GOP Strategist's Daughter Makes Files Public That Republicans Want Sealed

Yes you make many claims as well based on your hatred for Trump!

And yes you do support terrorist!

So, you admit to be a terrorist.


I doubt that you support me, so that would be a No!

But you support them, all because of your hatred for Trump!

Hard to condemn anyone else for their comments when you support terrorists!

I asked if you were a terrorist and you answered yes.

But you are right, I do not support you.

Yes you support terrorists and thus proves I am not one!

But hey as you make your wild accusations all the board based on your far left hatred for Trump, just know you will always be called out on your hypocrisy!

You are a self admitted terrorist that supports torture and murder of a 16 year old girl...and you are going to call out my hypocrisy

View attachment 298595

Yes I know it is all about your hatred for Trump, it is called TDS.

When you support terrorists, your calls for this show your hypocrisy!
Sorry, natural gas won't be allowed by Greta.

If there is a female on this planet more in need of being kidnapped, tortured and murdered more than thst little bitch, I don’t know who it is.
And people wonder why we label you children "deplorable".

No we don't.

We beat you in 2016.

It's the main reason.

Suck on it.

So, what is your view of someone calling for the kidnapping, torture and murder of a 16 year old?
More than a year after his death, a cache of computer files saved on the hard drives of Thomas Hofeller, a prominent Republican redistricting strategist, is becoming public. Republican state lawmakers in North Carolina fought in court to keep copies of these maps, spreadsheets and other documents from entering the public record. But some files have already come to light in recent months through court filings and news reports.

They have been cited as evidence of gerrymandering that got political maps thrown out in North Carolina, and they have raised questions about Hofeller's role in the Trump administration's failed push for a census citizenship question. Now more of the files are available online through a website called The Hofeller Files, where Hofeller's daughter, Stephanie Hofeller, published a link to her copy of the files on Sunday after first announcing her plans in a tweet last month.

Deceased GOP Strategist's Daughter Makes Files Public That Republicans Wanted Sealed

It's unraveling.

Oh the far left does not understand anything beyond their hatred.

Good thing all those people that fled the high taxes in blue areas, now create the loss of seats for the far left and possibly including the seat for AOC.

This why the far left needs the illegals in order to hold on to these seats.

They could cause a loss of seats for Republicans. The south is changing as suburban voters become more Democrat. In 1984, President Reagan won re-election and swept the south winning by 60%+. Now we look at the southern states that have gained House seats since then. Virginia is a state that is nominally blue. North Carolina is a swing state. South Carolina is still red but a 53% red state rather than 60%+. Georgia is becoming more of a swing state. Florida is a swing state. Texas is moving closer to becoming a swing state. Arizona has 5 Democrat House members to 4 Republicans. For example, even North Carolina Republicans admit that if the state adds a Ho0use seat, it will be a Democrat seat.
Sorry, natural gas won't be allowed by Greta.

If there is a female on this planet more in need of being kidnapped, tortured and murdered more than thst little bitch, I don’t know who it is.
And people wonder why we label you children "deplorable".

No we don't.

We beat you in 2016.

It's the main reason.

Suck on it.

I'm sorry, that is incorrect. Would you like to try again?
Sorry, natural gas won't be allowed by Greta.

If there is a female on this planet more in need of being kidnapped, tortured and murdered more than thst little bitch, I don’t know who it is.
And people wonder why we label you children "deplorable".

No we don't.

We beat you in 2016.

It's the main reason.

Suck on it.

So, what is your view of someone calling for the kidnapping, torture and murder of a 16 year old?

Obviously he's fine with it.
More than a year after his death, a cache of computer files saved on the hard drives of Thomas Hofeller, a prominent Republican redistricting strategist, is becoming public. Republican state lawmakers in North Carolina fought in court to keep copies of these maps, spreadsheets and other documents from entering the public record. But some files have already come to light in recent months through court filings and news reports.

They have been cited as evidence of gerrymandering that got political maps thrown out in North Carolina, and they have raised questions about Hofeller's role in the Trump administration's failed push for a census citizenship question. Now more of the files are available online through a website called The Hofeller Files, where Hofeller's daughter, Stephanie Hofeller, published a link to her copy of the files on Sunday after first announcing her plans in a tweet last month.

Deceased GOP Strategist's Daughter Makes Files Public That Republicans Wanted Sealed

It's unraveling.

It's unraveling.

What is?

Your grip on sanity?

Republican hubris circa 1950-2016. To much of the old guard is deceased now, and their secrets are spilling out of the closet, even their own children can't stand them, and are exposing their darkest secrets.

How old is Trumpy now? 72? His is the next group to take a dirt nap, and expose even more skeletons, and freaky behavior. It's falling apart for the great white freak show halfwit.

Great Thunberg and her generation will be running the world soon.

Great Thunberg and her generation will be running the world soon.

I'm 70, and I hope I don't live long enough to see that happen
Stop it! You are young!! My father is 87 and mom 84... they still live in their home, dad still fixes whatever is broken, plumbing, air conditioner, electrical, mows his lawn on a sit down mower etc....!!!!

My older sister lives next door in her own home and dad still comes over to fix her stuff broken.... And she is suppose to be there helping them, and they are still helping her!!!

You ARE gonna be around for a while! God willing!

I'm the same age as my dad was when he died of cancer.

I'm older than all but one of my uncles and aunts, when they died.

I don't go anywhere without a tank, or 2, of oxygen.

I don't foresee a long future.
Republican hubris circa 1950-2016. To much of the old guard is deceased now, and their secrets are spilling out of the closet, even their own children can't stand them, and are exposing their darkest secrets.

How old is Trumpy now? 72? His is the next group to take a dirt nap, and expose even more skeletons, and freaky behavior. It's falling apart for the great white freak show halfwit.

Great Thunberg and her generation will be running the world soon.
Kinda scratching for a win here..

Been a tough 3 years for America-haters...

More than a year after his death, a cache of computer files saved on the hard drives of Thomas Hofeller, a prominent Republican redistricting strategist, is becoming public. Republican state lawmakers in North Carolina fought in court to keep copies of these maps, spreadsheets and other documents from entering the public record. But some files have already come to light in recent months through court filings and news reports.

They have been cited as evidence of gerrymandering that got political maps thrown out in North Carolina, and they have raised questions about Hofeller's role in the Trump administration's failed push for a census citizenship question. Now more of the files are available online through a website called The Hofeller Files, where Hofeller's daughter, Stephanie Hofeller, published a link to her copy of the files on Sunday after first announcing her plans in a tweet last month.

Deceased GOP Strategist's Daughter Makes Files Public That Republicans Wanted Sealed

It's unraveling.

It's unraveling.

What is?

Your grip on sanity?

Republican hubris circa 1950-2016. To much of the old guard is deceased now, and their secrets are spilling out of the closet, even their own children can't stand them, and are exposing their darkest secrets.

How old is Trumpy now? 72? His is the next group to take a dirt nap, and expose even more skeletons, and freaky behavior. It's falling apart for the great white freak show halfwit.

Great Thunberg and her generation will be running the world soon.

Great Thunberg and her generation will be running the world soon.

I'm 70, and I hope I don't live long enough to see that happen
Stop it! You are young!! My father is 87 and mom 84... they still live in their home, dad still fixes whatever is broken, plumbing, air conditioner, electrical, mows his lawn on a sit down mower etc....!!!!

My older sister lives next door in her own home and dad still comes over to fix her stuff broken.... And she is suppose to be there helping them, and they are still helping her!!!

You ARE gonna be around for a while! God willing!

I'm the same age as my dad was when he died of cancer.

I'm older than all but one of my uncles and aunts, when they died.

I don't go anywhere without a tank, or 2, of oxygen.

I don't foresee a long future.
Life's likely to surprise you!!!
More than a year after his death, a cache of computer files saved on the hard drives of Thomas Hofeller, a prominent Republican redistricting strategist, is becoming public. Republican state lawmakers in North Carolina fought in court to keep copies of these maps, spreadsheets and other documents from entering the public record. But some files have already come to light in recent months through court filings and news reports.

They have been cited as evidence of gerrymandering that got political maps thrown out in North Carolina, and they have raised questions about Hofeller's role in the Trump administration's failed push for a census citizenship question. Now more of the files are available online through a website called The Hofeller Files, where Hofeller's daughter, Stephanie Hofeller, published a link to her copy of the files on Sunday after first announcing her plans in a tweet last month.

Deceased GOP Strategist's Daughter Makes Files Public That Republicans Wanted Sealed

It's unraveling.
Lol! Democrats have been doing this for years.
Oh the far left does not understand anything beyond their hatred.

Good thing all those people that fled the high taxes in blue areas, now create the loss of seats for the far left and possibly including the seat for AOC.

This why the far left needs the illegals in order to hold on to these seats.

Trumpian # 1...
View attachment 298567

Trumpian # 2....

"The left is filled with hate! "

He's not a Trump supporter. He's a psycho.
More than a year after his death, a cache of computer files saved on the hard drives of Thomas Hofeller, a prominent Republican redistricting strategist, is becoming public. Republican state lawmakers in North Carolina fought in court to keep copies of these maps, spreadsheets and other documents from entering the public record. But some files have already come to light in recent months through court filings and news reports.

They have been cited as evidence of gerrymandering that got political maps thrown out in North Carolina, and they have raised questions about Hofeller's role in the Trump administration's failed push for a census citizenship question. Now more of the files are available online through a website called The Hofeller Files, where Hofeller's daughter, Stephanie Hofeller, published a link to her copy of the files on Sunday after first announcing her plans in a tweet last month.

Deceased GOP Strategist's Daughter Makes Files Public That Republicans Wanted Sealed

It's unraveling.

It's unraveling.

What is?

Your grip on sanity?

Republican hubris circa 1950-2016. To much of the old guard is deceased now, and their secrets are spilling out of the closet, even their own children can't stand them, and are exposing their darkest secrets.

How old is Trumpy now? 72? His is the next group to take a dirt nap, and expose even more skeletons, and freaky behavior. It's falling apart for the great white freak show halfwit.

Great Thunberg and her generation will be running the world soon.

Great Thunberg and her generation will be running the world soon.

I'm 70, and I hope I don't live long enough to see that happen
Stop it! You are young!! My father is 87 and mom 84... they still live in their home, dad still fixes whatever is broken, plumbing, air conditioner, electrical, mows his lawn on a sit down mower etc....!!!!

My older sister lives next door in her own home and dad still comes over to fix her stuff broken.... And she is suppose to be there helping them, and they are still helping her!!!

You ARE gonna be around for a while! God willing!

I'm the same age as my dad was when he died of cancer.

I'm older than all but one of my uncles and aunts, when they died.

I don't go anywhere without a tank, or 2, of oxygen.

I don't foresee a long future.
Although we have NEVER got along I'm sorry to hear it I'm 83 today and when I'm 90 I'd like you to wish me a happy birthday
More than a year after his death, a cache of computer files saved on the hard drives of Thomas Hofeller, a prominent Republican redistricting strategist, is becoming public. Republican state lawmakers in North Carolina fought in court to keep copies of these maps, spreadsheets and other documents from entering the public record. But some files have already come to light in recent months through court filings and news reports.

They have been cited as evidence of gerrymandering that got political maps thrown out in North Carolina, and they have raised questions about Hofeller's role in the Trump administration's failed push for a census citizenship question. Now more of the files are available online through a website called The Hofeller Files, where Hofeller's daughter, Stephanie Hofeller, published a link to her copy of the files on Sunday after first announcing her plans in a tweet last month.

Deceased GOP Strategist's Daughter Makes Files Public That Republicans Wanted Sealed

It's unraveling.
Lol! Democrats have been doing this for years.
they were known for it DECADES AGO, very true...!

But that was with mere minds, working very unreliable at best, statistics of who lives where...and how they vote.... much was guesswork! and not too many people were really disenfranchised.... that likely would not have come to the same results if they were in another district, when all was said and done imho.

The democrats never really entered the ''computer age'' of gerrymandering and computers drawing maps based on actual data... they've been very slow to catch on, oblivious, and simply living in their merry merry land, and due to their complacency, have been forced in to the defensive mode, instead of offensive...except in maybe a couple of Dem governor states?

The GOP EARLY ON WERE SMARTER and set it as their mission, using computers for all the demographic details and drawing of the maps, so perfected, that there is hardly a margin of error on who lives where, how they vote, with street number, address!

:eek: Frightening, how much information is really out there for them to buy, on us!!!
Gerrymandering: it's only cool when democrats do it

I did a poll awhile back here at USMB and most Republicans were cool with Gerrymandering since it fits in the Republican strategy of doing anything to ensure continuous Republican rule.

My opinion is that Gerrymandering is bad regardless of which party does it.

How about you?
And people wonder why we label you children "deplorable".

No we don’t. We embrace labels like that. It’s you folks who don’t seem to understand what Resistance truly is... You folks use that phrase but I haven’t heard of a single republican assassinated in the last three years. The closest wa the guy shot on the baseball field. Trust me, Conservatives will not be so nice if/when we lose power.

'nice' Now one ever described folks like you as nice.

But thanks for not assassinating Obama when you folks lost power for 8 years.
See how the far left reacts when faced with reality?

And yes the left is filled with hate, it is on display everyday on this board. Your far left hatred knows no bounds!

And still not a single Trump worshiper has expressed any issue with one of their own calling for the torture and murder of a 16 year old girl...your silence on the post says all anyone needs to know
No worse than Democrats defending terrorists. Six of one, half dozen of the other.

At least you are honest enough to admit you are no different than the Democrats.

So you admit that you support terrorists because of your hatred for Trump like all the far left has done!

I am not a Democrat, do try and keep up.

It's like you're arguing with some viral vomit bot. Whatever is said, it replies with 180-degree opposite-world bat shit can response. You should try and trick it.
Gerrymandering: it's only cool when democrats do it

I did a poll awhile back here at USMB and most Republicans were cool with Gerrymandering since it fits in the Republican strategy of doing anything to ensure continuous Republican rule.

My opinion is that Gerrymandering is bad regardless of which party does it.

How about you?

Nah. We need reparations for all the decades the democrats did it
Gerrymandering: it's only cool when democrats do it

I did a poll awhile back here at USMB and most Republicans were cool with Gerrymandering since it fits in the Republican strategy of doing anything to ensure continuous Republican rule.

My opinion is that Gerrymandering is bad regardless of which party does it.

How about you?

Nah. We need reparations for all the decades the democrats did it

So you are in favor of gerrymandering as long as it is for your party.

No surprise there.
More than a year after his death, a cache of computer files saved on the hard drives of Thomas Hofeller, a prominent Republican redistricting strategist, is becoming public. Republican state lawmakers in North Carolina fought in court to keep copies of these maps, spreadsheets and other documents from entering the public record. But some files have already come to light in recent months through court filings and news reports.

They have been cited as evidence of gerrymandering that got political maps thrown out in North Carolina, and they have raised questions about Hofeller's role in the Trump administration's failed push for a census citizenship question. Now more of the files are available online through a website called The Hofeller Files, where Hofeller's daughter, Stephanie Hofeller, published a link to her copy of the files on Sunday after first announcing her plans in a tweet last month.

Deceased GOP Strategist's Daughter Makes Files Public That Republicans Wanted Sealed

It's unraveling.
The Democrats do gerrymandering too, dipshit. No surprise.
And once again the far left will spin it however they need!

But then again I guess to the far left Iraq is the whole middle east!

Trump gets the US out of Iraq and all they can do is hate him for it!

But then again who cares what the Iraqi's want anyway, right?

We are not out of Iraq, why do you keep lying about it?

Of course we are! The embassy is not shutting down, but we will be out of Iraq!

No amount of spin can hide that reality!

We just sent 3000 more troops, that is the opposite of being out.

And the far left will lie all they can to support their hatred! Not understanding anything but their debunked narratives!

So, FoxNews is far left now?
Not far left. Certainly, left of center.

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