GOP hoping Obama as corrupt as, well, as Republican Governors



Chris Crispie I had no idea what was going on in my office and Bridegate

Rick Perry denying abuse of power in new glasses

Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell my wife had a crush and begging for acquittal

And of course, there are a whole host of governors who are being investigated like Gov. Sam Brownback who is accused of influence-peddling operations in Kansas. And everyone knows about Scott Walker and his ongoing problems among others.

And Republicans FREAKING they can't pin something on Obama.

Since Obama only has two years left, why not spend that time dreaming up some reason you don't believe in to trick a gullible America into voting GOP during the next presidential election? Is the hate so deep, Republicans will self destruct looking for something, anything they really can pin on Obama? And with only two years left?
It's a given, you twit. He's already joined the likes of Blagojevich. :slap:
He is Rdean he is. Though you will never admit it.

I love how you bring up Republicans who are "being investigated" LOL yeah a lot of them are because it's typical Tactic of the left to bring up BS investigations on their political Enemies. They know a conviction is not even needed. They know idiots like you will condemn them simply for being investigated. Way to be a good little lemming.
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He is Rdean he is. Though you will never admit it.

I love how you bring up Republicans who are "being investigated" LOL yeah a lot of them are because it's typical Tactic of the left to bring up BS investigations on their political Enemies. They know a conviction is not even needed. They know idiots like you will condemn them simply for being investigated. Way to be a good little lemming.

You need congress to go after someone the way they go after Obama. Democrats just don't have enough power to indict Chrispie, McDonnell and Perry.

I'm curious to know who these power Democrats are.
ironically, rdean is right. I wish he was only as corrupt as a Republican governor. Instead he is much worse.
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The Op would not admit Obama is corrupt even if Obama admitted it during a live television address to the nation.




^ Paid over $1 Billion to Michelle's friends to develop the only website that can't tell you when someone bought your product
The Op would not admit Obama is corrupt even if Obama admitted it during a live television address to the nation.

if Dean overheard the President and the Democratic leaders talking about subverting the Country he would not say a dam thing.....instead he would be working on a way to blame Republicans....thats what an obsession does to someone...
OP not worthy of response.

Why people respond to ObamacocksuckerDean's threads is a mystery to me.

I keep saying he needs his own forum (the dumbass zone) so we don't have to page through his bullshit.

Dean better get ready. The GOP has 30 or 31 state houses and will go up 2 more in November. That will be almost a 2:1 ratio. Additionally, despite FakeJakeMalarkey's wet dream, the Tea Party is kicking ass at the local level.
Chris Crispie I had no idea what was going on in my office and Bridegate

Rick Perry denying abuse of power in new glasses

Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell my wife had a crush and begging for acquittal

And of course, there are a whole host of governors who are being investigated like Gov. Sam Brownback who is accused of influence-peddling operations in Kansas. And everyone knows about Scott Walker and his ongoing problems among others.

And Republicans FREAKING they can't pin something on Obama.

Since Obama only has two years left, why not spend that time dreaming up some reason you don't believe in to trick a gullible America into voting GOP during the next presidential election? Is the hate so deep, Republicans will self destruct looking for something, anything they really can pin on Obama? And with only two years left?

and yet nothing pinned on christie, perry etc....


you're silly rdean, you don't realize how funny you are, you just pwned your own thread
If you really don't think Obama hasn't done worse things than Perry then you are what's wrong with this world.
OP not worthy of response.

Why people respond to ObamacocksuckerDean's threads is a mystery to me.

I keep saying he needs his own forum (the dumbass zone) so we don't have to page through his bullshit.

Dean better get ready. The GOP has 30 or 31 state houses and will go up 2 more in November. That will be almost a 2:1 ratio. Additionally, despite FakeJakeMalarkey's wet dream, the Tea Party is kicking ass at the local level.

To do what? Build something? Make life better for the average American?

Republicans can't name a single thing they are proud of from the last 15 or more years. The ONLY reason they vote against Democrats is because Obama is black. That's it.

Trying to get health care for all Americans isn't a bad thing. Trying to get education for all Americans isn't a bad thing. Rebuilding our infrastructure isn't a bad thing. Republicans have turned what made this country great into bad things.

Obama has only two more years. Then what?
If you really don't think Obama hasn't done worse things than Perry then you are what's wrong with this world.

What things has Obama done?

And suing someone is pretty pathetic.
Chris Crispie I had no idea what was going on in my office and Bridegate

Rick Perry denying abuse of power in new glasses

Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell my wife had a crush and begging for acquittal

And of course, there are a whole host of governors who are being investigated like Gov. Sam Brownback who is accused of influence-peddling operations in Kansas. And everyone knows about Scott Walker and his ongoing problems among others.

And Republicans FREAKING they can't pin something on Obama.

Since Obama only has two years left, why not spend that time dreaming up some reason you don't believe in to trick a gullible America into voting GOP during the next presidential election? Is the hate so deep, Republicans will self destruct looking for something, anything they really can pin on Obama? And with only two years left?

and yet nothing pinned on christie, perry etc....


you're silly rdean, you don't realize how funny you are, you just pwned your own thread

At the very least, bridge-gate proves Chrispie had no idea what was going on in his own office and he threw everyone he knew under the bus. That's a low of baggage.
Chris Crispie I had no idea what was going on in my office and Bridegate

Rick Perry denying abuse of power in new glasses

Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell my wife had a crush and begging for acquittal

And of course, there are a whole host of governors who are being investigated like Gov. Sam Brownback who is accused of influence-peddling operations in Kansas. And everyone knows about Scott Walker and his ongoing problems among others.

And Republicans FREAKING they can't pin something on Obama.

Since Obama only has two years left, why not spend that time dreaming up some reason you don't believe in to trick a gullible America into voting GOP during the next presidential election? Is the hate so deep, Republicans will self destruct looking for something, anything they really can pin on Obama? And with only two years left?

and yet nothing pinned on christie, perry etc....


you're silly rdean, you don't realize how funny you are, you just pwned your own thread

At the very least, bridge-gate proves Chrispie had no idea what was going on in his own office and he threw everyone he knew under the bus. That's a low of baggage.

In other don't have a fucking thing.
If you really don't think Obama hasn't done worse things than Perry then you are what's wrong with this world.

What things has Obama done?

And suing someone is pretty pathetic.

As if you don't know, you are in most of the threads excusing his corrupt behavior. Because it's alright when he does it.

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