GOP led Benghazi report refutes conspiracy theories


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Republican-led report debunks Benghazi accusations -

The final report, from Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Michigan, and ranking member Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, D-Maryland, concludes there was no intelligence failure prior to the attack, no stand-down order to CIA operatives trying to go assist at the besieged consular building and found conflicting intelligence in the wake of the attack about the motive and cause, which were reflected in early public comments by the administration.
Sorry RW. I have been posting this morning for a little while. Our resident right wing whack jobs don't want to discuss this issue. Their feelings are hurt or something.

Slam em every chance you get. They deserve it.
Sorry RW. I have been posting this morning for a little while. Our resident right wing whack jobs don't want to discuss this issue. Their feelings are hurt or something.

Slam em every chance you get. They deserve it.

It warranted 24/7 coverage on FoxNews and is the basis for their campaign against Hillary

You would think they would have some comment
Sorry RW. I have been posting this morning for a little while. Our resident right wing whack jobs don't want to discuss this issue. Their feelings are hurt or something.

Slam em every chance you get. They deserve it.

It warranted 24/7 coverage on FoxNews and is the basis for their campaign against Hillary

You would think they would have some comment

I know. But when they put their best Republican investigators on this issue and they came up with nothing, what's a poor whacked out USMB right winger to DO? PUNT.

Now we will have to listen how Obama has made it legal to eat the children of right wing whack jobs and little puppies too.

Should be entertaining.
Tough to imagine that this story would have any legs if Hillary were not considering running for President.

Are you saying then that it was ALL about politics? Why I think many Democrats had come to that conclusion way before this report came out.
What obama and hillary said days after the terrorist attacks cannot never be forgotten They lied and covered it up.

Damn dude,. you shoulda been on the investigative committee. You would have set them straight.
Sorry RW. I have been posting this morning for a little while. Our resident right wing whack jobs don't want to discuss this issue. Their feelings are hurt or something.

Slam em every chance you get. They deserve it.

It warranted 24/7 coverage on FoxNews and is the basis for their campaign against Hillary

You would think they would have some comment

I know. But when they put their best Republican investigators on this issue and they came up with nothing, what's a poor whacked out USMB right winger to DO? PUNT.

Now we will have to listen how Obama has made it legal to eat the children of right wing whack jobs and little puppies too.

Should be entertaining.
What version do you wear?
Captain Paranoid?


left field Paranoid?


The stooge Paranoid?

Or the Hershey kiss
Wow, total cricketts.

Bigreb is to stupid to count - I give the right a pass for him.

So, no one going to man and admit that this was a pile of horseshit?
Wow, total cricketts.

Bigreb is to stupid to count - I give the right a pass for him.

So, no one going to man and admit that this was a pile of horseshit?
Stupid are those who support obama. Don't you recall what obama's creator of obamacare said about you and orthers like you?
BigReb's butthurt is greater then the scale used to measure butthurt.
How is what I said being butt hurt?
Maybe you should stop drinking obamas kool aid and break free of that power he has over you.

I would suggest that in light of the fact that you still cannot bring yourself to admit that the REPUBLICAN led investigation has exonerated the man, that perhaps it is YOU sipping that cool aid.
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