GOP sides with Syria, Iran and North Korea. I couldn't believe it either.

GOP supports North Korea, Syria and Iran in opposition to UN Arms Treaty

GOP joins North Korea and Iran in opposition to UN arms treaty.

You gotta admit, it is terribly funny and ironic, right?

Interesting company in ensuring an uninterrupted flow of arms to terrorists

Do you have any idea what the treaty actually does? Or why all the strongmen in Africa are so vocal about the need for it?

Maybe you should look into those points before you start pouting about how mean the GOP is.
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Interesting company in ensuring an uninterrupted flow of arms to terrorists

Kiss my ass sweet pea :eusa_angel: I really do love you buddy...But this is too good of a shot.

U.S.-Approved Arms for Libya Rebels Fell Into Jihadis’ Hands
Published: December 5, 2012 297 Comments

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration secretly gave its blessing to arms shipments to Libyan rebels from Qatar last year, but American officials later grew alarmed as evidence grew that Qatar was turning some of the weapons over to Islamic militants, according to United States officials and foreign diplomats.

Which side in Libya did you support?

I can state with certainty that, since I did not support bombing Libya so England could get oil, I did not support Obama arming terrorists
You can be sure if it's on the Pub Propaganda Machine, it's pure Pubcrappe they just made up, for dupes only...
You're just against ANYTHING Obama does, dupe. Against Mugabe, for
Kiss my ass sweet pea :eusa_angel: I really do love you buddy...But this is too good of a shot.

U.S.-Approved Arms for Libya Rebels Fell Into Jihadis’ Hands
Published: December 5, 2012 297 Comments

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration secretly gave its blessing to arms shipments to Libyan rebels from Qatar last year, but American officials later grew alarmed as evidence grew that Qatar was turning some of the weapons over to Islamic militants, according to United States officials and foreign diplomats.

Which side in Libya did you support?

I can state with certainty that, since I did not support bombing Libya so England could get oil, I did not support Obama arming terrorists

You backed Gadhafi it
Yes at a time when the Iran hostage crisis had just ended and Iran was a major threat in the region not unlike now and a ally on Iran's border was a needed thing yes I agree people do need to know their history.

Yes Reagan and Rummy fucked up seriously, didn't they? So that failed, so we invaded Iraq and that failed to create a counter to Iran while breaking our economy, and we are still fucked up because of Reagan and Rummy. Read your history, chummy.
Boy the point just went straight over your head didn't it ? Using your logic then FDR and Churchill royally fucked up by supporting Stalin in WW2 and so did LBJ by supporting South Vietnam sometimes in international relations you have to work with people and countries you don't really trust or like kind of like we have to do now with Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt because Obama threw the hard line but pro western Mubarak under the bus try taking those partisan colored glasses off now and again you will see the world and history a lot clearer chummy.

You neo-cons don't understand that choices have consequences.

You don't understand the messages of history at all. Your analogy falls apart in that Churchill did not invade the USSR and we did not invade Vietnam later: you can't think clearly at all, can you?

The Egyptian people went after Mubarak, the LIbyans after Khadafi, the Syrians after Asad.

The point is that you let feelings get in the way of clear thinking: typical reactionary.

You're just against ANYTHING Obama does, dupe. Against Mugabe, for

and you are for anything he does Frankie......without would let this man subvert this Country wont question what he does....
The far sides of the equation are out of balance.

Let the electoral, constitutional process work, and that means let the right of cent to left of center govern without distracting reactionary and lefty stupidity.
GOP supports North Korea, Syria and Iran in opposition to UN Arms Treaty

GOP joins North Korea and Iran in opposition to UN arms treaty.

You gotta admit, it is terribly funny and ironic, right?

"Join". No, they aren't opposing it in support of those 3 countries, they are opposing it because they feel it infringes on AMERICAN'S 2nd Amendment rights. Syria, Iran and N. Korea have NOTHING to do with their being against it. This is simply Rachel Maddow (yes, I know where you are regurgitating this from) using juxtaposing to say that the GOP supports those countries, which they don't.

Here's a nice quote for you:

<Democratic Sen. Max Baucus, of Montana, also said he could not support the treaty, claiming it doesn't do enough to "uphold the rights of Americans." >

You're a good little propaganda regurgitating lapdog.
GOP supports North Korea, Syria and Iran in opposition to UN Arms Treaty

GOP joins North Korea and Iran in opposition to UN arms treaty.

You gotta admit, it is terribly funny and ironic, right?

"Join". No, they aren't opposing it in support of those 3 countries, they are opposing it because they feel it infringes on AMERICAN'S 2nd Amendment rights. Syria, Iran and N. Korea have NOTHING to do with their being against it. This is simply Rachel Maddow (yes, I know where you are regurgitating this from) using juxtaposing to say that the GOP supports those countries, which they don't.

Here's a nice quote for you:

<Democratic Sen. Max Baucus, of Montana, also said he could not support the treaty, claiming it doesn't do enough to "uphold the rights of Americans." >

You're a good little propaganda regurgitating lapdog.
You are judged by the company you keep. More concerned with placating the hysteria of the NRA than stopping the underground international arms trade
Yes, those reactionaries line up with Syria, Iran, and North Korea on the UN treaty are covered in the slime of those three countries.
GOP supports North Korea, Syria and Iran in opposition to UN Arms Treaty

GOP joins North Korea and Iran in opposition to UN arms treaty.

You gotta admit, it is terribly funny and ironic, right?

"Join". No, they aren't opposing it in support of those 3 countries, they are opposing it because they feel it infringes on AMERICAN'S 2nd Amendment rights. Syria, Iran and N. Korea have NOTHING to do with their being against it. This is simply Rachel Maddow (yes, I know where you are regurgitating this from) using juxtaposing to say that the GOP supports those countries, which they don't.

Here's a nice quote for you:

<Democratic Sen. Max Baucus, of Montana, also said he could not support the treaty, claiming it doesn't do enough to "uphold the rights of Americans." >

You're a good little propaganda regurgitating lapdog.


it is the height of partisan sniping to claim the US is aligned with those regimes for opposing this on grounds that are not related to those regimes.
It is the height of partisan treason to align with these evil nations' votes against the treaty and the US support of it.
GOP supports North Korea, Syria and Iran in opposition to UN Arms Treaty

GOP joins North Korea and Iran in opposition to UN arms treaty.

You gotta admit, it is terribly funny and ironic, right?

Wow so we have to oppose them on everything now....I love liberals for us it's about the ideas...if they're right we'll back em on that....if wrong....we'll confront.....apparently you dont know how politics, philosophy or any other intellectual endeavor works.....

But I am glad to see you think it's shocking we would support them on a single issue, while I bet you expect them to get support from democrats on every other issue.
GOP supports North Korea, Syria and Iran in opposition to UN Arms Treaty

GOP joins North Korea and Iran in opposition to UN arms treaty.

You gotta admit, it is terribly funny and ironic, right?

"Join". No, they aren't opposing it in support of those 3 countries, they are opposing it because they feel it infringes on AMERICAN'S 2nd Amendment rights. Syria, Iran and N. Korea have NOTHING to do with their being against it. This is simply Rachel Maddow (yes, I know where you are regurgitating this from) using juxtaposing to say that the GOP supports those countries, which they don't.

Here's a nice quote for you:

<Democratic Sen. Max Baucus, of Montana, also said he could not support the treaty, claiming it doesn't do enough to "uphold the rights of Americans." >

You're a good little propaganda regurgitating lapdog.
You are judged by the company you keep. More concerned with placating the hysteria of the NRA than stopping the underground international arms trade

Wow I agree, so the democrats side with them on every other issue and you are supporting gay lets do that judging shall we?

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