GOP is a big government statist party: far right will be crying after today

look at you weirdies run aroun as beards for each other as mainstream Pubs; that's funny!
Mac, you are suggesting that somehow the far right is mainstream. It is not. The other 95% of America does not agree with you folks, and the tail does not wag the dog. The party leaders finally figured that out this primary season.

No, what I'm suggesting is that 99% of your posts either defend Democrat policies, insult anyone to your Right, or both. So if that is what passes as "mainstream GOP", it would certainly signal a clear shift to the Left for the party.

As far as the "you folks" term you used is concerned, I'm neither a Republican nor a conservative. It appears you and I agree on several issues, but at least I'm willing to admit that I'm not a conservative when I criticize them, I'm not sure what your schtick is. If the "mainstream" of the party have become pro-life liberals, I guess you're mainstream. Whatever works. .

I don't care what you are are. My posts never insult the mainstream, but I have been after the TPM for five years now, and we finally beat their asses in the primaries.

So as far as you "folks" and the TeaPers, good riddance.
you turd are as u America as any liberal can be. You proudly proclaim you hate America every time you boast about attacking someone that defends the Constitution you fucking turd.
I defend the Constitution, rebbie, while you try to pervert it.

We both have CC, we both believe in the right to own and bear arms, we differ on that you want an RPG.
And talk to Antares about ACA being a done deal: he knows it and admitted last night that his boss told him so, and Antares agrees. Not happily but recognizes reality.
I defend the Constitution, rebbie, while you try to pervert it.

We both have CC, we both believe in the right to own and bear arms, we differ on that you want an RPG.

The far left does not defend the Constitution, which means you do not defend it..

So have fun voting far left once again today..

I see no legislation pending that we can't do without.

Well, yes, if you are a selfish asshole who doesn't care about anyone but himself, you would totally see it that way.
No one is dying in the streets because of legislation not getting passed.

Really anything the congress does these days is nothing but micro managing. The death of a thousand cuts.

There's going to have to be some sort of budget or government agencies like the defense department won't get funded.
There's no budget now and they're getting funded but in reality a budget is not really a new law it's just a continuation of old business.
I defend the Constitution, rebbie, while you try to pervert it.

We both have CC, we both believe in the right to own and bear arms, we differ on that you want an RPG.

The far left does not defend the Constitution, which means you do not defend it..

So have fun voting far left once again today..

Voted Republican all the way with the exception of the County Attorney, whom I know and like personally.

Sux to be u, I know, but bear with it
There's nothing wrong with the government doing its job.
Investing in science
Investing in education
Investing in infrastructure
Investing in r&d

You couldn't name a country that doesn't. Only a cave man wouldn't want our government doing these things at some level.

What pisses me off about Obama is he hates the family and whites. The son of a bitch wants to destroy this country.
The end result of the GOP taking the Senate today will just be more government dysfunction, and people remembering why they threw the Republicans out in 2006 and 2008 to start with.

I don't think Amnesty will happen unless obama does it by executive order.
Gridlock is good.

Anything that will stop the government from saddling us with more legislature and expense is a good thing

Good governance is possible absent hyper partisanism.
Obama does not hate families and whites.

Sheesh. Nutter talk.
i want no part of your faux republican party. i am not afraid to claim to be an independent. i feel no insecure need to identify with a party i clearly have little to no shared stances. you kiss obama's ass more than anyone on the board besides rdean. see your gas prices quote where you gushed over obama lowing our gas prices.
Prove it. :lol:

I noted that we are at a four year low in prices, while energy independence has gone up by 3.5mm barrels per day and is almost at 70% self sufficient. Yup, that's gushing.

You moron.
Prove it. :lol:

I noted that we are at a four year low in prices, while energy independence has gone up by 3.5mm barrels per day and is almost at 70% self sufficient. Yup, that's gushing.

You moron.

hilarious, you demand i prove something when you NEVER prove anything you claim.

And because the President and Congress haggled over the various issues of energy independence.

Any neo-con who all of sudden starts hailing "energy independence" as a plank of neo-conservatism is a liar.

gushing over obama haggling with congress...good lord, how in the world can you claim to be a republican. obama has little, if anything, to do with current gas prices.
Avory, you are confused as usual.

The mainstream of the Party destroyed the TPM in the primaries.

It will make nice of ACA and immigration this coming year.

Are you clear in your thinking now?

So The Mainstreamers won, and you called the possible winners over the Dems pro big Government and liars... And you identify with these Republicans....Got it.
No, listen carefully. the liars are the far right, not the mainstream GOP.

Really? Then why was romney give the liar of the year award from politifact?

PolitiFact Awards 'Lie Of The Year' To Romney Jeep Ad

Here is a list of lies or false statements the politifact has compiled:

All False statements involving Mitt Romney | PolitiFact

Here's a list of over 500 romney lies in 30 weeks.

Mitt Romney tells 533 lies in 30 weeks, Steve Benen documents them

Here's lies from boehner:

John Boehner Loses It When He's Caught In Several Shutdown and Debt Ceiling Lies

Here's politifact's score on boehner's lies. Notice only 17% of the time boehner is completely honest. If you add in mostly true or half true his record on truth is about 30% of the time. The rest of the time he's not being honest.

John Boehner's file | PolitiFact

I could go on and on with all the lies from mainstream republicans.
Republicans have never reduced the size of government that you people still believe they are a small government movement is hilarious

What do you think that the tea party, that both sides hate, is all about?

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