GOP is a big government statist party: far right will be crying after today

The end result of the GOP taking the Senate today will just be more government dysfunction, and people remembering why they threw the Republicans out in 2006 and 2008 to start with.

I don't think Amnesty will happen unless obama does it by executive order.
Gridlock is good.

Anything that will stop the government from saddling us with more legislature and expense is a good thing

Uh, no, actually, it isn't. There are serious issues that need to be addressed, and pandering to the fringes doesn't fix them.

I see no legislation pending that we can't do without.

I see no legislation pending that we can't do without.

Well, yes, if you are a selfish asshole who doesn't care about anyone but himself, you would totally see it that way.
No one is dying in the streets because of legislation not getting passed.

Really anything the congress does these days is nothing but micro managing. The death of a thousand cuts.
Very good! Just give up! That's the American way! The Domestic Enemies (Democrats) will love you for it.

After the Election sweep don't bother cntacting yer local rep and demand he or she change things. No, just go back to sleep and cheer when MFL Players throw eleventy seven touchdown passes in two games.

When that piece of sh*t McCain insists on "reaching accross the isle" to pas "bi-partisan legislation" that negates any gains the Republicans made, and the American people demanded, just say to your self "You can't fight City Hall!" Go back to your TV watching and let America go down the toilet.

I swear to God it's like some of you ph*ggots have Battered Spouse syndrome.
Nope, the mainstream GOP is not letting the far right batter the rest of us anymore. It's over. Get out.
Mac, you are suggesting that somehow the far right is mainstream. It is not. The other 95% of America does not agree with you folks, and the tail does not wag the dog. The party leaders finally figured that out this primary season.
Mark Levin 8220 The Republican Party is a liberal neo-statist party 8221 Mofo Politics

They talk about repealing Obamacare out of one side of their mouth, and on the other side, even if we win the House back– likely– win the Senate back– likely– they’re already telling you they can’t do anything!

They’re intellectual cowards.

Republican victory is conservative defeat.

A Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will guarantee:

  1. Obamacare will never be repealed
  2. Amnesty
Drive-Bys and GOP Establishment Team Up to Spin Election as Repudiation of Tea Party - The Rush Limbaugh Show

the real celebration in a victory over Tuesday would not be taking control of the Senate. No. And of course you know what's next. "With growing confidence as Election Day approaches, Republican leaders are preparing to argue that broad GOP gains in the House and Senate would represent a top-to-bottom validation of their party’s mainline wing." And what that means is that Republican leaders are preparing to argue that a broad Republican gain in the Senate, a broad Republican gain in the House, would represent a total repudiation of the Tea Party.

Mark Levin 8220 The Republican Party is a liberal neo-statist party 8221 Mofo Politics

They talk about repealing Obamacare out of one side of their mouth, and on the other side, even if we win the House back– likely– win the Senate back– likely– they’re already telling you they can’t do anything!

They’re intellectual cowards.

Republican victory is conservative defeat.

A Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will guarantee:

  1. Obamacare will never be repealed
  2. Amnesty
Drive-Bys and GOP Establishment Team Up to Spin Election as Repudiation of Tea Party - The Rush Limbaugh Show

the real celebration in a victory over Tuesday would not be taking control of the Senate. No. And of course you know what's next. "With growing confidence as Election Day approaches, Republican leaders are preparing to argue that broad GOP gains in the House and Senate would represent a top-to-bottom validation of their party’s mainline wing." And what that means is that Republican leaders are preparing to argue that a broad Republican gain in the Senate, a broad Republican gain in the House, would represent a total repudiation of the Tea Party.


Indeed. Jesus his crap is old.....
Mud, Avory and Randall, go take a hike.

Your day in the party is over as far as influence.
The end result of the GOP taking the Senate today will just be more government dysfunction, and people remembering why they threw the Republicans out in 2006 and 2008 to start with.

I don't think Amnesty will happen unless obama does it by executive order.

You would, you could, you might have a point.... But then you would have to forget 2010.... Because if the Dems get tossed out in a historic manner, then would you be admitting the people now remember why they didn't have Dems in power pre 2006? When does time start for you?
if anyone thinks jake's claim of being a republican is true.....after this and the other thread anyone should realize that is a fat lie
If Republicans are liars and pro big Government.... And Jake claims to be the "mainstream" Republicans... Did Jake just call himself pro big Government and a liar?

His problem is that the FACTS don't line up with his bullshit. Jake is a liberal nazi, big government cures all type of guy. 99% of republicans would like to see the government cut by AT LEAST 60%. Me? I'd like to see the IRS, The NEA, Homeland Security, The NIH, and EVERY public service union abolished and done away with. THEN, we can continue with the alphabet agencies. If we got rid of 70% of our government - we wouldn't even know they were gone.
Mud, Avory and Randall, go take a hike.

Your day in the party is over as far as influence.


Hey you admitted to being one Mr. Mainstream.

BTW Jake... You seem oddly butt hurt about the parties direction. Odd considering you claim to being mainstream and also claiming no one else has influence on the party. Care to explain how your logic is even in a realm of possible?

For the record I can't be the only one that see's you as lashing out over possible Democrat losses. And I'm not a Republican nor did I vote Republican this election.
Republicans have never reduced the size of government that you people still believe they are a small government movement is hilarious

The gop presidents haven't balanced a federal budget in over 50 years.
Avory, you are confused as usual.

The mainstream of the Party destroyed the TPM in the primaries.

It will make nice of ACA and immigration this coming year.

Are you clear in your thinking now?

I see no legislation pending that we can't do without.

Well, yes, if you are a selfish asshole who doesn't care about anyone but himself, you would totally see it that way.
No one is dying in the streets because of legislation not getting passed.

Really anything the congress does these days is nothing but micro managing. The death of a thousand cuts.

There's going to have to be some sort of budget or government agencies like the defense department won't get funded.

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