GOP is a big government statist party: far right will be crying after today

Avory, you are confused as usual.

The mainstream of the Party destroyed the TPM in the primaries.

It will make nice of ACA and immigration this coming year.

Are you clear in your thinking now?

Why don't you tell us what makes you a Republican Jake?
What differentiates you from the Dems?

I have several times, and you folks simply ignored it, so you don't get "just once more." I have been using you as a source for the fact ACA is not going anywhere. Thanks.
Avory, you are confused as usual.

The mainstream of the Party destroyed the TPM in the primaries.

It will make nice of ACA and immigration this coming year.

Are you clear in your thinking now?

Why don't you tell us what makes you a Republican Jake?
What differentiates you from the Dems?

I have several times, and you folks simply ignored it, so you don't get "just once more." I have been using you as a source for the fact ACA is not going anywhere. Thanks.

You've NEVER done it Jake, amaze us here.
Avory, you are confused as usual.

The mainstream of the Party destroyed the TPM in the primaries.

It will make nice of ACA and immigration this coming year.

Are you clear in your thinking now?

Why don't you tell us what makes you a Republican Jake?
What differentiates you from the Dems?

I have several times, and you folks simply ignored it, so you don't get "just once more." I have been using you as a source for the fact ACA is not going anywhere. Thanks.
Not once have I seen what makes you any different than a DEM.
I defend the Constitution, rebbie, while you try to pervert it.

We both have CC, we both believe in the right to own and bear arms, we differ on that you want an RPG.

Well, Roll-Play Games are boring, but if he wants one who are you to say he can't have one???

You want a crazy man in the neighborhood with a rocket launcher?

Or Yurt with anti-personnel mines. Yurt?

The Lord would send Gabriel with a flaming sword to take them out, then you and me for being so stupid.
Avory, you are confused as usual.

The mainstream of the Party destroyed the TPM in the primaries.

It will make nice of ACA and immigration this coming year.

Are you clear in your thinking now?

Why don't you tell us what makes you a Republican Jake?
What differentiates you from the Dems?

cue...................because i've always voted republican, just ask me!!!

I showed him my views right out of the Repub Platform and he stills insists I am Far Right :)

Nope, you posted a platform. You never said you agreed with it. Do you? And do you have to agree with all of it to be Republican?
Those who call themselves Republicans but are in reality left wing zealots will pay dearly for their treason.

As if there were such a thing. But if the far right ever rises up, the LEO and armed forces will be unnecessary. The traitors' neighbors will put them down.
Avory, you are confused as usual.

The mainstream of the Party destroyed the TPM in the primaries.

It will make nice of ACA and immigration this coming year.

Are you clear in your thinking now?

Why don't you tell us what makes you a Republican Jake?
What differentiates you from the Dems?

cue...................because i've always voted republican, just ask me!!!

I showed him my views right out of the Repub Platform and he stills insists I am Far Right :)

Nope, you posted a platform. You never said you agreed with it. Do you? And do you have to agree with all of it to be Republican?

Nope, I posted my beliefs which paralleled the Platform and that is far more than you've EVER done.
Mark Levin 8220 The Republican Party is a liberal neo-statist party 8221 Mofo Politics

They talk about repealing Obamacare out of one side of their mouth, and on the other side, even if we win the House back– likely– win the Senate back– likely– they’re already telling you they can’t do anything!

They’re intellectual cowards.

Republican victory is conservative defeat.

A Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will guarantee:

  1. Obamacare will never be repealed
  2. Amnesty
Drive-Bys and GOP Establishment Team Up to Spin Election as Repudiation of Tea Party - The Rush Limbaugh Show

the real celebration in a victory over Tuesday would not be taking control of the Senate. No. And of course you know what's next. "With growing confidence as Election Day approaches, Republican leaders are preparing to argue that broad GOP gains in the House and Senate would represent a top-to-bottom validation of their party’s mainline wing." And what that means is that Republican leaders are preparing to argue that a broad Republican gain in the Senate, a broad Republican gain in the House, would represent a total repudiation of the Tea Party.
Mark Levin 8220 The Republican Party is a liberal neo-statist party 8221 Mofo Politics

They talk about repealing Obamacare out of one side of their mouth, and on the other side, even if we win the House back– likely– win the Senate back– likely– they’re already telling you they can’t do anything!

They’re intellectual cowards.

Republican victory is conservative defeat.

A Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will guarantee:

  1. Obamacare will never be repealed
  2. Amnesty
Drive-Bys and GOP Establishment Team Up to Spin Election as Repudiation of Tea Party - The Rush Limbaugh Show

the real celebration in a victory over Tuesday would not be taking control of the Senate. No. And of course you know what's next. "With growing confidence as Election Day approaches, Republican leaders are preparing to argue that broad GOP gains in the House and Senate would represent a top-to-bottom validation of their party’s mainline wing." And what that means is that Republican leaders are preparing to argue that a broad Republican gain in the Senate, a broad Republican gain in the House, would represent a total repudiation of the Tea Party.
So why are you gloating? What is it that you really want?

The far right to sneak away like the cowards they are. There is no place of such crapola in the modern, mainstream GOP.

I will never again defend myself to the likes of an Antares or any of that gang.

But I will continue to call them out here for their fauxAmericanism as I have for more than five years.

Maybe someone could point me to the places in the GOP platform that are pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-ACA and pro-union, for starters.

I admit I don't know their platform like the back of my hand.

Mark Levin 8220 The Republican Party is a liberal neo-statist party 8221 Mofo Politics

They talk about repealing Obamacare out of one side of their mouth, and on the other side, even if we win the House back– likely– win the Senate back– likely– they’re already telling you they can’t do anything!

They’re intellectual cowards.

Republican victory is conservative defeat.

A Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will guarantee:

  1. Obamacare will never be repealed
  2. Amnesty
Drive-Bys and GOP Establishment Team Up to Spin Election as Repudiation of Tea Party - The Rush Limbaugh Show

the real celebration in a victory over Tuesday would not be taking control of the Senate. No. And of course you know what's next. "With growing confidence as Election Day approaches, Republican leaders are preparing to argue that broad GOP gains in the House and Senate would represent a top-to-bottom validation of their party’s mainline wing." And what that means is that Republican leaders are preparing to argue that a broad Republican gain in the Senate, a broad Republican gain in the House, would represent a total repudiation of the Tea Party.
Mark Levin 8220 The Republican Party is a liberal neo-statist party 8221 Mofo Politics

They talk about repealing Obamacare out of one side of their mouth, and on the other side, even if we win the House back– likely– win the Senate back– likely– they’re already telling you they can’t do anything!

They’re intellectual cowards.

Republican victory is conservative defeat.

A Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will guarantee:

  1. Obamacare will never be repealed
  2. Amnesty
Drive-Bys and GOP Establishment Team Up to Spin Election as Repudiation of Tea Party - The Rush Limbaugh Show

the real celebration in a victory over Tuesday would not be taking control of the Senate. No. And of course you know what's next. "With growing confidence as Election Day approaches, Republican leaders are preparing to argue that broad GOP gains in the House and Senate would represent a top-to-bottom validation of their party’s mainline wing." And what that means is that Republican leaders are preparing to argue that a broad Republican gain in the Senate, a broad Republican gain in the House, would represent a total repudiation of the Tea Party.
So why are you gloating? What is it that you really want?

The far right to sneak away like the cowards they are. There is no place of such crapola in the modern, mainstream GOP.

I will never again defend myself to the likes of an Antares or any of that gang.

But I will continue to call them out here for their fauxAmericanism as I have for more than five years.

Poor Jake, what makes you different than a Democrat?
You are no Republican, Antares, despite what you say. Neither is Yurt nor bigrebbie. You are outliers, nothing more. :lol:
You are no Republican, Antares, despite what you say. Neither is Yurt nor bigrebbie. You are outliers, nothing more. :lol:

Prove it Jake.

Lower taxes.
Legal Immigration.
Energy Freedom
School Vouchers
A return to Constitutional Government
Balanced Budget
Respect for our Flag
American Sovereignty with defined borders

I am as Republican as it gets Jake, you?
You are no Republican, Antares, despite what you say. Neither is Yurt nor bigrebbie. You are outliers, nothing more. :lol:

Hey Jake, who are you to tell others what they are or aren't?
You claim to be a republican, I doubt that myself, but republicans come in many forms.
You are no Republican, Antares, despite what you say. Neither is Yurt nor bigrebbie. You are outliers, nothing more. :lol:

Hey Jake, who are you to tell others what they are or aren't?
You claim to be a republican, I doubt that myself, but republicans come in many forms.

The thing is is that is ALL he ever does, CLAIM to be a Republican.

He will never tell you what he believes or what sets him apart from a Dem.
It's pretty funny watching him dance, he is one of the board jokes.
jake did post his platform. it was at least 75% democratic platform and the rest moderate republican.

he is delusional. ask him to prove something....he never will....but yet he will ask you to prove something and when you do, he runs away and cries over his shoulder about some nonsensical thing and pretends he never asked for proof.
Mark Levin 8220 The Republican Party is a liberal neo-statist party 8221 Mofo Politics

They talk about repealing Obamacare out of one side of their mouth, and on the other side, even if we win the House back– likely– win the Senate back– likely– they’re already telling you they can’t do anything!

They’re intellectual cowards.

Republican victory is conservative defeat.

A Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will guarantee:

  1. Obamacare will never be repealed
  2. Amnesty
Drive-Bys and GOP Establishment Team Up to Spin Election as Repudiation of Tea Party - The Rush Limbaugh Show

the real celebration in a victory over Tuesday would not be taking control of the Senate. No. And of course you know what's next. "With growing confidence as Election Day approaches, Republican leaders are preparing to argue that broad GOP gains in the House and Senate would represent a top-to-bottom validation of their party’s mainline wing." And what that means is that Republican leaders are preparing to argue that a broad Republican gain in the Senate, a broad Republican gain in the House, would represent a total repudiation of the Tea Party.[/QUOT]

For once you make a valid point "a republican victory is a conservative defeat" however, lets see how this plays out, my hunch is that there may be crow on the table in the not so distant future.
Fakey and his fellow liberal Democrat propagandists are crest fallen that their hollow rhetoric and basic fraudulence has cost the liberal Democratics the Senate.

Now that the generally feckless GOP is back in the driver's seat, we can hopefully start to hold their toesies to the fire. We MUST steer away from mindless lolberalism.
No one is dying in the streets because of legislation not getting passed.

Really anything the congress does these days is nothing but micro managing. The death of a thousand cuts.

The idea is to address problems before people fucking die.

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