GOP! VOTE FOR ME! We just took away your health care!



Seems like an awfully hard sell.

Millions losing their health care because of the party of "Let Him Die"?

We know the individual parts are very popular.

In fact, the other three provisions of the law as tested in the New York Times/CBS News poll were quite positively received -- including the 68% who said they liked the provision that allowed young people to ride on their parents’ health insurance for a longer period of time, and the 85% who liked the provision that health insurance companies cannot turn one away from being insured as a result of pre-existing conditions.

Gallup.Com - Polling Matters by Frank Newport

But since Republicans only have "death panels" to replace it with, can they really sell that to the American people?

Patient Cut From Transplant List Dies: Arizona's Death Panel? - CBS News

The patient's worsening condition would have elevated his place on the liver donor list, she added. But the point was moot.

The patient could not afford the transplant and Arizona refused to pay for it. Arizona reduced Medicaid coverage for transplants on Oct. 1 under cuts included to help close a shortfall in the state budget enacted last spring.
Well, you CAN continue to underestimate how very unpopular this bill was but it really won't help come November.
Well, you CAN continue to underestimate how very unpopular this bill was but it really won't help come November.

You have to give kudos to Republicans for the shear amount of inflammatory rhetoric. That was the point of the Gallup pol. Ask about the Health Care law and Americans hate it because of "what they've heard". But ask them about the individual parts and they are wildly popular. 85% is always a "landslide".

And what do Republicans have to replace it with? What is their "plan". It just can't be "let him die". You know that's what Democrats will run on.




Seems like an awfully hard sell.

Millions losing their health care because of the party of "Let Him Die"?

We know the individual parts are very popular.

In fact, the other three provisions of the law as tested in the New York Times/CBS News poll were quite positively received -- including the 68% who said they liked the provision that allowed young people to ride on their parents’ health insurance for a longer period of time, and the 85% who liked the provision that health insurance companies cannot turn one away from being insured as a result of pre-existing conditions.

Gallup.Com - Polling Matters by Frank Newport

But since Republicans only have "death panels" to replace it with, can they really sell that to the American people?

Patient Cut From Transplant List Dies: Arizona's Death Panel? - CBS News

The patient's worsening condition would have elevated his place on the liver donor list, she added. But the point was moot.

The patient could not afford the transplant and Arizona refused to pay for it. Arizona reduced Medicaid coverage for transplants on Oct. 1 under cuts included to help close a shortfall in the state budget enacted last spring.

Oh.....dumb-ass......nobody has gotten any health care coverage from the bill.

It was just a scam to take away our freedoms.

We found that out when they lowered the boom on the Georgetown Unv. and removed two college funding programs with the Affordable Health Care Act.

Also, it turns out the Affordable Health Care Act wasn't even affordable.

Everything is up to the Health And Human Services Sec. it is basically unwritten laws at the whim of some dyke in the Obama Administration.
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Obama. "Vote for me!! I'm so smart that I passed an unconstitutional law in the dead of night without one republican vote!! It went to the Supreme Court and was overturned and laughed at. Did I mention that I call myself a "constitutional scholar and professor?"
here come the spin folks..

it's the SUPREME COURT who is making the decision, but it is THE REPUBLICANS who will be taking it away..

poor lefties, they love the COURTS when they come down in their favor..
California gay marriage ban struck down by federal appeals court - San Jose Mercury News
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They're already trying to spin out how great it will be if it's overturned.

They forget theirs still massive debt out there Obama refuses to address.
Seems like an awfully hard sell.

Millions losing their health care because of the party of "Let Him Die"?

We know the individual parts are very popular.

In fact, the other three provisions of the law as tested in the New York Times/CBS News poll were quite positively received -- including the 68% who said they liked the provision that allowed young people to ride on their parents’ health insurance for a longer period of time, and the 85% who liked the provision that health insurance companies cannot turn one away from being insured as a result of pre-existing conditions.

Gallup.Com - Polling Matters by Frank Newport

But since Republicans only have "death panels" to replace it with, can they really sell that to the American people?

Patient Cut From Transplant List Dies: Arizona's Death Panel? - CBS News

The patient's worsening condition would have elevated his place on the liver donor list, she added. But the point was moot.

The patient could not afford the transplant and Arizona refused to pay for it. Arizona reduced Medicaid coverage for transplants on Oct. 1 under cuts included to help close a shortfall in the state budget enacted last spring.

Oh.....dumb-ass......nobody has gotten any health care coverage from the bill.

It was just a scam to take away our freedoms.

We found that out when they lowered the boom on the Georgetown Unv. and removed two college funding programs with the Affordable Health Care Act.

Also, it turns out the Affordable Health Care Act wasn't even affordable.

Everything is up to the Health And Human Services Sec. discretion.

I get it. It took away your "freedoms". Like the "right to die"?
They're already trying to spin out how great it will be if it's overturned.

They forget theirs still massive debt out there Obama refuses to address.

Gee, where did that debt come from? Too bad he's not getting any help to fix it.
Obama. "Vote for me!! I'm so smart that I passed an unconstitutional law in the dead of night without one republican vote!! It went to the Supreme Court and was overturned and laughed at. Did I mention that I call myself a "constitutional scholar and professor?"

Funny how Republican forget the individual mandate was a Republican idea championed by the Heritage foundation.

Don't you think that's funny? Seriously.

If Obama said he was against eating babies, Republicans wouldn't rest until they were on the menu.
They're already trying to spin out how great it will be if it's overturned.

They forget theirs still massive debt out there Obama refuses to address.

Gee, where did that debt come from? Too bad he's not getting any help to fix it.

oh dear, poor poor Obama, just can't get ANY HELP....:eusa_boohoo:
I guess when you call the people you have to work with, flat might turn them off from wanting to HELP a thug..
Obama. "Vote for me!! I'm so smart that I passed an unconstitutional law in the dead of night without one republican vote!! It went to the Supreme Court and was overturned and laughed at. Did I mention that I call myself a "constitutional scholar and professor?"

He taught constitutional law, and also that the Constitution was a charter of negative liberties.....:evil:

Hey, that's how the Left sees our history....
They're already trying to spin out how great it will be if it's overturned.

They forget theirs still massive debt out there Obama refuses to address.

Gee, where did that debt come from? Too bad he's not getting any help to fix it.

Don't worry Dean. When a Republican wins in November, he's coming after your Food Stamps next, asswipe.

You don't have any job. You're too fucking stupid. You have to be on disability.
Well, you CAN continue to underestimate how very unpopular this bill was but it really won't help come November.
A CNN/ORC poll released yesterday indicates that while the two year old law is growing in popularity, especially among independent voters, half of all Americans still oppose it, although some who disapprove of the measure do so because they think it's not liberal enough. However, only 43% favor overturning the law.

If the law is overturned, it's popularity will soar as Democrats blame SCOTUS and Republicans for taking away your healthcare. Republicans will then own the healthcare problem and must address the 30 million that were to to have healthcare coverage as well as the 50 million who don't have it now.
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Gee, where did that debt come from? Too bad he's not getting any help to fix it.

Don't worry Dean. When a Republican wins in November, he's coming after your Food Stamps next, asswipe.

You don't have any job. You're too fucking stupid. You have to be on disability.

And you my dear are nothing but a useful tool for the Progressives Party. It doesn't make you feel cheap?
Obama. "Vote for me!! I'm so smart that I passed an unconstitutional law in the dead of night without one republican vote!! It went to the Supreme Court and was overturned and laughed at. Did I mention that I call myself a "constitutional scholar and professor?"

He taught constitutional law, and also that the Constitution was a charter of negative liberties.....:evil:

Hey, that's how the Left sees our history....

It's not the left that wants to invade our bedrooms.

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