GOP Mike Lee says intel hearing is worst he has heard in 9 years as a senator

Wow, GOP senator Mike Lee is pissed over lack of transparency in classified intel briefing about the Soleimani situation. WTF is going on here?!

Senator Mike Lee Calls Iran Briefing "the Worst" He |
Utah Republican Senator Mike Lee calls the briefing on the drone strike that killed Iranian General Qasem Soleimani "the worst briefing" he's seen on a military issue during his nine years in the Senate. He also says it's "insulting" for administration officials to tell senators that they cannot debate War Powers legislation because it would embolden Iran. Senator Lee says he will now support a resolution proposed by Virginia Democratic Senator Tim Kaine. "It is not acceptable for officials within the executive branch of government…to come in and tell us that we can't debate and discuss the appropriateness of military intervention against Iran. It's un-American. It's unconstitutional and it's wrong," Senator Lee says.
Lee had his feathers ruffled and his ego was hurt

senators are the biggest blowhards in washington
What do you think ruffled his feathers and hurt his ego?
In his own words he was pissed that the briefers were calling for less debate and grandstanding in the senate
You’re right. Mike Lee is all about grandstanding and decided to go publicly complain that the DOD was against grandstanding. Your comprehension skills are very impressive
The senate is filled with grandstanding blowhards
True, so what? Do you think Mike Lee is making this up and lying because he wants to grandstand?
Rand needs to quit sucking up to Trump, too. I get that he isn't running again but that's beside the point.

Mike's correct, of course.

He's not, of course.

The Founders disagree with you. Ever hear of a thing called the Constitution? Article 1 section 8 is a great place to start familliarizing yourself with it.
You'd have a case if you held Obambi to the same standard. You didn't so that ship has sailed.
You'd have a case if you held Obambi to the same standard.
The Constitutionality of the war powers does not change from Article I to Article II upon a whim or is determined by whom is the current POTUS, imbecile! Natural Citizen told your dumb ass where to find ALL war powers; so in Art.1 Sec.8 Cls11. The Constitutional source is NOT the War Powers Act, which is violative of the Constitution's directive of the inherent powers of Congress, it's source is not in Article II under the Executive powers and it certainly is not empowered through a fucking Tweet from the Orange Clown! He's not a fucking King, dipstick!
The President gets to choose what top secret material is shared and can agree to only share certain stuff with specific designated people in the Senate and the House.
Rand needs to quit sucking up to Trump, too. I get that he isn't running again but that's beside the point.

Mike's correct, of course.

He's not, of course.

The Founders disagree with you. Ever hear of a thing called the Constitution? Article 1 section 8 is a great place to start familliarizing yourself with it.
You'd have a case if you held Obambi to the same standard. You didn't so that ship has sailed.
You'd have a case if you held Obambi to the same standard.
The Constitutionality of the war powers does not change from Article I to Article II upon a whim or is determined by whom is the current POTUS, imbecile! Natural Citizen told your dumb ass where to find ALL war powers; so in Art.1 Sec.8 Cls11. The Constitutional source is NOT the War Powers Act, which is violative of the Constitution's directive of the inherent powers of Congress, it's source is not in Article II under the Executive powers and it certainly is not empowered through a fucking Tweet from the Orange Clown! He's not a fucking King, dipstick!
President Trump MET the requirements of the War powers act.
Lee had his feathers ruffled and his ego was hurt

senators are the biggest blowhards in washington
What do you think ruffled his feathers and hurt his ego?
In his own words he was pissed that the briefers were calling for less debate and grandstanding in the senate
You’re right. Mike Lee is all about grandstanding and decided to go publicly complain that the DOD was against grandstanding. Your comprehension skills are very impressive
The senate is filled with grandstanding blowhards
True, so what? Do you think Mike Lee is making this up and lying because he wants to grandstand?

I think any camera chasing senator would object to being told to shut up
Wow, GOP senator Mike Lee is pissed over lack of transparency in classified intel briefing about the Soleimani situation. WTF is going on here?!

Senator Mike Lee Calls Iran Briefing "the Worst" He |
Utah Republican Senator Mike Lee calls the briefing on the drone strike that killed Iranian General Qasem Soleimani "the worst briefing" he's seen on a military issue during his nine years in the Senate. He also says it's "insulting" for administration officials to tell senators that they cannot debate War Powers legislation because it would embolden Iran. Senator Lee says he will now support a resolution proposed by Virginia Democratic Senator Tim Kaine. "It is not acceptable for officials within the executive branch of government…to come in and tell us that we can't debate and discuss the appropriateness of military intervention against Iran. It's un-American. It's unconstitutional and it's wrong," Senator Lee says.
Lee had his feathers ruffled and his ego was hurt

senators are the biggest blowhards in washington
What do you think ruffled his feathers and hurt his ego?

Biggest blowhard in Washington lives in the White House
that dude put a country on it's ass. Team Trump
Wow, GOP senator Mike Lee is pissed over lack of transparency in classified intel briefing about the Soleimani situation. WTF is going on here?!

Senator Mike Lee Calls Iran Briefing "the Worst" He |
Utah Republican Senator Mike Lee calls the briefing on the drone strike that killed Iranian General Qasem Soleimani "the worst briefing" he's seen on a military issue during his nine years in the Senate. He also says it's "insulting" for administration officials to tell senators that they cannot debate War Powers legislation because it would embolden Iran. Senator Lee says he will now support a resolution proposed by Virginia Democratic Senator Tim Kaine. "It is not acceptable for officials within the executive branch of government…to come in and tell us that we can't debate and discuss the appropriateness of military intervention against Iran. It's un-American. It's unconstitutional and it's wrong," Senator Lee says.
Mike Lee is right. Congress is a co-equal branch of government and has the power to declare war. Trump should be forthcoming on taking actions that can lead this country to war. Trump treats the legislative branch like garbage. Congress’ loss of power is largely self-inflicted. They have ceded too much authority to the executive branch over the past 50 years. Now the Republicans should join in to restrict not just Trump’s powers, but presidential power in general. If the President has unrestricted power over the military you might as well do away with the Constitution. The Constitution does not have to be overturned in one stroke, it could die a death by a thousand cuts.
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What did we get out of it?

lol. Solemeini is dead.

din't ya hear? He got blowed up.

and, more importantly, the Iranians got punched good for the first time in years and have been the recipients of a clear message that their proxy bullshit will no longer be tolerated. If they're behind it, they'll be held accountable. That is a new status quo for them to ruminate on.

And the Iranians have broadcast for anyone with more than 2 brain cells that they are as afraid of a real US attack as they actually should be, despite their typical bellicose rhetoric. They had their #2 guy killed and shot some missiles into the sand. That equates to nothing but a waste of ordnance and a kabuki show for their own people.

Ya know what that means? It means the world doesn't have to take their shit any longer, and the world knows it. And the Iranians know the world knows it.

If this goes no further this is a very clear win for Trump.
blown up SIR!!!!

Why did Iran launch rockets, what, a couple weeks ago
where that American contractor was killed and several injured?

Why did they attack the embassy?

Wow, GOP senator Mike Lee is pissed over lack of transparency in classified intel briefing about the Soleimani situation. WTF is going on here?!

Senator Mike Lee Calls Iran Briefing "the Worst" He |
Utah Republican Senator Mike Lee calls the briefing on the drone strike that killed Iranian General Qasem Soleimani "the worst briefing" he's seen on a military issue during his nine years in the Senate. He also says it's "insulting" for administration officials to tell senators that they cannot debate War Powers legislation because it would embolden Iran. Senator Lee says he will now support a resolution proposed by Virginia Democratic Senator Tim Kaine. "It is not acceptable for officials within the executive branch of government…to come in and tell us that we can't debate and discuss the appropriateness of military intervention against Iran. It's un-American. It's unconstitutional and it's wrong," Senator Lee says.

Mike Lee is a Never-Trumper. Whats new here?

From 2016...
Sen. Mike Lee goes on epic rant about Donald Trump

But oh well..."LIFE LONG REPUBLICAN SEZ!!!!!!!!!!"
You'd have a case if you held Obambi to the same standard. You didn't so that ship has sailed.

Listen, Guy. If you wanna argue over who has what letter in front of their name or what color helmet they wear, whether it's blue or red, you're arguing with the wrong person. That premise is about as deep as a mud puddle. And I like adult discussion. If you wanna play Romper Room, or political football, play it with someone else. K? Thanks!

Got it kid, different rules for different "parties". It's funny how you clucks hate being called out on your hypocrisy.
Do you care about America? Quit electing terrorists and traitors and Communists and child molesters to Congress.

The President can take action immediately without notifying Congress.

The AUMF is still in place so sorry Charlie.
You can’t share intel with Congress when Democrats in Congress have leaked classified information and some Members have vowed To Destroy America.

Wow, GOP senator Mike Lee is pissed over lack of transparency in classified intel briefing about the Soleimani situation. WTF is going on here?!

Senator Mike Lee Calls Iran Briefing "the Worst" He |
Utah Republican Senator Mike Lee calls the briefing on the drone strike that killed Iranian General Qasem Soleimani "the worst briefing" he's seen on a military issue during his nine years in the Senate. He also says it's "insulting" for administration officials to tell senators that they cannot debate War Powers legislation because it would embolden Iran. Senator Lee says he will now support a resolution proposed by Virginia Democratic Senator Tim Kaine. "It is not acceptable for officials within the executive branch of government…to come in and tell us that we can't debate and discuss the appropriateness of military intervention against Iran. It's un-American. It's unconstitutional and it's wrong," Senator Lee says.
According to the constitution you have to. Do you care about the constitution?
Mike Lee:

I had hoped and expected to see more information outlining the moral and legal justification. The briefing lasted only 75 minutes whereupon our briefers left. This is not the biggest problem I had with the briefing, which I might add is the worst briefing I've seen, at least on a military issue, in the nine years I've served on the United States Senate. What I found so distressing about the briefing is one of the messages we received from the briefers was "do not discuss, do not debate the issue of appropriateness of further military intervention against Iran and if so, you'll be emboldening Iran." The idea we would be less safe by having a debate or discussion about the appropriateness of further military involvement.
Fox News cut away from it as soon as they could so as not to alienate Dear Leader.
What do you think ruffled his feathers and hurt his ego?
In his own words he was pissed that the briefers were calling for less debate and grandstanding in the senate
You’re right. Mike Lee is all about grandstanding and decided to go publicly complain that the DOD was against grandstanding. Your comprehension skills are very impressive
The senate is filled with grandstanding blowhards
True, so what? Do you think Mike Lee is making this up and lying because he wants to grandstand?

I think any camera chasing senator would object to being told to shut up
Ok, you obviously don’t care about transparency and accountability. Wonderful
Rand needs to quit sucking up to Trump, too. I get that he isn't running again but that's beside the point.

Mike's correct, of course.

He's not, of course.

The Founders disagree with you. Ever hear of a thing called the Constitution? Article 1 section 8 is a great place to start familliarizing yourself with it.
You'd have a case if you held Obambi to the same standard. You didn't so that ship has sailed.
You'd have a case if you held Obambi to the same standard.
The Constitutionality of the war powers does not change from Article I to Article II upon a whim or is determined by whom is the current POTUS, imbecile! Natural Citizen told your dumb ass where to find ALL war powers; so in Art.1 Sec.8 Cls11. The Constitutional source is NOT the War Powers Act, which is violative of the Constitution's directive of the inherent powers of Congress, it's source is not in Article II under the Executive powers and it certainly is not empowered through a fucking Tweet from the Orange Clown! He's not a fucking King, dipstick!

Stuff it dumbass, it's not about how anything "changes", it's about you stupid Progs only bringing it up when the "other" guy does it. Your hypocrisy renders you stupid.
Now that we know the rationale for the assassination is a fraud............we have to ask.............what kind of message does this send to other countries that we are in the biz of assassinating high level leaders of other countries without being able to explain why to our own elected officials?
Lee apparently wants to debate the Iran military options, and the Pentagon and CIA don't want Iran to know that Trump has limited or restricted options. Iran is afraid of Trump's quick trigger finger and they want him restrained. Lee isn't as smart as I thought he was.

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