GOP Senate Filibusters Debt Ceiling Bill...Shutdown Looms

It is indeed all about funding the government. Is we don't borrow money we run out. So yes, it's about funding.

With borrowed money.

Which they gleefully did three times during the last administration.

Really, if they spend less than they bring in there would be no need to borrow. And it would still take a hundred years to dig out of debt and unfunded liabilities.


McConnell has said how important it is to pass this...and blocks it's passage.

These GOP freaks need to be voted OUT
WE need to stop the spending......Cut spending...ship out the illegals and refugees, end the welfare nonsense for able bodied breeders, end the scams and graft...
It is indeed all about funding the government. Is we don't borrow money we run out. So yes, it's about funding.

With borrowed money.

Which they gleefully did three times during the last administration.
I always questioned your IQ, but for you to make such a statement is ludicrous
Another idiot incapable of answering a question, but hey kudos for finding new and innovative ways to insert your commie obsession into a discussion.
Raising the debt ceiling used to be a routine thing. Both parties cooperated, because we used have that understood how to cooperate and get things done that had to get done.

For some years now, every year, they brought us to the brink of disaster by refusing to do this for PURELY partisan gain. Likewise, how many times have we come to the brink of shut down or actual shut down in the last few decades compared with before? This crap, along with stuff like a shocking lack Congressional oversight in the Afghan war and other things, shows how incredibly disfunctional our Congress has become :(

It has NOTHING to do with incurring more debt, we already incurred it. We owe. It I’d 100% about paying our bills and we have one loon here who thinks paying our bills is “communism”.:102:
Raising the debt ceiling used to be a routine thing. Both parties cooperated, because we used have that understood how to cooperate and get things done that had to get done.

For some years now, every year, they brought us to the brink of disaster by refusing to do this for PURELY partisan gain. Likewise, how many times have we come to the brink of shut down or actual shut down in the last few decades compared with before? This crap, along with stuff like a shocking lack Congressional oversight in the Afghan war and other things, shows how incredibly disfunctional our Congress has become :(

It has NOTHING to do with incurring more debt, we already incurred it. We owe. It I’d 100% about paying our bills and we have one loon here who thinks paying our bills is “communism”.:102:
Paying our bills would mean a reduction of the standard of living. Which has been dropping in real terms since the last thread to the gold standard was cut in 1971 from the Bretton Woods agreement after WW 2.
Paying our bills would mean a reduction of the standard of living. Which has been dropping in real terms since the last thread to the gold standard was cut in 1971 from the Bretton Woods agreement after WW 2.
What do you think repercussions of a default would be?
Raising the debt ceiling used to be a routine thing. Both parties cooperated, because we used have that understood how to cooperate and get things done that had to get done.

For some years now, every year, they brought us to the brink of disaster by refusing to do this for PURELY partisan gain. Likewise, how many times have we come to the brink of shut down or actual shut down in the last few decades compared with before? This crap, along with stuff like a shocking lack Congressional oversight in the Afghan war and other things, shows how incredibly disfunctional our Congress has become :(

It has NOTHING to do with incurring more debt, we already incurred it. We owe. It I’d 100% about paying our bills and we have one loon here who thinks paying our bills is “communism”.:102:
Our political system incentivizes this stuff.

I don't know how anyone can be a national politician. The perks must be absolutely incredible.
Republican have always been big on shutting down the government. What else is new?

List of All Government Shutdowns and Their Duration​

This list of government shutdowns in the past was drawn from Congressional Research Service reports:
  • 2018-2019 (President Donald Trump): December 22, 2018 to January 25, 2019 - 34 days
  • 2018 (President Donald Trump): January 20 to January 23 - 3 days
  • 2018 (President Donald Trump): February 9 – 1 day.
  • 2013 (President Barack Obama): October 1 to October. 17 - 16 days
  • 1995-1996 (President Bill Clinton): December 16, 1995, to January 6, 1996, - 21 days
  • 1995 (President Bill Clinton): Nov. 14 to 19 - 5 days
  • 1990 (President George H.W. Bush): October 5 to 9 - 3 days
  • 1987 (President Ronald Reagan): December 18 to December 20 - 1 day
  • 1986 (President Ronald Reagan): October 16 to October 18 - 1 day
  • 1984 (President Ronald Reagan): October 3 to October 5 - 1 day
  • 1984 (President Ronald Reagan): September 30 to October 3 - 2 days
  • 1983 (President Ronald Reagan): November 10 to November 14 - 3 days
  • 1982 (President Ronald Reagan): December 17 to December 21 - 3 days
  • 1982 (President Ronald Reagan): September 30 to October 2 - 1 day
  • 1981 (President Ronald Reagan): November 20 to November 23 - 2 days
  • 1979 (President Jimmy Carter): September 30 to October 12 - 11 days
  • 1978 (President Jimmy Carter): September 30 to October 18 18 days
  • 1977 (President Jimmy Carter): November 30 to December 9 - 8 days
  • 1977 (President Jimmy Carter): October 31 to November 9 - 8 days
  • 1977 (President Jimmy Carter): September 30 to October 13 - 12 days
  • 1976 (President Gerald Ford): September 30 to October 11 - 10 days
Its interesting that this is such a massive deal yet not one of those previous times the government shut down has ever produced any serious consequences.

Reality is that almost no one notices when the federal government "shuts down" - it's mostly irrelevant as it is not shutting down anyway.

It is also interesting that the democrats play no role here. You just assume that if the government shuts down then it is because the republicans. Apparently, not giving the democrats 100 percent of what they want is just unacceptable...
WE need to stop the spending......Cut spending...ship out the illegals and refugees, end the welfare nonsense for able bodied breeders, end the scams and graft...
"Stopping the spending" is one thing.

This is about paying for the spending already approved and for which we are now OBLIGATED.

And that spending has been approved by BOTH parties. Unfortunately only one party (Dems) is willing to pay their bills
Its interesting that this is such a massive deal yet not one of those previous times the government shut down has ever produced any serious consequences.
Oh really?

It costs millions every time and has at least once caused our national credit rating to be downgraded.

If you want to implode the economy ...this is one real good way to do it
Oh really?

It costs millions every time and has at least once caused our national credit rating to be downgraded.

If you want to implode the economy ...this is one real good way to do it
Yes, I see how it has imploded the economy the last 20 times it happened....

Meanwhile, in the real world, the economy has imploded many times. Never once because of a government shutdown.
Yes, I see how it has imploded the economy the last 20 times it happened....

Meanwhile, in the real world, the economy has imploded many times. Never once because of a government shutdown.
Every time the Republicans do this they are yanking on the pin of a hand grenade that will blow up the economy.

Downgrading our credit rating is no small thing and that is only one of the bad things it can cause.

This kind of thing is why Republicans should NEVER control the purse strings.
Raising the debt ceiling used to be a routine thing. Both parties cooperated, because we used have that understood how to cooperate and get things done that had to get done.

For some years now, every year, they brought us to the brink of disaster by refusing to do this for PURELY partisan gain. Likewise, how many times have we come to the brink of shut down or actual shut down in the last few decades compared with before? This crap, along with stuff like a shocking lack Congressional oversight in the Afghan war and other things, shows how incredibly disfunctional our Congress has become :(

It has NOTHING to do with incurring more debt, we already incurred it. We owe. It I’d 100% about paying our bills and we have one loon here who thinks paying our bills is “communism”.:102:
You mean like someone who lives completely out of their means running up credit cards month after month, year after year, to the point where the carrying costs (especially after the interest rates will have to go up to cut inflation) will be unaffordable, that we should just let the debt get bigger and bigger?

No, its time to stop the stealing from generations. The debt puts our country at great risk--------and the more we accumulate, the worse it is going to get. We are crashing the Dollar which had in previous years given the US a big advantage that we have now destroyed. Trillions in debt is trillions in interest especially after the interest rate rises---just lost money.

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