GOP Representative Darrell Issa "Hillary and Obama" not targets of Benghazi Hearings?

This may be hard for brain-dead liberals like you to understand, but the point of the hearings is to find out the truth of what happened and why Americans died, not just to attack Obama for the sake of attacking Obama.


Holy crap that's the funniest line I've heard all week, and this was quite a week for funny lines from the inmates already!!!

No partisan motivation for the hearings, eh??

What sort of hearings do you imagine Darrell Issa would want to hold if all of this were the same except for a Republican being in the whitehouse?

The only reason its "partisan" is because Democrats are being partisan in ignoring the truth. They know Hillary and the Hussein fucked up big time, but they cannot admit it. Hillary must be the next Preisdent, at any cost.

Party over country every time, the Democrat way.

What ‘truth’?

Based on what facts or evidence?

The GOP hearings last Wednesday revealed nothing new, nothing not already known, nothing not already addressed in previous ‘hearings.’

It’s partisan because desperate, disgruntled republicans like yourself are still angry over your loss last November, angry that you failed to ‘get rid of Obama.’
former Secretary Bill Gates: Only knows what was in media. Gates said he would have made same decisions as Panetta and others when reality of force structure...comments on absurd notion of scrambling planes over Benghazi? Crazy idea because of all the loose missiles in are.


I am sure that you have a link to back up this claim.... Right?

Oh.. And just who was Gates Secretary of Defense under again?

Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, a Republican who was appointed to the position by George W. Bush and later kept on by President Obama?

Robert Gates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I notice a complete lack of a link to that statement you claim Gate's made. :eusa_whistle:


I am sure that you have a link to back up this claim.... Right?

Oh.. And just who was Gates Secretary of Defense under again?

Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, a Republican who was appointed to the position by George W. Bush and later kept on by President Obama?

Robert Gates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I notice a complete lack of a link to that statement you claim Gate's made. :eusa_whistle:

Everyone who was watching the program witnessed it. No one is denying it. Link? "If it isn't linked to on the world wide web or get reported on FOX or Talk Radio, it didn't happen" - latest right wing world logic
Issa isn't known for being a truthful person.

Notice a Right Wing World talking point is Ambassador said we are under 'attack'

what is missing? maybe the word 'terrorist'? :eusa_whistle:

what???!!! so to get help and maybe live he needed to say terrorist???!!!,under attack is under attack you pinhead butt fucker what the hell is wrong with you people.!!

It was know that it WAS a terrorist attack from the moment RPGs started flying,you people are disgusting.

Missions and Consulates and Embassies sometimes come under 'attack'

not all 'attacks' are terrorist attacks.

Just as Secretary Gates called the view of the US Military by people like you 'cartoonish' your posts reveal your view of the world as being 'cartoonish'
1, Why did Obama and Hillary leave the Consulate unguarded?

2. Once they knew it was under attack, why did they not send in troops to help?

3. After the attack was over leaving 4 Americans dead, why did Obama decide to lie about the nature of the attack?
GOP Representative Darrell Issa "Hillary and Obama" not targets of Benghazi Hearings? ::: Said with a straight face on NBC's Meet The Press


can the Republican party ever be taken seriously when this is what their leadership has the balls to say in public? Do they think the rest of America is as gullible and moronic as their base is?

Issa isn't known for being a truthful person.

You tell 'em, Pete!
Hillary and obama aren't targeted. It just looks that way because it is their fault.


Good girl, good girl.... That's it, just repeat what we say....
Issa isn't known for being a truthful person.

Notice a Right Wing World talking point is Ambassador said we are under 'attack'

what is missing? maybe the word 'terrorist'? :eusa_whistle:

what???!!! so to get help and maybe live he needed to say terrorist???!!!,under attack is under attack you pinhead butt fucker what the hell is wrong with you people.!!

It was know that it WAS a terrorist attack from the moment RPGs started flying,you people are disgusting.

1, Why did Obama and Hillary leave the Consulate unguarded?

2. Once they knew it was under attack, why did they not send in troops to help?

3. After the attack was over leaving 4 Americans dead, why did Obama decide to lie about the nature of the attack?

former Secretary Bill Gates: Only knows what was in media. Gates said he would have made same decisions as Panetta and others with reality of force structure...comments on absurd notion of scrambling planes over Benghazi? Crazy idea because of all the loose missiles in are.

Sending in special forces idea for rescue "cartoonish' image of US Forces.. US Forces known for 'planning and preparation' not cartoonish notions.

President Obama told NO lies

The American diplomatic mission at Benghazi, in Libya, was attacked on September 11, 2012 by a heavily armed group of terrorists. The attack began during the night at a compound that is meant to protect the consulate building. A second assault in the early morning the next day targeted a nearby CIA annex in a different diplomatic compound. Four people were killed, including U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens. Ten others were injured. The terrorists who attacked the mission have not been captured. The attack was strongly condemned by the governments of Libya, the United States, and many other countries throughout the world.

2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The bullshit coming out of Issa's mouth will sink any credibility the GOP has left with middle America

The President Obama and Secretary Clinton are not targets of the hearings and accusations are not 'charges'?


"David Petraeus said what the administration wanted him to say, is the indication. Ambassador Pickering heard what the administration wanted to hear," Issa replied.

It's a serious charge to say that the CIA director was playing politics rather than being truthful. Gregory pressed Issa on this accusation, asking, "You're saying that administration officials ... bullied the CIA into saying what the political advisers in the White House wanted him to say?"

Issa insisted that he wasn't "making charges."

Darrell Issa: David Petraeus Carried Obama's Water On Benghazi
Notice a Right Wing World talking point is Ambassador said we are under 'attack'

what is missing? maybe the word 'terrorist'? :eusa_whistle:

what???!!! so to get help and maybe live he needed to say terrorist???!!!,under attack is under attack you pinhead butt fucker what the hell is wrong with you people.!!

It was know that it WAS a terrorist attack from the moment RPGs started flying,you people are disgusting.

1, Why did Obama and Hillary leave the Consulate unguarded?

2. Once they knew it was under attack, why did they not send in troops to help?

3. After the attack was over leaving 4 Americans dead, why did Obama decide to lie about the nature of the attack?

former Secretary Bill Gates: Only knows what was in media. Gates said he would have made same decisions as Panetta and others with reality of force structure...comments on absurd notion of scrambling planes over Benghazi? Crazy idea because of all the loose missiles in are.

Sending in special forces idea for rescue "cartoonish' image of US Forces.. US Forces known for 'planning and preparation' not cartoonish notions.

President Obama told NO lies

The American diplomatic mission at Benghazi, in Libya, was attacked on September 11, 2012 by a heavily armed group of terrorists. The attack began during the night at a compound that is meant to protect the consulate building. A second assault in the early morning the next day targeted a nearby CIA annex in a different diplomatic compound. Four people were killed, including U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens. Ten others were injured. The terrorists who attacked the mission have not been captured. The attack was strongly condemned by the governments of Libya, the United States, and many other countries throughout the world.

2012 Benghazi attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

so your an ass got it and mentally challenged got it.

Telling the world it was over a video and a spontaneous protest that got out of hand isn't a lie,when you yourself post that it was a heavily armed terrorist group,which they new long befor the video excuse.

You have to be a mental case,or a total ass or both
On Benghazi President Obama said "No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done."
Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, a Republican who was appointed to the position by George W. Bush and later kept on by President Obama?

Robert Gates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I notice a complete lack of a link to that statement you claim Gate's made. :eusa_whistle:

Everyone who was watching the program witnessed it. No one is denying it. Link? "If it isn't linked to on the world wide web or get reported on FOX or Talk Radio, it didn't happen" - latest right wing world logic

So I am supposed to take your word that something was said as it was said by who you say it was said by?

Do I appear have just started posting yesterday?
Even the liberal press is starting to blink at the sheer amount of bullshit obama is shoveling at them. It will remain to the paid obama supporters to keep the sewage lines open.
Somebody has the video :rofl:

poor right wing sucks to be you

"House Republican Darrell Issa of California insisted on Sunday on Meet the Press that the investigation into Benghzai isn’t targeting Hillary Clinton"

Issa: Clinton?s ?Not a Target? - The Daily Beast

Former Defense SecretaryRobert Gates backed the Obama administration’s handling of the 2012 attacks on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, saying that had he headed the Pentagon at the time he wouldn’t have approved sending a small force into Libya as some critics suggested.

Gates said on CBS’s “Face the Nation” program today that sending a single aircraft or a small number of special forces into Libya “without knowing what the threat is, without having any intelligence, would have been very dangerous.”

Gates began serving as Defense secretary under Republican President George W. Bush in November 2006 and continued in the post under Democratic President Barack Obama. He left the job in June 2011.

Gates Backs Obama Administration Handling of Benghazi
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and NOT to be left out...Tea Party Lunatic Rand Paul steps up to the plate with

Rand Paul accuses Hillary Clinton of 'dereliction of duty' on Libya

Right Wing World and the GOP are all over the place. Looks like the beating they took from Obama, after trying for 4 years to make Obama a one-term President has them more mentally ill than previously thought possible


Somebody has the video :rofl:

poor right wing sucks to be you

"House Republican Darrell Issa of California insisted on Sunday on Meet the Press that the investigation into Benghzai isn’t targeting Hillary Clinton"

Issa: Clinton?s ?Not a Target? - The Daily Beast
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Issa said Petraeus only says what Obama tells him to say. Pretty much saying the hero of the right wing "surge" has no integrity.

Issa said the attack was covered up. It was never about the video. Which one of these pictures was taken at Benghazi?







GOP Representative Darrell Issa "Hillary and Obama" not targets of Benghazi Hearings? ::: Said with a straight face on NBC's Meet The Press


can the Republican party ever be taken seriously when this is what their leadership has the balls to say in public? Do they think the rest of America is as gullible and moronic as their base is?

What was it that Carney said last week when ABC discovered that the CIA talking points memo went through 12 revisions?

I remember now, he blamed Romney.

Who is it that is rapidly losing credibility again?
and NOT to be left out...Tea Party Lunatic Rand Paul steps up to the plate with

Rand Paul accuses Hillary Clinton of 'dereliction of duty' on Libya

Right Wing World and the GOP are all over the place. Looks like the beating they took from Obama, after trying for 4 years to make Obama a one-term President has them more mentally ill than previously thought possible


Somebody has the video :rofl:

poor right wing sucks to be you

"House Republican Darrell Issa of California insisted on Sunday on Meet the Press that the investigation into Benghzai isn’t targeting Hillary Clinton"

Issa: Clinton?s ?Not a Target? - The Daily Beast

I'm watching Meet the Press. Issa said Pickering was not willing to appear. Pickering IS ON THE SHOW and told Issa he was told he was not allowed and not invited. Issa then said, "We don't want a staged show". Pickering pretty much called Issa a liar and Issa basically agreed.
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