GOP may "leverage" debt ceiling against de-funding Obamacare

There is no leverage against the will of We the People, who have elected the President twice and has refused the GOP the legislative "leverage" to defund the ACA.

There is no leverage in using the debt limit. If the GOP does that, we Republicans will lose the House in 2014. Then the dems will go to 51% in the Senate and push through single payer.

This is over for the GOP except how badly we want to bleed over it.

Damn but you are stupid. Are you really so ignorant that you think single payer will be cheaper for anyone?

65% of americans want obamacare killed, the republicans are doing the right thing.

AND, the debt ceiling should not be raised------we are already 17 trillion in debt with no end in sight. Do you think deficit spending can go on forever?

Are YOU that stupid?

Most of the people in that pool WANT single payer.
There is no leverage against the will of We the People, who have elected the President twice and has refused the GOP the legislative "leverage" to defund the ACA.

There is no leverage in using the debt limit. If the GOP does that, we Republicans will lose the House in 2014. Then the dems will go to 51% in the Senate and push through single payer.

This is over for the GOP except how badly we want to bleed over it.

Damn but you are stupid. Are you really so ignorant that you think single payer will be cheaper for anyone?

65% of americans want obamacare killed, the republicans are doing the right thing.

AND, the debt ceiling should not be raised------we are already 17 trillion in debt with no end in sight. Do you think deficit spending can go on forever?

c'mon. it's fakey.

you can not take him seriously. it's the same propaganda throat as is the OP
There is no leverage against the will of We the People, who have elected the President twice and has refused the GOP the legislative "leverage" to defund the ACA.

There is no leverage in using the debt limit. If the GOP does that, we Republicans will lose the House in 2014. Then the dems will go to 51% in the Senate and push through single payer.

This is over for the GOP except how badly we want to bleed over it.

Jake went so far right wing he ended up somewhere in left field.

The ACA was supposed to be deficit neutral, so much for that!
Vox, the numbers are posted above. You reactionaries in the party are wrong on this issue: period.

And the fact will be that the GOP will be bloodied badly if it tries to hold up the govt again.
There is no leverage against the will of We the People, who have elected the President twice and has refused the GOP the legislative "leverage" to defund the ACA.

There is no leverage in using the debt limit. If the GOP does that, we Republicans will lose the House in 2014. Then the dems will go to 51% in the Senate and push through single payer.

This is over for the GOP except how badly we want to bleed over it.

Jake went so far right wing he ended up somewhere in left field.

The ACA was supposed to be deficit neutral, so much for that!

The point is that this fight is over, except for how much we in the GOP want to bleed.
fakey, I don't care if you die for libtard propaganda.

It is just funny anybody will seriously respond to such obvious shit.
fakey, I don't care if you die for libtard propaganda.

It is just funny anybody will seriously respond to such obvious shit.

You are simply looking at yourself in the mirror when you spout such nonsense.

The propaganda is all reactionary right and it is certainly all wrong.
There is no leverage against the will of We the People, who have elected the President twice and has refused the GOP the legislative "leverage" to defund the ACA.

There is no leverage in using the debt limit. If the GOP does that, we Republicans will lose the House in 2014. Then the dems will go to 51% in the Senate and push through single payer.

This is over for the GOP except how badly we want to bleed over it.

Jake went so far right wing he ended up somewhere in left field.

The ACA was supposed to be deficit neutral, so much for that!

The point is that this fight is over, except for how much we in the GOP want to bleed.

I'm not in the Progressive GOP, I hope it bleeds to death. The party of "anyone but Obama" so they put of Romneycare VS Obamacare in the GE killed itself, and you helped them. You got what you wanted Jake, and failed, like Obama you have no accountability, it's time for you to give someone else a shot.
CBO: Obamacare Will Spend More, Tax More, and Reduce the Deficit Less Than We Previously Thought - Forbes

"In 2010, the CBO estimated that Obamacare’s spending on new programs would amount to $929 billion from 2013-2019, and a ten-year cost of $944 billion. Those figures increased to $956 billion and $1,442 billion respectively in 2011, and $1,053 billion and $1,856 billion in 2012."

Pretty easy stuff to find really.

Check your figures. The point you are missing is that the reduction in deficit is implicit in the title.
fakey, I don't care if you die for libtard propaganda.

It is just funny anybody will seriously respond to such obvious shit.

You are simply looking at yourself in the mirror when you spout such nonsense.

The propaganda is all reactionary right and it is certainly all wrong.

Is projections for Obamacare going up or down Jake?

The projections are all over the place. Will there still be a reduction in the deficit, Avory?
Avory, a devastating defeat in 2014 because of the reactionary right will make it so much easier for the sensible people in the GOP to marginalize them to almost insignificance in policy and decision making in the future.

Good for it, reactionaries, and be willing to take your punishment when it comes.
just fucking defund the monstrosity...and let the chips fall where they's worth it.....

how long do you think the Dims will shut down the government....? i doubt they could stomach it for long.....The People aren't stupid....they will figure out who is doing what....

NOW is the time to FIGHT....if not now...when....?

Republicans can fight this all the way to 2014.

It'll be fun watching them pack up their shit and leave congress.

By the way..Obama isn't backing down from this. And he's said the debt ceiling isn't up for negotiation.

That's the right move.
CBO: Obamacare Will Spend More, Tax More, and Reduce the Deficit Less Than We Previously Thought - Forbes

"In 2010, the CBO estimated that Obamacare’s spending on new programs would amount to $929 billion from 2013-2019, and a ten-year cost of $944 billion. Those figures increased to $956 billion and $1,442 billion respectively in 2011, and $1,053 billion and $1,856 billion in 2012."

Pretty easy stuff to find really.

Check your figures. The point you are missing is that the reduction in deficit is implicit in the title.

Their point is that the ACA will cost more, so much more that in fact it will run deficits. You gonna tell me that raising taxes won't have an effect on the already dead economy Jake? You gonna tell me, that higher taxes mixed with easily predicted costs rising on the ACA will keep it deficit neutral?

The ACA will be devistating, in fact it has so far not lived up to a single benchmark except the ones predicting and projecting it's negative side effects. But keep defending Obamacare Jake, hell you wanted it under Romney.
Avory, all you are doing is bubbling at the moment.

No, the ACA will not be devastating, and it could be quite beneficial to all of us if the younger singles get in willingly. That appears to may be the case.

I am not defending a losing political battle, other than the good outcome is that your kind will hold no power in the GOP that comes from it.
Avory, a devastating defeat in 2014 because of the reactionary right will make it so much easier for the sensible people in the GOP to marginalize them to almost insignificance in policy and decision making in the future.

Good for it, reactionaries, and be willing to take your punishment when it comes.

Hey, your the crazy loony progressive hiding out in the GOP, not me. I don't care if the GOP takes a hit in 2014, they should, their party is dying because the GOP can't sell itself as fiscally responsible due to people like you.

In the end, one of the last people I would take prediction advice from is the guy that said the GOP would win with Mitt, then lost....
Avory, if you are not GOP, you have no dog in the hunt.

I supported my nominee to the end: that's what party politics is about.

Go for it, reactionaries, and your own demise is your own doing.
Avory, all you are doing is bubbling at the moment.

No, the ACA will not be devastating, and it could be quite beneficial to all of us if the younger singles get in willingly. That appears to may be the case.

I am not defending a losing political battle, other than the good outcome is that your kind will hold no power in the GOP that comes from it.

The ACA is already hurting the country. Are you retarded?

BTW, attacking me on my politics and it's political power makes you sound desperate to be taken seriously. I honestly don;t think you care if the GOP losses in 2014 or 2016 seeing as you are a Progressive and like Dems/Obama just fine... One would wonder if you're nothing more than a plant. You hold little to no 'conservative" values based on foreign policy nor economics.

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