GOP Mind Reading


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009

Today the Republican grandstanders grilled Planned Parenthood CEO, Cecile Richards. I say grandstanders because the Republican lawmakers on the panel CHOSE to rarely allow Richards to give a full answer but as unprofessional as the congressional third degree was, there one particularly despicable exchange - Trey Gowdy was questioning Richards when he interrupted her (what a surprise) to paraphrase her words back to her, only the paraphrase changed the meaning of her words, but even more astounding was; as Trey was interrupting Richards to lie about her words, he gave her one of those wink and nod thingys.

Yikes, who knew----whofuckingknew that among all of Trey's talents... he can also read minds.

Find Trey's mind reading talent here ☞

"Those are not the words I said", Richards said.

"It's not always what you say, it's sometimes just what you mean", Gowdy said.

Today the Republican grandstanders grilled Planned Parenthood CEO, Cecile Richards. I say grandstanders because the Republican lawmakers on the panel CHOSE to rarely allow Richards to give a full answer but as unprofessional as the congressional third degree was, there one particularly despicable exchange - Trey Gowdy was questioning Richards when he interrupted her (what a surprise) to paraphrase her words back to her, only the paraphrase changed the meaning of her words, but even more astounding was; as Trey was interrupting Richards to lie about her words, he gave her one of those wink and nod thingys.

Yikes, who knew----whofuckingknew that among all of Trey's talents... he can also read minds.

Find Trey's mind reading talent here ☞

"Those are not the words I said", Richards said.

"It's not always what you say, it's sometimes just what you mean", Gowdy said.

If Republicans had a good argument about-about-uh-about almost anything they wouldn't have to lie so much. Congressman Jason Chaffetz rightwing, Republican t-partier from Utah thought he had a gotcha on Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards but-----but Richards recognized the chart Chaffetz produced as a chart she'd "never seen before". Chaffetz, thinking he had Richards in his crosshairs then replied: “It comes straight from your annual reports.”

What liars Republicans are, the misleading chart came from an anti-women's freedom to run their own life group - Americans United for Life and----and the liar from Utah didn't even have enough brains to remove the attribution in the bottom right corner - maybe Trump's on to something when he says our government is being run by a bunch of idiots.

Read about the "misleading", liars chart here.

Republican Problem
"There really was a wolf here! The flock has scattered! I cried out, "Wolf!" Why didn't you come?""
An old man tried to comfort the boy as they walked back to the village.
"We'll help you look for the lost sheep in the morning," he said, putting his arm around the youth,
"Nobody believes a liar...even when he is telling the truth!"

A friend e-mailed me on this one and indicated they spent time talking about how she makes over 500K.

None of that comes from taxpayers. Yet the 400 to 500 million they get somehow allows them to back into these high salaries.

Good to know that creative accounting allow her to sleep at night.
So Goudy is a childish dick. That's not really breaking news.

congress critters are simply pontificates...

there's no business like show business!!!!
'Those are not the words I said", Richards said.

"It's not always what you say, it's sometimes just what you mean", Gowdy said.'

The reprehensible right, indeed.

Richards relates the truth that doesn’t conform to the lies propagated by the right and republicans insist on twisting the truth into lies anyway.

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