GOP in a snit over Crist


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
Florida GOP officials took down an oil portrait of Gov. Charlie Crist just hours after the governor they helped elect dumped the Republican Party to announce he would run for the U.S. Senate as an independent, senior staff members told Fox News.
State party officials, who have removed any likeness of Crist, are auctioning the portrait they purchased for its headquarters in Tallahassee on eBay. Party officials say they paid $7,500 for the Crist portrait and another painting. - Florida GOP Auctions Crist Portrait on eBay After Political Breakup

I hear Rahm Emanuel is the top bidder for Crist so far. Fuck the portrait, the Dems are bidding for the guy just like they used to
I hear Rahm Emanuel is the top bidder for Crist so far. Fuck the portrait, the Dems are bidding for the guy just like they used to

One of these days the far right is going to figure out that eating their own is not healthy.

Crist is like Jake Starkey, he's not one of "my own" and I think that the first call he made was to Rahm Emanuel highlights that very clearly

We tried Juan McCain Dubya and Squishy NeoCom Statists, how'd that work out for us?
I hear Rahm Emanuel is the top bidder for Crist so far. Fuck the portrait, the Dems are bidding for the guy just like they used to

One of these days the far right is going to figure out that eating their own is not healthy.

think Joe Lieberman

The far left is just as guilty. Anytime that anyone reaches across the aisle in order to actually get something done, they are immediately vilified for it. Crist accepted federal money to help his state out. The only problem that the Tea Party candidate had with it is that it came from Obama. The hate that these people have for the President will destroy the GOP.
I'm not sure why anyone is surprised by this. Crist is running against his own party. He ran and lost fair and square in the primary, now he is actively trying to defeat the candidate whom Republicans choose.

Why would we expect Republicans not to be pissed at Crist?
I'm not sure why anyone is surprised by this. Crist is running against his own party. He ran and lost fair and square in the primary, now he is actively trying to defeat the candidate whom Republicans choose.

Why would we expect Republicans not to be pissed at Crist?

It was a pretty dirty campaign against him. Not that much different than Lieberman. Lots of stuff got blown out of proportions. I find it funny that nobody is asking how many Florida jobs were saved by Crist accepting the stimulus money.
I hear Rahm Emanuel is the top bidder for Crist so far. Fuck the portrait, the Dems are bidding for the guy just like they used to

One of these days the far right is going to figure out that eating their own is not healthy.

Crist is like Jake Starkey, he's not one of "my own" and I think that the first call he made was to Rahm Emanuel highlights that very clearly

We tried Juan McCain Dubya and Squishy NeoCom Statists, how'd that work out for us?

I think Republicans by-and -large are breathing a sigh of relief another RINO is GONE.
I'm not sure why anyone is surprised by this. Crist is running against his own party. He ran and lost fair and square in the primary, now he is actively trying to defeat the candidate whom Republicans choose.

Why would we expect Republicans not to be pissed at Crist?

You don't know what you are talking about. The Florida Primary isn't until Aug. 24.
I'm not sure why anyone is surprised by this. Crist is running against his own party. He ran and lost fair and square in the primary, now he is actively trying to defeat the candidate whom Republicans choose.

Why would we expect Republicans not to be pissed at Crist?
Hell, the Primary isn't until August.
Charlie saw the polls when Marco filed his paperwork and shit his pants and bolted.
Charlie's been drooling over that seat forever. He hopes it'll catapult him into a Presidential campaign. That's why he's been keeping his head buried up Bam-Bam's ass!!
The hate that these people have for the President will destroy the GOP.

Think President Clinton.

Not even close. Clinton broke the public trust by using interns as escorts. Then he lied about it. Clinton was good President, by the actions against him were justified, no matter what Clinton apologists think. This is different. The far right absolutely hates the President and it isn't healthy.
I'm not sure why anyone is surprised by this. Crist is running against his own party. He ran and lost fair and square in the primary, now he is actively trying to defeat the candidate whom Republicans choose.

Why would we expect Republicans not to be pissed at Crist?

You don't know what you are talking about. The Florida Primary isn't until Aug. 24.

FFS :rolleyes:

"He was running and was being beaten like a rented mule."

Happy now?

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