GOP sides with Syria, Iran and North Korea. I couldn't believe it either.

Anybody to your left is a liberal, buckeyes, which puts you there with Pinochet, Salazar, Franco, Hitler, etc.

I will let you know when you use context.

HAHA Hiler and Franco were left wingers my friend....and Pinoochet took over from commies who took people's property.....I'll take Pinochet over Stalin...ANY DAY

But again, you think that private property is wrong and noone should have it.

You do not understand that authoritarianism has right wing statists: Franco, Hilter, Salazar and others. Left wing statists include Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, etc.

You are really are ignorant of terms and definitions.

No you're ignorant. You're saying Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao weren't autoritarian? There is zero practicle difference from any of those guys you mentioned and in fact I think Franco killed the fewest people by far of all of those big government fucktards.
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HAHA Hiler and Franco were left wingers my friend....and Pinoochet took over from commies who took people's property.....I'll take Pinochet over Stalin...ANY DAY

But again, you think that private property is wrong and noone should have it.

You do not understand that authoritarianism has right wing statists: Franco, Hilter, Salazar and others. Left wing statists include Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, etc.

You are really are ignorant of terms and definitions.

No you're ignorant. You're saying Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao weren't autoritarian? There is zero practicle difference from any of those guys you mentioned and in fact I think Franco kill the fewest people by far of all of those big government fucktards.

No, you can't nuance. I SAID Stalin and Pol POot and Mao were left wing statists in conjunction with those like Franco, Hitler, Salazar. The context was 'authoritarianism'.

"autoritarian" is spelled authoritarian. What you fail to understand is that statist authoritarians can be left and right wing.

Look, begin with "nuance" and "context". Then with "authoritarianism" and "statism".

Use real dictionaries and thesauri, please. Don't talk to me again until you can contribute to an adult, sophisticated conversation.
You do not understand that authoritarianism has right wing statists: Franco, Hilter, Salazar and others. Left wing statists include Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, etc.

You are really are ignorant of terms and definitions.

No you're ignorant. You're saying Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao weren't autoritarian? There is zero practicle difference from any of those guys you mentioned and in fact I think Franco kill the fewest people by far of all of those big government fucktards.

No, you can't nuance. I SAID Stalin and Pol POot and Mao were left wing statists in conjunction with those like Franco, Hitler, Salazar. The context was 'authoritarianism'.

"autoritarian" is spelled authoritarian. What you fail to understand is that statist authoritarians can be left and right wing.

Look, begin with "nuance" and "context". Then with "authoritarianism" and "statism".

Use real dictionaries and thesauri, please. Don't talk to me again until you can contribute to an adult, sophisticated conversation.

Starkey, that's where you liberal educated bs is wrong. First of all your NUANCE differences that are not important....they just arent. Most people dont know the differnces between and AMD And INTEL CPUs, but they're basically the same thing and they do the same thing...just like Stalin and Hitler..

I understand nuance, but I dont care about it....nuance is a term pretentious people use to try and sound intelligent, it's just a form of academic snobbery.

In fact here is the definition..

1. A subtle or slight degree of difference, as in meaning, feeling, or tone; a gradation.
2. Expression or appreciation of subtle shades of meaning, feeling, or tone: a rich artistic performance, full of nuance.

notice subtle or feeling or tone.....which is surface stuff that doesnt matter.

Now PRACTICLLY...which is the important one is they are the same. And as for the left-right spectrum...lets see
Left-biggger govenment---leads to--->communism/facism
Right-smaller government ---leads to---->anarchy

Now why did I choose those, because communists and facists are about HUGE governement controlling your life...Anarchy is about no governement...see how that works.....the left is bigger and the right smaller government.

Now I know how you're going to nuance me and say that communism and anarchy are the same thing, and it's possible the left and right meet at utopian socialism...but the left buys into that way more that the right does...the difference is the right doesnt want anarchy, while the left wants communism.
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. . . these are all countries liberals have loved,

Did liberal senators and reps support Iraq I, Iraq II, and Afghanistan?

Check the votes.

You are a fuck wit.

you're the fuck with short on facts - Senate approves Iraq war resolution - Oct. 11, 2002

DISSENTING JUSTICE: Hold Them Accountable Too: Many Democrats Supported Policies of the "Worst President" (Part I)

Starkey is a radical and anything to the right of Stalin is right wing crazy....but he's middle of the road doncha know?
No you're ignorant. You're saying Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao weren't autoritarian? There is zero practicle difference from any of those guys you mentioned and in fact I think Franco kill the fewest people by far of all of those big government fucktards.

No, you can't nuance. I SAID Stalin and Pol POot and Mao were left wing statists in conjunction with those like Franco, Hitler, Salazar. The context was 'authoritarianism'.

"autoritarian" is spelled authoritarian. What you fail to understand is that statist authoritarians can be left and right wing.

Look, begin with "nuance" and "context". Then with "authoritarianism" and "statism".

Use real dictionaries and thesauri, please. Don't talk to me again until you can contribute to an adult, sophisticated conversation.

Starkey, that's where you liberal educated bs is wrong. First of all your NUANCE differences that are not important....they just arent. Most people dont know the differnces between and AMD And INTEL CPUs, but they're basically the same thing and they do the same thing...just like Stalin and Hitler..

I understand nuance, but I dont care about it....nuance is a term pretentious people use to try and sound intelligent, it's just a form of academic snobbery.

In fact here is the definition..

1. A subtle or slight degree of difference, as in meaning, feeling, or tone; a gradation.
2. Expression or appreciation of subtle shades of meaning, feeling, or tone: a rich artistic performance, full of nuance.

notice subtle or feeling or tone.....which is surface stuff that doesnt matter.

Now PRACTICLLY...which is the important one is they are the same. And as for the left-right spectrum...lets see
Left-biggger govenment---leads to--->communism/facism
Right-smaller government ---leads to---->anarchy

Now why did I choose those, because communists and facists are about HUGE governement controlling your life...Anarchy is about no governement...see how that works.....the left is bigger and the right smaller government.

Now I know how you're going to nuance me and say that communism and anarchy are the same thing, and it's possible the left and right meet at utopian socialism...but the left buys into that way more that the right does...the difference is the right doesnt want anarchy, while the left wants communism.

Your suggestion that left means eventually authoritarian and right means eventually anarchy is horseshit.

It is only one paradigm, and it is only accepted by a few libertarians and anarchists.

Heavens, I am dealing with an idiot.

Tell you what, bucks. Start a thread on such a paradigm. Let's see if we can be civil and see where it goes. It would be fun.
No, you can't nuance. I SAID Stalin and Pol POot and Mao were left wing statists in conjunction with those like Franco, Hitler, Salazar. The context was 'authoritarianism'.

"autoritarian" is spelled authoritarian. What you fail to understand is that statist authoritarians can be left and right wing.

Look, begin with "nuance" and "context". Then with "authoritarianism" and "statism".

Use real dictionaries and thesauri, please. Don't talk to me again until you can contribute to an adult, sophisticated conversation.

Starkey, that's where you liberal educated bs is wrong. First of all your NUANCE differences that are not important....they just arent. Most people dont know the differnces between and AMD And INTEL CPUs, but they're basically the same thing and they do the same thing...just like Stalin and Hitler..

I understand nuance, but I dont care about it....nuance is a term pretentious people use to try and sound intelligent, it's just a form of academic snobbery.

In fact here is the definition..

1. A subtle or slight degree of difference, as in meaning, feeling, or tone; a gradation.
2. Expression or appreciation of subtle shades of meaning, feeling, or tone: a rich artistic performance, full of nuance.

notice subtle or feeling or tone.....which is surface stuff that doesnt matter.

Now PRACTICLLY...which is the important one is they are the same. And as for the left-right spectrum...lets see
Left-biggger govenment---leads to--->communism/facism
Right-smaller government ---leads to---->anarchy

Now why did I choose those, because communists and facists are about HUGE governement controlling your life...Anarchy is about no governement...see how that works.....the left is bigger and the right smaller government.

Now I know how you're going to nuance me and say that communism and anarchy are the same thing, and it's possible the left and right meet at utopian socialism...but the left buys into that way more that the right does...the difference is the right doesnt want anarchy, while the left wants communism.

Your suggestion that left means eventually authoritarian and right means eventually anarchy is horseshit.

It is only one paradigm, and it is only accepted by a few libertarians and anarchists.

Heavens, I am dealing with an idiot.

Tell you what, bucks. Start a thread on such a paradigm. Let's see if we can be civil and see where it goes. It would be fun.

Jake you're full of horseshit.

Let's take it slow

Ok, now which ideology wants smaller governement and which one wants bigger govenment?
Are we talking ideology or philosophy? I suggest we begin with a set of terms and an agreed upon set of diagrams.

Starkey is a radical and anything to the right of Stalin is right wing crazy....but he's middle of the road doncha know?

so true. anytime i 've presented him with facts and logical arguments in this thread he runs away.

typical of a coward.
buckeyes can't figure out terms, definitions, and diagrams.

yurt goes crazy when he goes fail.

One is a so-called anarchist (he has no idea what it means) and the other thinks reactionary is mainstream.
Are we talking ideology or philosophy? I suggest we begin with a set of terms and an agreed upon set of diagrams.

Ah I see what you did Jake you're under the assumption that right wingers like authoritarian governments, because............

We want smaller LESS powerful this a suprise to you?

I do want to restrict the scope to the US, international gets a little trickier...i'm a us guy, only one I care about.
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Are we talking ideology or philosophy? I suggest we begin with a set of terms and an agreed upon set of diagrams.

Ah I see what you did Jake you're under the assumption that right wingers like authoritarian governments, because............

We want smaller LESS powerful this a suprise to you?

I do want to restrict the scope to the US, international gets a little trickier...i'm a us guy, only one I care about.

I know that authoritarian governments can be on the left and the right. The diagrams help explain that concept.

Small government is more free and Big government is less free, right, is your concept? Thus, in your mind, small is right and large is left.
buckeyes can't figure out terms, definitions, and diagrams.

yurt goes crazy when he goes fail.

One is a so-called anarchist (he has no idea what it means) and the other thinks reactionary is mainstream.

how is pointing out facts and presenting logical arguments 'going crazy and failing'?

oh wait, it isn't, it is just jake admitting he is too scared to respond to actual discussion and instead flame the board like the lying tattle tale he is.
It is the height of partisan treason to align with these evil nations' votes against the treaty and the US support of it.

this is truly ignorance at its finest.

one does not have to support something simply because its 'enemies' do not support it. further, one is not aligned with someone merely for not supporting a measure they do not support.

only small minded partisan hacks could believe that.

. . . these are all countries liberals have loved,

Did liberal senators and reps support Iraq I, Iraq II, and Afghanistan?

Check the votes.

You are a fuck wit.

you're the fuck with short on facts - Senate approves Iraq war resolution - Oct. 11, 2002

DISSENTING JUSTICE: Hold Them Accountable Too: Many Democrats Supported Policies of the "Worst President" (Part I)

see jake run...
I deleted your last PM unread. Really, don't PM me.

We can do it here within the rules.
There are two groups who support a free flow of all weapons into almost anyone's hands:

- Terrorists and rogue nations
- Republicans

Its about that simple really. See, without terrorists and rogue nations, who would Republicans have to go to war with? And without anyone to go to war with, how would defense lobbyists get money to their private defense contractors?

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