GOP lies on Benghaz keep piling up

2 weeks prior, after the British were attacked, the British left for security concerns.........The area was a powder keg................

Fair enough, but was that in and of itself reason to ramp up security?

Yes. As are allies had already been attacked. And many other attacks were happening in the area................

So, why didn't we do the same or increase security when the chit was hitting the fan there..................

Yes, I can see that as being negligent, what does that have to do with Hillary and the prez, though?

Because it's their job...........I'm not going to waste my time with the duties of the Executive Branch right now...........and they get daily briefings on the same........

Ok, so they screwed up and didn't do enough to safeguard our people there...........Had they owned up to that, I would have still called it incompetent, but wouldn't have carried on over time..........

I did read about the slow response. Who do you want to own up?

The Executive Branch.........As it' their job...........and see last question

NO, they say a video did it....Um it wasn't a terror it was just a protest gone wild.................In other words, they LIED THEIR ASSES OFF ABOUT IT..................To cover their fuck ups...................

At the time, maybe that's what they thought? Did the video have NO PART in what happened?

Pretty much all sources in the region considered it a planned attack......I believe the video is utter BS

Mistakes can happen, and not increasing security, or withdrawing in violent areas, or having a ready reaction force in the area are MISTAKES....................

A ready reaction force??? Who gets that kind of a perk?

Perk, you've got to be kidding me.........The military can assign regional assets to ready reaction missions in pretty much any region of the world.....It doesn't take large assets to do so............And Libya had violent actions going on all over the place........Is Obama the CNC are the leader of a Boy Scout Troop.............

I do appreciate the appreciation on the subject at hand............

I simply don't like the Lies on this issue. Being x military, I expect the Gov't to do it's job and stop Lying especially when Americans die in situations.

And again, I don't expect a peachy world........It's not realistic.
Benghazi - as either a cover up or a story of indifference while the president slept has no real truth to it.

I side with the Libs on this one.

There's a sodomized and murdered ambassador and his attache, and two dead SEALs who were taught a distress call would be responded to. This story is not one of indifference...this story is one of incompetence and cowardice.

Who sodomized the ambassador?

And what was the CIA doing in a diplomatic consulate?
A ready reaction force??? Who gets that kind of a perk?

Perk, you've got to be kidding me.........The military can assign regional assets to ready reaction missions in pretty much any region of the world.....It doesn't take large assets to do so............And Libya had violent actions going on all over the place........Is Obama the CNC are the leader of a Boy Scout Troop.............

I do appreciate the appreciation on the subject at hand............

I simply don't like the Lies on this issue. Being x military, I expect the Gov't to do it's job and stop Lying especially when Americans die in situations.

And again, I don't expect a peachy world........It's not realistic.

I would definitely say that we screwed up, however, I do not see how you can say that Obama was directly responsible for security at a foreign embassy. Does it surprise you that the military did not immediately respond to requests for more security?
The one thing Republicans won't accept an apology for is "gay". That's it. Nothing else.

Republicans would accept an apology from Hitler as long as he said he wasn't "gay".

Any thoughts on the actual OP or just snarky comments about Right-wingers?
A ready reaction force??? Who gets that kind of a perk?

Perk, you've got to be kidding me.........The military can assign regional assets to ready reaction missions in pretty much any region of the world.....It doesn't take large assets to do so............And Libya had violent actions going on all over the place........Is Obama the CNC are the leader of a Boy Scout Troop.............

I do appreciate the appreciation on the subject at hand............

I simply don't like the Lies on this issue. Being x military, I expect the Gov't to do it's job and stop Lying especially when Americans die in situations.

And again, I don't expect a peachy world........It's not realistic.

I would definitely say that we screwed up, however, I do not see how you can say that Obama was directly responsible for security at a foreign embassy. Does it surprise you that the military did not immediately respond to requests for more security?

The military has a food chain. And military intervention into a foreign nation requires a top level order, unless there are Standing Orders in place............Quite frankly, the CNC has to authorize it, unless he has specifically delegated it down the line, or authorized Standing Orders in case of attack..................
The military has a food chain. And military intervention into a foreign nation requires a top level order, unless there are Standing Orders in place............Quite frankly, the CNC has to authorize it, unless he has specifically delegated it down the line, or authorized Standing Orders in case of attack..................

Securing Our Embassies Overseas

The Secretary of State, and by extension, the Chief of Mission (COM), are responsible for developing and implementing security policies and programs that provide for the protection of all U.S. Government personnel (including accompanying dependents) on official duty abroad. This mission is executed through the Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS). Personal and facility protection are the most critical elements of the DS mission abroad as they directly impact upon the Department’s ability to carry out its foreign policy. With terrorist organizations and coalitions operating across international borders, the threat of terrorism against U.S. interests remains great. Therefore, any U.S. mission overseas can be a target even if identified as being in a low-threat environment.

As a result, DS is more dedicated than ever to its mission of providing a secure living and working environment for our Foreign Service colleagues as they implement foreign policy and promote U.S. interests around the world. Nearly 800 DS special agents serve in regional security offices at over 250 posts worldwide. The DS special agents, also called regional security officers (RSOs) when serving abroad, manage security programs and also provide the first line of defense for our personnel, their families, U.S. diplomatic missions, and national security information. RSOs serve as the primary advisor to the COM on all security matters by developing and implementing security programs that shield U.S. missions and residences overseas from physical and technical attack.

RSOs, in concert with other U.S. Government agencies represented at post, formulate plans to deal with various emergency contingencies, including defining emergency management responsibilities for incidents ranging from hostage taking to evacuations. Often, in times of crisis and political instability, RSOs rely on the U.S. military for assistance. Unified commands have the capability to supply post with combat-equipped troops, e.g., Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Teams (FAST), to augment post security requirements....

Read more click on link above
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The military has a food chain. And military intervention into a foreign nation requires a top level order, unless there are Standing Orders in place............Quite frankly, the CNC has to authorize it, unless he has specifically delegated it down the line, or authorized Standing Orders in case of attack..................

Securing Our Embassies Overseas

The Secretary of State, and by extension, the Chief of Mission (COM), are responsible for developing and implementing security policies and programs that provide for the protection of all U.S. Government personnel (including accompanying dependents) on official duty abroad. This mission is executed through the Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS). Personal and facility protection are the most critical elements of the DS mission abroad as they directly impact upon the Department’s ability to carry out its foreign policy. With terrorist organizations and coalitions operating across international borders, the threat of terrorism against U.S. interests remains great. Therefore, any U.S. mission overseas can be a target even if identified as being in a low-threat environment.

As a result, DS is more dedicated than ever to its mission of providing a secure living and working environment for our Foreign Service colleagues as they implement foreign policy and promote U.S. interests around the world. Nearly 800 DS special agents serve in regional security offices at over 250 posts worldwide. The DS special agents, also called regional security officers (RSOs) when serving abroad, manage security programs and also provide the first line of defense for our personnel, their families, U.S. diplomatic missions, and national security information. RSOs serve as the primary advisor to the COM on all security matters by developing and implementing security programs that shield U.S. missions and residences overseas from physical and technical attack.

RSOs, in concert with other U.S. Government agencies represented at post, formulate plans to deal with various emergency contingencies, including defining emergency management responsibilities for incidents ranging from hostage taking to evacuations. Often, in times of crisis and political instability, RSOs rely on the U.S. military for assistance. Unified commands have the capability to supply post with combat-equipped troops, e.g., Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Teams (FAST), to augment post security requirements....

Read more click on link above

And under that link, they still have a chain of command.......a food chain..........and to intervene in another country there are rules............even in Libya............Again requiring high level authorization..............

The top of that chain above, is the Secretary of State.........and the military cannot arbitrarily JUST GO INTO THE FOREIGN COUNTRY...........
Chapter 8 Rules of Engagement

ROE are driven by three sets of considerations: policy, legal, and military. An example of a policy-driven rule is Executive Order

Operational requirements, policy, and law define ROE. ROE always recognize the soldier's right of self-defense, the commander's right and obligation to self-defense, and America's national right to defend itself and its allies and coalition partners against aggression. In the Standing Rules of Engagement (SROE) for U.S. Forces, the Joint Chiefs of Staff provide baseline guidance and procedures for supplementing this guidance for specific operations. Effective ROE are enforceable, understandable, tactically sound, and legally sufficient. Further, effective ROE are responsive to the mission and consistent with unit initiative.

In all operations, ROE may impose political, operational, and legal limitations upon commanders. Withholding employment of particular classes of weapons or exempting the territory of certain nations from attack are examples of such limitations. At the tactical level, ROE may extend to criteria for initiating engagements with certain weapon systems (for example, unobserved fires) or reacting to attack.

Effective ROE comply with domestic and international law, including the body of international law pertaining to armed conflict. Thus, ROE never justify illegal actions. In all situations, soldiers and commanders use force that is necessary and proportional.


Name the Standing Rules of Engagement for Libya in the advent of an attack on the embassy...........

Then refute this order to violate a countries territory in a response via EXECUTIVE ORDER.
Coordinating The Marine Corps Crisis Response With The State Department

Title: Coordinating The Marine Corps Crisis Response With The
State Department

Author: Major Gary S. Supnick, United States Marine Corps
Thesis: To ensure the safety of U. S. lives and property during
crisis overseas, the U. S. Marine Corps and the Department of State
must develop emergency response as a coordinated team.

Background: Unstable political situations in foreign countries
often cause concern for the safety of U. S. lives and property. U.
S. Marines responding to the American Ambassadors call for help
will conduct non-combatant evacuation and security operations.

To ensure the safety of U. S. lives and property during
crisis overseas, the U. S. Marine Corps and the Department of
State must develop emergency response as a coordinated team.

With the changing world order and a continued increase in
political, religious, and insurgent activity throughout the world
the possibility for military action to protect American lives and
property has increased in its probability and importance. The
United States Marine Corps, as the nation's foremost forward
deployed expeditionary force, can expect to be the force of
choice when the Ambassador asks for military assistance.
Therefore, as military leaders who will be called upon to perform
security and non-combatant evacuation operations abroad, it is
our duty to insure that the proper command action and requisite
planning occur so that military operations are well coordinated
with representatives of the State Department

The military must be well coordinated with the State Department.............aka.......They must get permission to engage from the State Department...........

Read more at that site.....
That's your answer???? It's out there on the INTERNETS???? LMAO!

A Berry-bot? No, I'm a rational human being who only wants to hear the truth for a change.

So would we.

Great, here's your big chance to speak the truth! If I'm wrong, show me!

If you REALLY wanted to know the truth, it is out is your friend. Do you know how many times we've posted links to this truth? If you missed it, it's not my fault. I'm also no wasting my time anymore. If you really want the truth, you would do your own research. We already have.
Ever heard of the Red Phone...............

When the chit hits the fan, especially in an attack, it rings off the hook all the way up the food chain including the CNC..............

I guarantee that those phones rang, and all in the chain were informed including the CNC...........

Either the CNC, or the State Department should have initiated an order to the COM's to deploy any and all available assets in the region. This in my estimate was delayed in the confusion and also delayed response times..............

Quite simply it took too dang long to employ............and this is a MISTAKE..........One that should have been planned and in Standing Orders already for Libya..........There is no way anyone knew how long this attack was going to last.........It went on for quite a while as it was, but there was no way that they could have known whether or not the attackers could have gotten reinforcements overwelming the compound. Or to know whether it would have went on for a day or so...........

Given that, immediate response was necessary. And assets should have mobilized much quicker........

Which is a failure of Command and coordination between the State Dept........

Which is why I will continue to consider it a Cluster Fuck Operation.

Got Honey Do's to do........Post later on.
Ever heard of the Red Phone...............

When the chit hits the fan, especially in an attack, it rings off the hook all the way up the food chain including the CNC..............

I guarantee that those phones rang, and all in the chain were informed including the CNC...........

Either the CNC, or the State Department should have initiated an order to the COM's to deploy any and all available assets in the region. This in my estimate was delayed in the confusion and also delayed response times..............

Quite simply it took too dang long to employ............and this is a MISTAKE..........One that should have been planned and in Standing Orders already for Libya..........There is no way anyone knew how long this attack was going to last.........It went on for quite a while as it was, but there was no way that they could have known whether or not the attackers could have gotten reinforcements overwelming the compound. Or to know whether it would have went on for a day or so...........

Given that, immediate response was necessary. And assets should have mobilized much quicker........

Which is a failure of Command and coordination between the State Dept........

Which is why I will continue to consider it a Cluster Fuck Operation.

Got Honey Do's to do........Post later on.

So let me get this straight..

A sporadic terrorist attack on a faraway outpost in a hostile land not getting helped is a "clusterfuck".

A well telegraphed terrorist attack on the biggest city in the United States and not getting is a what?


There were immediate multiple investigations into Benghazi.

9/11's investigation didn't happen until a year later..and they were held in secret.

Additionally there were no investigations into the lies that led to the Iraq war.

Don't you guys worry at all about how you look on this? :eusa_shifty:
60 Minutes doesn't tolerate shoddy reporting

Logan and the producer paid the price
Who sodomized the ambassador?

And what was the CIA doing in a diplomatic consulate?

Attackers could not reach Stevens, he died from smoke inhalation - he could not have been 'sodomized."

Here ya go you loudmouth punk...I told you the truth was out there....choke on it.

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Ever heard of the Red Phone...............

When the chit hits the fan, especially in an attack, it rings off the hook all the way up the food chain including the CNC..............

I guarantee that those phones rang, and all in the chain were informed including the CNC...........

Either the CNC, or the State Department should have initiated an order to the COM's to deploy any and all available assets in the region. This in my estimate was delayed in the confusion and also delayed response times..............

Quite simply it took too dang long to employ............and this is a MISTAKE..........One that should have been planned and in Standing Orders already for Libya..........There is no way anyone knew how long this attack was going to last.........It went on for quite a while as it was, but there was no way that they could have known whether or not the attackers could have gotten reinforcements overwelming the compound. Or to know whether it would have went on for a day or so...........

Given that, immediate response was necessary. And assets should have mobilized much quicker........

Which is a failure of Command and coordination between the State Dept........

Which is why I will continue to consider it a Cluster Fuck Operation.

Got Honey Do's to do........Post later on.

So let me get this straight..

A sporadic terrorist attack on a faraway outpost in a hostile land not getting helped is a "clusterfuck".

A well telegraphed terrorist attack on the biggest city in the United States and not getting is a what?


There were immediate multiple investigations into Benghazi.

9/11's investigation didn't happen until a year later..and they were held in secret.

Additionally there were no investigations into the lies that led to the Iraq war.

Don't you guys worry at all about how you look on this? :eusa_shifty:

Cluster Fuck.........Yep............

Why..........Primarily because of the lies afterwards.............I have pointed out the mistakes in judgement, and have blamed those in the upper levels.............

Mr biggest complaint is the lies and attempted cover up of the event. It never was about a video, or a sporadic event...........That was the stinking politicians trying to change the dang story for political motivations. and that is what completely ticked me off about it.

A true leader shouldn't be lying his butt off all the time, and in this case I believe he did, and those 4 that died deserve better than that as they died for their country.

Worry about how we look on this.............I didn't use the War Power Act to go into Libya to begin with. Obama did. We were there because of him, and the embassies were there because of him. So I'd at least expect that those that put men in harm's way, make sure they take ever precaution to give them the best safety available.

It is clear, that they didn't plan for these types of situations, and ignored the fact that the freakin British left.

He doesn't deserve a pass on this one. He owns it.
CBS' Lara Logan, producer on leave after discredited Benghazi report -

Republicans And Right-Wing Media Championed Discredited 60 Minutes Benghazi Report | Research | Media Matters for America

Republican and conservative media figures lauded a report from CBS' 60 Minutes on the September 2012 Benghazi attacks, using it to advance their attacks on the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton. But that report has since come under fire following the revelation that the piece's key Benghazi "eyewitness" had previously claimed he was nowhere near the compound on the night of the attack.

The media, the enemy of the GOP, seems to feel this is not important anymore....oh yeah, since they were the ones who promoted the GOP lie.

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