GOP lawmaker wants $1,400 payment reserved for people who get COVID-19 vaccine

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) — Now that he’s assumed office, President Joe Biden is expected to get his $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief plan passed as quickly as possible. The measure includes a $1,400 stimulus checks for most Americans.

With Democrats in control of both the presidency and Congress, the overall plan has a good chance of passage. However, one Republican congressman is throwing up a roadblock of sorts.

Rep. Steve Stivers, a Republican from Ohio, suggested checks go to people who’ve received the coronavirus vaccine.

“I hope the administration will look at that option because we actually buy something with our $1,400 — and that’s herd immunity,” Stivers said in an interview with Yahoo Finance.

He suggested the quickest way to get the economy going is to get people vaccinated and back to work or school.

“I’d be willing to accept a $1,400 stimulus check if people are willing to take the vaccine,” Stivers added.

While that suggestion is not likely to move forward, Biden’s plan isn’t moving as quickly as some hoped. The checks are part of a complex and layered plan that includes increasing the minimum wage to $15 an hour, expanding paid leave for workers and increasing tax credits for families with children.

So far, the Biden White House has declined to provide a timeline for getting its proposed relief package through, saying that officials are beginning to schedule meetings with lawmakers to discuss the proposal.

Who elects jokers like this? I'm a diehard conservative, but when one of my own acts out, I'll call them on it.

First off, how would people be able to prove they got the vaccine? Secondly, what kind of administration costs would be involved? Right now, if they decide to send everybody a stimulus check, it's as simple as hitting a few buttons on their keyboard I'm sure. To go through each American one by one to double check they got the vaccine would take many months if not over a year. Then there's the fact that there isn't enough vaccine to go around to everybody just yet. That too may take a couple of months.

It will never be a requirement, but how stupid do you have to be to even think of something like this?
WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) — Now that he’s assumed office, President Joe Biden is expected to get his $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief plan passed as quickly as possible. The measure includes a $1,400 stimulus checks for most Americans.

With Democrats in control of both the presidency and Congress, the overall plan has a good chance of passage. However, one Republican congressman is throwing up a roadblock of sorts.

Rep. Steve Stivers, a Republican from Ohio, suggested checks go to people who’ve received the coronavirus vaccine.

“I hope the administration will look at that option because we actually buy something with our $1,400 — and that’s herd immunity,” Stivers said in an interview with Yahoo Finance.

He suggested the quickest way to get the economy going is to get people vaccinated and back to work or school.

“I’d be willing to accept a $1,400 stimulus check if people are willing to take the vaccine,” Stivers added.

While that suggestion is not likely to move forward, Biden’s plan isn’t moving as quickly as some hoped. The checks are part of a complex and layered plan that includes increasing the minimum wage to $15 an hour, expanding paid leave for workers and increasing tax credits for families with children.

So far, the Biden White House has declined to provide a timeline for getting its proposed relief package through, saying that officials are beginning to schedule meetings with lawmakers to discuss the proposal.

Who elects jokers like this? I'm a diehard conservative, but when one of my own acts out, I'll call them on it.

First off, how would people be able to prove they got the vaccine? Secondly, what kind of administration costs would be involved? Right now, if they decide to send everybody a stimulus check, it's as simple as hitting a few buttons on their keyboard I'm sure. To go through each American one by one to double check they got the vaccine would take many months if not over a year. Then there's the fact that there isn't enough vaccine to go around to everybody just yet. That too may take a couple of months.

It will never be a requirement, but how stupid do you have to be to even think of something like this?
Another point is people who show allergies to other vaccines may not be recommended to try this one, yet they could have been out of work due to business closures that the stimulus was meant to address. Stivers should think before he speaks.
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Who elects jokers like this? I'm a diehard conservative, but when one of my own acts out, I'll call them on it.

First off, how would people be able to prove they got the vaccine? Secondly, what kind of administration costs would be involved? Right now, if they decide to send everybody a stimulus check, it's as simple as hitting a few buttons on their keyboard I'm sure. To go through each American one by one to double check they got the vaccine would take many months if not over a year. Then there's the fact that there isn't enough vaccine to go around to everybody just yet. That too may take a couple of months.

It will never be a requirement, but how stupid do you have to be to even think of something like this?

There's enough stupidity in the Rump wing of the GOP right now to spread around and lower every American's IQ by 10 points.
Who elects jokers like this? I'm a diehard conservative, but when one of my own acts out, I'll call them on it.

First off, how would people be able to prove they got the vaccine? Secondly, what kind of administration costs would be involved? Right now, if they decide to send everybody a stimulus check, it's as simple as hitting a few buttons on their keyboard I'm sure. To go through each American one by one to double check they got the vaccine would take many months if not over a year. Then there's the fact that there isn't enough vaccine to go around to everybody just yet. That too may take a couple of months.

It will never be a requirement, but how stupid do you have to be to even think of something like this?

There's enough stupidity in the Rump wing of the GOP right now to spread around and lower every American's IQ by 10 points.
They already lowered the IQ of 74,216,722 of them.
There's enough stupidity in the Rump wing of the GOP right now to spread around and lower every American's IQ by 10 points.

Do you have anything on topic to add, or are you just using this one to continue your childish never ending Trump bashing?

Nothing TO add pal. I agree that it was a stupid proposal. There are many who won't be eligible to get the vaccine until mid to late summer. That $1400 could make the difference between a home and homelessness.

And yes, there's a lotta stupid swirling around in the Rump wing of the GOP.
Who elects jokers like this? I'm a diehard conservative, but when one of my own acts out, I'll call them on it.

First off, how would people be able to prove they got the vaccine? Secondly, what kind of administration costs would be involved? Right now, if they decide to send everybody a stimulus check, it's as simple as hitting a few buttons on their keyboard I'm sure. To go through each American one by one to double check they got the vaccine would take many months if not over a year. Then there's the fact that there isn't enough vaccine to go around to everybody just yet. That too may take a couple of months.

It will never be a requirement, but how stupid do you have to be to even think of something like this?

There's enough stupidity in the Rump wing of the GOP right now to spread around and lower every American's IQ by 10 points.
They already lowered the IQ of 74,216,722 of them.
Not as low as the 14 quadrillion who voted for Joe and the start of tax and inflation will be 5 dollar a gallon gas and a 50% increase in home heating and air.
Nothing TO add pal. I agree that it was a stupid proposal. There are many who won't be eligible to get the vaccine until mid to late summer. That $1400 could make the difference between a home and homelessness.

And yes, there's a lotta stupid swirling around in the Rump wing of the GOP.

Yes, but ten times less than the commie wing of the Democrat party. When one of ours does wrong, we're not afraid to criticize them unlike the left who march to the music of Big Brother.
If anyone deserves a bonus, it is all those who got covid-19 and now are immune.
It is they who make everyone else safer.
The vaccine really is an unknown, and could cause further problems down the line.
For example, the vaccine could increase auto immune epidemics, like allergies, Lupus, arthritis, etc.
Who elects jokers like this? I'm a diehard conservative, but when one of my own acts out, I'll call them on it.

First off, how would people be able to prove they got the vaccine? Secondly, what kind of administration costs would be involved? Right now, if they decide to send everybody a stimulus check, it's as simple as hitting a few buttons on their keyboard I'm sure. To go through each American one by one to double check they got the vaccine would take many months if not over a year. Then there's the fact that there isn't enough vaccine to go around to everybody just yet. That too may take a couple of months.

It will never be a requirement, but how stupid do you have to be to even think of something like this?

There's enough stupidity in the Rump wing of the GOP right now to spread around and lower every American's IQ by 10 points.
They already lowered the IQ of 74,216,722 of them.
Not as low as the 14 quadrillion who voted for Joe and the start of tax and inflation will be 5 dollar a gallon gas and a 50% increase in home heating and air.
Do you think the IQ is as low as somebody who think there are 14 quadrillion people on the planet, much less in the US or voting for President Biden, or anybody else. Interesting to use gross exaggeration in discussing IQ and political persuasion. Pretty unlikely we will see $5.00 gasoline either, but suit your alarmist, minimally rational self. I am just glad you don't pick stock trades for me.
Who elects jokers like this? I'm a diehard conservative, but when one of my own acts out, I'll call them on it.

First off, how would people be able to prove they got the vaccine? Secondly, what kind of administration costs would be involved? Right now, if they decide to send everybody a stimulus check, it's as simple as hitting a few buttons on their keyboard I'm sure. To go through each American one by one to double check they got the vaccine would take many months if not over a year. Then there's the fact that there isn't enough vaccine to go around to everybody just yet. That too may take a couple of months.

It will never be a requirement, but how stupid do you have to be to even think of something like this?

There's enough stupidity in the Rump wing of the GOP right now to spread around and lower every American's IQ by 10 points.
They already lowered the IQ of 74,216,722 of them.
Not as low as the 14 quadrillion who voted for Joe and the start of tax and inflation will be 5 dollar a gallon gas and a 50% increase in home heating and air.
Do you think the IQ is as low as somebody who think there are 14 quadrillion people on the planet, much less in the US or voting for President Biden, or anybody else. Interesting to use gross exaggeration in discussing IQ and political persuasion. Pretty unlikely we will see $5.00 gasoline either, but suit your alarmist, minimally rational self. I am just glad you don't pick stock trades for me.

Amazingly no one has been able to explain how Republicans did so well in nearly all the statewide down-ticket contests, and yet Donald lost by almost 8 million votes. One would THINK that if that if Deep State Dominion software, Hunter Biden and Hugo Chavez were flipping votes, they could have finished the job. Maybe folks just had enough of the Tangerine Tornado and his nonstop chaos?! ;-)
Nothing TO add pal. I agree that it was a stupid proposal. There are many who won't be eligible to get the vaccine until mid to late summer. That $1400 could make the difference between a home and homelessness.

And yes, there's a lotta stupid swirling around in the Rump wing of the GOP.

Yes, but ten times less than the commie wing of the Democrat party. When one of ours does wrong, we're not afraid to criticize them unlike the left who march to the music of Big Brother.

That's the funniest thing I've read today. Donald has been grifting, lying, colluding, obstructing, cheating, seditioning and criming since 2015 and you Trumpettes have defended him EVERY step of the way! :rolleyes-41:
Nothing TO add pal. I agree that it was a stupid proposal. There are many who won't be eligible to get the vaccine until mid to late summer. That $1400 could make the difference between a home and homelessness.

And yes, there's a lotta stupid swirling around in the Rump wing of the GOP.

Yes, but ten times less than the commie wing of the Democrat party. When one of ours does wrong, we're not afraid to criticize them unlike the left who march to the music of Big Brother.

That's the funniest thing I've read today. Donald has been grifting, lying, colluding, obstructing, cheating, seditioning and criming since 2015 and you Trumpettes have defended him EVERY step of the way! :rolleyes-41:

Of course we do. Look at your list of lies. They have been promoted by commies and their news outlets for five years now.
Who elects jokers like this? I'm a diehard conservative, but when one of my own acts out, I'll call them on it.

First off, how would people be able to prove they got the vaccine? Secondly, what kind of administration costs would be involved? Right now, if they decide to send everybody a stimulus check, it's as simple as hitting a few buttons on their keyboard I'm sure. To go through each American one by one to double check they got the vaccine would take many months if not over a year. Then there's the fact that there isn't enough vaccine to go around to everybody just yet. That too may take a couple of months.

It will never be a requirement, but how stupid do you have to be to even think of something like this?

There's enough stupidity in the Rump wing of the GOP right now to spread around and lower every American's IQ by 10 points.
They already lowered the IQ of 74,216,722 of them.
Not as low as the 14 quadrillion who voted for Joe and the start of tax and inflation will be 5 dollar a gallon gas and a 50% increase in home heating and air.
Do you think the IQ is as low as somebody who think there are 14 quadrillion people on the planet, much less in the US or voting for President Biden, or anybody else. Interesting to use gross exaggeration in discussing IQ and political persuasion. Pretty unlikely we will see $5.00 gasoline either, but suit your alarmist, minimally rational self. I am just glad you don't pick stock trades for me.

Amazingly no one has been able to explain how Republicans did so well in nearly all the statewide down-ticket contests, and yet Donald lost by almost 8 million votes. One would THINK that if that if Deep State Dominion software, Hunter Biden and Hugo Chavez were flipping votes, they could have finished the job. Maybe folks just had enough of the Tangerine Tornado and his nonstop chaos?! ;-)

Their biggest concern for the Democrats was the presidency, and all these mysterious ballot sudden changes happened in swing states the next day.
Do you think the IQ is as low as somebody who think there are 14 quadrillion people on the planet, much less in the US or voting for President Biden, or anybody else. Interesting to use gross exaggeration in discussing IQ and political persuasion. Pretty unlikely we will see $5.00 gasoline either, but suit your alarmist, minimally rational self. I am just glad you don't pick stock trades for me.

Here gasoline went up 30 cents a gallon after Biden's was sworn in. One of the first thing he did was kill off potentially 70,000 American jobs by cutting off the Keystone. If you think he's stopping there, I have a bridge to sell you.
If anyone deserves a bonus, it is all those who got covid-19 and now are immune.
It is they who make everyone else safer.
The vaccine really is an unknown, and could cause further problems down the line.
For example, the vaccine could increase auto immune epidemics, like allergies, Lupus, arthritis, etc.

That's one of the first things I checked out. I'm fortunate enough to have a family member who's a research doctor and ran a medical lab. She's lived all over the world from a suitcase, met past Presidents, and even worked with Dr. Fauci. The reason I contacted her was because I'm up for a vaccination if I desire. I wanted to get her input on it since she's worked with this kind of stuff all her life.

She assured me none of your concerns were possible. She said the day she's able to get the vaccine is the day she's going to get her shot, and advised me to do the same. I asked her if it would interfere with any antidotes if a new kind of virus came out, and she said it wouldn't, and it's completely safe outside of potential side effects, most of which are not serious.
Do you think the IQ is as low as somebody who think there are 14 quadrillion people on the planet, much less in the US or voting for President Biden, or anybody else. Interesting to use gross exaggeration in discussing IQ and political persuasion. Pretty unlikely we will see $5.00 gasoline either, but suit your alarmist, minimally rational self. I am just glad you don't pick stock trades for me.

Here gasoline went up 30 cents a gallon after Biden's was sworn in. One of the first thing he did was kill off potentially 70,000 American jobs by cutting off the Keystone. If you think he's stopping there, I have a bridge to sell you.
Hope you are wrong. Too early for me to guess.
Do you think the IQ is as low as somebody who think there are 14 quadrillion people on the planet, much less in the US or voting for President Biden, or anybody else. Interesting to use gross exaggeration in discussing IQ and political persuasion. Pretty unlikely we will see $5.00 gasoline either, but suit your alarmist, minimally rational self. I am just glad you don't pick stock trades for me.

Here gasoline went up 30 cents a gallon after Biden's was sworn in. One of the first thing he did was kill off potentially 70,000 American jobs by cutting off the Keystone. If you think he's stopping there, I have a bridge to sell you.
Sorry, but the price increase by the petroleum industry was started before Joe became president 3 days ago...

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