GOP House members are getting worried


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Government shutdown: GOP moderates huddle as conservatives set agenda -

Washington (CNN) -- A small but growing group of House Republicans is increasingly worried about the fallout from the government shutdown and say it's time for Speaker John Boehner to allow a simple vote on a spending bill.

Defunding Obamacare can wait for now, they say.

"I'm trying to be optimistic but at the same time I have a really, really tough time when people are out of work and they can't pay their bills," Rep. Michael Grimm of New York told reporters Wednesday. "Though it might be a political loss for us ... this is an untenable situation."

The loons are going to lose...just a matter of time.

Y'know, I can't help it, I just keep thinking about 2012.

Cruz & Lee & Rush & Hannity and the righties are just so damn sure that their direction is going to be a boon for the party.

And many in the party, many of the same people, were just so damn sure that all the polls were wrong and that Romney was going to win in a walk in 2012.

I dunno. I'll have to see it to believe it this time.


Y'know, I can't help it, I just keep thinking about 2012.

Cruz & Lee & Rush & Hannity and the righties are just so damn sure that their direction is going to be a boon for the party.

And many in the party, many of the same people, were just so damn sure that all the polls were wrong and that Romney was going to win in a walk in 2012.

I dunno. I'll have to see it to believe it this time.


The far right are idiots and don't learn from their mistakes. They are going to get their asses handed to them again in 2014 and they are going to blame "da rino and da libs" for their spanking, and claim they need to go even further right to win again :cuckoo:

Y'know, I can't help it, I just keep thinking about 2012.

Cruz & Lee & Rush & Hannity and the righties are just so damn sure that their direction is going to be a boon for the party.

And many in the party, many of the same people, were just so damn sure that all the polls were wrong and that Romney was going to win in a walk in 2012.

I dunno. I'll have to see it to believe it this time.


so you are saying we just need to play along the dimcraps - and that is going to be a success story?

Y'know, I can't help it, I just keep thinking about 2012.

Cruz & Lee & Rush & Hannity and the righties are just so damn sure that their direction is going to be a boon for the party.

And many in the party, many of the same people, were just so damn sure that all the polls were wrong and that Romney was going to win in a walk in 2012.

I dunno. I'll have to see it to believe it this time.


so you are saying we just need to play along the dimcraps - and that is going to be a success story?

Oh hell, I have no idea. It's just fascinating to watch.


Y'know, I can't help it, I just keep thinking about 2012.

Cruz & Lee & Rush & Hannity and the righties are just so damn sure that their direction is going to be a boon for the party.

And many in the party, many of the same people, were just so damn sure that all the polls were wrong and that Romney was going to win in a walk in 2012.

I dunno. I'll have to see it to believe it this time.


so you are saying we just need to play along the dimcraps - and that is going to be a success story?

Oh hell, I have no idea. It's just fascinating to watch.


It is. But you know that in a game like this the more cool-headed and the more patient wins.
Especially if you know, that the ultimate truth is on your side. And IT IS.

Y'know, I can't help it, I just keep thinking about 2012.

Cruz & Lee & Rush & Hannity and the righties are just so damn sure that their direction is going to be a boon for the party.

And many in the party, many of the same people, were just so damn sure that all the polls were wrong and that Romney was going to win in a walk in 2012.

I dunno. I'll have to see it to believe it this time.


so you are saying we just need to play along the dimcraps - and that is going to be a success story?

No there is not going to be a success story for the tea party lovers. You tea party lovers have been sold a bill of goods. You Tea party lovers have nowhere to go but down. You all had your hay day.

It is not the fault of the majority of the American people the you rethugs rigged the districts in certain states so you could elect these Tea party assholes.

The Tea party is not a majority of America. The Tea party is not growing by leaps and bounds.

The Tea party has not one legislative accomplishment to point to with pride.

The Tea party is a one trick pony; repeal Obamacare.

And now that they have repeatedly shown that they can't accomplish even that,
it is time for the Tea party to go along to get along.

Cause their government paycheck is gonna come to an end next year.

You have been lied to there VOX. That was on the Tea party for lying to you. It is on you for believing them. Idiot.

There is no need to sell your leftist agenda to me, zeke.

I know it from the very inside :D
The lies of the left are always the same - no matter the lattitude and longitude. Or the year, for that matter.
Left is the scum of the earth.
so you are saying we just need to play along the dimcraps - and that is going to be a success story?

Oh hell, I have no idea. It's just fascinating to watch.


It is. But you know that in a game like this the more cool-headed and the more patient wins.
Especially if you know, that the ultimate truth is on your side. And IT IS.

I can say this - I'd very much like to see the GOP run candidates in 2014 and 2016 who are liked and promoted by the Tea Party. Let's see if it works, if their actions over the last few years have been effective. Do the purist thing.

Let's find out one way or the other. Then, perhaps, the infighting within the party will calm down a bit and it will have one clear direction.


There is no need to sell your leftist agenda to me, zeke.

I know it from the very inside :D
The lies of the left are always the same - no matter the lattitude and longitude. Or the year, for that matter.
Left is the scum of the earth.

You are just another brainwashed sheep to the right wing machine, just the way they want you. If you actually thought for yourself, you wouldn't be a teabagger.
GOP House members are getting worried

Given that they cannot LEAD their own party, one can hardly blame them.

This is what happens when the GOP advanced the GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM lie for decades.

Eventually so many people believe that tripe that they start acting on it.

Now the Tea Party dupes are off the reservation and their GOP masters cannot get back in line.


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