GOP Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) Claims House GOP Will ‘Prosecute’ Fauci Once In Power

Dr Paul is an eye doctor..funny you hate Jill Biden for using her doc title.. hypocrite much
Dr. Paul is an actual M.D. who treats patients...Often for free.

Dr. Pepper is a "doctor" of "education" who can't reason her way out of a wet paper bag, let alone provide any meaningful service to anyone.

In January Trump stopped travel from China. He was ridiculed for it. Anything Trump tried to do get ridiculed. Even Pelosi on February 24 was telling everyone to go to China town. Like I said if we listened to Trump, we would be over this by now.
No, he "restricted" travel from China....only for Chinese nationals. Not the other 40K Americans who flocked back in a panic and brought the virus with them...all while there was nothing in the way of testing, quaranting, or even basic safety measures
like a two week do not fly and quarantine order while we got our act together here. I saw long lines at blue state airports and I could count the number of people wearing masks on both hands. :)

On January 22nd, just before he boarded a plane in Davos to fly home, he said "It's just one person coming from China. We have it under control"....whoops.
Dr. Paul is an actual M.D. who treats patients...Often for free.

Dr. Pepper is a "doctor" of "education" who can't reason her way out of a wet paper bag, let alone provide any meaningful service to anyone.

Rand Paul has gone up against Dr Fauci four times in the last year and gotten his ass spanked each time.
Paul needs to start drinking that bourbon his state produces so well. :)
After putting him and his family through hell for 4 years
So should we prosecute perjury or not, I’m confused. You guys don’t seem to be consistent about whether this is a nothingburger or throw the book at them.
Dr. Paul is an actual M.D. who treats patients...Often for free.

Dr. Pepper is a "doctor" of "education" who can't reason her way out of a wet paper bag, let alone provide any meaningful service to anyone.

you got a link proiving this or just more gum flapping
Seriously... What makes you think he lied under oath?

Fauci is not Trump... Can you please show us where he lied in the past... Anywhere...

This is just classic projection... Trump guys are getting caught lying to congress so you are trying to pretend everyone does it...

Sorry, No... Please show some once of evidence that Fauci lied... This just looks like another smear job...
Fauci lies every time he denies bankrolling gain of function research and experimentation in Wuhan.

I don't know how you missed that news. Probably because dyed in the wool leftists only believe
what CNN tells them to believe.
Wake up! Take your blinders off.



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There's a clear paper trail leading back to him and gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab....Reserach that Barack Obama told him to stop, because it was too dangerous.....He used a couple cutouts to go behind everyone's back and restore the funding for the experimentation, which Xi Junping ultimately loosed upon the world, on purpose.

Since it's very credibly argued that what Xi did is a defacto act of war on the entire world, Fauxi is an accomplice in that criminality and should be dealt with accordingly.

If you know of this paper trail and evidence, post it here now. I'll say again, you have nothing but gossip from fox.
As for all the conspiracy theories unsupported, don't make me billious.
Grow up. The hatred us consuming you.
He gets attention from fringe right wing sites, such as the one that he interviewed with. He only gains further attention when he says something ridiculous.

Such as a fundamental misunderstanding about how the government works and who prosecutes crimes.
Well, there are enough on both sides that could apply to, don't you think?

Robert Garry, a virologist and professor at Tulane University, described the experiments as being a study as to whether the bat coronaviruses could infect humans. What they didn't do, he told Newsweek, was make the viruses "any better" at infecting people, which would be necessary for gain-of-function research.

There is multiple sources showing that Gain of Function didn't happen....

Then we have to contrast to the evidence given by Rand Paul who has already spread disinformation about COVID previously...
Awful lot of circling the wagons...

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