GOP is a big government statist party: far right will be crying after today

You would, you could, you might have a point.... But then you would have to forget 2010.... Because if the Dems get tossed out in a historic manner, then would you be admitting the people now remember why they didn't have Dems in power pre 2006? When does time start for you?

I'd really like to forget 2010. It reminds me I live in a country of really stupid people.

The problem is, control of the Senate doesn't mean that much. Now when you need 60 votes to get anything done.
No one is dying in the streets because of legislation not getting passed.

Really anything the congress does these days is nothing but micro managing. The death of a thousand cuts.

The idea is to address problems before people fucking die.
no one is even in danger.

Not one pending piece of legislation will save any lives.

It's all theater and you know it
You would, you could, you might have a point.... But then you would have to forget 2010.... Because if the Dems get tossed out in a historic manner, then would you be admitting the people now remember why they didn't have Dems in power pre 2006? When does time start for you?

I'd really like to forget 2010. It reminds me I live in a country of really stupid people.

The problem is, control of the Senate doesn't mean that much. Now when you need 60 votes to get anything done.
agreed. The onus to be grown-ups is now on the GObP. They don't produce anything then the curb is waiting for them.
You would, you could, you might have a point.... But then you would have to forget 2010.... Because if the Dems get tossed out in a historic manner, then would you be admitting the people now remember why they didn't have Dems in power pre 2006? When does time start for you?

I'd really like to forget 2010. It reminds me I live in a country of really stupid people.

The problem is, control of the Senate doesn't mean that much. Now when you need 60 votes to get anything done.[/QUOTE]


Like the ACA?

You would, you could, you might have a point.... But then you would have to forget 2010.... Because if the Dems get tossed out in a historic manner, then would you be admitting the people now remember why they didn't have Dems in power pre 2006? When does time start for you?

I'd really like to forget 2010. It reminds me I live in a country of really stupid people.

The problem is, control of the Senate doesn't mean that much. Now when you need 60 votes to get anything done.
2008 and 2012 don't you mean republican?
2008 and 2012 don't you mean republican?

2008 happened because you guys lied us into a war.

2012 happened because you ran a weird Mormon robot.

So yeah, you won the "Special Olympics" Midterms. You avoided running any crazy people, spent a shitload of money in backwater states you never should have lost in 2008 to start with, and won an election most voters didn't participate in.

What you didn't do was address the fundemental flaws of the GOP- that women, minorities and working folks won't really vote for you in states where people actually live.
2008 and 2012 don't you mean republican?

2008 happened because you guys lied us into a war.

2012 happened because you ran a weird Mormon robot.

So yeah, you won the "Special Olympics" Midterms. You avoided running any crazy people, spent a shitload of money in backwater states you never should have lost in 2008 to start with, and won an election most voters didn't participate in.

What you didn't do was address the fundemental flaws of the GOP- that women, minorities and working folks won't really vote for you in states where people actually live.
I thought you claimed to be a Republican. WOW two days in a row busted another faker.
Jake yesterday and now Joe.
Immigration will happen because of GOP progressive policies.

ACA reform will occur because of GOP progressive policies.

The elimination of the far right now is just a matter of days.

No, now a true conservative will emerge and seize the momentum. The RHINOs are finished. Maybe Mitch Mc has a bad ticker or something

I thought you claimed to be a Republican. WOW two days in a row busted another faker.
Jake yesterday and now Joe.

How did anything I said contradict me being a Republican? I know you are going to have to think REALLY hard on this one.

The GOP has a problem. Women are suspicious of it. Probably because you want the government to regulate their lady parts. Minorities are suspicious of it, probably because you keep demonizing them.

Those problems were not fixed because you won a bunch of elections in sparsely populated red states.

To put it in perspective, the total electoral votes of the 8 states won last night is 58 votes.

So again, after comprimising on the social issues, beating the Tea Party into a pulp, spending millions of the Koch Brothers money, and you guys managed to win in 8 states with just barely 10% of the population of the country in them.

Special Olympics Midterms. Even though you won, you are still retarded.
Mark Levin 8220 The Republican Party is a liberal neo-statist party 8221 Mofo Politics

They talk about repealing Obamacare out of one side of their mouth, and on the other side, even if we win the House back– likely– win the Senate back– likely– they’re already telling you they can’t do anything!

They’re intellectual cowards.

Republican victory is conservative defeat.

A Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will guarantee:

  1. Obamacare will never be repealed
  2. Amnesty
Drive-Bys and GOP Establishment Team Up to Spin Election as Repudiation of Tea Party - The Rush Limbaugh Show

the real celebration in a victory over Tuesday would not be taking control of the Senate. No. And of course you know what's next. "With growing confidence as Election Day approaches, Republican leaders are preparing to argue that broad GOP gains in the House and Senate would represent a top-to-bottom validation of their party’s mainline wing." And what that means is that Republican leaders are preparing to argue that a broad Republican gain in the Senate, a broad Republican gain in the House, would represent a total repudiation of the Tea Party.

Jake. Everyday Levin who is a huge tea party conservative begged his audience that even if they had to hold their noses to go out and vote a straight up and down Republican ticket because the Democrats had to be crushed.

Everyday Savage screamed at his listeners that this was the time when they could change the course of America and that they could not stay away from the polls.

Everyday Hannity was stumping for moderate to tea party favorites. Rush couldn't have stressed the importance of voting in this election even if it was for a Rino as it would still be the lesser of two evils.

Republicans can partially thank their win to conservatives coming out hard and strong to repudiate Obama and the Democrats.

That's what this election was about.

Levin has also been attacking "RINOs" with at least as much ferocity as Democrats.

If the Tea Party can admit that the GOP won because it avoided running absolutist crazies, and if it can be willing to take a less prominent place in the party, this could work for the GOP.

But if the Tea Party looks at this success as only theirs, the GOP will head back to Square One.

I thought you claimed to be a Republican. WOW two days in a row busted another faker.
Jake yesterday and now Joe.

How did anything I said contradict me being a Republican? I know you are going to have to think REALLY hard on this one.

The GOP has a problem. Women are suspicious of it. Probably because you want the government to regulate their lady parts. Minorities are suspicious of it, probably because you keep demonizing them.

Those problems were not fixed because you won a bunch of elections in sparsely populated red states.

To put it in perspective, the total electoral votes of the 8 states won last night is 58 votes.

So again, after comprimising on the social issues, beating the Tea Party into a pulp, spending millions of the Koch Brothers money, and you guys managed to win in 8 states with just barely 10% of the population of the country in them.

Special Olympics Midterms. Even though you won, you are still retarded.

Oh just stop with the Koch brothers bullshit. Democrats spent quizzillions too.

But they lost. :lol:

Levin has also been attacking "RINOs" with at least as much ferocity as Democrats.

If the Tea Party can admit that the GOP won because it avoided running absolutist crazies, and if it can be willing to take a less prominent place in the party, this could work for the GOP.

But if the Tea Party looks at this success as only theirs, the GOP will head back to Square One.


The RINOs are saying the election is a repudiation of the TEA Party.

Levin has also been attacking "RINOs" with at least as much ferocity as Democrats.

If the Tea Party can admit that the GOP won because it avoided running absolutist crazies, and if it can be willing to take a less prominent place in the party, this could work for the GOP.

But if the Tea Party looks at this success as only theirs, the GOP will head back to Square One.


The RINOs are saying the election is a repudiation of the TEA Party.

It was definitely a dilution of the TP's influence, but if the two sides of the party can find a comfortable equilibrium, it would be an improvement.

If not, well...


Levin has also been attacking "RINOs" with at least as much ferocity as Democrats.

If the Tea Party can admit that the GOP won because it avoided running absolutist crazies, and if it can be willing to take a less prominent place in the party, this could work for the GOP.

But if the Tea Party looks at this success as only theirs, the GOP will head back to Square One.


Levin I think topped the D's in his attacks. He goes off on some amazing rants. Maybe if Grimes had used Mark's talking points she could have taken out McConnell.

I think hopefully that conservatives and more moderates can play nice in the sandbox to get Washington back to work.
Oh just stop with the Koch brothers bullshit. Democrats spent quizzillions too.

But they lost.

Yes, they did. But those millions didn't come from two shady billionaires who profit off of dirty air and dirty energy.

"The conservative shady billionaires who spend every waking moment trying to find a way to ruin planet earth" didn't work for Harry.

Time to give it up.

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