GOP introduces bill to cut Social Security

It is designed to be not-a-welfare program Your changes would turn it into one.

Wrong again...and you claim to be an "economist"? It is and always has been an insurance program. Means-testing SS would simply finish the concept; you don't always get something out of insurance other than knowing you have it if you need it. Wealthy people obviously don't need SS payments...Ross Perot for instance always returns his checks to the Treasury. So if you're well-off, yet anal about getting every cent you believe you have coming, whether you need it or not, you're going to be disappointed when SS becomes means-tested.
If you voted for Trump and his campaign of lies you are most definitely the "gullible masses", and you prove that every time you post.

Says one of the libs who actually believed Barry when he said 'The ACA will not cost a dime' - something NO government-run program has EVER done in the history of the United States.


post the quote in context!
If you voted for Trump and his campaign of lies you are most definitely the "gullible masses", and you prove that every time you post.

Says one of the libs who actually believed Barry when he said 'The ACA will not cost a dime' - something NO government-run program has EVER done in the history of the United States.


post the quote in context!
Yeah, the OP is based on a lie. But, the Obamacare taxes have proven insufficient to fund the program. Of course the gop's solution is to cut the taxes but provide at least some of the benefits ... and that will be with deficit dollars.
I never believed any such thing. I'm a Canadian who is well aware how much my government spends on health care every year, and I'm glad they do.
Your government was up-front and honest to you about the cost of your health care, right...unlike Barak Obama and the Liberals were with Americans?

Every government program has a cost but is the benefit worth it?
The ACA is collapsing in on itself...

The ACA has reduced the rate of growth of health care costs, insured over 20 million people....

The cost of the mandated ACA just went up well over 100% for some states, and the federal government is financially punishing those poor Americans who can not afford it.

and saved some of the 45,000 lives lost each year due to lack of health insurance

Perhaps the Obama administration should have started off SMALL in regards to healthcare.

Rather than destroying the entire existing health care system and replacing it with a poorly-thought-out, rushed piece of minority-supported liberal legislation perhaps they should have tackled the VA, fixing the broken, horrific health care system tasked with caring for our troops as promised.
(-- VA facility left dead veteran’s body unattended in shower for 9 hours, report says)


...but they had the best of INTENTIONS, which is all that is supposed to matter when judging liberals.

You have the worst intentions, the intention to mislead. Your(?) lie to allege in all caps that the PPACA "F Up the entire nation's health care system" is a damn lie.

The only question left is the lie yours and an intentional one, or is it an echo of another's lie and evidence you have no clue?
You have the worst intentions, the intention to mislead. Your(?) lie to allege in all caps that the PPACA "F Up the entire nation's health care system" is a damn lie.

How did I lie? The Democrats made almost every health care plan obsolete by mandating EVERY plan had to have specific items covered - like abortions even though the person buying the health care plan was a male who did not need abortion coverage...WHILE Obama LIED to the American people by declaring if they liked their plans they could keep their plans.

Democrats DESTROYED the US health care system as it existed to create the ACA. There is no mis-leading there on my part - that is what happened. Barry was even awarded the 'Lie of the Year' for his INTENTIONAL LIE to the American people.

There is currently nothing to fall back on if the ACA collapses today. Those insurance policies that existed before the ACA and it's mandates were rammed into effect no longer exist. Insurance companies would have to start over again and begin building plans people wanted, which isn't going to happen overnight if the ACA collapses, which it is doing.
It is designed to be not-a-welfare program Your changes would turn it into one.

Wrong again...and you claim to be an "economist"? It is and always has been an insurance program. Means-testing SS would simply finish the concept; you don't always get something out of insurance other than knowing you have it if you need it. Wealthy people obviously don't need SS payments...Ross Perot for instance always returns his checks to the Treasury. So if you're well-off, yet anal about getting every cent you believe you have coming, whether you need it or not, you're going to be disappointed when SS becomes means-tested.

You have spent too much time with the Heritage Foundation. Social Security is old-age insurance, not poverty-avoidance insurance. Here is what FDR said : we put in those contributions so that workers have a legal, moral, and political right to benefits. No damn politician is going to scrap my program.

He didn't want you, Jeb Bush, or Bernie Sanders who does and who does not need benefits.

I really don't mind if you honestly say that you would like to change SS into something that it was specifically set-up not to be - but do be honest about it.
You have spent too much time with the Heritage Foundation. Social Security is old-age insurance, not poverty-avoidance insurance. Here is what FDR said : we put in those contributions so that workers have a legal, moral, and political right to benefits. No damn politician is going to scrap my program.

He didn't want you, Jeb Bush, or Bernie Sanders who does and who does not need benefits.

I really don't mind if you honestly say that you would like to change SS into something that it was specifically set-up not to be - but do be honest about it.

You've been schooled....admit it and move on.
If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.
Ok drama queen. While I agree 100% that any cuts should include cuts to the federal government (except for our men and women who are serving in uniform), it's beyond absurd to call this legislation "the death of the American dream". That's what marxist Barack Obama tried to achieve (and to his credit - he did a damn good job of destroying the American dream in favor of a communist state). But this bill simply attempts to restore fiscal responsibility to the federal government (which will help facilitate the American dream, not destroy it).
While this is certainly a good first step, I will celebrate when they create a bill repealing Social Security.

The federal government has no business forcing American into retirement accountants.
Social Security is the largest holder of U.S. debt - even larger than China. The government pays interest on the money it borrowed - just like to China and others who hold U.S. debt.
You mean it takes money out of one pocket and puts it in another. You can't pay interest to yourself, moron. Just try it. Loan yourself $1000, and then pay yourself 20% interest on it. See how much you have after a year.
You're the stupid one. Years ago, I took out a $20,000 loan from my retirement account to pay off my college debt. Then I paid myself back at over 3% interest. The best loan I ever took out.
You mean it takes money out of one pocket and puts it in another. You can't pay interest to yourself, moron. Just try it. Loan yourself $1000, and then pay yourself 20% interest on it. See how much you have after a year.
You're the stupid one. Years ago, I took out a $20,000 loan from my retirement account to pay off my college debt. Then I paid myself back at over 3% interest. The best loan I ever took out.
Bwahahahahaha! You didn't take out a loan, you nitwit. You simply pulled your own money out of a retirement account and were forced by the rules of the account to pay back more to ensure the previous retirement goal...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: "Progressives say the damndest things"
You mean it takes money out of one pocket and puts it in another. You can't pay interest to yourself, moron. Just try it. Loan yourself $1000, and then pay yourself 20% interest on it. See how much you have after a year.
You're the stupid one. Years ago, I took out a $20,000 loan from my retirement account to pay off my college debt. Then I paid myself back at over 3% interest. The best loan I ever took out.
Bwahahahahaha! You didn't take out a loan, you nitwit. You simply pulled your own money out of a retirement account and were forced by the rules of the account to pay back more to ensure the previous retirement goal...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: "Progressives say the damndest things"
Libtards are so easy to fool.
You mean it takes money out of one pocket and puts it in another. You can't pay interest to yourself, moron. Just try it. Loan yourself $1000, and then pay yourself 20% interest on it. See how much you have after a year.
You're the stupid one. Years ago, I took out a $20,000 loan from my retirement account to pay off my college debt. Then I paid myself back at over 3% interest. The best loan I ever took out.
Bwahahahahaha! You didn't take out a loan, you nitwit. You simply pulled your own money out of a retirement account and were forced by the rules of the account to pay back more to ensure the previous retirement goal...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: "Progressives say the damndest things"
Libtards are so easy to fool.
I seriously wonder how these people function. It's very clear why they so desperately need government to survive.
This lie >>> Democrats DESTROYED the US health care system as it existed to create the ACA <<< in no way destroyed the health care system.

What a moronic statement by easyt65 who has no clue how the system operates.
The old healthcare system was totally unaffordable for most, replaced with one that is even more unaffordable. I will come out and say if the richest nation on earth that has by far the greatest hardest working workforce on the planet cannot come up with a much much much cheaper system that let's poor people get the very best care that even our billionaires can get, well this country IS NOT GREAT.
The old healthcare system was totally unaffordable for most, replaced with one that is even more unaffordable. I will come out and say if the richest nation on earth that has by far the greatest hardest working workforce on the planet cannot come up with a much much much cheaper system that let's poor people get the very best care that even our billionaires can get, well this country IS NOT GREAT.
At least I could by an affordable HC plan under the old system.....

If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and appointed members of the executive, from US Marshalls, US Attorney's and Federal Judges, we will have seen a Reactionary Revolution and the death of the American Dream.

The power elite will have created a coup, making the United States into the first nation to go from the most powerful and free nation in the world, to a third world nation governed by Plutocrats and Authoritarians who will reside in gated communities and pass draconian laws slowly eroding the Bill of Rights.

Michigan is already passing laws to make voting more difficult, a certain attempt to protect the GOP in future elections.

Wake up people, it can and will happen here.

Ah no.

No, the Budget Deal Did NOT Cut Your Social Security Benefits

Its the Disability they are looking to cut. We all know there are plenty out there collecting Disability that aren't any more disabled than I am. They need to look at it case by case and get the freeloaders off Disability.

The GOP unveils a 'permanent save' for Social Security — with massive benefit cuts

The trustees of Social Security, including three cabinet secretaries, said the disability trust fund would be depleted in the last quarter of 2016. After that, they said, benefits would automatically be cut by 19 percent because revenues, largely from payroll taxes, would be sufficient to cover only 81 percent of scheduled benefit payments.
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The old system didn't allow the poorest of the poor to get the same exact treatment as the CEO who sits back lazily while the poor working slob created the profit to receive the same exact care. System no good.

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