GOP Rep: Theater Massacre Result Of 'Attacks On Judeo-Christian Beliefs'

You seem to be forgetting that it was a Republican Congressman who opened his big yap and started all this...on the very day of the shooting. Blame him!

I don't care if he's a space alien..

No, he's just a RWer who couldn't even let 24 hours go by before trying to exploit the shooting for political gain.

He gave his OPINION. The exploitation occurred on ABC with Brian Moss.
I don't care if he's a space alien..

No, he's just a RWer who couldn't even let 24 hours go by before trying to exploit the shooting for political gain.

what kind of political gain would he get out it ?

By equating the cause of the shooting to two RW beliefs (the supposed decline of traditional religious values in America and the need to keep gun control to an absolute minimum), the congressman becomes the new darling of poltical groups who are fighting to expand the role of religion in the public sector (like schools, for example) and groups who would like to loosen gun control even further by making concealed carry permits easier to get under most circumstances. That translates to an agenda which those groups would almost certainly be willing to fund on both a state and federal level.
No, he's just a RWer who couldn't even let 24 hours go by before trying to exploit the shooting for political gain.

what kind of political gain would he get out it ?

By equating the cause of the shooting to two RW beliefs (the supposed decline of traditional religious values in America and the need to keep gun control to an absolute minimum), the congressman becomes the new darling of poltical groups who are fighting to expand the role of religion in the public sector (like schools, for example) and groups who would like to loosen gun control even further by making concealed carry permits easier to get under most circumstances. That translates to an agenda which those groups would almost certainly be willing to fund on both a state and federal level. got all that out of what he said...
so I guess when Obama spoke on this tragedy he was using it for Political GAIN..?
give us a break
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I don't care if he's a space alien..

No, he's just a RWer who couldn't even let 24 hours go by before trying to exploit the shooting for political gain.

He gave his OPINION. The exploitation occurred on ABC with Brian Moss.

Did he, or did he not, offer his opinion on a radio show? That's a public forum. When a congressman makes such statements, it's also news. He had to know that. Reporting the news is the duty of the press.
what kind of political gain would he get out it ?

By equating the cause of the shooting to two RW beliefs (the supposed decline of traditional religious values in America and the need to keep gun control to an absolute minimum), the congressman becomes the new darling of poltical groups who are fighting to expand the role of religion in the public sector (like schools, for example) and groups who would like to loosen gun control even further by making concealed carry permits easier to get under most circumstances. That translates to an agenda which those groups would almost certainly be willing to fund on both a state and federal level. got all that out of what he said...
so I guess when Obama spoke on this tragedy he was using it for Political GAIN..?
give us a break

Did Obama attribute the tragedy to some cause that he could exploit in some way? You know what I mean, right? For example, did the President say that this tragedy was a result of not enough gun control?
I don't care if he's a space alien..

But you would care if he were a Democrat. Got it.

don't play your games..You're the one who is using this tragedy to make fun of people..
be proud..

The only person I'm making fun of, is you. And it has nothing to do with the shooting. Fact: you're a frantic, delusional wingnut. In regards to the reason I started this thread: it wasn't to make fun of anybody; but to draw attention to a wingnut trying to exploit this tragedy for his own ideological reasons.
No, he's just a RWer who couldn't even let 24 hours go by before trying to exploit the shooting for political gain.

He gave his OPINION. The exploitation occurred on ABC with Brian Moss.

Did he, or did he not, offer his opinion on a radio show? That's a public forum. When a congressman makes such statements, it's also news. He had to know that. Reporting the news is the duty of the press.

I don't have a problem with reporting what he said. I couldn't care less what he said. What I have a problem with is Brian Moss using a tragedy for a political smear.
By equating the cause of the shooting to two RW beliefs (the supposed decline of traditional religious values in America and the need to keep gun control to an absolute minimum), the congressman becomes the new darling of poltical groups who are fighting to expand the role of religion in the public sector (like schools, for example) and groups who would like to loosen gun control even further by making concealed carry permits easier to get under most circumstances. That translates to an agenda which those groups would almost certainly be willing to fund on both a state and federal level. got all that out of what he said...
so I guess when Obama spoke on this tragedy he was using it for Political GAIN..?
give us a break

Did Obama attribute the tragedy to some cause that he could exploit in some way? You know what I mean, right? For example, did the President say that this tragedy was a result of not enough gun control?

Obama use the Martin/Zimmerman tragedy for political gain. Obama used the cop and the professor for political gain. I've even seen a memorial for a democrat politician turned into a pep rally. It's what Demonrats do.
But you would care if he were a Democrat. Got it.

don't play your games..You're the one who is using this tragedy to make fun of people..
be proud..

The only person I'm making fun of, is you. And it has nothing to do with the shooting. Fact: you're a frantic, delusional wingnut. In regards to the reason I started this thread: it wasn't to make fun of anybody; but to draw attention to a wingnut trying to exploit this tragedy for his own ideological reasons.

SO, Obama and the others who have spoken on this tragedy are EXPLOITING it, right?
obama canceling his attack ads is EXPLOITING this tragedy, right? Obama traveling to Colorado right now he is Exploiting this, right?
you posted it for one reason, to never let a good tragedy go to waste to dump on someone and the Republicans
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Louie Gohmert: Aurora Shootings Result Of 'Ongoing Attacks On Judeo-Christian Beliefs'

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) said Friday that the shootings that took place in an Aurora, Colo. movie theater hours earlier were a result of "ongoing attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs" and questioned why nobody else in the theater had a gun to take down the shooter.

During a radio interview on The Heritage Foundation's "Istook Live!" show, Gohmert was asked why he believes such senseless acts of violence take place. Gohmert responded by talking about the weakening of Christian values in the country.

"You know what really gets me, as a Christian, is to see the ongoing attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs, and then some senseless crazy act of terror like this takes place," Gohmert said.

Ernest Istook, the host of the show and a former Oklahoma congressman, jumped in to clarify that nobody knows the motivation of the alleged Aurora gunman.

Gohmert also said the tragedy could have been lessened if someone else in the movie theater had been carrying a gun and took down the lone shooter. Istook noted that Colorado laws allow people to carry concealed guns.

facepalm.gif got all that out of what he said...
so I guess when Obama spoke on this tragedy he was using it for Political GAIN..?
give us a break

Did Obama attribute the tragedy to some cause that he could exploit in some way? You know what I mean, right? For example, did the President say that this tragedy was a result of not enough gun control?

Obama use the Martin/Zimmerman tragedy for political gain. Obama used the cop and the professor for political gain. I've even seen a memorial for a democrat politician turned into a pep rally. It's what Demonrats do.

What agenda was President Obama trying to push in the Zimmerman case?

And the professor's?
Seems to me just about every mass-murderer is ether a student or former student. Somebody well educated, not some knuckle-dragging Bible-banging mouth-breather.

Maybe the real threat is our institutions of higher learning.

Yeah....let's close down the colleges......:eusa_eh:
I want about 30 min or airtime to explain how sorry I feel for all the victims and families. And how in fact I am so compassionate that I'm not even going to be poilitical about this whole mess. But I am extremely grief stricken and all my families and friends are grief stricken. We're all really sensitive to the needs of others and stuff so I refuse to be political like I planned.
Catch ya on the flip side. Politicians care. :cool:
don't play your games..You're the one who is using this tragedy to make fun of people..
be proud..

The only person I'm making fun of, is you. And it has nothing to do with the shooting. Fact: you're a frantic, delusional wingnut. In regards to the reason I started this thread: it wasn't to make fun of anybody; but to draw attention to a wingnut trying to exploit this tragedy for his own ideological reasons.

SO, Obama and the others who have spoken on this tragedy are EXPLOITING it, right?
obama canceling his attack ads is EXPLOITING this tragedy, right? Obama traveling to Colorado right now he is Exploiting this, right?
you posted it for one reason, to never let a good tragedy go to waste to dump on someone and the Republicans

Oh, please, just shut your trap already, you harping beast.

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