GOP is a big government statist party: far right will be crying after today

"The conservative shady billionaires who spend every waking moment trying to find a way to ruin planet earth" didn't work for Harry.

Time to give it up.

Harry wasn't running this year.

Be really funny when Obama vetoes Keystone out of spite.

Ah Harry wasn't running but he was doing everything in his power to demonize the Koch brothers and by association demonize all Republican candidates.

Didn't work.
No 1: the Dems got clobbered

No 2: the TPM got clobbered

No. 3: most Americans want gridlock gone

No. 4: 90% of Americans think that the far left, the libertarians and the far right are loons

No. 5: 2016 is two years away

No. 6: and the party that tries to sensibly work for the good of the nation will have a leg up
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Levin has also been attacking "RINOs" with at least as much ferocity as Democrats.

If the Tea Party can admit that the GOP won because it avoided running absolutist crazies, and if it can be willing to take a less prominent place in the party, this could work for the GOP.

But if the Tea Party looks at this success as only theirs, the GOP will head back to Square One.


The RINOs are saying the election is a repudiation of the TEA Party.

It was definitely a dilution of the TP's influence, but if the two sides of the party can find a comfortable equilibrium, it would be an improvement.

If not, well...


No it wasn't. Republicans wouldn't have been elected without TEA Party votes.
No 1: the Dems got clobbered

No 2: the TPM got clobbered

No. 3: most Americans want gridlock gone

No. 4: 90% of Americans think that the far left, the libertarians and the far right are loons

No. 5: 2016 is two years away

No. 6: and the party that tries to sensibly work for the good of the nation will have a leg up

Everyone in this forum thinks you're senile, Fakey, and we all know you are no Republican.
The GOP died a long time ago. It's all Tea Party now. "Republicans" aren't republicans, they're Tea Partiers. The 'TP' party is what they have now.

Levin has also been attacking "RINOs" with at least as much ferocity as Democrats.

If the Tea Party can admit that the GOP won because it avoided running absolutist crazies, and if it can be willing to take a less prominent place in the party, this could work for the GOP.

But if the Tea Party looks at this success as only theirs, the GOP will head back to Square One.


The RINOs are saying the election is a repudiation of the TEA Party.

It was definitely a dilution of the TP's influence, but if the two sides of the party can find a comfortable equilibrium, it would be an improvement.

If not, well...


No it wasn't. Republicans wouldn't have been elected without TEA Party votes.

And Tea Party candidates won't be elected without Republican votes, that's not the point.

The GOP does far better on a national level overall when they're not perceived as absolutists; these candidates came off as more reasonable.

Whether the Tea Party wants to admit it or not, they're viewed nationally as the hardcore wing of the party, something that is best taken in small doses.

The "Far Right" wins again in startling numbers.

The Starkey Rove Wing of the Republican Party can't get out of their own way and their better think long and hard about how the deal with us
The GOP died a long time ago. It's all Tea Party now. "Republicans" aren't republicans, they're Tea Partiers. The 'TP' party is what they have now.

Horseshit. The Republican party is overpopulated with RINOs like Mitch McConnel and Jim Boner.

The Tea Party takeover of the Republican party is analgous to the evangelical takeover of Christianity.
The far right TPM died in the primaries.

This was a win for the mainstream GOP, thank heavens.
Mark Levin 8220 The Republican Party is a liberal neo-statist party 8221 Mofo Politics

They talk about repealing Obamacare out of one side of their mouth, and on the other side, even if we win the House back– likely– win the Senate back– likely– they’re already telling you they can’t do anything!

They’re intellectual cowards.

Republican victory is conservative defeat.

A Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will guarantee:

  1. Obamacare will never be repealed
  2. Amnesty
Drive-Bys and GOP Establishment Team Up to Spin Election as Repudiation of Tea Party - The Rush Limbaugh Show

the real celebration in a victory over Tuesday would not be taking control of the Senate. No. And of course you know what's next. "With growing confidence as Election Day approaches, Republican leaders are preparing to argue that broad GOP gains in the House and Senate would represent a top-to-bottom validation of their party’s mainline wing." And what that means is that Republican leaders are preparing to argue that a broad Republican gain in the Senate, a broad Republican gain in the House, would represent a total repudiation of the Tea Party.
Dimwits and Obutthurt have proved that they are statists and are for bigger government. Dimwits crying because they got their butt handed to them, priceless.
The far right TPM died in the primaries.

This was a win for the mainstream GOP, thank heavens.

Wrong, moron. The TEA party is the Republican base. The only way the Establishment RINOs could beat TEA party candidates was to move to the right, or they used incredibly sleazy manuevers like Thad Cochran.
Republicans have big plans for a GOP Senate.Here’s what will come of them. Nothing. I'm serious. Oh, I forget about incredibly high taxes, sorry. And guns. And gun violence. And new victims and more deaths. That's all.
Yep, you got caught, bigreb. I have always said I was a mainstream GOP and that you are a far right outlier. Got in your own lie.
I did not such thing I've made no claim just point to your lie that's all.
Jakey likes to say he is mainstream republican but talks on here just like a libtard.

Once Fakey posted official communist propaganda to the forum.

He also admitted to voting for Obama.
Yep, you got caught, bigreb. I have always said I was a mainstream GOP and that you are a far right outlier. Got in your own lie.
I did not such thing I've made no claim just point to your lie that's all.
Jakey likes to say he is mainstream republican but talks on here just like a libtard.

Once Fakey posted official communist propaganda to the forum.

He also admitted to voting for Obama.
He didn't have to admit it's a given that he did
The TPM munchkins go munch, munch, munch. :lol:

All they can do is yell, cause they got no power.
I have to agree. Both Parties are currently controlled by staunch Big Government Globalists. However, I think that is changing a bit in the Republican Party. But the Democratic Party is lost for good. It's permanently All-in on that Communist Globalist thing.

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