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GOP is glad Cain story was leaked

Whoever leaked this did a GREAT SERVICE to the GOP. Had Cain won a few primaries and then this was dropped the GOP would be in deep doo.

You are probably right.

Two points-

1) I wish that we had actual specifics. All the accusations are really kind of vague. I'd like to know what was actually said, other than it was "inappropriate".

2) That Cain has gotten this far before this hit is a damning indictment of what the GOP has degraded to. His profound ignorance, his short temper, his insane ideas should have disqualified him a long time ago.

That Rick Perry and Tim Pawlenty- guys who have been successful governors- can't get traction in this race, but a clown like Cain or Bachmann can, is kind of frightening.

The kooks are running the asylum when it comes to the Republican Party. That is why I left.

And noone misses you, trust me.
You are probably right.

Two points-

1) I wish that we had actual specifics. All the accusations are really kind of vague. I'd like to know what was actually said, other than it was "inappropriate".

2) That Cain has gotten this far before this hit is a damning indictment of what the GOP has degraded to. His profound ignorance, his short temper, his insane ideas should have disqualified him a long time ago.

That Rick Perry and Tim Pawlenty- guys who have been successful governors- can't get traction in this race, but a clown like Cain or Bachmann can, is kind of frightening.

Bachmann: clown? Very well said.
Cain: clown? Very well said for the last few days. He was a respected businessman but I do not share his ultra right religous views. And Herman is not ignorant. Short temper is an understatement.
But I have been saying for a long time he had baggage. This stuff has been known for years around here. He is a career skirt chaser.

A lot of men turn out to be pigs when it comes to their interactions with women. This is not a surprise to anyone, and it happens in all walks of life with men from various backgrounds. I just find it amusing when it happens with those who profess to be religious and righteous. They are such hypocrites.

Clinton did it for 8 years, AND WAS CONVICTED OF IT, and we never heard a peep out of his party or supporters. But when a conservative black man is ACCUSED of it, they all come out from under the rocks to bang to drums. Cain is a huge threat to Obama and the Democrats and the status quo, and they will stop at nothing to destroy him. Wont work though, the American people dont buy into this smear campaign against him, as is proven in his sustained poll numbers.
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Wrong, the GOP wants to run out the socialist that currently parks his fanny in the Oval office.
If this would have come out with Cain as the nominee you believe Cain would win?
The REpublicans are not as stupid as you believe.
If one was to use the word "retarded", it would accurately describe the Cain campaign these days. Or stupid to be more PC.
The Cain campaign has known about these allegations before he announced as they knew about them when Cain ran for SEnate here. Politico informed Cain TEN DAYS before they ran the article. Ten days and the Cain campaign fucks it up.
And we want them running the free world.
The "he is better than the current jocke up there" is an absurd argument. There are 4 other Republican candidates very well qualified.
It gets even stupider with the Cain first response statement in this matter being sent out by the lead Cain press secretary, someone that had sexual harrasment issues while at the Pentagon.
"It was the Democrats" was their first response. "It was the Perry campaign" is what they released yesterday.
Sad because Cain is a good man but he is done with. Liar, liar pants on fire.

all he needs to do is pick up about 5% on obama and he could win yes.

2012 Presidential Matchups - Rasmussen Reports™

And how exactly is he going to do that? Obama isn't even campaigning, yet, and he beats them all, handily.

Hasn't been campaigning yet? I beg to differ, then man has not stopped campaigning since he started in 2007. And he beats noone, if you have paid attention for the last 6 months he loses handily against a generic GOP opponent in every poll.
all he needs to do is pick up about 5% on obama and he could win yes.

2012 Presidential Matchups - Rasmussen Reports™

And how exactly is he going to do that? Obama isn't even campaigning, yet, and he beats them all, handily.

Hasn't been campaigning yet? I beg to differ, then man has not stopped campaigning since he started in 2007. And he beats noone, if you have paid attention for the last 6 months he loses handily against a generic GOP opponent in every poll.

He beats the real ones. That's what counts.
Whoever leaked this did a GREAT SERVICE to the GOP. Had Cain won a few primaries and then this was dropped the GOP would be in deep doo.

You are probably right.

Two points-

1) I wish that we had actual specifics. All the accusations are really kind of vague. I'd like to know what was actually said, other than it was "inappropriate".

2) That Cain has gotten this far before this hit is a damning indictment of what the GOP has degraded to. His profound ignorance, his short temper, his insane ideas should have disqualified him a long time ago.

That Rick Perry and Tim Pawlenty- guys who have been successful governors- can't get traction in this race, but a clown like Cain or Bachmann can, is kind of frightening.

The kooks are running the asylum when it comes to the Republican Party. That is why I left.

Yeah the crazies have been in charge of both parties for a while now, why do you think we got into this crazy debt situation and have our rights trampled by the patriot act? It couldn't have just been done by the dems or reps, they did it together to ALL OF US.
yes, but the minute you put a name to the republican candidate, the president wins...

He is statistically tied with many canidates including ron paul (which still blows my mind and is why I brought it up)

At 41 to 43 paul/obama that is a statistical tie
at 48 to 46 romney/obama is a statistical tie
at 45 to 49 perry/obama is just barely a statistical tie...one more point and its no longer statistically a tie but obama winning.

Perry Looks Better Against Romney Than Against Obama

Statistical ties are like kissing your sister

I wouldn't know I don't have a sister :razz:

But still it is what it is, obama is not "beating" the republican canidates any more than the republican canidates are "beating" obama.
You are probably right.

Two points-

1) I wish that we had actual specifics. All the accusations are really kind of vague. I'd like to know what was actually said, other than it was "inappropriate".

2) That Cain has gotten this far before this hit is a damning indictment of what the GOP has degraded to. His profound ignorance, his short temper, his insane ideas should have disqualified him a long time ago.

That Rick Perry and Tim Pawlenty- guys who have been successful governors- can't get traction in this race, but a clown like Cain or Bachmann can, is kind of frightening.

Perry blew it on his own. Pawlenty and Huntsman seem like quality candidates. But they are to moderate for today's GOP. Mitt's doing the "ether dance" and it seems to be working.

But Cain has been surprising. He's pretty bizzare and his handling of this thing has been embarrassing.

Embarrassing for who?

I like Herman Cain and I don't approve of how he handled the whole situation. I felt embarassed, not for me but for him, when I saw him "dancing" in interviews.

I personally think this is a mountain out of nothing but what I think doesn't matter, how he acts and is portrayed by the media is what matters for his campaign.
That Rick Perry and Tim Pawlenty- guys who have been successful governors- can't get traction in this race, but a clown like Cain or Bachmann can, is kind of frightening.

Rick Perry has been a successful Governor like Charlie Sheen is winning.

Ummm, he's been elected three times... so, yeah, that's successful.

Are you guys going to keep on with the silly Charlie Sheen stuff?
Whoever leaked this did a GREAT SERVICE to the GOP. Had Cain won a few primaries and then this was dropped the GOP would be in deep doo.

You are probably right.

Two points-

1) I wish that we had actual specifics. All the accusations are really kind of vague. I'd like to know what was actually said, other than it was "inappropriate".

2) That Cain has gotten this far before this hit is a damning indictment of what the GOP has degraded to. His profound ignorance, his short temper, his insane ideas should have disqualified him a long time ago.

That Rick Perry and Tim Pawlenty- guys who have been successful governors- can't get traction in this race, but a clown like Cain or Bachmann can, is kind of frightening.

The kooks are running the asylum when it comes to the Republican Party. That is why I left.

Keep the engine running, I might be joining you...
To date there is NO evidence of anything Cain has done. Nada, zilch. All rank hearsay.
A lot of it for a lot of years down this way. And we have always liked Herman Cain. However, with as much as I have heard over the years, even from the religous folks that are aligned with him and the former staffers at the NRA that have confirmed the sexual advances he made, it all adds up.
Herman Cain has been a skirt chaser for many years. He solicited many women many times. I have heard it for 10 years at least. Women at conventions, religous outings, you name it.
To date there is NO evidence of anything Cain has done. Nada, zilch. All rank hearsay.
A lot of it for a lot of years down this way. And we have always liked Herman Cain. However, with as much as I have heard over the years, even from the religous folks that are aligned with him and the former staffers at the NRA that have confirmed the sexual advances he made, it all adds up.
Herman Cain has been a skirt chaser for many years. He solicited many women many times. I have heard it for 10 years at least. Women at conventions, religous outings, you name it.

So essentially, he's like Bill Clinton, he has no impulse control when it comes to women.

Probably not a deal killer for a Democrat, but for the GOP, it's a death sentence.

I like Cain as a person, but his management of this problem has been attroticous. He had 10 days warning this was coming down the pike, and he fumbled the ball.

Now, maybe nothing will come of this. Maybe the Conservative movement is so anxious for a "Not Romney" that they will overlook this.

We'll see. I never thought he was going to be the GOP nominee even before this came out.
Whoever leaked this did a GREAT SERVICE to the GOP. Had Cain won a few primaries and then this was dropped the GOP would be in deep doo.

What I don't understand from my limited exposure to this story, is WHY (if Cain knew that it would be revealed, when he started campaigning, ) didn't he have a ready explanation for it all, when it became public. I mean....I would have! He gave different details in the first few interviews. One would think he would not have let himself be caught off-guard and would have been prepared with SOMETHING. :cuckoo:
The invisible "GUILTY" on the forehead.
I have seen many a defendant squirm under cross from cracker jack prosecutor. Not all of the time but I can tell when someone is not being honest most of the time. I have interviewed over 20,000 witnesses in over 30 years and seen hundreds of jury trials.
Herman had it on his forehead the other day. We call it invisible because many can not see it. Not an exact science as it is no science at all but experience + years on the job + intuition = the invisible GUILTY suddenly appearing.
Whoever leaked this did a GREAT SERVICE to the GOP. Had Cain won a few primaries and then this was dropped the GOP would be in deep doo.

What I don't understand from my limited exposure to this story, is WHY (if Cain knew that it would be revealed, when he started campaigning, ) didn't he have a ready explanation for it all, when it became public. I mean....I would have! He gave different details in the first few interviews. One would think he would not have let himself be caught off-guard and would have been prepared with SOMETHING. :cuckoo:
When there are misunderstandings in businesses and the accuser is given an option to leave with a balloon incentive, a good lawyer usually accompanies the final payout with a signature requirement that for the settled amount, the ex-employee leaves in peace, agrees not to sue in the future nor speak of it. Those papers are routine, but her signature on the legal document makes it a done deal.

Her options were 3: go through a messy he-said, she-said battle; hold out for a larger settlement; or accept and sign. Since she cannot speak of it, my guess is she picked option 3.
Whoever leaked this did a GREAT SERVICE to the GOP. Had Cain won a few primaries and then this was dropped the GOP would be in deep doo.

What I don't understand from my limited exposure to this story, is WHY (if Cain knew that it would be revealed, when he started campaigning, ) didn't he have a ready explanation for it all, when it became public. I mean....I would have! He gave different details in the first few interviews. One would think he would not have let himself be caught off-guard and would have been prepared with SOMETHING. :cuckoo:
When there are misunderstandings in businesses and the accuser is given an option to leave with a balloon incentive, a good lawyer usually accompanies the final payout with a signature requirement that for the settled amount, the ex-employee leaves in peace, agrees not to sue in the future nor speak of it. Those papers are routine, but her signature on the legal document makes it a done deal.

Her options were 3: go through a messy he-said, she-said battle; hold out for a larger settlement; or accept and sign. Since she cannot speak of it, my guess is she picked option 3.

You are exactly right but it is no guess. Those facts are not an issue as the attorney that drew up the settlement is in the media stating just that.
Whoever leaked this did a GREAT SERVICE to the GOP. Had Cain won a few primaries and then this was dropped the GOP would be in deep doo.

The GOP is already in deep doo.

They have run out of bullets.

They are toast.

A Republican fanny will be sitting in the White House January 2013.

And isn't this a sad commentary of our democracy?

We have a president who has done such an awful job under most circumstances, he'd be run out on a rail.


A feild or Republicans so bad, even a life-long Republican like myself has a hard time picturing one of them in the White House, or even voting for one of them.

I think unless Perry or Gingrich catches fire, Obama will probably win a second term.

Romney is unelectable. He gets the nomination, conservatives will form a third party.

Cain is a dead man walking.

Perry has dropped the ball.

Gingrich has too much baggage.

The rest aren't worth the time for me to come up with a pithy comment.

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