Gop wants to reduce what private insurance covers and the dims want to end private insurance.

So, I'm trying to wrap my head around this "idiot-gram" concept. Can you provide an example? ;)

IDIOT-GRAM: a phrase or one sentence post which lacks substance & is not thoughtful or thought provoking.

Your effort is for not. However, I'll explain my comment:

"And trump needs lemmings. Beware of the cliff"

Lemmings are little creatures and the myth is they follow a leader off a cliff to commit suicide. In fact the myth is like the meme, a theory without evidence (much like what followers of trump believe).

"So why is the myth of mass lemming suicide so widely believed? For one, it provides an irresistible metaphor for human behavior. Someone who blindly follows a crowd—maybe even toward catastrophe—is called a lemming. Over the past century, the myth has been invoked to express modern anxieties about how individuality could be submerged and destroyed by mass phenomena, such as political movements or consumer culture.

See, there was substance to my comment, and for those who think, to be provoked. For those who chant, "lock her up" it will clearly be over their head.

Derision, condescension and sarcasm? Yes.
You are not the self proclaimed intellectual you think you are. In fact you are no more than a Progressive Lemming blindly following people like Kamala, Nancy, Barry and Newsome over the proverbial financial cliff.

You are full of digested bull food. Now, grow up and admit you are also a kook.

I have you pegged

Really? Well if that is true tell me and the readers about my life and career.

You seem to be one of these:


Son how did you ever get so full of yourself?
All I need to know about you is that you support Feinstein, Harris, Pelosi and Newsome, that's it. That in a nutshell sums up what disgusting piece of feces you are.

Now back to the thread, tell me how much you support and desire Gov control of Healthcare, how you'll pay for it, and who will decide what/who gets treated and what they can and cannot get treated for.
No I used your example and learned about this private system. I even gave you credit, why be a dick? HE went to Canada to use a private hospital(not the typical Canadian socialist one). And the private guy is world renown…… interesting

You thought you had me, but it backfired, we found out that Canadians have a two tier system and people with care pay cash and get good service, those that use the government, wish they could use the private one...….Thanks again for making it so clear.

90% of all UK and Canadian systems love their system.
Amazing how having no bills relaxes the mind.
We all can pick examples that fit our made up mind.
Even in the U K you can pay.
The people love their system
How long did you live in the UK?

How many people in the UK and Canada have ever known anything BUT their system?
Amazing how having the bill hidden from you relaxes the mind . . . if you're fucking STUPID. Only a born sucker and fool hand over his wallet and says, "Here, you just take what you want to charge for it, because if I don't see the price tag, I can relax and pretend there isn't one."
Americans tend to be more independent than either the British or Canadians, and it's in our national character to gripe.

So, never lived there?
Advanced trump U?
Good vocabulary for your kids?
They say fucking at the dinner table?
You do know you hand over way more for a system that gives worse results?
That's BS, its the same people telling us how awesome Cuba and Venezuela are.....but all I see are a bunch of poor folks that don't have near the standard of living as our poorest people....

Who are these people?
My millionaire corporate friends never say that.
Can you post a link?
Or is it just knees news spew?
Qhich part? The people who praise Cuba and Venzuela? Bernie Sandera to start.....need more?
90% of all UK and Canadian systems love their system.
Amazing how having no bills relaxes the mind.
We all can pick examples that fit our made up mind.
Even in the U K you can pay.
The people love their system
How long did you live in the UK?

How many people in the UK and Canada have ever known anything BUT their system?
Amazing how having the bill hidden from you relaxes the mind . . . if you're fucking STUPID. Only a born sucker and fool hand over his wallet and says, "Here, you just take what you want to charge for it, because if I don't see the price tag, I can relax and pretend there isn't one."
Americans tend to be more independent than either the British or Canadians, and it's in our national character to gripe.

So, never lived there?
Advanced trump U?
Good vocabulary for your kids?
They say fucking at the dinner table?
You do know you hand over way more for a system that gives worse results?
That's BS, its the same people telling us how awesome Cuba and Venezuela are.....but all I see are a bunch of poor folks that don't have near the standard of living as our poorest people....

Who are these people?
My millionaire corporate friends never say that.
Can you post a link?
Or is it just knees news spew?
Which part? The people who praise Cuba and Venzuela? Bernie Sandera to start.....need more?

Yup, that's one, Bernie.
Hardly representative.
I guess one example is all you need to fit your small made up mind?
I'm talking my millionaire buds
IDIOT-GRAM: a phrase or one sentence post which lacks substance & is not thoughtful or thought provoking.

Your effort is for not. However, I'll explain my comment:

"And trump needs lemmings. Beware of the cliff"

Lemmings are little creatures and the myth is they follow a leader off a cliff to commit suicide. In fact the myth is like the meme, a theory without evidence (much like what followers of trump believe).

"So why is the myth of mass lemming suicide so widely believed? For one, it provides an irresistible metaphor for human behavior. Someone who blindly follows a crowd—maybe even toward catastrophe—is called a lemming. Over the past century, the myth has been invoked to express modern anxieties about how individuality could be submerged and destroyed by mass phenomena, such as political movements or consumer culture.

See, there was substance to my comment, and for those who think, to be provoked. For those who chant, "lock her up" it will clearly be over their head.

Derision, condescension and sarcasm? Yes.
You are not the self proclaimed intellectual you think you are. In fact you are no more than a Progressive Lemming blindly following people like Kamala, Nancy, Barry and Newsome over the proverbial financial cliff.

You are full of digested bull food. Now, grow up and admit you are also a kook.

I have you pegged

Really? Well if that is true tell me and the readers about my life and career.

You seem to be one of these:


Son how did you ever get so full of yourself?
All I need to know about you is that you support Feinstein, Harris, Pelosi and Newsome, that's it. That in a nutshell sums up what disgusting piece of feces you are.

Now back to the thread, tell me how much you support and desire Gov control of Healthcare, how you'll pay for it, and who will decide what/who gets treated and what they can and cannot get treated for.

I need to know?
Nothing like a flexible mind
Keep the gov out of my Medicare as the trumpie said
Are you or will you be on Medicare?
Overhead 4% private overhead 20%?
Derision, condescension and sarcasm? Yes.
You are not the self proclaimed intellectual you think you are. In fact you are no more than a Progressive Lemming blindly following people like Kamala, Nancy, Barry and Newsome over the proverbial financial cliff.

You are full of digested bull food. Now, grow up and admit you are also a kook.

I have you pegged

Really? Well if that is true tell me and the readers about my life and career.

You seem to be one of these:


Son how did you ever get so full of yourself?
All I need to know about you is that you support Feinstein, Harris, Pelosi and Newsome, that's it. That in a nutshell sums up what disgusting piece of feces you are.

Now back to the thread, tell me how much you support and desire Gov control of Healthcare, how you'll pay for it, and who will decide what/who gets treated and what they can and cannot get treated for.

I need to know?
Nothing like a flexible mind
Keep the gov out of my Medicare as the trumpie said
Are you or will you be on Medicare?
Overhead 4% private overhead 20%?

You insist on using the same tired old tropes the Left always uses.
Like nearly ALL progs* you have knowledge of that which you speak.

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