GOP Senate Filibusters Debt Ceiling Bill...Shutdown Looms

Democrat administrations never back down or negotiate when a government shutdown looms because they can depend on the media to blame republicans.
Democrat administrations never back down or negotiate when a government shutdown looms because they can depend on the media to blame republicans.
The Republicans who just filibustered the debt ceiling increase?
A right wing blog claims that 3.5 is actually 5.5 and you swallow that because why?

You want to?

It's a 3.5T Bill that has Medicare savings in it that will offset 1 trillion
Probably the most significant is a proposal to control the price of prescription drugs. That would mean less government spending through Medicare, which pays for older Americans’ drugs. It would also reduce what the federal government spends to subsidize private insurance through the Affordable Care Act.
The total net savings for the drug plan could approach or even exceed half a trillion dollars, depending on what policy particulars Democrats eventually endorse.
Taking those savings and some other factors into account, Kogan said, a fair figure for new spending under the Democrats’ proposal is closer to (and quite possibly less than) $2.5 trillion over 10 years.
What does that even mean?
It means the revenue covers last year’s spending! Demofks want to increase spending this year and need the ceiling lifted! You don’t do credit cards huh!
A right wing blog claims that 3.5 is actually 5.5 and you swallow that because why?

You want to?

It's a 3.5T Bill that has Medicare savings in it that will offset 1 trillion
But you believed $3.5 from far-left sources makes it true. Got it!

I asked several simple questions if you know what you're talking about, and you dodged. Why?

Once again, how and where do we have $1 TRILLION in Medicare savings? IF that is true, then the cost would be $2.5 TRILLION.

Biden’s newest whopper: $3.5 trillion in spending costs Americans ‘zero-dollars’

By THE WASHINGTON TIMES - - Tuesday, September 28, 2021
As inflation spikes, now is not the time for new government spending
Most importantly, the $3.5 trillion figure is fake. The true cost of the president’s entitlement plan is much higher when estimated beyond the ten years Congress is scoring it. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget finds the Democrats’ plan will cost as much as $5.5 trillion over a decade.

President Joe Biden has verifiably LIED about major issues but about this you take as the gospel truth.

Why do you demand to remain ignorant?
Once again, how and where do we have $1 TRILLION in Medicare savings? IF that is true, then the cost would be $2.5 TRILLION.
Probably the most significant is a proposal to control the price of prescription drugs. That would mean less government spending through Medicare, which pays for older Americans’ drugs. It would also reduce what the federal government spends to subsidize private insurance through the Affordable Care Act.
The total net savings for the drug plan could approach or even exceed half a trillion dollars, depending on what policy particulars Democrats eventually endorse.
Taking those savings and some other factors into account, Kogan said, a fair figure for new spending under the Democrats’ proposal is closer to (and quite possibly less than) $2.5 trillion over 10 years.
Biden’s newest whopper: $3.5 trillion in spending costs Americans ‘zero-dollars’
Zero added to the debt.
The same people bitching here were claiming that the ACA would "cost" (GASP!) a TRILLION dollars!

Well it did...overall...but the revenues attached to it made it a NEGATIVE to the deficit (and thus the debt). It SAVED money overall as related to the debt.

Just like this
Probably the most significant is a proposal to control the price of prescription drugs. That would mean less government spending through Medicare, which pays for older Americans’ drugs. It would also reduce what the federal government spends to subsidize private insurance through the Affordable Care Act.
The total net savings for the drug plan could approach or even exceed half a trillion dollars,
depending on what policy particulars Democrats eventually endorse.
Taking those savings and some other factors into account, Kogan said, a fair figure for new spending under the Democrats’ proposal is closer to (and quite possibly less than) $2.5 trillion over 10 years.

Zero added to the debt.

Please show us all the savings of $1 TRILLION from Medicare and how a CUT does reduce the cost.

If Medicare is not going to cover the cost of drugs necessary to older Americans' drugs. Who will pay that difference? The answer, the older Americans. Does that not amount to an increase in taxes to folks earning less than $400,000 a year?

The same people bitching here were claiming that the ACA would "cost" (GASP!) a TRILLION dollars!

Well it did...overall...but the revenues attached to it made it a NEGATIVE to the deficit (and thus the debt). It SAVED money overall as related to the debt.

Just like this
Please show us all the savings of $1 TRILLION from Medicare and how a CUT does reduce the cost.

If Medicare is not going to cover the cost of drugs necessary to older Americans' drugs. Who will pay that difference? The answer, the older Americans. Does that not amount to an increase in taxes to folks earning less than $400,000 a year?

Jesus dude. Are you that dumb?

NEGOTIATING drug prices for an entity the size of Medicare reduces drug half a trillion of ten years

That's how the VA keeps drug costs down
Jesus dude. Are you that dumb?

NEGOTIATING drug prices for an entity the size of Medicare reduces drug half a trillion of ten years

That's how the VA keeps drug costs down

Drug prices are 4 times higher in America than anywhere in the world because of a virtually job existent public health care system. Controlled by republicans.
MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell just announced that the Senate struck a deal to keep the government open until sometime in December. Apparently going to vote on it tomorrow morning at 10:30 am.
Raising the debt ceiling used to be a routine thing. Both parties cooperated, because we used have that understood how to cooperate and get things done that had to get done.

For some years now, every year, they brought us to the brink of disaster by refusing to do this for PURELY partisan gain. Likewise, how many times have we come to the brink of shut down or actual shut down in the last few decades compared with before? This crap, along with stuff like a shocking lack Congressional oversight in the Afghan war and other things, shows how incredibly disfunctional our Congress has become :(

It has NOTHING to do with incurring more debt, we already incurred it. We owe. It I’d 100% about paying our bills and we have one loon here who thinks paying our bills is “communism”.:102:

The government brings in almost 350 billion a month, it costs about 44 billion to service the debt. That leaves about 3.6 trillion to pay the bills. If that's not enough we have a serious spending problem.

MAYBE...Republicans shouldn't play policitcs and do what they KNOW needs to be done

Which is allow this vote and pass it
So you just max out your credit cards, then demand the company give you more? Maybe Pisslosi and Schumer should have actually worked with Republicans. But the squad (the real people running the party now) wouldn’t stand for that.

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