GOP Rep Torches Party on His Way Out the Door: ‘We Lost Our Way’

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Ken Buck is one of the most conservative members of the House representing a very conservative district in eastern Colorado. The fact that even he is fed up with the far right's shenanigans regarding continued election denying and the Speakership debacle is quite telling.

Buck, 64, has represented Colorado’s Fourth District since 2015 and was one of eight Republicans who voted to oust Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as Speaker of the House last month, touching off a nasty civil war that dragged on for weeks. His decision to not seek re-election comes after months of publicly sharing his displeasure with his party—namely that his colleagues are still denying the results of the 2020 election well into 2023.

“We have an identity crisis in the Republican Party,” he told the Times. “If we can’t address the election denier issue and we continue down that path, we won’t have credibility with the American people that we are going to solve problems.”


GOP Rep Torches Party on His Way Out the Door: ‘We Lost Our Way’​

Sounds like he FOUND his way in Joe Biden. He obviously finds more fault with his own party than with Joe.

Ken Buck is one of the most conservative members of the House
Never heard of him.

representing a very conservative district in eastern Colorado.
Maybe he should have found his way by keeping his own state from flipping blue.

We have an identity crisis in the Republican Party, he told the Times.
Apparently the identity he wants found again is a return to the failed loser days of Bob Dole, John McCain and Mitt Romney, when republicans knew their place and were happy to be followers.
Any time the left wing MSN wants to make a point about republicans they include the word "conservative" even though it might not be accurate. The fact that Buck declines to run again combined with his lack of understanding that he helped cause the mess in the GOP and his odd angry shots at his own party indicates a possibility that he might have some personal problems related to a senior citizen phase in his life. How old is Biden again?
Ken Buck is one of the most conservative members of the House representing a very conservative district in eastern Colorado. The fact that even he is fed up with the far right's shenanigans regarding continued election denying and the Speakership debacle is quite telling.

Buck, 64, has represented Colorado’s Fourth District since 2015 and was one of eight Republicans who voted to oust Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as Speaker of the House last month, touching off a nasty civil war that dragged on for weeks. His decision to not seek re-election comes after months of publicly sharing his displeasure with his party—namely that his colleagues are still denying the results of the 2020 election well into 2023.

“We have an identity crisis in the Republican Party,” he told the Times. “If we can’t address the election denier issue and we continue down that path, we won’t have credibility with the American people that we are going to solve problems.”

I dunno, man. Supporting more federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth doesn't sound very conservative to me.

I don't know much about him other than that, without going through his voting record thoroughly.

Conservatism is such an artibtrary term these days, though.

Is he one of those cookie-cutter type ''social conservatives'' or something?

Of course, it's not really much to stand out as a ''conservative'' given the normally weak competition from within one's company of peers to be designated as such.

It's almost like only needing a body temperature of 98.6 to make the honor role these days.
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Does it matter which party is in power? More Americans need mirrors to understand the issue. Institutions in the West are either exercizing extreme power and/or are unconcerned with their nations future as long as the personally benefit. China knows this and they promote it,.I've seen the videos and their "influencers". They point to us and say "look at how the pretend that their governments don't wield as much power as we do". It is resonating around the world, especialy after Covid when the distinction between our system and theirs could have been different but wasn't. When he was in power did he demand a border wall? What was his position on the I.R.A? Accountability mechanisms for money sent to Ukraine? Just who cares about the future of their nation today? Probably the sucker being used like a shovel...
Ken Buck is one of the most conservative members of the House representing a very conservative district in eastern Colorado. The fact that even he is fed up with the far right's shenanigans regarding continued election denying and the Speakership debacle is quite telling.

Buck, 64, has represented Colorado’s Fourth District since 2015 and was one of eight Republicans who voted to oust Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as Speaker of the House last month, touching off a nasty civil war that dragged on for weeks. His decision to not seek re-election comes after months of publicly sharing his displeasure with his party—namely that his colleagues are still denying the results of the 2020 election well into 2023.

“We have an identity crisis in the Republican Party,” he told the Times. “If we can’t address the election denier issue and we continue down that path, we won’t have credibility with the American people that we are going to solve problems.”


Taz posts a view he happens to accept as true. But, the reiteration of somebody else’s mere opinion fails to support his dimwit view.

The truth is that the GOP lost its way long ago. Long ago. What we are seeing these days is nothing less than some halting first steps to reclaim the stature and purpose of what the GOP ought to be: a bulwark against the erosion of our republic by the Democrap Parody and its insidious version of “liberalism.”
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I dunno, man. Supporting more federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth doesn't sound very conservative to me.

I don't know much about him other than that, without going through his voting record thoroughly.

Conservatism is such an artibtrary term these days.

is he one of those ''social conservatives'' or something?

Of course, it's not really much to stand out as a ''conservative'' given the normally weak competition from within one's company of peers to be designated as such.

It's almost like only needing a body temperature of 98.6 to make the honor role these days.
First he votes to oust McCarthy, then snivels about how the others who voted with him have "lost their way".

Probably best for him to retire, as schizoid as that is.
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Ken Buck is one of the most conservative members of the House representing a very conservative district in eastern Colorado. The fact that even he is fed up with the far right's shenanigans regarding continued election denying and the Speakership debacle is quite telling.

Buck, 64, has represented Colorado’s Fourth District since 2015 and was one of eight Republicans who voted to oust Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as Speaker of the House last month, touching off a nasty civil war that dragged on for weeks. His decision to not seek re-election comes after months of publicly sharing his displeasure with his party—namely that his colleagues are still denying the results of the 2020 election well into 2023.

“We have an identity crisis in the Republican Party,” he told the Times. “If we can’t address the election denier issue and we continue down that path, we won’t have credibility with the American people that we are going to solve problems.”

He has voted with democrats every fucking time. Something was obviously up with him. He was bribed, blackmailed, something. Literally every republibcan voter hates him, and for good reason.
He has voted with democrats every fucking time. Something was obviously up with him. He was bribed, blackmailed, something. Literally every republibcan voter hates him, and for good reason.
You guys are becoming Canada South. What happened to the libertarians who loved America?
He has voted with democrats every fucking time. Something was obviously up with him. He was bribed, blackmailed, something. Literally every republibcan voter hates him, and for good reason.
Not really....But like nearly all republicans, he has thrown in more and more with the warfare/welfare go-along-to-get-along clones the longer he as been in the District of Criminals.
Sounds like he FOUND his way in Joe Biden. He obviously finds more fault with his own party than with Joe.

Never heard of him.

Maybe he should have found his way by keeping his own state from flipping blue.

Apparently the identity he wants found again is a return to the failed loser days of Bob Dole, John McCain and Mitt Romney, when republicans knew their place and were happy to be followers.
I hear he's schtupping Liz Cheney.
He has voted with democrats every fucking time. Something was obviously up with him. He was bribed, blackmailed, something. Literally every republibcan voter hates him, and for good reason.
I sure looks like he's been compromised. That's why we need term limits.
“We have an identity crisis in the Republican Party,” he told the USMB. “If we can’t address the problem of the election rigging deniers and we continue to try and be Democrat Light, then we won’t have credibility with the American people.

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