GOP lies on Benghaz keep piling up


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2013
FURIOUS about the CBS report on the massacre at Benghazi, Queen Hussein made sure Lara Logan got the ax. Well known for her hatred of attractive white wimmens, Mooch wouldn't let go....Logan "apologized" for a true report but it wasn't enough for Barry's enforcer:


CBS betrayal of the Regime's callous lies about an al-Qaida attack they let happen, didn't respond to, have not sought those who did it, and did nothing but divert attention of what went down that night, would not be tolerated. For CBS to abandon Logan, who was gang-raped covering the Egyptian revolution for them, is a good indictation of the level of fear the MSM has for this White House.

Ortiz said the FBI report "was knowable before the ('60 Minutes') piece aired." He said Logan and McLellan did not tap wider resources at CBS to try and track this information down. Ortiz mentioned no names, but CBS News reporter John Miller is a former law enforcement official with deep sources in the community.

Ortiz said that Logan's claims that al-Qaida carried out the attack and controlled the hospital in Benghazi "were not adequately attributed in the report."


Here's kicker: Logan knew Hussein's claim for reelection that al-Qaida had been "dismantled" was idiocy. Daring to tell the truth is open rebellion in the Regime's mind, and will not go unpunished.

Logan's Chicago speech in October 2012 before the city's Better Government Association urged the U.S. to take action in response to Benghazi. Ortiz said it represents a conflict to take a public position on Benghazi and do the "60 Minutes" report.
CBS: Lara Logan, producer ordered to take leave
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Benghazi - as either a cover up or a story of indifference while the president slept has no real truth to it.

I side with the Libs on this one.
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Benghazi - as either a cover up or a story of indifference while the president slept has no real truth to it.

I side with the Libs on this one.

There's a sodomized and murdered ambassador and his attache, and two dead SEALs who were taught a distress call would be responded to. This story is not one of indifference...this story is one of incompetence and cowardice.
Benghazi - as either a cover up or a story of indifference while the president slept has no real truth to it.

I side with the Libs on this one.

There's a sodomized and murdered ambassador and his attache, and two dead SEALs who were taught a distress call would be responded to. This story is not one of indifference...this story is one of incompetence and cowardice.

Right, the old "Tayvon Martin is dead and Zimmerman shot him = murder." defence.

No one responded? Really?

"Incompetence and cowardice"? Fine - show me where.
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Benghazi - as either a cover up or a story of indifference while the president slept has no real truth to it.

I side with the Libs on this one.

Your Dumbass credentials are validated. :cuckoo:

Forget about me for a minute - care to let us in on the big scoop that you feel unnecessary to share with the group?

Over the past year, conservative media figures and activists, led by Fox News, have repeatedly created and promoted lies, smears, and conspiracies related to the Benghazi attack. While the attack raised meaningful questions about how we can best protect U.S. diplomats in dangerous environments, the right has instead sought to use what happened in Benghazi and in the days that followed to bring down President Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and other members of the administration.

Much of the criticism has revolved around two lines of attack: That the Obama administration downplayed the role that terrorists played in the attack, and that the administration held back additional U.S. military forces that could have been used to save lives. In reality, President Obama referred to the attack as an "act of terror" during his September 12 Rose Garden speech, and U.S. officials have made clear that all available and appropriate forces were sent as quickly as possible. As former diplomatic security agent Fred Burton and journalist Samuel M. Katz wrote in their book Under Fire:

There was never a question concerning U.S. resolve or the overall capabilities of the U.S. military to respond to Benghazi. There was, however, nothing immediate about an immediate response. There were logistics and host-nation approvals to consider. An immediate response was hampered by the equation of geography and logistics.

No response? Oh, just a typical drive-by. Got it.
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Right, the old "Tayvon Martin is dead and Zimmerman shot him = murder." defence.

No one responded? Really?

"Incompetence and cowardice"? Fine - show me where.

It's all out there, easy to point in wasting time on your sorry're a Barry-Bot that can't be salvaged. :puke:
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Whoda thunk the First Lady had so much power over the networks?
Right, the old "Tayvon Martin is dead and Zimmerman shot him = murder." defence.

No one responded? Really?

"Incompetence and cowardice"? Fine - show me where.

It's all out there, easy to point in wasting time on your sorry're a Barry-Bot that can't be salvaged. :puke:

That's your answer???? It's out there on the INTERNETS???? LMAO!

A Berry-bot? No, I'm a rational human being who only wants to hear the truth for a change.
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That's your answer???? It's out there on the INTERNETS???? LMAO!

A Berry-bot? No, I'm a rational human being who only wants to hear the truth for a change.

The answer is you don't get an answer....go find your own's hiding up your take a deep breath, put your head between your knees and GET of luck, don't hurt the gerbil, happy hunting. :cool:
That's your answer???? It's out there on the INTERNETS???? LMAO!

A Berry-bot? No, I'm a rational human being who only wants to hear the truth for a change.

The answer is you don't get an answer....go find your own's hiding up your take a deep breath, put your head between your knees and GET of luck, don't hurt the gerbil, happy hunting. :cool:

The answer is up my ass? Awesomesauce.

My, look at the time....

You make a thread and when someone calls you on it, you wave your fingers and stick out your tongue?

Dude! What the hell is wrong with you??? LOL!

You CANNOT be serious! That's your argument, really?

Have fun at recess.


Edit: I still can't stop laughing!!!
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I've made these statements many times...............

2 weeks prior, after the British were attacked, the British left for security concerns.........The area was a powder keg................

So, why didn't we do the same or increase security when the chit was hitting the fan there..................

Ok, so they screwed up and didn't do enough to safeguard our people there...........Had they owned up to that, I would have still called it incompetent, but wouldn't have carried on over time..........

NO, they say a video did it....Um it wasn't a terror it was just a protest gone wild.................In other words, they LIED THEIR ASSES OFF ABOUT IT..................To cover their fuck ups...................

Mistakes can happen, and not increasing security, or withdrawing in violent areas, or having a ready reaction force in the area are MISTAKES....................

Own up to your mistakes..............

And stop the Lies, over the dang thing................

Clinton and Monica seem similar to what I'm saying here.........Not the same as people died, but had Bill just said I did her it would have been over with..........Instead he lied........Which is similar.........

I don't expect everything to turn out peachy in the world, but when it hits the fan I expect the truth over it and not lies from the Gov't.

And that's the bottom line.
2 weeks prior, after the British were attacked, the British left for security concerns.........The area was a powder keg................

Fair enough, but was that in and of itself reason to ramp up security?

So, why didn't we do the same or increase security when the chit was hitting the fan there..................

Yes, I can see that as being negligent, what does that have to do with Hillary and the prez, though?

Ok, so they screwed up and didn't do enough to safeguard our people there...........Had they owned up to that, I would have still called it incompetent, but wouldn't have carried on over time..........

I did read about the slow response. Who do you want to own up?

NO, they say a video did it....Um it wasn't a terror it was just a protest gone wild.................In other words, they LIED THEIR ASSES OFF ABOUT IT..................To cover their fuck ups...................

At the time, maybe that's what they thought? Did the video have NO PART in what happened?

Mistakes can happen, and not increasing security, or withdrawing in violent areas, or having a ready reaction force in the area are MISTAKES....................

A ready reaction force??? Who gets that kind of a perk?

I do appreciate the fact that you have shown up here in good faith to argue your point - much respect, brother.

Right, the old "Tayvon Martin is dead and Zimmerman shot him = murder." defence.

No one responded? Really?

"Incompetence and cowardice"? Fine - show me where.

It's all out there, easy to point in wasting time on your sorry're a Barry-Bot that can't be salvaged. :puke:

That's your answer???? It's out there on the INTERNETS???? LMAO!

A Berry-bot? No, I'm a rational human being who only wants to hear the truth for a change.

So would we.
Benghazi - as either a cover up or a story of indifference while the president slept has no real truth to it.

I side with the Libs on this one.

Dear Mad_Cabbie: It does seem disproportionate to justify/defend the losses and maiming of thousands more troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, compared with blasting the President and Administration on this one attack where 4 Americans were killed, including tortured/paraded to further defile humanity.

However, the truth we are all responsible for is that during this attack at the height of Presidential campaign and election season, ALL of us as AMERICANS were enjoying our democratic rights while these service people were killed, serving in a country that obviously does not have the same protections we take for granted.

Not just the President, but all Americans were busy participating in our own democratic process. Including supporters of Obama who paid 6 billion dollars for his reelection bid.

If anything, we should be united in humility as we were all benefiting while these people were making the ultimate sacrifice.

If we use our free speech and democratic process to resolve conflicts, and not waste billions of dollars campaigning to slam and discredit each other, maybe those lives were not lost in vain but to afford us time and space to perfect our government instead of this!
I've made these statements many times...............

2 weeks prior, after the British were attacked, the British left for security concerns.........The area was a powder keg................

So, why didn't we do the same or increase security when the chit was hitting the fan there..................

Ok, so they screwed up and didn't do enough to safeguard our people there...........Had they owned up to that, I would have still called it incompetent, but wouldn't have carried on over time..........

NO, they say a video did it....Um it wasn't a terror it was just a protest gone wild.................In other words, they LIED THEIR ASSES OFF ABOUT IT..................To cover their fuck ups...................

Mistakes can happen, and not increasing security, or withdrawing in violent areas, or having a ready reaction force in the area are MISTAKES....................

Own up to your mistakes..............

And stop the Lies, over the dang thing................

Clinton and Monica seem similar to what I'm saying here.........Not the same as people died, but had Bill just said I did her it would have been over with..........Instead he lied........Which is similar.........

I don't expect everything to turn out peachy in the world, but when it hits the fan I expect the truth over it and not lies from the Gov't.

And that's the bottom line.

Benghazi US consulate attack: The unanswered questions - video | World news |
The one thing Republicans won't accept an apology for is "gay". That's it. Nothing else.

Republicans would accept an apology from Hitler as long as he said he wasn't "gay".

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