GOP introduces bill to cut Social Security

from the link: a column loaded with scary and inflammatory rhetoric describing Congress’ budget deal as “devastating,” “radical,” and “truly draconian,” Laurence Kotlikoff does his readers and especially Social Security beneficiaries a huge disservice by presenting changes that impact a tiny percentage of Americans as something much larger. At issue is a little-used benefit strategy called File and Suspend. The Budget deal modifies this practice and fixes the unintended consequences (the Social Security Actuary calls it a loophole) in a 2000 Social Security law that allows retirees to file for Social Security and then suspend receipt of their benefits to maximize their Social Security payout. Under the Budget deal, the tiny percentage of beneficiaries (estimated to be about 100,000 people) who’ve used this strategy will be allowed to continue to do so. Their benefits will not be cut. However, Congress is changing this claiming practice for the future. Spouses, divorced spouses, the disabled and children will still quality for their regular earned Social Security benefits much as they have in the past. As the co-author of a how-to book advising people on ways to use “aggressive claiming strategies,” there’s no surprise Kotlikoff finds this provision frustrating; however, these changes are far from “reneging” on Social Security’s promise as claimed in his piece.

The National Committee does not support the Congressional majority’s continuing use of Social Security as a bargaining chip in budget negotiations. However, it’s vital that Americans receive the full story about Congressional action on Social Security, including who is truly affected and in what ways. The Congressional budget deal does not cut benefits and will not harm millions of people, contrary to what was reported by PBS.
The old system didn't allow the poorest of the poor to get the same exact treatment as the CEO who sits back lazily while the poor working slob created the profit to receive the same exact care. System no good.

Did they pay into SS?? If not then they have no right to anything dumbass.
This lie >>> Democrats DESTROYED the US health care system as it existed to create the ACA <<< in no way destroyed the health care system.

What a moronic statement by easyt65 who has no clue how the system operates.
Jake the fake: Donald Trump has no chance to win the Republican nomination.
Jake the fake: Donald Trump has no chance to win the general election.
Yes the working poor do pay into SS. Setting up a system that caters to the top is warped....utterly and completely.
Yes the working poor do pay into SS. Setting up a system that caters to the top is warped....utterly and completely.

Nope. If you never paid into the system then you shouldn't be entitled to anything from that system.

Catch a clue brain dead.

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.
So are they cutting Social Security or trying to save it. It's not a very self-sustaining program, not in its current form and that's especially true if the government keeps raiding the coffers. I'm of the opinion that it's the biggest Ponzi scheme in history anyway I say let it die and future generations can pay into a personal retirement account. I would prefer a professional to handle my money and not some Government bureaucrat.

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.
So are they cutting Social Security or trying to save it. It's not a very self-sustaining program, not in its current form and that's especially true if the government keeps raiding the coffers. I'm of the opinion that it's the biggest Ponzi scheme in history anyway I say let it die and future generations can pay into a personal retirement account. I would prefer a professional to handle my money and not some Government bureaucrat.

I agree and if you could only draw out exactly what you put into both SS and Medicare than both programs would have been gone long ago.

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.
So are they cutting Social Security or trying to save it. It's not a very self-sustaining program, not in its current form and that's especially true if the government keeps raiding the coffers. I'm of the opinion that it's the biggest Ponzi scheme in history anyway I say let it die and future generations can pay into a personal retirement account. I would prefer a professional to handle my money and not some Government bureaucrat.

I agree and if you could only draw out exactly what you put into both SS and Medicare than both programs would have been gone long ago.
I'm afraid that money is gone to continue paying those who are now drawing and those that will be in the near future. I've still got some years to go before I reach the age of retirement. I don't expect those benefits to be there when I do

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.
So are they cutting Social Security or trying to save it. It's not a very self-sustaining program, not in its current form and that's especially true if the government keeps raiding the coffers. I'm of the opinion that it's the biggest Ponzi scheme in history anyway I say let it die and future generations can pay into a personal retirement account. I would prefer a professional to handle my money and not some Government bureaucrat.

I agree and if you could only draw out exactly what you put into both SS and Medicare than both programs would have been gone long ago.
I'm afraid that money is gone to continue paying those who are now drawing and those that will be in the near future. I've still got some years to go before I reach the age of retirement. I don't expect those benefits to be there when I do

I could draw now but will wait for three years when I'm 67. Then I can draw the full amount and still work. If its still there that is.
This lie >>> Democrats DESTROYED the US health care system as it existed to create the ACA <<< in no way destroyed the health care system.

What a moronic statement by easyt65 who has no clue how the system operates.
Jake the fake: Donald Trump has no chance to win the Republican nomination.
Jake the fake: Donald Trump has no chance to win the general election.

Jake was not alone, no informed person would have believed Trump was capable of being nominated or elected to the office of POTUS. We were wrong, and yet given his first month as President-elect we were correct in our assessment that he is unfit to hold the office, which he won by getting a paltry >1% more votes in three states (Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania).

For those who think this post is funny or not true, feel free to see open this link and open individually each of the three states noted above and the final tally.

2016 presidential election results

For the totally brainwashed feel free to look to other sources for the final tally's.
Last edited:
This lie >>> Democrats DESTROYED the US health care system as it existed to create the ACA <<< in no way destroyed the health care system.

What a moronic statement by easyt65 who has no clue how the system operates.
Jake the fake: Donald Trump has no chance to win the Republican nomination.
Jake the fake: Donald Trump has no chance to win the general election.

Jake was not alone, no informed person would have believed Trump was capable of being nominated or elected to the office of POTUS. We were wrong, and yet given his first month as President-elect we were correct in our assessment that he is unfit to hold the office, which he won by getting a paltry >1% more votes in three states (Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania).

Trump 47.8%
HRC 47.0%

Trump 47.6%
HRC 47.3%

Trump 48.8%
HRC 47.6%

Mea Culpa, Trump got a bit more than !% of the vote.
Trump slid in by the narrowest of margins, and if he does not get it right super quick he will be slid out by the largest of margins through constitutional procedure.

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.

Ah no.

No, the Budget Deal Did NOT Cut Your Social Security Benefits

Its the Disability they are looking to cut. We all know there are plenty out there collecting Disability that aren't any more disabled than I am. They need to look at it case by case and get the freeloaders off Disability.

Claudette, you are creating a new subject with misguided reporting. The article in the OP is about the SS OAS system, not the DI system.

NCPSSM is a factual sink-hole, and your article is just another example. "The good news is, contrary to claims by largely financial writers, Social Security benefits were not cut in this week’s Congressional Budget deal. " Watch the bait and switch. Yes the budget deal did cut SS OAS benefits as claimed by financial writers. It was a pretty sensible cut. Here is where the NCPSSM switches the information. When they say "Social Security benefits were not cut in this week’s Congressional Budget deal. ", they are talking about the DI system which received a cash infusion in part paid for by the cuts to the SS OAS system.

The GOP unveils a 'permanent save' for Social Security — with massive benefit cuts

The trustees of Social Security, including three cabinet secretaries, said the disability trust fund would be depleted in the last quarter of 2016. After that, they said, benefits would automatically be cut by 19 percent because revenues, largely from payroll taxes, would be sufficient to cover only 81 percent of scheduled benefit payments.

Absent the budget deal, SS DI would already be insolvency.

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