Bad Day For Hillary: More E-Mails She Said Didn't Exist Surfaces, & Benghazi Report Rips Her & Barry

lol, the Republicans find no wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton,

but they blame the MILITARY for screwing up.
House Benghazi report slams administration response to attacks | Fox News

"A damning report authored by the Republican-led House committee probing the Benghazi terror attacks faulted the Obama administration for a range of missteps before, during and after the fatal 2012 attacks – saying top administration officials huddled to craft their public response while military assets waited hours to deploy to Libya."

"...the security force that helped evacuate U.S. personnel from the so-called “annex” – which “likely saving over two dozen lives,” according to the report – was a unit known as Libyan Military Intelligence composed of former military officers under the Qaddafi regime, which the U.S. helped topple. The CIA did not know that unit existed."
-- Members of the Qaddafi military Obama used or US military to defeat ended up coming to the rescue of Americans under attack by Al Qaeida - the terrorists who Obama sided with but who was attacking and killing Americans, saving U.S. lives. (Qaddafi had begun helping the US fight terrorists in northern Africa, but Obama aided Al Qaeida - terrorists - kill Qaddafi and take over Libya as an Al Qaeida safe haven. WTF?!)

"In addition, a senior watch officer at the State Department's diplomatic security command described the Sept. 11, 2012, strikes as "a full on attack against our compound. ”When asked whether he saw or heard a protest prior to the attacks, the officer replied, "zip, nothing, nada," None of the information coming directly from the agents on the ground in Benghazi during the attacks mentioned anything about a video or a protest. The firsthand accounts made their way to the office of the Secretary through multiple channels quickly,” the report concluded."
-- As her e-mails to the Turkish Ambassador and her daughter proved, Hillary KNEW it was a terrorist attack and that the video had NOTHING to do with the ATTACK!

Security deficiencies plagued the Benghazi Mission compound in the lead-up to September 2012.”

"The committee report identified for the first time a White House meeting that was convened roughly three hours into the attack and included deputies to senior Cabinet members and Clinton."
-- Where did they meet? According to 'Doogie', he was the only one in the WAR Room during the terrorist attack?


"The report, meanwhile, found the video narrative was crafted in Washington by Obama administration appointees and reflected neither eyewitness nor real-time reports from the Americans under attack."

"The report, though, said the (State) department “withheld a number of documents from the Committee based on ‘executive branch confidentiality interests,’ an administration-constructed privilege not recognized by the Constitution.

House Benghazi report slams administration response to attacks | Fox News
How's those indictments coming, Easy?

Considering any indictment would come through Loretta Lynch, at the approval of Obama......well.....A democrat could commit any crime they pleased right now and no indictment would come.

You lie. Stop lying.
typical easy report .. Benghazi report rips her and Barry

right after the news breaks .. report didn't rip her and Barry.

"The report released Tuesday pointedly blamed a “rusty bureaucratic process” for the slow-moving response the night of the attack. The report said despite orders from President Obama and then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta to deploy, the first military force did not deploy until more than 13 hours after the attack started"

The response to the attack was 'slow-moving'. Obama and Panetta claimed the order for the military to deploy was given...but the their finger pointing seems to go to the military for the slow response...HOWEVER....

"The report said one anti-terrorism security team known as the FAST unit sat waiting for three hours in Rota, Spain, as Marines changed “in and out of their uniforms four times,” and even debated whether they should carry personal weapons, according to one witness. All together, the report said, “it would take nearly 18 hours” for that team to move."

"The report described a web of internal debates and hold-ups, including apparent State Department guidance that “Libya must agree to any deployment,” though Panetta would later say Libya approval was not necessary."
-- The State Department did not even know if they needed approval to conduct a rescue mission of American citizens inside of Libya. The fact that they did not know this, had not already discussed / learned this despite Libya being such a volatile situation due to the terrorists that now ran the country, is mind-numbing. Nothing like waiting until the last second versus planning ahead, especially when it comes to the safety of American citizens! Again, WTF?!

"While various officials debated how to proceed, U.S. personnel were under attack at two sites in Benghazi."

What is blatantly obvious is that the State Department, run by Hillary Clinton, had helped the Obama administration side with Al Qaeida, the terrorist group that is responsible for murdering over 3,000 Americans, despite the fact that Qaddafi had begun HELPING the US combat terrorists in Northern Africa! It is blatantly obvious that even AFTER numerous terrorist threats that called for the terrorist attack on 9/11/12 - which caused every other nation to pull their people out, and the call for the assassination of Ambassador Stephens by an Al Qaeida leader, Hillary and her State Department...and Obama...had FAILED to consider any emergency / contingency operations should those attacks happen.

What is blatantly obvious is that despite Stephens requesting additional security HUNDREDS of times, despite Obama / Hillary claiming to have known a military response would not make it there in time if they were needed, despite 2 previous terrorist attacks leading up to the fatal 9/11/12 attack, and DESPITE REMOVING 14 members of Stephens' security team after those attacks, Hillary / The State Department / Obama FAILED to assess the situation, FAILED to determine if authorization was required to execute a rescue operation inside of Libya, FAILED to hold discussions to come up with a plan in advance of how they would handle a terrorist attack on 9/11/12 they ALREADY KNEW was called for.


AGAIN, what is OBVIOUS is that 4 Americans NEEDLESSLY died because of the incompetence, inexperience, stupidity, and actions directly taken and NOT taken by Hillary Clinton, Barry, and The State Department!

You're hallucinating. I find it most entertaining.
typical easy report .. Benghazi report rips her and Barry

right after the news breaks .. report didn't rip her and Barry.

~snick~ effect....Democrats say in response. .."Everything they just said is Bullshit! !!"
Why was it a bad day for Hillary?

How's those indictments coming, Easy?
You think you are funny, but the sad thing is that you are a sad, pathetic, human being who is reveling in some political partisan game while the fact that the incompetence and failures of the 2 people you are so rabidly partisanly defending allowed 4 Americans to NEEDLESSLY be tortured, mutilated, and murdered.


He should have been ordered out of Benghazi.
He should have left when every other country took their people out.
He should have been given the additional security he asked for HUNDREDS of times.
He should NOT have had 14 members of his security team taken away after 2 terrorist attacks.
He should NOT have been in Benghazi on 9/11/12, the day Al Qaeida VOWED they would attack.

When Al Qaeida DID attack:
She had no plan.
She was not prepared.
She and Obama had no idea if they could send a rescue team or not.
There was no one, according to them, they could call.
Our 'ENEMY' - what was left of Qaddafi's troops responded to help while out 'allies' killed Americans.

This was a FAIL of epic proportions that caused the deaths of 4 Americans.

So FUCK YOU, Bo, and your smarmy, arrogant, partisan sarcasm and attitude. Look at that picture, know that his family has had to look at this picture, to know their loved one went through this NEEDLESSLY because of the miscalculations, the bad decisions, the incompetence, and failures of this administration!

Maybe it's a joke to you. It isn't to them. It isn't to any AMERICAN who puts country / Americans 1st before PARTY!

You can see by the media's questions during the press conference that they are more interested in covering Hillary's ass than getting at the truth. Trey Gowdy handled the hostile questions so well that he is my new hero.
Laying down your excuses already, I see.
How's those indictments coming, Easy?
You think you are funny, but the sad thing is that you are a sad, pathetic, human being who is reveling in some political partisan game while the fact that the incompetence and failures of the 2 people you are so rabidly partisanly defending allowed 4 Americans to NEEDLESSLY be tortured, mutilated, and murdered.

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He should have been ordered out of Benghazi.
He should have left when every other country took their people out.
He should have been given the additional security he asked for HUNDREDS of times.
He should NOT have had 14 members of his security team taken away after 2 terrorist attacks.
He should NOT have been in Benghazi on 9/11/12, the day Al Qaeida VOWED they would attack.

When Al Qaeida DID attack:
She had no plan.
She was not prepared.
She and Obama had no idea if they could send a rescue team or not.
There was no one, according to them, they could call.
Our 'ENEMY' - what was left of Qaddafi's troops responded to help while out 'allies' killed Americans.

This was a FAIL of epic proportions that caused the deaths of 4 Americans.

So FUCK YOU, Bo, and your smarmy, arrogant, partisan sarcasm and attitude. Look at that picture, know that his family has had to look at this picture, to know their loved one went through this NEEDLESSLY because of the miscalculations, the bad decisions, the incompetence, and failures of this administration!

Maybe it's a joke to you. It isn't to them. It isn't to any AMERICAN who puts country / Americans 1st before PARTY!

Funny. That picture you posted has been debunked as a lie many times. Why do you post such dishonest shit?
Goddam some posters are funny.

Where are those Benghazi indictments you promised we'd be seeing Gome?
After Obama leaves office. Right now he decides who is indicted.

You're more the delusional than the OP.
Thems the facts, dipshit.

Post the facts.

Post the indictable offenses in the Benghazi report. Post the recommendations for indictment in the report.

Or, again, shut the fuck up.

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