GOP is a big government statist party: far right will be crying after today


I see no legislation pending that we can't do without.

Well, yes, if you are a selfish asshole who doesn't care about anyone but himself, you would totally see it that way.
No one is dying in the streets because of legislation not getting passed.

Really anything the congress does these days is nothing but micro managing. The death of a thousand cuts.

There's going to have to be some sort of budget or government agencies like the defense department won't get funded.
There's no budget now and they're getting funded but in reality a budget is not really a new law it's just a continuation of old business.

Wow you really need to pay attention. The budget passed in January.

House passes compromise $1.1 trillion budget for 2014 -

The budget is legislation. It can't go into effect without the congress passing it and the president signing it into law. It most certainly is new law.

You didn't say new laws. You said pending legislation. Which can't be voted on after January 1. All bills that didn't pass in the last 2 years are dead and gone until they're rewritten and revoted on.

You don't seem to understand how our government works. So if I were you I would learn about things before you post.
Republicans have never reduced the size of government that you people still believe they are a small government movement is hilarious

What do you think that the tea party, that both sides hate, is all about?

TPM hides behind small-govt small-tax philosophies when it fact it has been subsumed overwhelmingly by a white social conservative racist white population that simply hates that we have a black president and a predominantly white nation, the majority of which, has no problem with it growing into the 21st century darker, younger, and technologically more savvy.

And with this election, it is over for the TPM.
When it comes to what is really important, the GOP and the Dems are just two sides of the same corrupt statist coin. While they distract you with their tiffs over things like gay marriage, voter id and abortion, they are both picking your pockets and stealing your liberty.
yurtie is yurtling again

back in the saddle again


so i prove my claim, something you never do, and i'm yurtling. thank you, that is a first time compliment from you. yurtling, to back up your claims. i like it. i back up my claims and you resort to immature antics and of course run away from your own post.
Avory, you are confused as usual.

The mainstream of the Party destroyed the TPM in the primaries.

It will make nice of ACA and immigration this coming year.

Are you clear in your thinking now?

Why don't you tell us what makes you a Republican Jake?
What differentiates you from the Dems?
Any farrightdrone who rights, "I am sure the far left sees it that way" has realized the mainstream has kicked the shit out of the far right in the primaries earlier and the left in the general election today.

I know you guys see ACA, immigration, and other goodies finally getting joint government from both parties this coming term, so you haz a sad. Here's Pajama Frank below Take it out on me. I can deal with all of it laughing the whole way.


Yup, the mainstream has all of the financial backing.

So explain why they aren't on the take Jakey Fakey?
Avory, you are confused as usual.

The mainstream of the Party destroyed the TPM in the primaries.

It will make nice of ACA and immigration this coming year.

Are you clear in your thinking now?

Why don't you tell us what makes you a Republican Jake?
What differentiates you from the Dems?

cue...................because i've always voted republican, just ask me!!!
Avory, you are confused as usual.

The mainstream of the Party destroyed the TPM in the primaries.

It will make nice of ACA and immigration this coming year.

Are you clear in your thinking now?

Why don't you tell us what makes you a Republican Jake?
What differentiates you from the Dems?

cue...................because i've always voted republican, just ask me!!!

I showed him my views right out of the Repub Platform and he stills insists I am Far Right :)
Avory, you are confused as usual.

The mainstream of the Party destroyed the TPM in the primaries.

It will make nice of ACA and immigration this coming year.

Are you clear in your thinking now?

Why don't you tell us what makes you a Republican Jake?
What differentiates you from the Dems?

cue...................because i've always voted republican, just ask me!!!

I showed him my views right out of the Repub Platform and he stills insists I am Far Right :)

i did the same and even those on the left were telling jake i was definitely not far right and in fact was more of an independent than anything. the guy is a human projector. he knows he is a far lefty and so he just projects.
Those who call themselves Republicans but are in reality left wing zealots will pay dearly for their treason.
Prove it. :lol:

I noted that we are at a four year low in prices, while energy independence has gone up by 3.5mm barrels per day and is almost at 70% self sufficient. Yup, that's gushing.

You moron.

hilarious, you demand i prove something when you NEVER prove anything you claim.

And because the President and Congress haggled over the various issues of energy independence.

Any neo-con who all of sudden starts hailing "energy independence" as a plank of neo-conservatism is a liar.

gushing over obama haggling with congress...good lord, how in the world can you claim to be a republican. obama has little, if anything, to do with current gas prices.
Correction and point of order Jake the turd Starkey has proven one thing on this date November 4 2014 that he is not a Republican not even left leaning Republican.Right winger is more of a Republican than that turd is.
Mark Levin 8220 The Republican Party is a liberal neo-statist party 8221 Mofo Politics

They talk about repealing Obamacare out of one side of their mouth, and on the other side, even if we win the House back– likely– win the Senate back– likely– they’re already telling you they can’t do anything!

They’re intellectual cowards.

Republican victory is conservative defeat.

A Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will guarantee:

  1. Obamacare will never be repealed
  2. Amnesty
Drive-Bys and GOP Establishment Team Up to Spin Election as Repudiation of Tea Party - The Rush Limbaugh Show

the real celebration in a victory over Tuesday would not be taking control of the Senate. No. And of course you know what's next. "With growing confidence as Election Day approaches, Republican leaders are preparing to argue that broad GOP gains in the House and Senate would represent a top-to-bottom validation of their party’s mainline wing." And what that means is that Republican leaders are preparing to argue that a broad Republican gain in the Senate, a broad Republican gain in the House, would represent a total repudiation of the Tea Party.
Mark Levin 8220 The Republican Party is a liberal neo-statist party 8221 Mofo Politics

They talk about repealing Obamacare out of one side of their mouth, and on the other side, even if we win the House back– likely– win the Senate back– likely– they’re already telling you they can’t do anything!

They’re intellectual cowards.

Republican victory is conservative defeat.

A Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will guarantee:

  1. Obamacare will never be repealed
  2. Amnesty
Drive-Bys and GOP Establishment Team Up to Spin Election as Repudiation of Tea Party - The Rush Limbaugh Show

the real celebration in a victory over Tuesday would not be taking control of the Senate. No. And of course you know what's next. "With growing confidence as Election Day approaches, Republican leaders are preparing to argue that broad GOP gains in the House and Senate would represent a top-to-bottom validation of their party’s mainline wing." And what that means is that Republican leaders are preparing to argue that a broad Republican gain in the Senate, a broad Republican gain in the House, would represent a total repudiation of the Tea Party.
So why are you gloating? What is it that you really want?
Mark Levin 8220 The Republican Party is a liberal neo-statist party 8221 Mofo Politics

They talk about repealing Obamacare out of one side of their mouth, and on the other side, even if we win the House back– likely– win the Senate back– likely– they’re already telling you they can’t do anything!

They’re intellectual cowards.

Republican victory is conservative defeat.

A Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will guarantee:

  1. Obamacare will never be repealed
  2. Amnesty
Drive-Bys and GOP Establishment Team Up to Spin Election as Repudiation of Tea Party - The Rush Limbaugh Show

the real celebration in a victory over Tuesday would not be taking control of the Senate. No. And of course you know what's next. "With growing confidence as Election Day approaches, Republican leaders are preparing to argue that broad GOP gains in the House and Senate would represent a top-to-bottom validation of their party’s mainline wing." And what that means is that Republican leaders are preparing to argue that a broad Republican gain in the Senate, a broad Republican gain in the House, would represent a total repudiation of the Tea Party.
A gop win today will be crushing to levin. It will stop all his talk of a convention. He'll lose his supporters. Hes like half the p eople here who believe the congress wont do their job after gop wins full control.

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