GOP Rep: Theater Massacre Result Of 'Attacks On Judeo-Christian Beliefs'

Seems to me just about every mass-murderer is ether a student or former student. Somebody well educated, not some knuckle-dragging Bible-banging mouth-breather.

Maybe the real threat is our institutions of higher learning.

Louie Gohmert: Aurora Shootings Result Of 'Ongoing Attacks On Judeo-Christian Beliefs'

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) said Friday that the shootings that took place in an Aurora, Colo. movie theater hours earlier were a result of "ongoing attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs" and questioned why nobody else in the theater had a gun to take down the shooter.

During a radio interview on The Heritage Foundation's "Istook Live!" show, Gohmert was asked why he believes such senseless acts of violence take place. Gohmert responded by talking about the weakening of Christian values in the country.

"You know what really gets me, as a Christian, is to see the ongoing attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs, and then some senseless crazy act of terror like this takes place," Gohmert said.

Ernest Istook, the host of the show and a former Oklahoma congressman, jumped in to clarify that nobody knows the motivation of the alleged Aurora gunman.

Gohmert also said the tragedy could have been lessened if someone else in the movie theater had been carrying a gun and took down the lone shooter. Istook noted that Colorado laws allow people to carry concealed guns.

Ok, so this guy's a whackjob.

Seems to me just about every mass-murderer is ether a student or former student. Somebody well educated, not some knuckle-dragging Bible-banging mouth-breather.

Maybe the real threat is our institutions of higher learning.

After all those years of being told that they were special, better than everyone else, having ego and self-esteem pumped up to the max, what else can you expect?
Seems to me just about every mass-murderer is ether a student or former student. Somebody well educated, not some knuckle-dragging Bible-banging mouth-breather.

Maybe the real threat is our institutions of higher learning.

Ever notice that these spree killers are usually white? Maybe white people are the problem.
Seems to me just about every mass-murderer is ether a student or former student. Somebody well educated, not some knuckle-dragging Bible-banging mouth-breather.

Maybe the real threat is our institutions of higher learning.

After all those years of being told that they were special, better than everyone else, having ego and self-esteem pumped up to the max, what else can you expect?

Yeah, screw a higher education. That elitist BS will just turn you into a mass-murderer :confused::cuckoo:
Seems to me just about every mass-murderer is ether a student or former student. Somebody well educated, not some knuckle-dragging Bible-banging mouth-breather.

Maybe the real threat is our institutions of higher learning.

Ever notice that these spree killers are usually white? Maybe white people are the problem.

You're a fucking idiot colossus, you really are.
Well, somebody has to report on it. We certainly wouldn't hear about it from The Blaze or Faux News.

who gives a shit?
you people will use dead people to dump all over anyone, it's a sickness with some of you

You're confused again. "You people" is a GOP Rep. Carry on, clown.

I don't care what he is, that's his oponion and he's free to make, but we know your motives for posting it..
The only thing that doesn't surprise me is this came from THE HUFFERPOST

Well, somebody has to report on it. We certainly wouldn't hear about it from The Blaze or Faux News.

who gives a shit?
you people will use dead people to dump all over anyone, it's a sickness with some of you

You seem to be forgetting that it was a Republican Congressman who opened his big yap and started all this...on the very day of the shooting. Blame him!
Well, somebody has to report on it. We certainly wouldn't hear about it from The Blaze or Faux News.

who gives a shit?
you people will use dead people to dump all over anyone, it's a sickness with some of you

You seem to be forgetting that it was a Republican Congressman who opened his big yap and started all this...on the very day of the shooting. Blame him!

I don't care if he's a space alien..
More guns is certainly not the answer. What if 20 people took out gins and began shooting? The American gun culture is to blame to begin with.

If 20 people took out gin and began shooting, there would be a lot of drunks in jail for murder.

I think he was throwing out the race-card.

A gin is used to process cotton, and blacks used to pick the cotton, so it's an obvious racial slur.
who gives a shit?
you people will use dead people to dump all over anyone, it's a sickness with some of you

You're confused again. "You people" is a GOP Rep. Carry on, clown.

I don't care what he is, that's his oponion and he's free to make, but we know your motives for posting it..

So, it's a "sickness" when "you people" "dump all over" dead people, but when a GOP Rep does it, he's just exercising his rights. Got it. Thanks for clearing that up :thup:
You're confused again. "You people" is a GOP Rep. Carry on, clown.

I don't care what he is, that's his oponion and he's free to make, but we know your motives for posting it..

So, it's a "sickness" when "you people" "dump all over" dead people, but when a GOP Rep does it, he's just exercising his rights. Got it. Thanks for clearing that up :thup:

there was nothing he said that was dumping on dead people, he was talking about beliefs and how he thought the reasons this happened..
you used it to dump on others, Republicans, etc etc because you are sick
I don't care what he is, that's his oponion and he's free to make, but we know your motives for posting it..

So, it's a "sickness" when "you people" "dump all over" dead people, but when a GOP Rep does it, he's just exercising his rights. Got it. Thanks for clearing that up :thup:

there was nothing he said that was dumping on dead people, he was talking about beliefs and how he thought the reasons this happened..
you used it to dump on others, Republicans, etc etc because you are sick

You have mental issues. Your avatar is very fitting...for YOU.
who gives a shit?
you people will use dead people to dump all over anyone, it's a sickness with some of you

You seem to be forgetting that it was a Republican Congressman who opened his big yap and started all this...on the very day of the shooting. Blame him!

I don't care if he's a space alien..

No, he's just a RWer who couldn't even let 24 hours go by before trying to exploit the shooting for political gain.

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