GOP official on Pat Toomey: "We didn't send him there to vote his conscience, do the right thing - or whatever"


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
My friends, this is what a cult of personality looks like. Sad :confused:

A number of local parties in the presidential battleground state have already moved to censure Toomey, even before the vote over the weekend.​
In Washington County, GOP chairman Dave Ball said party members felt betrayed by Toomey and voted last week to censure the senator.​
“We did not send him there to vote his conscience, do the the right thing - or whatever he said he was doing". We sent him there to represent us,” Ball told KDKA, a CBS affiliate based in Pittsburgh.​

My friends, this is what a cult of personality looks like. Sad :confused:

A number of local parties in the presidential battleground state have already moved to censure Toomey, even before the vote over the weekend.​
In Washington County, GOP chairman Dave Ball said party members felt betrayed by Toomey and voted last week to censure the senator.​
“We did not send him there to vote his conscience, do the the right thing - or whatever he said he was doing". We sent him there to represent us,” Ball told KDKA, a CBS affiliate based in Pittsburgh.​

So you have a problem with the way democracy is supposed to work? You wouldn't have a problem if Dim Senators voted to acquit Trump?

Don't lie.
So you have a problem with the way democracy is supposed to work? You wouldn't have a problem if Dim Senators voted to acquit Trump?

Don't lie.

The vast majority of Americans want politicians who vote their conscience and do the right thing. The right thing in this case would have been to convict Trumpy Bear of the seditious incitement of a riot. And not because I say so ... 58% of Americans believe he was guilty and 57 of 100 Senators agreed.

State GOP's are welcome to censure whomever they would like. But these censures are virtually meaningless.

Utah will probably censure Mitt Romney too for being "Deep State". LoL - You think Romney cares? He has four years left in his term and in the unlikely event he decides to run again, he would win in a landslide. You cultists are dopey.

So you have a problem with the way democracy is supposed to work? You wouldn't have a problem if Dim Senators voted to acquit Trump?

Don't lie.

The vast majority of Americans want politicians who vote their conscience and do the right thing. The right thing in this case would have been to convict Trumpy Bear of the seditious incitement of a riot. And not because I say so ... 58% of Americans believe he was guilty and 57 of 100 Senators agreed.

State GOP's are welcome to censure whomever they would like. But these censures are virtually meaningless.

Utah will probably censure Mitt Romney too for being "Deep State". LoL - You think Romney cares? He has four years left in his term and in the unlikely event he decides to run again, he would win in a landslide. You cultists are dopey.

Wrong. Not when their "conscience" contradicts what the voters want. Tell us again: would you have a problem if Dim Senators voted to acquit Trump?

Romney will get the boot. What matters is do his constituents care that he stabbed them in the back
My friends, this is what a cult of personality looks like. Sad :confused:

A number of local parties in the presidential battleground state have already moved to censure Toomey, even before the vote over the weekend.​
In Washington County, GOP chairman Dave Ball said party members felt betrayed by Toomey and voted last week to censure the senator.​
“We did not send him there to vote his conscience, do the the right thing - or whatever he said he was doing". We sent him there to represent us,” Ball told KDKA, a CBS affiliate based in Pittsburgh.​

That's how it works. Didn't you know?
Reps are supposed to vote based on the will of their people. If his district is heavily in favor of Trump then he betrayed the people who elected him. If his district isn't then he did the right thing.

Seems simple enough to me. He wasn't elected preacher

Here's where we've run into the problem of political ego inflation. We've allowed our elected civil servants to make royalty of themselves, lording over us, instead of employees appointed to see that our bidding is done.

I do not vote for leaders. I have no use for them. I vote for servants to represent my interests, nothing more.
It is amazing that these people don't understand that they will be known as traitors for the rest of their lives.
That's how it works. Didn't you know?

Maybe it works like that in Russia, Turkey or Hungary. That ain't the way it works in a constitutional republic, a democracy, a democratic republic, or however you would like to define our system of government.

State GOPs don't represent all the voters in their state. They represent REPUBLICANS. A Senators constituency is ALL the people in their state, not just towing a party line or kowtowing to a cult of personality.

And there will be times when a vote goes against the opinion of the voters in their state. That's called voting your CONSCIENCE. I respect guys like that - you do not.

Cults are a hard thing to leave. But you can do it if you put your mind to it!
Reps are supposed to vote based on the will of their people. If his district is heavily in favor of Trump then he betrayed the people who elected him. If his district isn't then he did the right thing.

Seems simple enough to me. He wasn't elected preacher

Senators do not represent "districts" Murky - They represent all the people in their state.
My friends, this is what a cult of personality looks like. Sad :confused:

A number of local parties in the presidential battleground state have already moved to censure Toomey, even before the vote over the weekend.​
In Washington County, GOP chairman Dave Ball said party members felt betrayed by Toomey and voted last week to censure the senator.​
“We did not send him there to vote his conscience, do the the right thing - or whatever he said he was doing". We sent him there to represent us,” Ball told KDKA, a CBS affiliate based in Pittsburgh.​

So just to be clear. A Catholic senator or congressperson, is voting with their conscience when they vote in favor of gay rights? In favor of abortion? Or are they voting the way their constituents expect them to vote?

Are you telling me all Catholic members of congress agree that abortion is OK?

Give me a break.

You are quite naive.
Wrong. Not when their "conscience" contradicts what the voters want. Tell us again: would you have a problem if Dim Senators voted to acquit Trump?

Romney will get the boot. What matters is do his constituents care that he stabbed them in the back

Again Angry Lil Boy - Mormons in Utah never bought into Trumpism. Neither did the voters in Pennsylvania where he lost by over 80,000 votes. And get real, Romney won't be seeing any "boots" now or ever.
So just to be clear. A Catholic senator or congressperson, is voting with their conscience when they vote in favor of gay rights? In favor of abortion? Or are they voting the way their constituents expect them to vote?

Are you telling me all Catholic members of congress agree that abortion is OK?

Give me a break.

You are quite naive.

Trump and Biden pretty much split the Catholic vote this year. How do you explain that?

The Edison exit polls estimate that 52% of all Catholic voters went for Biden this year, and 47% for Trump. The Edison exit polls in 2016 showed a 46% Catholic vote for Clinton, and 50% for Trump. These estimates thus reflect a three-point downturn for the Trump vote among Catholics and a five-point uptick for the Democratic candidate (Biden compared with Clinton).​
The AP VoteCast estimates of the national Catholic vote this year show an almost even split: 49% of Catholics voted for Biden and 50% for Trump. This would represent a very small gain for Biden when compared with Edison's 2016 polling, with no change for Trump.​

Wrong. Not when their "conscience" contradicts what the voters want. Tell us again: would you have a problem if Dim Senators voted to acquit Trump?

Romney will get the boot. What matters is do his constituents care that he stabbed them in the back

Again Angry Lil Boy - Mormons in Utah never bought into Trumpism. Neither did the voters in Pennsylvania where he lost by over 80,000 votes. And get real, Romney won't be seeing any "boots" now or ever.
Something like 70% of them voted for Trump, NAZI.

So when a Republican politician votes against what his constituents want, he's voting his conscience, but when he votes the way his constituents want, then he's selling out his principles?

One thing we know is that all Democrats are brainwashed sheep.
I realize that this is a bit complicated for Trump supporters to understand, so please read it carefully and try to understand it before replying:

An elected official is generally supposed to represent the will of their constituency - the people who voted for them, the people who voted against them and the people who did not vote. Since the majority voted for them, they should weigh in favor of that majority.

However, that is only true to the extent that it is in keeping with their Oath of Office and any other official Oaths that they've taken per their office.

In this case their Oath taken as U.S. Senator and the Oath taken at the beginning of the impeachment trial overrides any obligation to their constituency.

In fact if they violate these oaths they should be removed from office - regardless of the will of their constituency.

" I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

I solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of (the president’s name), President of the United States, now pending, I will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws: so help me God.”

43 U.S. Senators have befouled their oath of office and their Impeachment Oath and should be removed from office!!!!
I realize that this is a bit complicated for Trump supporters to understand, so please read it carefully and try to understand it before replying:

An elected official is generally supposed to represent the will of their constituency - the people who voted for them, the people who voted against them and the people who did not vote. Since the majority voted for them, they should weigh in favor of that majority.

However, that is only true to the extent that it is in keeping with their Oath of Office and any other official Oaths that they've taken per their office.

In this case their Oath taken as U.S. Senator and the Oath taken at the beginning of the impeachment trial overrides any obligation to their constituency.

In fact if they violate these oaths they should be removed from office - regardless of the will of their constituency.

" I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

I solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of (the president’s name), President of the United States, now pending, I will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws: so help me God.”

43 U.S. Senators have befouled their oath of office and their Impeachment Oath and should be removed from office!!!!
Spare us your horseshit.
So just to be clear. A Catholic senator or congressperson, is voting with their conscience when they vote in favor of gay rights? In favor of abortion? Or are they voting the way their constituents expect them to vote?

Are you telling me all Catholic members of congress agree that abortion is OK?

Give me a break.

You are quite naive.

Trump and Biden pretty much split the Catholic vote this year. How do you explain that?

The Edison exit polls estimate that 52% of all Catholic voters went for Biden this year, and 47% for Trump. The Edison exit polls in 2016 showed a 46% Catholic vote for Clinton, and 50% for Trump. These estimates thus reflect a three-point downturn for the Trump vote among Catholics and a five-point uptick for the Democratic candidate (Biden compared with Clinton).​
The AP VoteCast estimates of the national Catholic vote this year show an almost even split: 49% of Catholics voted for Biden and 50% for Trump. This would represent a very small gain for Biden when compared with Edison's 2016 polling, with no change for Trump.​

what the hell does that have to do with what I said.

The point is....I expect all representatives to put their conscience aside and vote for what their constituents expect of them. Otherwise, we the people are no longer the people....we the people will be how our representatives wish we would be.

This thread is actually criticizing they way things are supposed to be.
So just to be clear. A Catholic senator or congressperson, is voting with their conscience when they vote in favor of gay rights? In favor of abortion? Or are they voting the way their constituents expect them to vote?

Are you telling me all Catholic members of congress agree that abortion is OK?

Give me a break.

You are quite naive.

Trump and Biden pretty much split the Catholic vote this year. How do you explain that?

The Edison exit polls estimate that 52% of all Catholic voters went for Biden this year, and 47% for Trump. The Edison exit polls in 2016 showed a 46% Catholic vote for Clinton, and 50% for Trump. These estimates thus reflect a three-point downturn for the Trump vote among Catholics and a five-point uptick for the Democratic candidate (Biden compared with Clinton).​
The AP VoteCast estimates of the national Catholic vote this year show an almost even split: 49% of Catholics voted for Biden and 50% for Trump. This would represent a very small gain for Biden when compared with Edison's 2016 polling, with no change for Trump.​

what the hell does that have to do with what I said.

The point is....I expect all representatives to put their conscience aside and vote for what their constituents expect of them. Otherwise, we the people are no longer the people....we the people will be how our representatives wish we would be.

This thread is actually criticizing they way things are supposed to be.
The only reason Romney got elected is because he led the voters to believe that he supported what they want. Romney is a typical establishment scumbag.
My friends, this is what a cult of personality looks like. Sad :confused:

A number of local parties in the presidential battleground state have already moved to censure Toomey, even before the vote over the weekend.​
In Washington County, GOP chairman Dave Ball said party members felt betrayed by Toomey and voted last week to censure the senator.​
“We did not send him there to vote his conscience, do the the right thing - or whatever he said he was doing". We sent him there to represent us,” Ball told KDKA, a CBS affiliate based in Pittsburgh.​

Senators, like all federal officials, take the sworn oath: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter."

For the impeachment trials, each senator, including the Republicans take an additional sworn oath: “I solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be,) that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of (trump, in this case), now pending, I will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws.”

Toomey was sitting as a juror, and his oaths demanded his honesty and integrity. The whims and prejudices of his trump Nazi-constituents were unimportant in this matter,

So just to be clear. A Catholic senator or congressperson, is voting with their conscience when they vote in favor of gay rights? In favor of abortion? Or are they voting the way their constituents expect them to vote?

Are you telling me all Catholic members of congress agree that abortion is OK?

Give me a break.

You are quite naive.

Trump and Biden pretty much split the Catholic vote this year. How do you explain that?

The Edison exit polls estimate that 52% of all Catholic voters went for Biden this year, and 47% for Trump. The Edison exit polls in 2016 showed a 46% Catholic vote for Clinton, and 50% for Trump. These estimates thus reflect a three-point downturn for the Trump vote among Catholics and a five-point uptick for the Democratic candidate (Biden compared with Clinton).​
The AP VoteCast estimates of the national Catholic vote this year show an almost even split: 49% of Catholics voted for Biden and 50% for Trump. This would represent a very small gain for Biden when compared with Edison's 2016 polling, with no change for Trump.​

what the hell does that have to do with what I said.

The point is....I expect all representatives to put their conscience aside and vote for what their constituents expect of them. Otherwise, we the people are no longer the people....we the people will be how our representatives wish we would be.

This thread is actually criticizing they way things are supposed to be.
The only reason Romney got elected is because he led the voters to believe that he supported what they want. Romney is a typical establishment scumbag.
he realized when he got in office, he could be the darling of the media. And he jumped at the opportunity. Especially after they painted him as a bad, evil dog hating binder women mysgonist who loved to hear a company was going bankrupt so he can sell their assets at a profit.
He wanted his legacy to be "loved by the media"....not a man who puts dogs in cages on top of his car.
And he jumped at it.
Exactly what McCain did.
And next? McConnell.

The media is winning and the people are losing.

Its that simple.

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