GOP House Member says "Bring Back Earmarks"


Information isnt Advocacy
Aug 5, 2010
Not that we should be surprised at all. The GOP has been doing a lot of reneging lately. They agreed to a "debt deal", but are now trying to go back on provision they agreed cutting defense spending.

Now a GOP House Member wants to bring back the old "greasing of the skids" earmarks that they were SOOOOOO against after the midterms.

House Republicans discuss reviving earmarks

(Reuters) - The huge federal transportation bill was in tatters in early March when Representative Mike Rogers of Alabama posed a heretical idea for breaking through gridlock in the House.

In a closed-door meeting with fellow Republicans, Rogers recommended reviving a proven legislative sweetener that became politically toxic a year ago.

Bring back earmarks, Rogers, who was first elected to Congress in 2002, told his colleagues.[...]


Political analysts have long referred to earmarks, or "member-directed funding" as it is sometimes known, as the grease enabling legislation to move through Congress.

Republican Representative Steven LaTourette, an 18-year House veteran, said the earmark ban "has affected discipline" within the party. "You can't get 218 votes (out of 242 Republican House members) and part of that has to be if you can't give people anything (earmarks), you can't take anything away from them."

If a member of Congress agrees with 90 percent of a pending bill but is "uncomfortable" with the other 10 percent, "Sometimes taking care of your district (with earmarks) made up for that 10 percent," he said.​
yes. because 1 guy wants to do this, it MUST mean the entire GOP is on board :rolleyes:

Oh shit..they all do.

Bachmann, who railed against earmarks for her own private businesses.

Ron Paul..another bullshit artist..puts earmarks into bills he votes against. But knows will pass.

It's the "All for me..none for thee" mentality. Why the heck do you think so many Senators and Representatives are loath to close down spending on weapons systems..that don't work? It's the biggest barrel of pork..ever. And you can wave a flag while doing it..
Not that we should be surprised at all. The GOP has been doing a lot of reneging lately. They agreed to a "debt deal", but are now trying to go back on provision they agreed cutting defense spending.

Now a GOP House Member wants to bring back the old "greasing of the skids" earmarks that they were SOOOOOO against after the midterms.

House Republicans discuss reviving earmarks

(Reuters) - The huge federal transportation bill was in tatters in early March when Representative Mike Rogers of Alabama posed a heretical idea for breaking through gridlock in the House.

In a closed-door meeting with fellow Republicans, Rogers recommended reviving a proven legislative sweetener that became politically toxic a year ago.

Bring back earmarks, Rogers, who was first elected to Congress in 2002, told his colleagues.[...]


Political analysts have long referred to earmarks, or "member-directed funding" as it is sometimes known, as the grease enabling legislation to move through Congress.

Republican Representative Steven LaTourette, an 18-year House veteran, said the earmark ban "has affected discipline" within the party. "You can't get 218 votes (out of 242 Republican House members) and part of that has to be if you can't give people anything (earmarks), you can't take anything away from them."

If a member of Congress agrees with 90 percent of a pending bill but is "uncomfortable" with the other 10 percent, "Sometimes taking care of your district (with earmarks) made up for that 10 percent," he said.​

You are confused once again.

Only some members were willing to cut defense.
So keep your partisan opinions filed properly. In the trash.

Lets add any cut is extreme and add the quote from Norm Dicks democrat.

"Pork is the reason congress exists."

Seems you are two faced complaining, typical for lefties.
Perhaps they are starting to realize that "I did nothing for you this last term" is not a winning strategy?
yes. because 1 guy wants to do this, it MUST mean the entire GOP is on board :rolleyes:

Try reading the's more than just "one guy".

Try posting the important stuff in your article quotes in the OP next time. If you want to imply the GOP as a whole did something, don't quote just the part of the article that says it was 1 guy.

Rogers' remarks in the closed caucus meeting in early March were echoed by two other Republican lawmakers, Representatives Louie Gohmert and Kay Granger, according to some at the meeting.

So...3= the entire GOP. Got it.
yes. because 1 guy wants to do this, it MUST mean the entire GOP is on board :rolleyes:

Try reading the's more than just "one guy".

Try posting the important stuff in your article quotes in the OP next time. If you want to imply the GOP as a whole did something, don't quote just the part of the article that says it was 1 guy.

Rogers' remarks in the closed caucus meeting in early March were echoed by two other Republican lawmakers, Representatives Louie Gohmert and Kay Granger, according to some at the meeting.

So...3= the entire GOP. Got it.

I'm sorry I didn't feed it up to you on a silver platter. I'm sure it was very hard for you to just click on the link and read it.

So, do ya think it was just Gohmert and Granger clapping when he brought it up?

"There was a lot of applause when I made my comments. I had a few freshmen boo me, but that's okay. By and large it was very well embraced,"

The article also mentioned that the Boehner was contemplating it, did it not?

Other sources also said that during the closed meeting, the speaker said he would consider reforms, and other leading Republicans did not shoot down the idea.

Boehner has acknowledged that the ban makes his job more difficult. In past years, one reason the sprawling transportation bill could move through Congress with bipartisan support was because thousands of lawmakers' pet projects were tacked onto the bill, he has said.

Looks like a lot more than just one or two folks doesn't it?
Mitch and Rand want some earmarked money to build a bridge to nowhere.
Well to Indiana :D
Earmarks have never gone away so they can't really be "brought back" now can they?

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