GOP looking to ask Putin to run for political office on the GOP ticket


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

The whiny GOP clan on this board have fallen in love with Putin. He is their Hero! He is what they want to be and can't. He is a egotistical bully who has complete control.

I read over and over the adoring words of admiration from the RW. Screw the US....Give me Vladimir!

The GOP love affair with Vladimir Putin

But alas, the demographic changes in the US will soon make the GOP a distant memory....:eusa_boohoo:
Is this what democrats are depending on to win the next election? Do you expect democrats to win using this?
A post based on an opinion based on an opinion on a comedy show? What's with the liberal love affair with lies, slander and distortions?
this is frigin amazing!

The whiny gop clan on this board have fallen in love with putin. He is their hero! He is what they want to be and can't. He is a egotistical bully who has complete control.

I read over and over the adoring words of admiration from the rw. Screw the us....give me vladimir!

the gop love affair with vladimir putin

but alas, the demographic changes in the us will soon make the gop a distant memory....:eusa_boohoo:

you gotta good sense a humor child !!!!!!!!!!

LMFAO !!!!

The whiny GOP clan on this board have fallen in love with Putin. He is their Hero! He is what they want to be and can't. He is a egotistical bully who has complete control.

I read over and over the adoring words of admiration from the RW. Screw the US....Give me Vladimir!

The GOP love affair with Vladimir Putin

But alas, the demographic changes in the US will soon make the GOP a distant memory....:eusa_boohoo:

Congratulations! You're the one millionth idiot leftie to post this very same false drivel.
Is this what democrats are depending on to win the next election? Do you expect democrats to win using this?

You cannot escape the fact that conservatives have been very nasty to Obama and almost adoring of Putin. If their seeming positive regard for Soviet dictators effects the election remains to be seen, probably negligible considering the gerrymandering. It is important to note that Putin is openly doing everything that conservatives accuse Obama of doing, only he is doing it to leftists and properly using the tried and true formula to get hard right support, but it is hardly surprising for a party that attracts authoritarian followers.
Is this what democrats are depending on to win the next election? Do you expect democrats to win using this?

You cannot escape the fact that conservatives have been very nasty to Obama and almost adoring of Putin. If their seeming positive regard for Soviet dictators effects the election remains to be seen, probably negligible considering the gerrymandering. It is important to note that Putin is openly doing everything that conservatives accuse Obama of doing, only he is doing it to leftists and properly using the tried and true formula to get hard right support, but it is hardly surprising for a party that attracts authoritarian followers.

You cannot escape the fact that obama has it all coming. Whether or not Putin has an adoring public in the US is almost beside the fact. So far, criticizing obama is racist, homophobic and unpatriotic. It has nothing to do with adoring Putin, it's just another deflection to somehow elevate obama to a station that he is not entitled to hold.
Is this what democrats are depending on to win the next election? Do you expect democrats to win using this?

You cannot escape the fact that conservatives have been very nasty to Obama and almost adoring of Putin. If their seeming positive regard for Soviet dictators effects the election remains to be seen, probably negligible considering the gerrymandering. It is important to note that Putin is openly doing everything that conservatives accuse Obama of doing, only he is doing it to leftists and properly using the tried and true formula to get hard right support, but it is hardly surprising for a party that attracts authoritarian followers.

"Adoring"....? They would celebrate tomorrow if Putin invaded Ukraine. They would try to establish a "Putin Day" in the US. The are showing all the voters out there that they respect Party over Country. They are finally showing their true colors with the Putin Admiration club.

Then they go out and wave their red, white, and blue like the proud hypocrites that they are.
"Adoring"....? They would celebrate tomorrow if Putin invaded Ukraine. They would try to establish a "Putin Day" in the US. The are showing all the voters out there that they respect Party over Country. They are finally showing their true colors with the Putin Admiration club.

Then they go out and wave their red, white, and blue like the proud hypocrites that they are.
Aw. Did somebody diss your Lord and master? Put on your big girl panties and deal with it.
Stewart makes a great point, among many. It’s funny how Republicans just love Putin’s dictatorial style, while they accuse Obama of wearing “mommy jeans.” But then whenever Obama actually does something, like pass health care reform, the President suddenly becomes “Dictator Obama” who jams unconstitutional legislation down the throats of the American public (by letting the Congress vote on it 50 times).
Very true.

The idiocy of the partisan right is remarkable.
Is this what democrats are depending on to win the next election? Do you expect democrats to win using this?

You cannot escape the fact that conservatives have been very nasty to Obama and almost adoring of Putin. If their seeming positive regard for Soviet dictators effects the election remains to be seen, probably negligible considering the gerrymandering. It is important to note that Putin is openly doing everything that conservatives accuse Obama of doing, only he is doing it to leftists and properly using the tried and true formula to get hard right support, but it is hardly surprising for a party that attracts authoritarian followers.

You cannot escape the fact that obama has it all coming. Whether or not Putin has an adoring public in the US is almost beside the fact. So far, criticizing obama is racist, homophobic and unpatriotic. It has nothing to do with adoring Putin, it's just another deflection to somehow elevate obama to a station that he is not entitled to hold.

Nope, Obama acts like a reasonable, deliberative leader in foreign affairs, and you hate him for it calling him a pussy. Conservatives much prefer a warmonger who issues threats and ultimatums. The only people who seem to consider him a weakling are those hard right people who feel that military threats should be the in forefront of dealing with the rest of the world. You know there is this rather successful thing that avoids war, it's called diplomacy, it's slow, requires patience and rarely includes rocket launches.
You cannot escape the fact that conservatives have been very nasty to Obama and almost adoring of Putin. If their seeming positive regard for Soviet dictators effects the election remains to be seen, probably negligible considering the gerrymandering. It is important to note that Putin is openly doing everything that conservatives accuse Obama of doing, only he is doing it to leftists and properly using the tried and true formula to get hard right support, but it is hardly surprising for a party that attracts authoritarian followers.

You cannot escape the fact that obama has it all coming. Whether or not Putin has an adoring public in the US is almost beside the fact. So far, criticizing obama is racist, homophobic and unpatriotic. It has nothing to do with adoring Putin, it's just another deflection to somehow elevate obama to a station that he is not entitled to hold.

Nope, Obama acts like a reasonable, deliberative leader in foreign affairs, and you hate him for it calling him a pussy. Conservatives much prefer a warmonger who issues threats and ultimatums. The only people who seem to consider him a weakling are those hard right people who feel that military threats should be the in forefront of dealing with the rest of the world. You know there is this rather successful thing that avoids war, it's called diplomacy, it's slow, requires patience and rarely includes rocket launches.

Yup, no one has asked anyone in the GOP to explain to all the veterans who came back missing limbs how they fought in a war that was not necessary. The GOP seems to think diplomacy shows weakness, while acting like a cowboy with six shooters shows strength. They are would be happy if the US was under a conservative dictator.
pity Obamabots, so out of anything to try make him a hero

The pity is how disdainful the right is of the hard work that goes into keeping the world from erupting into mass warfare, you guys almost seem to resent it when tensions are eased and nations step back from war, now that's more than pitiful, it's a national shame.
pity Obamabots, so out of anything to try make him a hero

The pity is how disdainful the right is of the hard work that goes into keeping the world from erupting into mass warfare, you guys almost seem to resent it when tensions are eased and nations step back from war, now that's more than pitiful, it's a national shame.

go get a damn crying towel and then cry us a river
we watched you ugly left with Bush's hard work into keeping the world from erupting...
the national shame WAS YOU ON THE LEFT marching in the streets when we had boots on the ground, carrying poster of Bush, AS HITLER, invading Senate hearings charging our SOS with fake blood on your hands, etc etc
now get back to your shrine of Obama and save your preaching for someone who might care

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Clearly the far left here is trying to get this theme to catch on given the number of threads they have started like this one but they don't seem to be having a much luck and I think I know why they need a slogan or rallying cry that really shows what they and this topic are all about I believe I have found just the one.
pity Obamabots, so out of anything to try make him a hero

The pity is how disdainful the right is of the hard work that goes into keeping the world from erupting into mass warfare, you guys almost seem to resent it when tensions are eased and nations step back from war, now that's more than pitiful, it's a national shame.

go get a damn crying towel and then cry us a river
we watched you ugly left with Bush's hard work into keeping the world from erupting...
the national shame WAS YOU ON THE LEFT marching in the streets when we had boots on the ground, carrying poster of Bush, AS HITLER, invading Senate hearings charging our SOS with fake blood on your hands, etc etc
now get back to your shrine of Obama and save your preaching for someone who might care

There was not a diplomatic bone in George Bush's body, that's what pissed off the left, that and the way he just unilaterally invaded another country, kind of like Putin did, maybe that explains it, you love imperialist conquerors.

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