GOP Senate Filibusters Debt Ceiling Bill...Shutdown Looms

Every time the Republicans do this they are yanking on the pin of a hand grenade that will blow up the economy.

Downgrading our credit rating is no small thing and that is only one of the bad things it can cause.

This kind of thing is why Republicans should NEVER control the purse strings.
Because democrats are so damn responsible. They only want to spend more than God in order to allow the government to be funded, after all.

Partisan statements like republicans should never or democrats should never are just that, partisan bullshit.
What Koltun calls a “game of chicken” also may already be denting the economy. The last two times Congress came close to not raising the debt limit, in 2011 and 2013, Moody’s Analytics found, “heightened uncertainty at the time reduced business investment and hiring and weighed heavily on GDP growth. If not for this uncertainty, by mid-2015, real GDP would have been $180 billion, or more than 1%, higher; there would have been 1.2 million more jobs; and the unemployment rate would have been 0.7 percentage point lower.”

Uncertainty rippling through the Treasury market in 2013 cost taxpayers anywhere from $40 million to $70 million, Barclay’s reckons.
You mean like someone who lives completely out of their means running up credit cards month after month, year after year, to the point where the carrying costs (especially after the interest rates will have to go up to cut inflation) will be unaffordable, that we should just let the debt get bigger and bigger?

No, its time to stop the stealing from generations. The debt puts our country at great risk--------and the more we accumulate, the worse it is going to get. We are crashing the Dollar which had in previous years given the US a big advantage that we have now destroyed. Trillions in debt is trillions in interest especially after the interest rate rises---just lost money.
So if someone (in your esteemed this case the US ) is spending too much and charging too much on their credit cards...they should simply not pay their debts?

Simply stop PAYING those credit card payments?

Are you serious? Are you a CHILD?
Because democrats are so damn responsible. They only want to spend more than God in order to allow the government to be funded, after all.

Partisan statements like republicans should never or democrats should never are just that, partisan bullshit.
Absolutely accurate. You fuckers either don't understand the damage you are causing or you don't care. Either way you should never have your hands on the national checkbook
Ask your party.

Democrats rarely if ever cut spending. Democrats view not getting the requested increase for spending on a line item as a “cut”. Democrats also view such line items as $10M for gender studies in Pakistan as essential.

Democrats need to truly cut out a lot of egregious and non essential items before they can seriously argue for increased debt limits and tax increase plans that will invariably hit the Middle Class.
You sound like you couldn't think of a real response so you decided to insult me as a distraction.

his response was spot on. Why does the debt ceiling need to be increased? That is the answer to his comment.
Raising the debt ceiling used to be a routine thing. Both parties cooperated, because we used have that understood how to cooperate and get things done that had to get done.

For some years now, every year, they brought us to the brink of disaster by refusing to do this for PURELY partisan gain. Likewise, how many times have we come to the brink of shut down or actual shut down in the last few decades compared with before? This crap, along with stuff like a shocking lack Congressional oversight in the Afghan war and other things, shows how incredibly disfunctional our Congress has become :(

It has NOTHING to do with incurring more debt, we already incurred it. We owe. It I’d 100% about paying our bills and we have one loon here who thinks paying our bills is “communism”.:102:
so why raise the debt ceiling?
Its interesting that this is such a massive deal yet not one of those previous times the government shut down has ever produced any serious consequences.

Reality is that almost no one notices when the federal government "shuts down" - it's mostly irrelevant as it is not shutting down anyway.

It is also interesting that the democrats play no role here. You just assume that if the government shuts down then it is because the republicans. Apparently, not giving the democrats 100 percent of what they want is just unacceptable...
Dems play their role, they just usually not in control to force the brinksmanship. In the end, both parties tend to compromise. It would be better if they had a better relationship and worked to find compromise, as neither side gets or should get everything it wants.
You mean like someone who lives completely out of their means running up credit cards month after month, year after year, to the point where the carrying costs (especially after the interest rates will have to go up to cut inflation) will be unaffordable, that we should just let the debt get bigger and bigger?

No, its time to stop the stealing from generations. The debt puts our country at great risk--------and the more we accumulate, the worse it is going to get. We are crashing the Dollar which had in previous years given the US a big advantage that we have now destroyed. Trillions in debt is trillions in interest especially after the interest rate rises---just lost money.
All of that are legislative arguements to be made outside of raising the debt ceiling. The debt ceiling isn’t about reducing spending it is about paying what we already spent.
"Stopping the spending" is one thing.

This is about paying for the spending already approved and for which we are now OBLIGATED.

And that spending has been approved by BOTH parties. Unfortunately only one party (Dems) is willing to pay their bills
IF Democrats are the only party willing to pay their bills, why are they telling us that $3.5 to $5.5 TRILLION in Socialist spending will cost us ZERO?

Do you even know how much money is a TRILLION DOLLARS? A billion dollars is 1,000 million dollars. A TRILLION dollars is 1,000 billion dollars.
IF Democrats are the only party willing to pay their bills, why are they telling us that $3.5 to $5.5 TRILLION in Socialist spending will cost us ZERO?
It's 3.5T.

And that's because a trillion of it is offset by savings in the bill.

Most if not all of the remainder is pay for in capital gain taxes and income taxes on the wealthy ( I know you hate that...)
Because it covers existing financial obligations...most of which were accrued under the Trump Administration
IF Democrats are the only party willing to pay their bills, why are they telling us that $3.5 to $5.5 TRILLION in Socialist spending will cost us ZERO?

Do you even know how much money is a TRILLION DOLLARS? A billion dollars is 1,000 million dollars. A TRILLION dollars is 1,000 billion dollars.
Last one in the presidency that thought about paying the bills was George H.W. Bush, and it lost him the job. Dems and Reps worked at it well during the Clinton years, and we did fine. All bets were off with George W. and ever since.
It's 3.5T.

And that's because a trillion of it is offset by savings in the bill.

Most if not all of the remainder is pay for in capital gain taxes and income taxes on the wealthy ( I know you hate that...)

Analysts: Democrats’ $3.5 Trillion Spend May Cost $5.5 Trillion

By Ben Zeisloft
Jul 25, 2021

A trillion dollars is offset by "savings in the bill"? If there is a trillion dollars in "savings" why is the cost not $2.5 Trillion?

How much more should the wealthy pay? Why? How much are they paying now? Specifically, how much would be their fair share?

Please show us, with your figures, where the $3.5 to $5.5 TRILLION comes from. How much comes from an increase in capital gains tax and how much from taxing the "rich" more.

Analysts: Democrats’ $3.5 Trillion Spend May Cost $5.5 Trillion

By Ben Zeisloft
Jul 25, 2021

A trillion dollars is offset by "savings in the bill"? If there is a trillion dollars in "savings" why is the cost not $2.5 Trillion?

How much more should the wealthy pay? Why? How much are they paying now? Specifically, how much would be their fair share?

Please show us, with your figures, where the $3.5 to $5.5 TRILLION comes from. How much comes from an increase in capital gains tax and how much from taxing the "rich" more.
A right wing blog claims that 3.5 is actually 5.5 and you swallow that because why?

You want to?

It's a 3.5T Bill that has Medicare savings in it that will offset 1 trillion

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