GOP Prez Candidates got their picture taken with a child molester

This thread is about an Arkansas hick, not all those other sophisticated pervs..


Are you saying those women are child molesters?

Or do Dems lust after women (not children).

What are you saying?
Which president visited numerous times an island with child sex slaves?

And yet the democrats who see the a mere suggestion of impropriety of a republican as a cause for removing them from office stand up and defend bill clinton, the serial sexual predator who has been a close friend to the monster mentioned above..........and he is still treated respectfully by these democrat assholes.....
Yes, and they want his wife to be president. The one that defends his actions.
Oh brother. And not one democrat has ever molested a kid?

This kind of posting should go straight to the rubber room. Idiots.

You understand that when you call yourself the party of Family Values, a story like this will get more traction -- call it the flaming hypocrite factor.
Who was pushing Christian family party values ? Who was exulting their whey of life as the correct and normy one? Who was popping out kids like a pop machine and telling us that these people are examples of fine white 'Mericans and we should be more like them?
Fuck you hypocrites, just another nail in the religious repubs coffin.....
Fuck you hypocrites, just another nail in the religious repubs coffin.....
I'm sure that's what Clinton was doing on that island.
And if Bill did do those child sex slaves, as always Hillary will defend him. Blaming the kids, and as always you will defend them. So what kind of person does that make you? If you ask me about Huckabee, if he knew before hand about the guy, before he took the picture. Then he shouldn't run for president.
Democrats are the biggest fucking hypocrites in the world. When a Republican gets caught doing something sexually immoral other Republicans call for him to resign. When a Democrats gets caught other Democrats shut up and point fingers.
Thought the thread was about the present molester, not those of the past. So how bout We had a psychopath repub prez who blew up frogs as a child, graduated to murdering hundreds of thousands of innocents in Iraq because he was the decider and had lots of political capital to let loose with. You republicans should have the pig on your banners, not the elephant.
Let's face it, the amount of blood on the NRA hands makes them mass murderers, and the GOP loves to pose with them.
A lot of Republicans who want to be president got their picture taken with a child molester

They will take money from anyone.


With so many candidates lining up, many voters may become confused by which white guy is the white guy that all the white guys are gonna vote for.

With that in mind — and with a Twitter assist from former Family Research Council employee Josh Duggar of the sexing and baby-making Duggar breeding line– here are some photos of GOP candidates taken with Josh. There probably won’t be any new ones forthcoming from him despite the fact that he is expected to have a lot of time on his hands going forward because it turns out he was pretty forward with where he put his hands when with the young gals… including his sisters.


During Josh’s brief public career shaming the pervs for Jesus, he was always willing to gladhand a politician who came to him hoping some of that Duggar magic would rub off. Now it seems it may not have “technically” been “magic.”

Hopefully will use these photos in National Ads.

Hey. Is that anything like the year, 1978, when Roslyn Carter had her picture taken with serial killer John Wayne Gacy???
So many apologists for the child molester...

Sick, really sick.

Family values? yeah right...

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