GOP Rep who Screamed at Biden about Military Members on Tuesday, votes on Thursday against helping Military Members

Two years ago, I developed twin Cataracs. One was worse than the other. Rump allowed the out patient Veteran Exec Order to expire. The VA had no one on staff to do the procedure. Had I not had other means (Medicare and Tricare) I would have become legally blind before the procedure would have been available through the VA. Obama reintroduced that Exec Order. Even so, it would have been 6 months before the first eye could be done. I would have been legally blind in 2. I was already legally blind in my left eye. Instead, I used my other payment methods and got it done in a month for both eyes. Funny, it was by the same doctor that the VA would have used.

We have to keep a vigilant watch on the Veterans Health. It should be part of the cost of defending this nation. But I guess it's more important to tear it to the ground instead.

Me thinks you got your shit a bit backwards there chief. Trump made VA choice permanent.

Newsflash: I AM a republican. But we have pretty well run off the rump humpers now and beobert is one of the last. After seeing the Tina Peters effect, we are now looking to start locking up the practicing rump humpers.
You unAmerican P.O.S! Locking up Trump supporters? For what believing in America?

The entire GOP is an embarressment to America.

The republican congresswoman's outburst during the Biden SOU speech was a spontaneous and legitimate reaction. The allegation that she is against Veterans because she questioned support for a strange bill that included poop fires in the V.A. benefits package doesn't make her a bad person.

Burning poop in Vietnam was one of the least favorite jobs of the lower enlisted. But we did it well away from the camp.

I literally posted an article link and a Twitter post and asked for thoughts. I have no idea why this is being downvoted, but okay.

At least he is participating, and not just downvoting my topic.

Funny, I found no link to an article, just the twitter and palousey lying video.

The republican congresswoman's outburst during the Biden SOU speech was a spontaneous and legitimate reaction. The allegation that she is against Veterans because she questioned support for a strange bill that included poop fires in the V.A. benefits package doesn't make her a bad person.
She's a fucking halfwit without enough brains to come in out of the pouring rain. She causes drama because like that moron from Georgia that's all they have.
The republican congresswoman's outburst during the Biden SOU speech was a spontaneous and legitimate reaction. The allegation that she is against Veterans because she questioned support for a strange bill that included poop fires in the V.A. benefits package doesn't make her a bad person.
Gazpacho and Boebert's outburst was entirely inappropriate. They are pandering whores.

"Poop fires"? You mock the injuries inflicted on veterans? And we are supposed to take you seriously?
You unAmerican P.O.S! Locking up Trump supporters? For what believing in America?

Tina Peters and 3 of her "Deputies" are on trial right now and are guilty as hell. After we get Boebert back, she has some questions to answer for her handling of election funds. They broke the criminal laws. No more covering up for them around here.
Oh really? Buddying up to white supremacists you say?

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Acting like children you say?

Seems you love embarrassments.

G.O.P. Leaders Condemn Lawmakers’ Appearance at White Nationalist Conference​

The participation of Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar at a far-right event renewed calls for Republican leaders to root out extremism in their party.

House approves bill to help veterans exposed to 'burn pits'

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi discussed the bill that would boost health care services and disability benefits for veterans exposed to toxic burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Republican sweetheart Lauren Boebert screamed at Biden about servicemembers not being important on Tuesday night at the SOTU address. She voted "no" today for helping servicemembers who suffer from burn pit illnesses in Iraq and Afghanistan. What are your thoughts on this?

republicans are pure trash

Republicans should be thrown in Gitmo and tortured to death.
Funny, I found no link to an article, just the twitter and palousey lying video.


It was a video article from ABC News. This was it, and the video:

House approves bill to help veterans exposed to 'burn pits'​

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi discussed the bill that would boost health care services and disability benefits for veterans exposed to toxic burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan.​

It was a video article from ABC News. This was it, and the video:

House approves bill to help veterans exposed to 'burn pits'​

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi discussed the bill that would boost health care services and disability benefits for veterans exposed to toxic burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan.​

Thanks for confirming your density.

More Failure Flailing on your part, I see. How old is Sen. Byrd now?
What failure you uneducated fat moron? Is your Dear Leader Xiden in that picture? Why yes he is. Clasping hands with Byrd as a matter of fact. Now you look stupid. As usual.

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