Gop wants to reduce what private insurance covers and the dims want to end private insurance.

Most people regardless of party have the same healthcare needs.

Uh.... that's seems obviously untrue. But regardless, what about the "not most" people? Why should minorities before forced to accept what the majority needs? Are they supposed to just take one for the team?
A dem needing a quadruple bypass is the same as a rep.

Many people can’t afford their needs. Why should people go bankrupt for health needs?

Are you trying to answer my question, or divert to something else because you don't have a good answer to my question?
I’m telling you needs are in fact pretty much the same regardless of party.

I’m also telling you the poor get worse care than the rich.

Well yes. People who work for more money, will be able to afford more stuff. I can't have the same house as a CEO either. I can't have the same car as a CEO.

And equally why should someone who doesn't get up at 4 AM every day, and work a 40 hour week, be able to have the same stuff I have?

You get what you earn. If you don't pay for something, you shouldn't have it.

If I earn enough money to pay for the very best in healthcare, then that is what I should get.
I don't know why people think they have a right to other people's hard work.

Now if you wish to give charity care, I'm all for that. I worked for a shelter that had a free clinic, where doctors that worked regular jobs earning their big money, would work 1 day a week at the clinic, and help people at zero charge.

By all means do that.

But this idea that being poor, means you are entitled to my hard work, and I am required at the point of the Federal gun at my head, to pay for your health care? No. Personal responsibility means just that.

And give me this crap that I don't care, because you are the one who doesn't care. You are not giving of your time and money freely, like I did at the shelter. You are merely demanding other people pay for the care of the poor. You don't care at all.
I think everyone should at least have healthcare. Hard to be productive if you are sick.
And trump needs lemmings. Beware of the cliff.

So, I'm trying to wrap my head around this "idiot-gram" concept. Can you provide an example? ;)

IDIOT-GRAM: a phrase or one sentence post which lacks substance & is not thoughtful or thought provoking.

Your effort is for not. However, I'll explain my comment:

"And trump needs lemmings. Beware of the cliff"

Lemmings are little creatures and the myth is they follow a leader off a cliff to commit suicide. In fact the myth is like the meme, a theory without evidence (much like what followers of trump believe).

"So why is the myth of mass lemming suicide so widely believed? For one, it provides an irresistible metaphor for human behavior. Someone who blindly follows a crowd—maybe even toward catastrophe—is called a lemming. Over the past century, the myth has been invoked to express modern anxieties about how individuality could be submerged and destroyed by mass phenomena, such as political movements or consumer culture.

See, there was substance to my comment, and for those who think, to be provoked. For those who chant, "lock her up" it will clearly be over their head.
So You think taking away access is not taking it away.

The ACA exchanges offered health insurance policies with subsidies for those households earning less than 4x poverty rate. The subsidies were based on people paying the maximum of 9.5% of that income on premiums.

You really need to learn what is in the ACA because you are making an ass out of yourself on this subject.
A group of mostly Republicans subsidizes a group of mostly Democrats.

That's how Welfare works.

I guess you have never spent much time in Appalachia.

Furthermore you are ignorant of how the ACA is funded.
See this is a bullshit post.....
If you need CPR you are going to the emergency room......just like......drum roll...........we do now......your example is bullshit
Most people see doctors, like cardiologists and they can call them and get's amazing how that works.

Most people choose dotors by reputation. I know of no one calling for quotes. You are lying as usual.

Show of hands, everyone who assumes that because "Assfuck Dave" doesn't personally know someone doing something, it never happens. Anyone?

Of course people don't often ask for prices for regular medical care. BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE TO PAY THE BILL. Duuuuhhh. They DO, however, ask about prices for things they DO have to pay for themselves. Take a look at cosmetic surgery, for example. Unless it's reconstructive due to a trauma, it's not covered by most insurances. And you'd best believe people do NOT sign up for it without finding out how much it's gonna cost first.

Another area in healthcare where innovation continues, costs come down and quality goes up.

Dental and vision care are also places where a lot of self-pay happens, either because people don't have plans at all, or because their plans don't cover a lot. Ever seen those commercials for eyeglass centers and their BOGO sales? That's why.
This is true.....and people again, will shop around for deals......
Really. " Hi, how much do you charge for a filling" Yea right.
Glasses are different.
Most people choose dotors by reputation. I know of no one calling for quotes. You are lying as usual.

Show of hands, everyone who assumes that because "Assfuck Dave" doesn't personally know someone doing something, it never happens. Anyone?

Of course people don't often ask for prices for regular medical care. BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE TO PAY THE BILL. Duuuuhhh. They DO, however, ask about prices for things they DO have to pay for themselves. Take a look at cosmetic surgery, for example. Unless it's reconstructive due to a trauma, it's not covered by most insurances. And you'd best believe people do NOT sign up for it without finding out how much it's gonna cost first.

Another area in healthcare where innovation continues, costs come down and quality goes up.

Dental and vision care are also places where a lot of self-pay happens, either because people don't have plans at all, or because their plans don't cover a lot. Ever seen those commercials for eyeglass centers and their BOGO sales? That's why.
This is true.....and people again, will shop around for deals......
Really. " Hi, how much do you charge for a filling" Yea right.
Glasses are different.
I have done that.....but you're a lefty, you just do what you're told like a good little boy and dont ever ask a question or think for youself….my bad
Why can’t we get Republicans to say what the benefit is of free money to insurance companies for doing nothing other than setting up or denying doctor appointments is?
Why can’t we get Republicans to say what the benefit is of free money to insurance companies for doing nothing other than setting up or denying doctor appointments is?
I think plenty of them would say there's very little benefit. And I'd agree. We need less insurance, not more.
And trump needs lemmings. Beware of the cliff.

So, I'm trying to wrap my head around this "idiot-gram" concept. Can you provide an example? ;)

IDIOT-GRAM: a phrase or one sentence post which lacks substance & is not thoughtful or thought provoking.

Your effort is for not. However, I'll explain my comment:

"And trump needs lemmings. Beware of the cliff"

Lemmings are little creatures and the myth is they follow a leader off a cliff to commit suicide. In fact the myth is like the meme, a theory without evidence (much like what followers of trump believe).

"So why is the myth of mass lemming suicide so widely believed? For one, it provides an irresistible metaphor for human behavior. Someone who blindly follows a crowd—maybe even toward catastrophe—is called a lemming. Over the past century, the myth has been invoked to express modern anxieties about how individuality could be submerged and destroyed by mass phenomena, such as political movements or consumer culture.

See, there was substance to my comment, and for those who think, to be provoked. For those who chant, "lock her up" it will clearly be over their head.

Derision, condescension and sarcasm? Yes.
You are not the self proclaimed intellectual you think you are. In fact you are no more than a Progressive Lemming blindly following people like Kamala, Nancy, Barry and Newsome over the proverbial financial cliff.
So You think taking away access is not taking it away.

The ACA exchanges offered health insurance policies with subsidies for those households earning less than 4x poverty rate. The subsidies were based on people paying the maximum of 9.5% of that income on premiums.

You really need to learn what is in the ACA because you are making an ass out of yourself on this subject.
A group of mostly Republicans subsidizes a group of mostly Democrats.

That's how Welfare works.

I guess you have never spent much time in Appalachia.

Furthermore you are ignorant of how the ACA is funded.

Son, I know PRECISELY how it's funded. Your "interpretation" of the ACA is clouded and muddled with Barry's lies.
Uh.... that's seems obviously untrue. But regardless, what about the "not most" people? Why should minorities before forced to accept what the majority needs? Are they supposed to just take one for the team?
A dem needing a quadruple bypass is the same as a rep.

Many people can’t afford their needs. Why should people go bankrupt for health needs?

Are you trying to answer my question, or divert to something else because you don't have a good answer to my question?
I’m telling you needs are in fact pretty much the same regardless of party.

I’m also telling you the poor get worse care than the rich.

Well yes. People who work for more money, will be able to afford more stuff. I can't have the same house as a CEO either. I can't have the same car as a CEO.

And equally why should someone who doesn't get up at 4 AM every day, and work a 40 hour week, be able to have the same stuff I have?

You get what you earn. If you don't pay for something, you shouldn't have it.

If I earn enough money to pay for the very best in healthcare, then that is what I should get.
I don't know why people think they have a right to other people's hard work.

Now if you wish to give charity care, I'm all for that. I worked for a shelter that had a free clinic, where doctors that worked regular jobs earning their big money, would work 1 day a week at the clinic, and help people at zero charge.

By all means do that.

But this idea that being poor, means you are entitled to my hard work, and I am required at the point of the Federal gun at my head, to pay for your health care? No. Personal responsibility means just that.

And give me this crap that I don't care, because you are the one who doesn't care. You are not giving of your time and money freely, like I did at the shelter. You are merely demanding other people pay for the care of the poor. You don't care at all.
I think everyone should at least have healthcare. Hard to be productive if you are sick.

Funny, since this country grew faster, before we had any health care at all.

Funny, since when you compare the US to the rest of the world that has universal health care, we're by far the most productive.

The idea that we need free healthcare to be productive, is a complete and total myth.

There are arguments for free healthcare, but that isn't one of them.

Further, the vast majority of people that need health care, are the people over the age of 60, which are overwhelmingly the retired, and working low-productivity jobs.

Sorry, but the economy isn't going to suffer because some 65 year old walmart greeters missed work today.

Now I want everyone to get healthcare. I support charities that provide health care. I support people buying health insurance.

But that is on the individual. It's not my duty to provide your health care.
When I didn't have insurance, and I had to go to the doctor, I went.... and I got a bill..... and I paid the bill. It was expensive. You know what I didn't do? I didn't expect other people to pay my bill.

Thankfully I had people called "parents" who taught me something called 'responsibility'.
Why can’t we get Republicans to say what the benefit is of free money to insurance companies for doing nothing other than setting up or denying doctor appointments is?

That might be the way it is now.... but that isn't the way insurance works. Insurance is an offset to an unexpected risk.

You pay a premium that is based on a calculated risk of loss. But democraps have destroyed that system. There are numerous examples, but the most obvious is eliminating the pre-existing condition clause.

If I have diabetes, and I know that I'm going to have to buy insulin every single month for the rest of my life.... that isn't a "risk of unexpected loss". That's just a reoccurring bill.

Buying insurance against a completely expected and reoccurring bill, is like buying insurance against your cable TV bill. Or buying insurance against a car crash, before going into a demolition derby.

That's not offsetting the risk of unexpected loss.... that's just you demanding someone else pay your bills.

Well of course that cost of the insurance company paying your bills, has to be passed onto the rest of us, because otherwise the company would go out of business. So you are in fact right. It is just free money to set up or deny doctors appointments..... the irony is, you are the very reason for this.

You caused the problem you are complaining about. It was much better before 2009. I had an insurance policy that was just $67 a month, and it covered absolutely everything I needed. I was happy with it.
So You think taking away access is not taking it away.

The ACA exchanges offered health insurance policies with subsidies for those households earning less than 4x poverty rate. The subsidies were based on people paying the maximum of 9.5% of that income on premiums.

You really need to learn what is in the ACA because you are making an ass out of yourself on this subject.
A group of mostly Republicans subsidizes a group of mostly Democrats.

That's how Welfare works.

I guess you have never spent much time in Appalachia.

Furthermore you are ignorant of how the ACA is funded.

Really.... do tell.... how is it funded?

Because last I looked up the US Federal Budget, the ACA programs were line items on the general budget, which means it's funded by ...... Medicare taxes, Social Security taxes, Income Taxes, and Corporate taxes.

In short..... us. We pay for it.
who cares
what does he have to be some kind of English major ?
anythings better than a teleprompter

grunt out build a wall for christ sakes

it could be worse he could of called em people

Toledo, Ohio, Just Granted Lake Erie the Same Legal Rights as People
A controversial referendum passed this week establishes a bill of rights for the Great Lake and grants it legal standing in suing polluters

The Lady K tow boat kicks up a wake full of green algae a few hundred feet from the city of Toledo's Water Intake on Lake Erie, for testing on Monday, August 4, 2014. (Photo by Ty Wright/For The Washington Post via Getty Images)
By Jason Daley
MARCH 1, 2019

On Tuesday, the citizens of Toledo, Ohio, granted legal rights reserved for people to Lake Erie, the 9,940-square-mile body of water on which their city depends. According to Sigal Samuel at Vox, the passage of the controversial ballot measure marks the first time a natural resource has been granted legal status in the United States, though a precedent for doing so has been established by other countries in recent years.
Why can’t we get Republicans to say what the benefit is of free money to insurance companies for doing nothing other than setting up or denying doctor appointments is?

Because nobody cares what you want.
Why can’t we get Republicans to say what the benefit is of free money to insurance companies for doing nothing other than setting up or denying doctor appointments is?
So you want TO GET RID OF INSURANCE? I'm ok with that, pay for it yourself.....Rdean is now a super libertarian
Why can’t we get Republicans to say what the benefit is of free money to insurance companies for doing nothing other than setting up or denying doctor appointments is?
So you want TO GET RID OF INSURANCE? I'm ok with that, pay for it yourself.....Rdean is now a super libertarian

Dean doesn't want to get rid of insurance. He just wants there to be only one insurance company, run by the government.
Why can’t we get Republicans to say what the benefit is of free money to insurance companies for doing nothing other than setting up or denying doctor appointments is?
So you want TO GET RID OF INSURANCE? I'm ok with that, pay for it yourself.....Rdean is now a super libertarian

Dean doesn't want to get rid of insurance. He just wants there to be only one insurance company, run by the government.
so the same he wants the government to get free money for setting up or denying doctor appointments....i'd rather joe 6 pack do that and not some soyboy fed worker.
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right.

Allowing insurance companies to choose what their policies cover, allows people who want more comprehensive coverage to buy the insurance policies they want, while those who want something simpler and cheaper, to get the policies they want.

In 2006, I had an insurance policy that covered everything I needed, for $67/month.

The cheapest policy I can get today is $300/month. And the deductible on my $67/month policy was less than half the deductible on that $300 policy... which is why I don't have insurance at all right now.

The GOP plan to allow more of a free-market in insurance, will provide more options, and better prices.

Hope you don't get sick on a cheap policy.
Across state lines?
Dash towards the worst?
Why can’t we get Republicans to say what the benefit is of free money to insurance companies for doing nothing other than setting up or denying doctor appointments is?
So you want TO GET RID OF INSURANCE? I'm ok with that, pay for it yourself.....Rdean is now a super libertarian

Dean doesn't want to get rid of insurance. He just wants there to be only one insurance company, run by the government.
Why do all the other advanced countries have cheaper and better healthcare?
Not populated by zero college rubes?
Keep the gov out of my Medicare as the trumpie said!!

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