GOP, Tea Party unveil "plans/policies" for next two years

We'd be a lot better off when? When interest rates for U.S. borrowing doubles or triples and we have roll over that 14 trillion of debt?

SUDDENLY,, the debt is a problem? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I'm talking about defaulting on your debt and getting your credit rating downgraded. Do you even know what that means?

The Government had better DO something to show that they're serious or the AAA rating goes to shit. And that doesn't entail raising the limit without iron-clad absolutes that the politicians will STOP spending.

Or didn't the fuss fit that the out-going petulant 111th Congress and the shit they foisted tell you anything?

They were for more thrusts of the wrecking ball to bring us down.
More bullshit and out and out lies from the voice of stupidity.... rdean. Seriously.

OK, what are the "plans" and "policies"? If you know, share. Notice I said "IF"?

The truth is, if they don't know, why should you?
Hardball just had Republican after Republican and leaders of the Tea Party for the entire time of the show. Chris Mathews asked the same questions to each and every one and the answers were amazing.

First, the debt ceiling came up for each guest. Republicans said they would do whatever it takes to keep government running. The Tea Party guest said they could "shut down government" and that would be fine. Shut down government? I wonder what Gov. Christie thinks about that?

Then they talked about Health Care. Republican want to repeal health care. The recent CNN Poll was discussed again and again.

CNN Poll: Controversial health care provision unpopular – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Overall, 54 percent oppose the law, down five points from March, with 43 percent in favor of the measure, up four points from earlier this year. But roughly a quarter of those who oppose the new law do so because it is not liberal enough. Only 37 percent of the public opposes the new law because it is too liberal.
But look at the REAL Numbers, 43% are in favor of the measure and 13% feel it didn't go far enough. Hmmm, add those two together and 56% are either in favor or feel it didn't go far enough. Odd.

The amazing part was when they listed their policies on health care, creating jobs, regulating Wall Street, keeping jobs here. Here is the complete description of the Republican and Tea Party policies:

1. Health Care
a. repeal and replace with nothing.

2. Creating jobs

3. Regulating Wall Street
a. More deregulation

4. Keeping jobs here

5. Debt ceiling
a. Raise ceiling (GOP)
b. Shut down government (TP)

6. Darrel Isa
a. Get Obama
b. Get Obama
c. Get Obama

Well, that's it. That's the Republican plans for helping America for the next two years. If someone has more info, please share. Provide links. Help us to understand what Republican's plans are for the next two years.

You know the part that amazes me the most about this?

Rdean has complained again and again about the Republicans running up the debt under Bush, Bush, and Reagan, yet when someone steps up and says that we need to stop spending and spending past the debt limit, and just raising it like it doesn't matter at all, he cries about it because there is a Democrat in the White House.

Would it help if I I lined up a Democrat who supports not raising the debt ceiling again? Or even a Tea Party Republican who thinks that raising it is a good idea? Or would the fact that not everyone thinks the same cause your brain to explode?

Republicans already shut down government in the past. They don't want to do it again. Tea Baggers have no clue what they are doing.

As far as everything else, the only "real" Republican policies are to free up Social Security so Wall Street can "play" with it or cut Medicare. What else do they have? Seriously, what are the Republican policies?
The new GOP Congress's Agenda:

1. Business*

*For type of business, see 'as usual'.

Hmm so far it looks like the republicans plans are to get Obama re-elected.

The Big 0 should be elected as the head of the RNC. He's responsible for more Republicans getting elected this year than any other year in history.
More bullshit and out and out lies from the voice of stupidity.... rdean. Seriously.

OK, what are the "plans" and "policies"? If you know, share. Notice I said "IF"?

The truth is, if they don't know, why should you?

Are you seriously posting something from MSNBC and Chris Mathews as a source for the "plans and policies" of the Republican Party?

This is beyond any stretch of rationality.
How about we just simply cut spending.

I could cut budget spending by simply passing a one sentence act. We can call it the "Common sense act of 2011:

"Spending for 2011 may be no more than 60% of the 2010 budget."
Hmm so far it looks like the republicans plans are to get Obama re-elected.

The Big 0 should be elected as the head of the RNC. He's responsible for more Republicans getting elected this year than any other year in history.

I will keep saying that he is a 3rd Bush term.

The recession and hopey changey TP types got republicans elected.
As I said republicans elected, not TP members.

I think it is all just hillarious.
How about we just simply cut spending.

I could cut budget spending by simply passing a one sentence act. We can call it the "Common sense act of 2011:

"Spending for 2011 may be no more than 60% of the 2010 budget."

As IF we have it to spend at all with so many being non-productive and presently sucking at the government tit for extended benefits that should have never happened to start with.
Hardball just had Republican after Republican and leaders of the Tea Party for the entire time of the show. Chris Mathews asked the same questions to each and every one and the answers were amazing.

First, the debt ceiling came up for each guest. Republicans said they would do whatever it takes to keep government running. The Tea Party guest said they could "shut down government" and that would be fine. Shut down government? I wonder what Gov. Christie thinks about that?

Then they talked about Health Care. Republican want to repeal health care. The recent CNN Poll was discussed again and again.

CNN Poll: Controversial health care provision unpopular – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Overall, 54 percent oppose the law, down five points from March, with 43 percent in favor of the measure, up four points from earlier this year. But roughly a quarter of those who oppose the new law do so because it is not liberal enough. Only 37 percent of the public opposes the new law because it is too liberal.
But look at the REAL Numbers, 43% are in favor of the measure and 13% feel it didn't go far enough. Hmmm, add those two together and 56% are either in favor or feel it didn't go far enough. Odd.

The amazing part was when they listed their policies on health care, creating jobs, regulating Wall Street, keeping jobs here. Here is the complete description of the Republican and Tea Party policies:

1. Health Care
a. repeal and replace with nothing.

2. Creating jobs

3. Regulating Wall Street
a. More deregulation

4. Keeping jobs here

5. Debt ceiling
a. Raise ceiling (GOP)
b. Shut down government (TP)

6. Darrel Isa
a. Get Obama
b. Get Obama
c. Get Obama

Well, that's it. That's the Republican plans for helping America for the next two years. If someone has more info, please share. Provide links. Help us to understand what Republican's plans are for the next two years.

You know the part that amazes me the most about this?

Rdean has complained again and again about the Republicans running up the debt under Bush, Bush, and Reagan, yet when someone steps up and says that we need to stop spending and spending past the debt limit, and just raising it like it doesn't matter at all, he cries about it because there is a Democrat in the White House.

Would it help if I I lined up a Democrat who supports not raising the debt ceiling again? Or even a Tea Party Republican who thinks that raising it is a good idea? Or would the fact that not everyone thinks the same cause your brain to explode?

Republicans already shut down government in the past. They don't want to do it again. Tea Baggers have no clue what they are doing.

As far as everything else, the only "real" Republican policies are to free up Social Security so Wall Street can "play" with it or cut Medicare. What else do they have? Seriously, what are the Republican policies?

Why wouldn't they want to do it again? The last time they did it we entered one of the most prosperous decades in our history.

I notice you didn't actually answer my questions though.
What percent of scientists are Republicans?

:eusa_think:......i know this one.....give me a second.....:smoke: i know ive heard this one before.....dont tell me ill get it....let me consult with a few other posters ...hold on.....:huddle:......:wtf: is this a trick question Frank?.....
More bullshit and out and out lies from the voice of stupidity.... rdean. Seriously.

OK, what are the "plans" and "policies"? If you know, share. Notice I said "IF"?

The truth is, if they don't know, why should you?

Are you seriously posting something from MSNBC and Chris Mathews as a source for the "plans and policies" of the Republican Party?

This is beyond any stretch of rationality.

Anybody can ask that question. I've been asking it for months. The outline I listed is what has been given so far. If you can flesh it out, by all means.
How about we just simply cut spending.

I could cut budget spending by simply passing a one sentence act. We can call it the "Common sense act of 2011:

"Spending for 2011 may be no more than 60% of the 2010 budget."

OK, what do we cut?

SUDDENLY,, the debt is a problem? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I'm talking about defaulting on your debt and getting your credit rating downgraded. Do you even know what that means?

The Government had better DO something to show that they're serious or the AAA rating goes to shit. And that doesn't entail raising the limit without iron-clad absolutes that the politicians will STOP spending.

Or didn't the fuss fit that the out-going petulant 111th Congress and the shit they foisted tell you anything?

They were for more thrusts of the wrecking ball to bring us down.
You think the rating is bad now? Wait until we default, and watch the world economy collapse.
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How about we just simply cut spending.

I could cut budget spending by simply passing a one sentence act. We can call it the "Common sense act of 2011:

"Spending for 2011 may be no more than 60% of the 2010 budget."

OK, what do we cut?


Start with some of the pointless buearacracies. Department of Energy. Department of Education. Department of Homeland Security.

Eliminate the pork. Or are the programs to clean genitals vital Federal programs?

Eliminate the waste in the DoD. Could be easily done while maintaining and possibly even improving military efficiency.

End all "Mandatory" Spending. Eliminate the ability of past Congresses from mandating what future budgets must spend.

Repeal Obamacare

You honestly think it would be that difficult to find things to cut in the budget? You honestly think the government needs to be spending trillions of dollars we don't have?

Please explain to me why we can't cut all this spending? I mean heck, we could cut it back to 2005 levels and it would be a vast improvement. I am probably being conservative suggesting that we only cut 40% at first.

Do you want us to go bankrupt?

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