GOP introduces bill to cut Social Security

Trump will never touch SS, Medicare, or Medicaid you can take that to the bank

Not till his 3rd year, they will get rid of expanded Medicaid I am quite sure, that alone will hurt lots of people.

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.
Social Security is a socialist entitlement program that the country can no longer afford... fact

I kind of agree, but here is the deal---------->want to kill it! Then give everyone alive who paid in, their money, and the money their employer paid in for them, then talk kill it. Until then, nobody in the right mind, is going to give up a FORCED investment that they HAD to pay into, because the politicians spent it on something else.
I will never see a penny that I put into it back, which is fine with me but there is no doubt it is bankrupt…
Except that that is AARP's #1 myth, and total bs, dupe. Since I'm aready getting mine and they all say that won't change, the hell with all you young brainwashed clueless

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.
Social Security is a socialist entitlement program that the country can no longer afford... fact

I kind of agree, but here is the deal---------->want to kill it! Then give everyone alive who paid in, their money, and the money their employer paid in for them, then talk kill it. Until then, nobody in the right mind, is going to give up a FORCED investment that they HAD to pay into, because the politicians spent it on something else.
I will never see a penny that I put into it back, which is fine with me but there is no doubt it is bankrupt…

Are you a liar, or echoing someone else who is a liar? You seem to never check the facts, and when someone does, you dispute the source.

For the not willfully ignorant, and the not stupid, here is a link to facts about social security. Of course Rustic is to dishonest or too stupid to read & understand this link, and lacks the ego strength to apologize for the bullshit he posted.

5 facts about Social Security

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.
Social Security is a socialist entitlement program that the country can no longer afford... fact

I kind of agree, but here is the deal---------->want to kill it! Then give everyone alive who paid in, their money, and the money their employer paid in for them, then talk kill it. Until then, nobody in the right mind, is going to give up a FORCED investment that they HAD to pay into, because the politicians spent it on something else.
I will never see a penny that I put into it back, which is fine with me but there is no doubt it is bankrupt…

Well, not everybody thinks like you! This was a social contract between government, and the citizens. The government FORCED people and business to pay into it in workers names, and for allowing that to happen, they promised a benefit. If they do not want to solve the problem, then they need not run for office.

I do not know how old you are, but I am old enough to remember being WARNED over, and over, and over again, that if the government did not stop spending the SS fund to help balance the budget, the country would be screwed. It has come to pass! And guess what happened to virtually EVERY politician who tried to fix it! That is correct, they either lost, or if in office, got thrown out. Politicians spun it all away, just like they spin the debt today.

Social security will NOT go broke, take that to the bank. But, what we all better hope gets fixed is medicare. People say what is the difference! Let me tell you------------>if they can print money in QE, they can print money to prop up SS long enough if they change the rules. They can't do that with medicare! The only way they can do it without a REAL fix, is FORCE doctors and nurses to work for LESS, while forcing them to take patients they may not want. That is the essence of socialism, period! Medicare is healthcare. Healthcare is 1/6th of the economy. With the baby-boomers retiring in droves, their use of medical services will be a large part of that 1/6th of the economy. Remember, SS is not a large part of the economy, so it can be propped up. Medicare can NOT without a financial solution.

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.
Obama is gone in 42 days...

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.
Obama is gone in 42 days...

Too bad, had he been eligible he would have won a third term.

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.
Obama is gone in 42 days...

Too bad, had he been eligible he would have won a third term.
We stopped dictators centuries ago.....

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.
Obama is gone in 42 days...

Too bad, had he been eligible he would have won a third term.
We stopped dictators centuries ago.....

You're a troll, and not a very bright one (and in that I'm being kind).

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.
Obama is gone in 42 days...

Too bad, had he been eligible he would have won a third term.
We stopped dictators centuries ago.....

You're a troll, and not a very bright one (and in that I'm being kind).
No doubt....your room temp IQ limits you in winter....

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.
Social Security is a socialist entitlement program that the country can no longer afford... fact

I kind of agree, but here is the deal---------->want to kill it! Then give everyone alive who paid in, their money, and the money their employer paid in for them, then talk kill it. Until then, nobody in the right mind, is going to give up a FORCED investment that they HAD to pay into, because the politicians spent it on something else.
I will never see a penny that I put into it back, which is fine with me but there is no doubt it is bankrupt…

Well, not everybody thinks like you! This was a social contract between government, and the citizens. The government FORCED people and business to pay into it in workers names, and for allowing that to happen, they promised a benefit. If they do not want to solve the problem, then they need not run for office.

I do not know how old you are, but I am old enough to remember being WARNED over, and over, and over again, that if the government did not stop spending the SS fund to help balance the budget, the country would be screwed. It has come to pass! And guess what happened to virtually EVERY politician who tried to fix it! That is correct, they either lost, or if in office, got thrown out. Politicians spun it all away, just like they spin the debt today.

Social security will NOT go broke, take that to the bank. But, what we all better hope gets fixed is medicare. People say what is the difference! Let me tell you------------>if they can print money in QE, they can print money to prop up SS long enough if they change the rules. They can't do that with medicare! The only way they can do it without a REAL fix, is FORCE doctors and nurses to work for LESS, while forcing them to take patients they may not want. That is the essence of socialism, period! Medicare is healthcare. Healthcare is 1/6th of the economy. With the baby-boomers retiring in droves, their use of medical services will be a large part of that 1/6th of the economy. Remember, SS is not a large part of the economy, so it can be propped up. Medicare can NOT without a financial solution.
I am 47 years old, and I will never see a penny back… fact
I just don't want to pay until a failed concept anymore.

There is already more people taking out than paying in, it should be a choice from here on out if you want Social Security and pay into it, fine... but don't make people that want nothing to do with it pay into it

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.
Social Security is a socialist entitlement program that the country can no longer afford... fact

I kind of agree, but here is the deal---------->want to kill it! Then give everyone alive who paid in, their money, and the money their employer paid in for them, then talk kill it. Until then, nobody in the right mind, is going to give up a FORCED investment that they HAD to pay into, because the politicians spent it on something else.
I will never see a penny that I put into it back, which is fine with me but there is no doubt it is bankrupt…

Well, not everybody thinks like you! This was a social contract between government, and the citizens. The government FORCED people and business to pay into it in workers names, and for allowing that to happen, they promised a benefit. If they do not want to solve the problem, then they need not run for office.

I do not know how old you are, but I am old enough to remember being WARNED over, and over, and over again, that if the government did not stop spending the SS fund to help balance the budget, the country would be screwed. It has come to pass! And guess what happened to virtually EVERY politician who tried to fix it! That is correct, they either lost, or if in office, got thrown out. Politicians spun it all away, just like they spin the debt today.

Social security will NOT go broke, take that to the bank. But, what we all better hope gets fixed is medicare. People say what is the difference! Let me tell you------------>if they can print money in QE, they can print money to prop up SS long enough if they change the rules. They can't do that with medicare! The only way they can do it without a REAL fix, is FORCE doctors and nurses to work for LESS, while forcing them to take patients they may not want. That is the essence of socialism, period! Medicare is healthcare. Healthcare is 1/6th of the economy. With the baby-boomers retiring in droves, their use of medical services will be a large part of that 1/6th of the economy. Remember, SS is not a large part of the economy, so it can be propped up. Medicare can NOT without a financial solution.
I am 47 years old, and I will never see a penny back… fact
I just don't want to pay until a failed concept anymore.

There is already more people taking out than paying in, it should be a choice from here on out if you want Social Security and pay into it, fine... but don't make people that want nothing to do with it pay into it

You didn't read this link:

5 facts about Social Security

I didn't expect you to read it, so please continue to post ignorant statements. It is sadly quit funny.
Social Security is a socialist entitlement program that the country can no longer afford... fact

I kind of agree, but here is the deal---------->want to kill it! Then give everyone alive who paid in, their money, and the money their employer paid in for them, then talk kill it. Until then, nobody in the right mind, is going to give up a FORCED investment that they HAD to pay into, because the politicians spent it on something else.
I will never see a penny that I put into it back, which is fine with me but there is no doubt it is bankrupt…

Well, not everybody thinks like you! This was a social contract between government, and the citizens. The government FORCED people and business to pay into it in workers names, and for allowing that to happen, they promised a benefit. If they do not want to solve the problem, then they need not run for office.

I do not know how old you are, but I am old enough to remember being WARNED over, and over, and over again, that if the government did not stop spending the SS fund to help balance the budget, the country would be screwed. It has come to pass! And guess what happened to virtually EVERY politician who tried to fix it! That is correct, they either lost, or if in office, got thrown out. Politicians spun it all away, just like they spin the debt today.

Social security will NOT go broke, take that to the bank. But, what we all better hope gets fixed is medicare. People say what is the difference! Let me tell you------------>if they can print money in QE, they can print money to prop up SS long enough if they change the rules. They can't do that with medicare! The only way they can do it without a REAL fix, is FORCE doctors and nurses to work for LESS, while forcing them to take patients they may not want. That is the essence of socialism, period! Medicare is healthcare. Healthcare is 1/6th of the economy. With the baby-boomers retiring in droves, their use of medical services will be a large part of that 1/6th of the economy. Remember, SS is not a large part of the economy, so it can be propped up. Medicare can NOT without a financial solution.
I am 47 years old, and I will never see a penny back… fact
I just don't want to pay until a failed concept anymore.

There is already more people taking out than paying in, it should be a choice from here on out if you want Social Security and pay into it, fine... but don't make people that want nothing to do with it pay into it

You didn't read this link:

5 facts about Social Security

I didn't expect you to read it, so please continue to post ignorant statements. It is sadly quit funny.
I read your link, the problem is it should not be a mandatory program. If it was any good people would want to pay into it and participate.
It would be much better if it was just a choice to pay/participate it.

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.
You got suckered by fake news.

And you turds tried to claim that only right wingers fall for it.
The story is based on an op-ed editorial by Yahoo News (which is on record for posting anti-Trump trivia) and it is a perfect example of the left wing dominated "fake news" sources.
I kind of agree, but here is the deal---------->want to kill it! Then give everyone alive who paid in, their money, and the money their employer paid in for them, then talk kill it. Until then, nobody in the right mind, is going to give up a FORCED investment that they HAD to pay into, because the politicians spent it on something else.
I will never see a penny that I put into it back, which is fine with me but there is no doubt it is bankrupt…

Well, not everybody thinks like you! This was a social contract between government, and the citizens. The government FORCED people and business to pay into it in workers names, and for allowing that to happen, they promised a benefit. If they do not want to solve the problem, then they need not run for office.

I do not know how old you are, but I am old enough to remember being WARNED over, and over, and over again, that if the government did not stop spending the SS fund to help balance the budget, the country would be screwed. It has come to pass! And guess what happened to virtually EVERY politician who tried to fix it! That is correct, they either lost, or if in office, got thrown out. Politicians spun it all away, just like they spin the debt today.

Social security will NOT go broke, take that to the bank. But, what we all better hope gets fixed is medicare. People say what is the difference! Let me tell you------------>if they can print money in QE, they can print money to prop up SS long enough if they change the rules. They can't do that with medicare! The only way they can do it without a REAL fix, is FORCE doctors and nurses to work for LESS, while forcing them to take patients they may not want. That is the essence of socialism, period! Medicare is healthcare. Healthcare is 1/6th of the economy. With the baby-boomers retiring in droves, their use of medical services will be a large part of that 1/6th of the economy. Remember, SS is not a large part of the economy, so it can be propped up. Medicare can NOT without a financial solution.
I am 47 years old, and I will never see a penny back… fact
I just don't want to pay until a failed concept anymore.

There is already more people taking out than paying in, it should be a choice from here on out if you want Social Security and pay into it, fine... but don't make people that want nothing to do with it pay into it

You didn't read this link:

5 facts about Social Security

I didn't expect you to read it, so please continue to post ignorant statements. It is sadly quit funny.
I read your link, the problem is it should not be a mandatory program. If it was any good people would want to pay into it and participate.
It would be much better if it was just a choice to pay/participate it.

Once again your ignorance is open for all to see.

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.
Social Security is a socialist entitlement program that the country can no longer afford... fact
Gee when Congress passed SS in the Thirties Republicans pointed out that America would be a communist nation in a short time. My old grandmother would not cash her SS checks because she did not want to be a communist. I sometimes wonder if SS will cause America to go communistic?

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