GOP sides with Syria, Iran and North Korea. I couldn't believe it either.

There are two groups who support a free flow of all weapons into almost anyone's hands:

- Terrorists and rogue nations
- Republicans

Its about that simple really. See, without terrorists and rogue nations, who would Republicans have to go to war with? And without anyone to go to war with, how would defense lobbyists get money to their private defense contractors?

There are two groups who oppose the right of individuals to defend themselves;

  • Tyrants who kill anyone who runs against them in elections.
  • Democrats.
See how simple it is? Or did you miss the part where Mugabe is one of the people that have been pushing for this treaty?

Yup, the leaders and tyrants of NK, Iran, and Syria are just NRA freedom fighters.

What a bunch of yoiks.
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Interesting company in ensuring an uninterrupted flow of arms to terrorists

Kiss my ass sweet pea :eusa_angel: I really do love you buddy...But this is too good of a shot.

U.S.-Approved Arms for Libya Rebels Fell Into Jihadis’ Hands
Published: December 5, 2012 297 Comments

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration secretly gave its blessing to arms shipments to Libyan rebels from Qatar last year, but American officials later grew alarmed as evidence grew that Qatar was turning some of the weapons over to Islamic militants, according to United States officials and foreign diplomats.

Which side in Libya did you support?

GOP: U.S. Should Offer Support to Libyan Rebels -

WASHINGTON—Republican leaders in Congress said Sunday the U.S. should consider providing arms, intelligence and training to opposition forces fighting to overthrow Libya's Col. Moammar Gadhafi, a move that would mark a sharp escalation in Washington's involvement in the conflict.

Administration officials say President Barack Obama is considering a wide range of options to aid opposition forces but wants any action to be closely coordinated with international allies.


Now they are complaining opposite of what they complained about two years ago?
Kiss my ass sweet pea :eusa_angel: I really do love you buddy...But this is too good of a shot.

U.S.-Approved Arms for Libya Rebels Fell Into Jihadis’ Hands
Published: December 5, 2012 297 Comments

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration secretly gave its blessing to arms shipments to Libyan rebels from Qatar last year, but American officials later grew alarmed as evidence grew that Qatar was turning some of the weapons over to Islamic militants, according to United States officials and foreign diplomats.

Which side in Libya did you support?

GOP: U.S. Should Offer Support to Libyan Rebels -

WASHINGTON—Republican leaders in Congress said Sunday the U.S. should consider providing arms, intelligence and training to opposition forces fighting to overthrow Libya's Col. Moammar Gadhafi, a move that would mark a sharp escalation in Washington's involvement in the conflict.

Administration officials say President Barack Obama is considering a wide range of options to aid opposition forces but wants any action to be closely coordinated with international allies.


Now they are complaining opposite of what they complained about two years ago?

who is complaining? cite.

one does not have to support something simply because its 'enemies' do not support it. further, one is not aligned with someone merely for not supporting a measure they do not support.

can you address the above?
If one is aligned with NK, Syria, and Iranian policy, then, yes, one is aligned with our enemies' policies.

That means our gun nuts and militia mutts support the freedom loving leaders of those countries. Well, it is exactly what they would say about the US if the US voted with the three against the treaty.
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if i want to make money and gangs want to make money, then i am aligned with gang policy


They fell into aq hands after a firefight.

If BHO was not supporting the rebels, you would complain.

You have no credit here, bigreb.
Really? those weapons fell into the hands of al Qaeda after a fire fight?

REPORT: The US Is Openly Sending Heavy Weapons From Libya To Syrian Rebels - Business Insider
Should the US support the opposition against Asad, bigreb? Yes or no.

We should not support the ones we are fighting and have been fighting for over 10 years. Asad is not our enemy we should use him to fight our enemy
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Should the US support the opposition against Asad, bigreb? Yes or no.

We should not support the ones we are fighting and have been fighting for over 10 years.

That is not the question, bigreb.

Should we support the opposition to Asad is the question. Yes or no.

Didn't you earlier recognize that al Qaeda was part of the Syrian rebels?
and yes I answered your question was very clear about it.
Asad, a man responsible for 60,000 or more dead in two years, for a quarter million of Syrian children as refugees, for the collapse of his country.
Asad, a man responsible for 60,000 or more dead in two years, for a quarter million of Syrian children as refugees, for the collapse of his country.

Asad did not attack us obama is giving aid to the ones that did.
You support Asad, bigreb, one of the great mass murderers.

I support the opposition to him. The issue is how to keep arms out of aq's hands.

If aq had a way to get BHO, you would help them, I think.
You support Asad, bigreb, one of the great mass murderers.

I support the opposition to him. The issue is how to keep arms out of aq's hands.

If aq had a way to get BHO, you would help them, I think.

You support al Qaeda the ones who attacked us and have murdered thousands of Americans.
You support Asad, bigreb, one of the great mass murderers.

I support the opposition to him. The issue is how to keep arms out of aq's hands.

If aq had a way to get BHO, you would help them, I think.
I aq had a way to get BHO, they wouldn't want to. He is their friend.
You support Asad, bigreb, one of the great mass murderers.

I support the opposition to him. The issue is how to keep arms out of aq's hands.

If aq had a way to get BHO, you would help them, I think.
I aq had a way to get BHO, they wouldn't want to. He is their friend.

You are, because you support their aims: to destabilize America. You are willing to help them instead of work to make America better.

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