benefits: Every year forever.
4. Then there are Boehner, Cator, Issa, Paul, Paul, et. al., and Templar Kormac poster.

See in the link that even these rights go into effect for everyone next year, not last month. More Likely going forward, then the U. S. Justice Department can become involved.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Maybe rights will also be accorded to Ethel Merman to do another concept of Sacred Lands! "This Land. . .Is Mine(?). . . .(Some nature of Deity) Gave This Land to Me!" Then millions. . .and more. . . .can run(?)!)
By the time the campaign season of 2014 rolls around, there will be millions, yes millions of Americans with better healthcare coverage,

as a direct result of Obamacare.

If the GOP runs to repeal Obamacare, they will be running to take that healthcare away from those people, whether they are

benefiting from expanded Medicaid, benefiting from affordable policies thanks to the exchanges and the subsidies, benefiting from being able to stay on their parents' insurance, benefiting from not being denied insurance because of pre-existing conditions, benefiting from not losing their coverage because the insurance company kicked them off when they got sick, benefiting from the medical loss ratio requirements that keep the overhead cost of healthcare down.

That's a lot of people to say F you to.
So, after losing the past two presidential elections, you guys want the GOPs message to "Vote for us, we'll be exactly the same as before.

The GOP needs to start focusing more on themselves and less on the ACA. Their candidates suck, their performance sucks, and their message sucks.
Dems if you like your Senate Majority you can keep it. Period*

* Nah only fucking with you, you're getting shellacked again like 2010 only worse

You would think that could happen with all the crap that's gone wrong with the ACA, but I still don't see it happening. I still think Dems hold the Senate and pick up a few seats in the House. In 2016, Dems take everything. While only time will prove or disprove this out, I think what you guys on the right are missing is that the country has taken a step to the left and away from the right. The tea party and other ultra conservatives, along with rabid social conservatives have scared moderates away. Those moderates are moving left. The only thing left for the Republicans is the extreme right, but this is what they have wanted for years. Now we will see how well it works for them.

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